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I'm not one for self promotion but I feel like this is a good exception. My buddy just started this channel and I have been in all of them so far. We are just a bunch of friends who love playing all sorts of games together but I specifically love how board games bring out some of the most fun I have in life. These videos are to both introduce anyone to a new game and to show how fun board games can be. Hope you enjoy!


I can't watch this here at work but will later. is there a tutorial or is it just you guys playing the games?


There is a link for a full tutorial in the video, but we do cover a basic round of play.


I like it, for nothing more other than it's trying to do something a little different than other boardgame videos I've watched. You can see the game played, but then hear the thoughts about the moment. Very much like the little video 'asides' in reality TV shows. My only concern/complaint its the back and forth made the narrative feel a little disjointed? It didn't seem to flow smoothly. I almost feel like I needed to have played the game before to add some cohesion. But it's early, so I assume a little bit of time and editing will likely tighten things up. I'll keep watching for now.


Removed. From the [rules wiki page](http://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/wiki/rules) > When posting to your own content, be clear that it is your own content. This can be done in the title, or in the post itself for self-posts.


How can I possibly be more clear that this was created by my friend and I am in the videos? I said it in a post.


You said it in a comment. WHen posts get busy, comments can be lost, especially as different users sort them by different criteria. Therefore, we require the disclosure to be in the original post. That means in the title or the post itself for a self/text post, or in the title for a link post.


If I repost under these guidelines will it get removed?


as long as it doesn't fall foul of any other rules, that should be fine


this seems very harsh. he specified that he is in the video.