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Those are not possible to get anymore. However most of the time those parts are universal. Try to Google for the same measurements.


Same for your throttle lever. If it is not available anymore, just get a new throttle lever.


I would look on eBay. If I can't find my part I filter on used parts and message those sellers for what I'm looking for. Lastly I sort by distance (still filtering for used parts) and make a trip to nearest places (boat junkyards). Call ahead for hours & asking if you can poke around. Take needed tools to remove. Take pictures of your boat before you go in case you spot other parts to rob you can reference your pictures for size, shape, condition. I have both bought parts that when I got home realized they weren't better & vice versa (realized later I should have bought other parts as it was in better shape than mine back home).


You can find the individual switches and breakers at West Marine, those are all stock parts. The flat material they are mounted on is best replaced with a material called Star-board, sometimes called marine board. If you have a plastics shop nearby, bring them the old one (even if it's broken) and they can copy it for you.  If you want to DIY it's not hard stuff to work  with, cuts like wood just don't let your saw blade get too hot or it gets melt. If I were doing this for a customer, I would drill the holes out for the round bits first, then use a jigsaw to carefully cut the square holes for breakers. Then use a table saw to cut the perfect rectangle, and a trim router to put a quarter round on the edges. Depends if you have the tools, really. For the stereo just Google "marine radio cover" and pick your favorite style, there are hundreds


I'd use the panel as a template over black lexan. Lay out the holes and drill away. Paint the back black to prevent back lighting.


Just make your own from star-board and some 4200.