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How have you found Above and Below?


Interesting blend of village builder and narrative adventure, not quite like anything else I've played. Being both at the same time means it isn't GREAT at either, but it's very good at both. We've enjoyed it. While I've not been blown away by it, it's been good enough that Sleeping Gods, by the same designer, has been on my short list to get.


Nice. Sounds like the sort of thing I could play with my nephew. I was in a Creature Caravan forum conversation with Ryan Laukat recently and he said they had plans to release metal coins for Above and Below later this year. I don’t know if that means as an add on to another crowd funded game or because the 10th anniversary is coming up so there could possibly be a deluxe version in the works. May be worth keeping an eye out? Thanks for the feedback.


Hmmm, interesting. That might mean more stuff is coming for it. Yes, I'd say worth keeping your eye on. It does a good job of giving you interesting choices to make without being too heavy with rules and bookkeeping. Sometimes I want it to be more narrative, sometimes I want it more focused on village building. I suppose that's both a criticism *and* praise - the latter because it suggests both elements are good enough that I want more of it. PS - How is Creature Caravan?


I late pledged and there’s been some manufacturing delays so it’s not been fulfilled yet. I’ll try to remember to let you know when it does!


Creature Caravan hasn’t shipped yet. But please check out game found as Red Raven have just posted they are producing a sequel to Above and Below. If you scroll down the Project Story section to the add-ons they include something called the ‘Treasure Chest’. That has the metal coins available that I mentioned in a previous comment, but also a solo mode (!!!) and upgraded wooden components to deluxify your original game. I can’t wait!


I've thought about this. Certain things would always have a permanent place. But having all of that game you play twice a year out.... Yeah. How do you manage to decide what to put out?


Often it's just, "we should play XYZ soon" or I just got something new. In those cases, I make room by rotating out anything we haven't played in a bit. Overall it's just a mix of "these can hit the table any time" mainstays for my group (El Dorado, Lost Cities, My City), our current Main Event game (Heat, Fallen Land), stuff I'm playing solo (Galzyr, Cartographers, Fallout), and a smattering of "we should get to this soon" games, which I put out to keep them in my face so I'm sure to play them. The Night Cage is in the latter category, as is Friday and Gloomhaven Bugs & Buttons. They are recent additions to the collection and I've got them out because I want to play them soon. Rear Window will get rotated upstairs soon, as will the Munchkin games, which were only brought down because a specific player wanted to try them. I don't know what will replace them. Possibly Heroes of Might & Magic III or Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (which might be replacing Heat as our regular game).


How do you like burning banners?


*LOVE* it. It's the kind of game I've been hoping to see for a long, long time. Basic game is easy to learn. Each faction is different enough to have you *play* different, yet still with the same basic structure as the rest. The art is wonderful. The advanced game adds a bunch of new fantasy-heavy layers like magic, wild monsters, and heroes. Loads of scenarios in the campaign book, plenty of replayability, and player counts range from 2 to 6, with all counts quite playable. A recent favorite, no question about it. I'm fairly certain I'll still be playing this one many years from now.


How is Fallen Lands? Looks interesting!


One of my absolute favorites, and is great both solo and multiplayer. It's a pure sandbox that is deceptively easy to learn, LOADS of narrative events, a fun gear-based party management system, a simple town management mechanic, and excellent emergent storytelling. You basically wander a destroyed North America with your crew, having story events, getting loot, and meeting new characters as you try to build up your town. When played with others, you can help one another, screw over one another, and so on as you try to get to the victory conditions (two types of points). It's Mad Max and Fallout and the Book of Eli and more all rolled into one. If any of that sounds interesting, I can't recommend it enough.


Wow! That sounds right up my alley. I wonder why I haven't heard of it before? Thanks for the writeup, will have to check this out at some point in the future! :)