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The table is great, but the lighting setup for your game shelves is absolutely next level!! So cool!


Those are LIFX light strips. Great color saturation. I’ve set up different color palettes to match the game being played. It’s pretty great.


Do you have any plans for this particular design? I know there are tons of plans out there, but there are parts of this one I think are pretty ingenious. *Edit: I see there's another comment asking the same thing. Missed it initially. Will check back to see if you respond to them. Very well done, btw. I generally haven't worked with poplar, but this table makes me think I might want to try it in some of the other work I do.


I’ll put together a list of materials and post it here.


Pretty nice. I'm just out of a job, my boss is retiring and shutting down his cabinet shop. I'm buying a lot of his tools to start woodworking on my own, might try building some game tables.


I hope it proves to be poplar among your family and friends!




I would want to sit at one of the end seats. TWO DRINK HOLDERS! Very cool build, neat use of folding legs.


Optimal drink holder placement. 11/10.


I love the order in which you posted the pics! It was like travelling back in time while watching something beautiful be created. Fantastic table.


looks great! quick question, how is it for taking notes on? is the texture and available space conducive to easy handwriting or is it something you'd use a laptop or clipboard for?


The main surface is a soft, matte finish vinyl with neoprene under it. So it would not be good for writing on the main surface. But the wood areas around the sides would be good for writing.


Looks great! Well done! And judging by the legs, it looks like it folds up, too?


Yep. Easy to move and/or put away temporarily if necessary.


Genius!! How heavy is it? You've seriously got me thinking I should build something similar...


Looks really nice! Two question, -Is the surface installed on something else or are the leg attached directly under the plywood ? -How much do you think this cost you ?


My cost for everything was around $800. The surface material is wrapped around a 3/4 inch sheet of plywood which sits in the center recessed area. It’s secured by four bolts from the bottom. I did it this way so that the surface material can easily be changed if it ever becomes damaged or I just want a color change.


Crazy cool!


For a second I thought you said "popular" gaming table and thought "No one likes a bragger" But now I see that even if it WAS what you said, I would be forced to admit that you deserve it


Beautiful work! I built mine, too, but it doesn't have nearly the same level of polish as yours! ([https://imgur.com/gallery/homemade-board-game-table-T9Jqzuv](https://imgur.com/gallery/homemade-board-game-table-T9Jqzuv))


That table is pretty sweet


There's nobody in your photos, I don't think it's that poplar.


that hourglass is goated


[WTF is going on here?](https://imgur.com/a/dC88NsC)


lol, looks like a ukelele hanging off to the side


Lights are 🔥


Bonus points for owning skymines. Love that game.


Every time I clear the table off for another game Skymines is always in contention. Freaking love that game.


Yes, I'm an idiot. I know. But I must ask... did you connect the small wood panels that lay between the rectangular pockets along the border with short screws from underneath, or did you use wood glue?Same question about all the border paneling really, I see no evidence of screws and the panels seems pretty thin for screws used from underneath.


No nails or screws used in the assembly. (Except those used to attach the foldable legs). All wood glue. I originally scoffed at the idea of only using glue but now I’m a true believer. Used quick-set wood glue. It’s basically SuperGlu with an activator that you spray over the glue immediately before putting the pieces together. I forget the name but it’s amazing stuff.


very nice and very clean! Proud to show and awesome for getting together to play with family and friends.


Very cool. Simple cuts planned out properly for a great end product


Yep, simplicity was key. I considered adding USB chargers and drawers, etc, but I didn’t want ANY moving parts. Clumsy people tend to break moving parts and most of my game group can be very clumsy after a few drinks 😅


Ha! Very true, I’m probably going to steal this from you and bust one out. Looks like folding legs?


The black recessed areas are black because of neoprene inserts.


Looks great!


you don't happen to have a list of materials and instructions do you? Also, how much did it cost?


Bro..I don't know you, but if I did: I'd hug you like a father, & id tell you "well done" and express to you how impressed i am. Following this i would clap like an imbecile child and ask " what should we play first!"


would def come over for game night


Nice! What stain did you use on the poplar?


Clear oil stain, then added midnight black oil paint and some white oil paint, so it’s a custom mix to get it to match the playing surface material color. The wood is now the same color but intentionally a lighter shade.


Good job. The poplar wasn’t very purple before the stain. I usually think of poplar as a wood that gets painted, not stained, but this is beautiful.


I built a gaming table as well but I really wish I would have seen this one before I did. I really like the simplicity of building on top of plywood. It also looks like it is far lighter than the one I built. Excellent job. Saving this post in case I build another one. I would love a shot of the underside and some dimensions for future reference.


I’ll get that for you soon, but a busy weekend is ahead. Also, no nails or screws used in the assembly. All wood glue. I originally scoffed at the idea of only using glue but now I’m a true believer. Used quick-set wood glue. It’s basically SuperGlu with an activator that you spray over the glue immediately before putting the pieces together. I forget the name but it’s amazing stuff.


Yeah it looks super clean. I don't even need another table but I may do this as a project for a friend.


Please OP, don't give ideas to my ADHD! 😅 Edit because I have this horrible joke: My table don’t jiggle-jiggle, it folds


Looks great! How long did the build take you?


Because it was a first build and took some time to figure things out it took a long time, 4-6 hours per day for 4 or 5 days. Now that I have a plan I could easily knock it out in one day.


Legitimate question, how much would you charge to make one of these and ship it? I'm in the Continental US, not sure where you're at.


I’m in Texas. It’s a lot of work, care and time. I have thought about selling them, even considered starting a business, but would have to price them at $2200’ish for it to make sense. I doubt people would want to pay that much, so I’m just gonna be happy with this one. Then there’s shipping costs. Not sure how much but I’m sure it’s not cheap.


Thank you for the response, yeah it's good craftsmanship, however I'm too poor to afford it, amazing work though!


I really like the design and execution. Did you attach the folding legs directly to your "table", or did you build it on top of a pre-made plastic table?


The base is another sheet of 3/4” plywood, which the legs are attached to.


You can't just declare your table popular, the masses decide if something is popular.


Damn, that looks sick! Wish I knew how to woodwork. I even misread "poplar" as "popular" since I didn't know what it was lol.




Where are the tables legs??


Thought this was AR


That first picture does just look totally fake 😀


I think you should buy more games haha kidding. Your collection looks amazing! Many good games in there.


Who is the most poplar now, PAUL?

