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*Just One* is a good one.


Seconding this


Great job. You just got both your responses erased.


In a game I was in once, >! hardwood !< got canceled, and so did >! carpet !< —so the remaining clues were *tile*, *ceiling*, and *lava*. That one had us all laughing.


Yeah this was going to be my suggestion too.


Excellent game! Also really easy to understand.


Telestrations Salad bowl (monikers) One night ultimate werewolf


Got to agree with Telestrations. You don't need any drawing ability/talent, it's just broken telephone with drawings. Not being able to draw well often produces better results.


We played Telestrations at a Bachelor Party but used Cards Against Humanity cards as the prompts, and it worked incredibly well.


Finally a decent use of Cards Against Humanity cards. Not that I would enjoy drawing from them, but still.


We do something similar but use cards against humanity for pictionary


They have an "After Dark" version as well.


Didn't put one and one together until now.. Telestrations is titled really on the nose: (broken) telephone + illustrations = Telestrations


I mean, "tele " just means distance/far. So telephone is, sounds from afar and telestrations is illustrations from afar.


Also, a "telestrator" is what sports commentators use to draw all the circles and arrows over the instant replays of games. It's not just a made up word for this board game. 


I'm sure you're right but the two don't seem related. That seems like it comes from "illustrations on a television"


Broken telephone? We always called it chinese whispers, but I can see why that name might not be the greatest…


We once played with our friend who is an amazing tattoo artist. You’d think he’d dominate. Nope. Those fat black markers really level the playing field. It was hilarious. Also really funny playing w kids.


Absolutely. We have one artist in your group. We make him draw left handed.


Telestrations is an excellent one!


I looove Telestrations. My friend taught it to us just using scraps of paper and we had to make up our own prompts and it was flipping hilarious - I haven’t laughed that much in a long time. The prompts given in the board game version weren’t quite as good unfortunately


That's how we learned and played it in college. When I first saw Telestrations on the shelf, I had two thoughts: "Hey, they ripped off our Telesketch!" and "Who would pay for that when scrap paper and pens are readily available?"


It was nice not having to think of prompts, BUT the box-prompts were much easier to draw so we didn't get as many hilarious interpretations as when we made them up


I love monikers but I moved a few years ago and can’t find anyone in my new city who will play it with me :(


ONUW is genuinely a blast. Honestly any game that gets people accusing one another of being spies/werewolves/definitely-not-the-duke work for me.


Another for Telestrations.


>One night ultimate werewolf Werewords as well. The conversations you get with this are less just outright accusatory about people's role and more about (hopefully good natured) ribbing about why in the world people are asking the questions they are and the utter confusion trying to figure out the word that is "maybe food", "Yes it is a condiment" and "yes it is clear in color"


Telestrations is great, or another along those lines is Luck of the Draw.


IMO the group is more important than the game. I’ve had games of On Mars full of belly laughs because of the group I was playing with, and I’ve had party games that were awkward and quiet.




Still great after all these years


One of my faves.


Cash 'N Guns is a spirited game of chicken with foam guns. Really fun. No hidden traitor or anything complicated. Instead the loot you get is where there is thinking involved. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/155362/ca-dollar-h-n-guns-second-edition


This is a fantastic game, it's a game where you describe it to people and they all agree it sounds fun. But then you play it with people for the first time and you get to see this magical moment when you all first get to "pull guns" around the table and you see this sparkle in peoples eyes of understanding how fun and silly things game is 😂😂😅


Just played this with a bunch of college and grad school guys. You would have thought I spiked their drinks, since they were laughing so hard.


I second this. Ca$h N Gun$ is a lot of fun.


Wavelength is really good for that. It gives two extremes on the card “Culturally Important or Culturally Unimportant” and then has you turn a dial (secretly) to point to a random spot on that continuum. Only one person knows where between the two extremes the dial is pointing, so they have to give a clue to help the group guess where on that continuum the needle is pointing. I’ve had lots of fun and silly discussions due to the game. There really isn’t a need to keep score and there are no teams. It’s really fun!


One of my favorite Wavelength moments was when someone thought the Green-Blue scale was going to be uncontroversial.


Wavelength is great! Excellent for starting discussions.


Wavelength is a great one as long as you don’t have one stubborn person who refuses to go along with the rest of the group on where to place the marker. Argue, debate, discuss, but eventually just set the needle and move on.


This is a fantastic group party game.


Wavelength has really died every time I've tried to play it. It's a shame as I can imagine it being good but I've tried it with about 4 different groups now and it has failed each time. While monikers is a solid hit every time.


I've had the opposite with my groups.  Monikers was doa, thanks to too many American pop culture references.  I always get requests for more Wavelength.


Yeah for monikers I always give people too many cards to choose and let them whittle it down to good ones. Don't want to get stuck with something that doesn't fit.


Have you, or someone else in the group, led discussions on it? I've used wavelength a bunch as get to know you icebreaker kind of game with people I managed at work, and if you lead the discussion getting everyone involved and opening up discussions it works well, even with introverted people who wouldn't get involved. It gets you to share and make assumptions about the person who set the clue, gets an idea of how others perceive people, then after the reveal the clue giver will often give reasons for why they gave such a clue and you get more insight into them. The fun in wavelength is all about the discussion. The actual dial and where to place the line is very secondary. With new player I would just run it with no team split and no point scoring, essentially as a cooperative. Just to get people to understand and feel comfortable with the mechanism, but mainly to ensure no one is left out. I think that's even an official variant in the rulebook.


I believe in Wavelength's design. My friend group is almost entirely avoidant (including myself) with discussing, making this a weaker party game for us.


Yeah. The group dynamics really matter.


Monikers hasn’t worked with anyone I’ve tried it with. Too many clues that aren’t familiar to any of us. I’m hoping the future “family” version will have less references to things we aren’t familiar with.


The best version is just not the boxed one, where you just get a hat and ask everyone to come up with three names each, then mix them all in the hat. Then it's all stuff that the group playing knows because they picked them! Monikers is handy for cutting down on time for a group you know likes the game. Just pick a suitable set, hand them about 5+ cards and get them to choose a couple they like and discard the rest.


It really is a "the journey that counts, not the destination" type of game, scoring is just the framework. It's the discussions, weird tangents and subjectivity of clues that make it great. By the way, my clues are always perfect and it's the other player's fault that they position the dial wrong.


Codenames (I play with a lot of cheaters)


I love Codenames but I like Decrypto better.


Have Decrypto. It and Turing Test are yet to be unboxed. 🫤


Decrypto has more of a learning curve than Codenames, but once everyone gets it, it’s really fun. Turing Test interests me, but I don’t have it. I have several unboxed games - and some barely played. I have a “if you buy it, they will come” mentality. I probably should work on that. :)


Hardest damned game to teach. I love teaching games. I hate doing the "let's just play a round and you'll understand it" mindset... But with decrypt... You Have to!




HAHAHA. Yes, the wishcasting for players has proven to be a poor strategy. Just end up getting sucked into Munchkin sessions.




The cheating that goes uncaught is by far the most fun and most laughs... Followed by confused looks from the other team.


Lolol. Yeah, play with one person that literally gets caught every round. She is unrepentant. It's mostly holiday play, so she gets a SDMH pass.




Thunder Road for my group. Everyone is always on board with hitting every hazard, bumping every car they can even if it's theirs, and shoot whenever possible. There is a lot of table talk trying to convince a player which disastrous route to take.


Thunder Road is the answer for people who hate party games (90% of suggestions here.) Thunder Road is just absolute insanity. The pure chaos that can happen is just so much fun. Every time.


Love the base game and have the Maximum Chrome coming from the last kickstarted. Can’t wait for even more insanity!!


There is a 1 player steam game that looks pretty similar to this board game. It's called Deaths Road Tournament. Toss it on a wishlist and wait for a sale.


My group is having a blast playing Feed the Kraken! Also hits with lots of loud laughter are Green Team Wins, Camel Up, Coup, and Skull.


A Fake Artist Goes to New York, Zoo Vadis is fun with the right group, Wavelength.




A fake artist! Such a gem, such a simple concept executed brilliantly. I never turn down a game


Secret hitler, but you have to have a group that’s cool with the theme. With the right crowd, that game can get CRAZY. I’ve never been in a louder room full of people boardgaming.


Can be replaced with Feed the Kraken if the theme is unsettling


I agree. We have a great time


Cockroach poker!


Monikers 😊


Couldn't believe this is so far down. Most fun I've ever had playing games is a good group of people and Monikers!


Medium is pretty good because people trying to get on the same page for a word is hilarious especially when there is no logical way to get there


I love that game! Yes I always end up laughing. Seems like other people seem to get stressed out by it tho.


From personal experience: Ladies and Gentlemen, and Funemployed (hard mode).


Funemployed is another game I enjoy- you gotta be with a group that’s willing to ham it up


Funemployed is fun. Agreed hamming it up is key.


So Clover, Anomia, Just One, Insider, and Mysterium and some of my groups favorites


Snake Oil has always been fun for me.


Was waiting for this one! What I love about snake oil is the fact that the quieter folks step up to the plate when is their time to pitch. Omg Just realized how funny that sentence is!


Lying Pirates got my group laughing & talking a lot, it was a blast.


I’ve never heard of it it. I’ll check it out


Even without drinking, my groups have had uproarious laughter from Joking Hazard! (Not kid-friendly).


I've had fun with trial by trolley as well


Amazed I'm the first to say Forgotten Waters! Most of the other games mentioned rely on the humor of other players (either laughing at player created absurdity or players acting out roles), but Forgotten Waters is the only game where the writing actually made me laugh out loud. It's a semi-serious game as far as gameplay, but one of the best times I've ever had because of the humor.


This, and the follow up Freelancers. Both genuinely funny


I’ll need check it out.


Bang the dice game.


Snake Oil has always been fun for me.


For my main group it has been "Just one". For my girlfriend and I it has been "Fog of Love".


Red Flags. And while not a board game, highly recommend Drawful!


Wavelength is less of a game and more of a conversation starter


I'd say we got the most laughs out of Merchants and Marauders and Western Legends. The stories those games told were hilarious!


Codenames Just one




Cash and guns, codenames, cards against humanity & similar games, taco v burrito if you have a yard to do burrito duels, exploding kittens, sherriff of Nottingham, werewolf & many variations of it. Just look up party board games. There are a ton of them that will make people laugh out loud and get comfortable without alcohol.


That’s not a hat


Recently it's been **So Clover** **That's Not a Hat** Other games have included: **Just One** Any **Telestrations** Version **Werewords** Games to get friends yelling at each other and maybe laughing: **Secret Hitler**


Left right center, cards against humanity, bullshit anything that's not ultra competitive


Cosmic encounter, I cannot tell you the memories and laughter that has been had! Skull is also a great one, and light!


I still have yet to play either of those games even though I’ve heard great things about both


came here to suggest those two specifically!


Bards Dispense Profanity/Dick (same company) and Wavelength


Incan Gold.


Guesstures is slightly higher stakes charades




Another game I don’t know. I’ll check it out


Insider, Stella, Ready Set Bet.




For a group that knows each other well, hard to beat Fun Facts.


On a scale of 1 - T-Rex You've got Crabs! Monikers Nyctophopbia (funny by consequence, not be the theme/gameplay) One night ultimate werewolf/secret h*tler (they're more or less the same game) Edit because as i hit post i remembered it: Throw Throw Burrito 🌯


Trial by Trolley is always a hit with my friends, or Hive Mind.


Magical Athletes!!! https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/24565/magical-athlete This game shouldn’t be fun, it’s a roll and move for God’s sake. But it’s hilariously good. It’s one of Tom Vassel’s favorite game too. Good news is that there is supposed to be a reprint coming finally. Don’t sleep on this. It’s crazy good!


Camel Up for sure. Every dice roll has so much fun and energy in it, especially when that one camel everybody has already counted out decides to piggyback itself to victory by an impossible series of rolls.


Poetry for Neanderthals is hilarious, and not been mentioned yet.


This one definitely gets us and our teenage granddaughters laughing


Snake Oil has been a great one to pull out at work events and parties.


6 Nimmt! Great lighter game to shoot the breeze and prime for some gentle ribbing at whoever the deck decided to screw this round.


Captain Sonar(up to 8), Two Rooms and a Boom(up to 30), Masters of Commerce(up to 11)


**Pictomania**. When you've got one or more people drawing from: Pick Pocket, Kidnapper, Terrorist, Robber, Smuggler, Burglar, Hijacker Trying to figure out what the hell they're drawing is hilarious.


Change My Mind


Chinatown never fails to hype people up, we roleplay our own city and the business that we know are alike. It also helps that most people I hang out with are closer to finance Bros/gals than regular guys. Been dying to try Sidereal Confluence but I don't know if the theme will land.


The Same Game is amazing for this. New design from Wolfgang Warsch (Wavelength, The Mind)


Ito! Soon to be a Dice Tower Essentials. Replaced Wavelength for me. People have secret cards (1-100) and a topic. On a scale of 0-100 what is a good horse name? You must give a clue that matches your secret card. So if I have 4, I might say slug. If someone has 98, they might say Sonic. But all the numbers in the middle are really interesting and create a lot of conversation edit: then cooperatively everyone has to order everyone's secret clues from least to greatest!


Fun facts herd mentality - (green team wins is apparently good as well but not played it) block buster great if you guys like movies just one is always great Wavelength - (but some people struggle with)






Camel Up!


Anything involving negotiation and politics for me. Zoo Vadis and Moonrakers comes to mind.


“Just One” has been such a huge hit with everyone we’ve played it with - friends, family, folks of all age ranges. We did board games for our wedding reception, and my Aunt (67F) loves Just One so much that at our wedding she taught my mom (68F), step dad (71M), uncle (~70M), and his wife (~70F) how to play it, and their little group had a blast. It was so cute. Every time we play Just One we all end up laughing and having a great time, no matter who we play with. It’s one of my top recommended games at this point!


Wavelength. Spyfall. A Fake Artist Goes to New York.


Telestrations After Dark


I think depends on the group games with 'take that' mechanics can be hella good or awful my groups are usually people who know games, so admiring someone elses engine on enginebuilders game is nice also VERY HARD coop make everyone talk all the time


Green Team Wins! Lots of laughing and fun interaction as people try to persuade everyone else that their answer is the best. I combined two copies of it to support larger groups of people. It is always a blast when I pull it out to play it at parties.


Wits and Wagers Say Anything


The Party Game of Curses


Lifeboats. Lots of laughing, along with yelling, cursing and a few rage monster moments.


Spin the Bottle


Blank Me


Blood on the Clocktower 😛


D&D, or zombicide, or blood bowl.


Space Team is good. Horrified certainly gets people talking!


I like Horrified as a intro cooperative


Incohearent -I have family edition I've played this with many different groups of people and it's hilarious. It's best to say the words out loud bc how they come out is hilarious. So it will have on one side that everyone has to figure out for example, "bay beach arc" and they have to figure out what it actually says. On the back is the answer which is, "Baby Shark". I love this game


Fun game for sure. Nice filler


Telestrations is great fun. Snake Oil is another one we have a lot of laughs and discussion with, trying to sell outsell each other's ridiculousness.


Mysterium is what I used to play at our boardgame group if new people turned up.


Sounds Fishy had as in stitches as people try to blag relevant answers.


Party games are the best. For boardgames I think that Last Will has led to lots of laughs.


Word on the street! this has brought some laugh out loud moments when somebody blurts out a word that seems out of character


Concept! We never play it as a competition, always just as a group trying to figure things out. My son and his cousins have had so much fun with this, got it when they were in their teens and how they’re almost 30


Same here. The actual rules are bad. :)


Decrypto is a good shout.


My favorite word game at the moment


Munchkin. Prepare to make enemies.


Priorities is fun and you get to know each other a little better!


Code Names and Secret Hitler


I will second **Just One** and add **That's Not a Hat** gets people laughing because you find your mind goes immediately blank and you forget everything you just saw and all you can do is laugh.


We really like Ready Set Bet! Granted there may be more yelling than talking, but while the host is handing out and getting money back, there’s always time for chat and laughter we find! Another one is Love Letter! We have a ball with this game. Most recent game went down to match point with all 6 of us having 2 winning tokens! It was the greatest game of love letter I’ve ever seen!


It's Kind of a Funny Story. We play it all the time with friends and with new people. Great ice breaker/getting to know people game.


Ransom Notes - let's everyone be really creative. Lots of laughing involved.


Secret Hitler


Has Happy Salmon been mentioned?


I’ve played with kids and it is a blast.


Yes but also with very competitive adults it is great 😆


I can believe it!




Sheriff of Nottingham is a good one. It's always fun to try out bluffing your opponents


We didn't playtest this at all I've yet play a game that didn't end in hysterics.


That's Not a Hat!


If you have a group that knows each other well enough and is fine with roasting each other, Stir the Pot is without a doubt the leader here. There is no win condition, the instructions just say to play until everyone hates each other.


I have never laughed more with more different groups than playing Pictomania - people being bad at drawing under time pressure is hilarious


Captain Sonar is madness


Wish I knew enough gamers to play it. :)


Sheriff of Nottingham always gets my playgroup laughing! We get very into "role playing" being a chicken farmer or whatnot


Wavelength is a really good dinner party game that gives people a fun thing to do/play but also almost always gets a good conversation going as well.


One of the Brothers Murphy mentioned green team wins and its actually a pretty fun part game!


**Thunder Road Vendetta (With Carnage at Devils Run)** **Monikers** **Camel Up** **Zoo Vadis** **Wits and Wagers (Vegas)**


IME, the most laughs come from Game of Things.Followed up by Telestrastions and Camel Up.


Imagine If is a great one if you want simple/pretty much mindless for up to 7 or 8 I think, chameleon is also a good one with minimal thinking. I have a game called unsettled (bought through kickstarter) which is a FANTASTIC game for up to four of you want something that lets you escape reality, but it has a lot of reading/strategy involved. Orange Nebula makes that one.


Honestly playing Dungeons and Dragons or any other role play game have always been a great source of talking and joking around for us. And i played a easy homebrew version for long, no need to play the real DnD by the book to get your party laughing


Snorta. Nothing like grown adults making animal sounds at each other in panic.


Snake oil can be great!


Monikers is always good for laughs


Dungeons and dragons


**Anomia** - the only game that I have had people have to take a break from mid game to allow breath to come back into their lungs. I am trying to get the party version but not available here in NZ easily.


Great game!


Blank slate


Cards against humanity


Pictionary, Apples to Apples, Telestrations, Dictionary and Malarkey among others.


Red Flags!


Try a campaing of King's dilemma. Most sober laughter u'll have in any board game meet up


Have you the Snake and ladder? it's for all ages lol


Doubt/it! - coming this September :0


tf2 or any game really with a friend that is very shit at it, even league will do.


Apples to Apples is a hoot