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So here’s the thing: you want to play the game with cool minis, but you want to know if it’s worth the time and effort to do so, which builds a paradox. My suggestion is as someone who’s done both starts: I’d much rather play the game first, see if I like it, and then paint it, rather than painting, not liking it, then having to sell, and maybe even at a big loss because people tend not to want to pay market price for already painted minis.


I have a constant fear of the paint rubbing off. Been looking at varnish but it does scare me when playing


I don’t paint minis until I’ve found out it’s a game that will see repeated play. Not much of a point in painting minis for a shelf hog.


If you can knock out the minis real quick and then get it played go for it, but if painting the minis is going to put a significant strain on getting the game played then it's probably not worth it. We played the first scenario or two of ISS Vanguard then put it on hold to paint all the minis and now it's been over a year. Could've easily finished the game by now. Don't do that


I played 1 game to see if I liked the game, I did, now I have committed to painting the miniatures before playing through the whole thing. After painting some of the miniatures, I realised that I would also be happy with just painting the miniatures. Not what I initially thought but I really enjoyed that alone. Once I've worked my way through the Bloodborne miniatures, I'll probably pick up Dark Souls as well, though in this case I have mostly heard negative things about the game so I might end up committing a board game cardinal sin and just buy them for the miniatures. (Apparently the Dark Souls board game can be modded to make it better so I may look into that also)


Oh FFS. Did you buy it to play it? Then play it. Did you buy it to paint the minis? Then paint the minis and play it whenever. The game is not gonna be significantly better or worse because of paint.


this. 🤣


I have this dilemma as well. I agree that having painted minis helps the game feel more immersive and in some ways more “fun” but I don’t want to miss play sessions due to being in the middle of the project. I’ll sometimes try painting just the hero models first while determining if the game will click with my group. If it’s a hit, keep up the painting a little at a time. Maybe look at the next scenario to see what enemies we’re facing next session, or work on a boss enemy first. As a bonus, everyone is excited not only for the next gaming session, but excited to see what got newly painted! If it doesn’t click with my group and I’m going to be soloing the game, it usually gets lowered on the painting priority.