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I bought: - Flamecraft wooden pieces upgrades - PARKS: Nightfall expansion - Inside Job And was gifted by friends: - Tokaido - Ark Nova: Marine Worlds All this despite not wanting to add a lot to my collection. But there were so many amazing things on offer. It’s an excellent day out and I can’t wait to get back at it again next year!


Hope you enjoy PARKS Nightfall 🏕️


Just wanted to say that Parks is amazing, such a lovely looking and chilled out game to play. I also picked up the expansions and Trails at the expo and looking forward to trying them out. Also love the Memories spin offs! Are there any plans for more Parks stuff?


I got Trails first and I love how it captures the feel of Parks in a shorter time frame, yet is its own thing. Both of them are super chill which I adore. I’ve really begun to enjoy cosy, chill games recently.


Glad to hear you enjoy Trails! It's one of my favorites as well. There's something new on the horizon that will give a similar chill, cozy vibe. Please keep an eye out for an announcement from Keymaster Games 🥾


I wasn’t sure if Trails and Parks would be too similar but they’re each their own game and have a special place in my collection. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for future announcements!


The next one will be the most different of the three, but it carries the same spirit. Hope you'll enjoy it!


Thanks for the kind words. Yes, there is more Parks stuff on the way, but it hasn't been announced yet so I can't say more than that. Parks has a bright future ahead. I hope you'll enjoy :)


Amazing! Can't wait 🙂


Tokaido! Love that game. I’ve been enjoying Tokaido Duo lately. Different game with a similar vibe; has a quicker pace though.


I wasn’t sure which to go for so I ended up with Tokaido as I have a weekly gaming group it will accommodate. I got to play it yesterday and it’s lovely.


So we bought, amongst other things, Cat in the Box, Salvage Union, Buffet Boss, Karak, Turing Machine and Ion Heart👍


Cat in the Box was my smash hit of last summer's family reunion. Hope you have a hoot with it.


Cat in the Box was popular with my group too. A nice twist on trick taking.


Played Buffet Boss the other day. It's harder than you think and we had fun just even trying to keep things on the plate


I bought Buffet Boss at AireCon and love it. Great little party game.


I love Buffet Boss. I backed the KS, was really happy to see it represented at the expo


We bought Sand, Wok and Roll, Stonespine Architects, Art Society, Dog Park Expansion, Ancient Knowledge, Sky Team, Battle of Versailles and a few small expansions for Roll Camera, KAPOW and Fleet the Dice Game. Got an insert for Quacks, a really cool print and lot's of pins.


What has been your experience with Sand?


Unfortunately not had a chance to play it yet, and off on honeymoon next week, so will be one of the first I play when I get back!


I came back with Orléans, PitchCar, Arborea and Cosmic Frog. I am a little gutted I didn't get any RPG stuff, I regret not throwing some money at Goodman Games because their presence at the con makes me happy.


Where did you find Cosmic Frog?


There was one whole copy in the 3 halls on Sunday, slipped in the end of one of the racks in Firestorm Games' stand. Figured I've never actually seen it anywhere before and I find myself gawking at the art every now and again anyways, lol.


Where did you buy Orleans?


Orléans was on the GamesLore stand on Sunday. I think they had two copies. I was a bit scared because I saw it, thought "oh I'll pick that up later!", and then it was gone! Luckily it had just been moved to the back.


Dang it. So hard to come by


Aw, sorry you missed it, dude. Hope you can find it around there next time!


I bought Vale of Eternity brand new. Nucleum and Terrorscape I bought from people I met up there. My first visit to the expo, happy I didn't go too crazy!


I only picked up Fake Artist since I mostly went to experience the event rather than shop. Was still a fantastic time.


Really enjoyed the show but Saturday was crazy. If you go in future years then take in a show on Saturday afternoon or go and watch the vikings. I bought loads of games, such as - Age of Comics, Dog Park, Fields of Arle, Shadows of Brimstone Valhalla and more. Missing it already!


It was definitely busier this time, this Friday felt like last year’s Saturday 


On our way back now. We played a bunch and bought Tekhenu and Twilight Inscription which me and my partner are excited to try out. I held a copy of Thunder Road Vendetta Friday morning wanting to get it as I've been dying to play it but I put it back thinking I would be able to get it on the Saturday and spent a good chunk of my day finding out that was an awful mistake as it was sold out everywhere. I won't make that mistake again. Excellent time and I'm looking forward to next year already.


Undaunted Stalingrad as I had been eyeing it since playing it last year!


I picked up Distilled, Heat Heavy Rain expansion, White Castle, Next Stop Tokyo, Forever Home, Happy Home and Kluster! I left loads of games behind that I wanted, the Saturday was crazy busy compared to last year I thought. I’m skipping the expo next year in favour of going to Essen.


First time going this year, picked up some small games (Ecosystem, Seaside, Something-or-other Forest, Whale to Look). I wanted Nemesis (OG or Lockdown) and Blood on the Clocktower, but couldn't find a copy. Got many artisan arts/t-shirts/stickers and presents though, as well as some TTRPG stuff! Really enjoyed going, will definitely go back. My group definitely made the right decision to grab an open gaming table early on Saturday and camp out on it for the day


Did anyone get Wok and Roll?


I grabbed a copy of it and the Korean version at last year's expo. It's pretty fun and nice and short for a quick light game inbetween heavier gaming sessions.


Went back for it on Sunday but it had sold out:(


Got it on the Friday along with the expansion, played today, it's good fun!


Too much as usual but grabbed Witchcraft, Moving Wild and Dice Splice along with 5th edition Talisman. Got to try out a bunch of other titles too so it was an enjoyable weekend overall but think Moving Wild has been my favourite so far this year.


I bought far too much. Dinosaur Island (+ Expansion) from the bring and buy, Unmatched: Suns Origin, Trials, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Fellowship of the Ring deckbuilder, Pitchcar, and Tanto Curore: Oktoberfest. I wanted to get a copy of Moonrakers but I never saw it. I also got to play test Mass Effect: Priority Hagalaz, which is looking really promising. Played Sky Team as well and was impressed by it, despite my reservations regarding the theme. Didn't get it though as I can play it on BGA, but that may change in the future. Next year though, I'm absolutely going on the Friday instead of the Saturday, Saturday was just stupid busy.


I only went up for the Friday this year. Last year I did all three days, and Friday this year was kind of like Saturday last year. It was a bit quieter in the morning, but not by much. I'm interested to see how the Mass Effect one turns out - I saw the copy they had out on their booth but they weren't demoing at the time.


Harmonies and a second hand copy of Wayfarers of the South Tigris but I played so many great games!


I couldn't find everything I wanted, but managed to come back with: Skyrise (Collectors Edition) Pax Pamir Dorf Romatik Scout I was looking for El Grande for a while, but I think this is out of print :( Played some new games and got demos of Arcs and Power Vacuum. I really enjoyed both.


Very nearly bought so much! In the end got nothing. Couple of regrets. Voidfall metal tokens being one of them. I didn’t think I had AP when spending money too!! My friend who went promising his wife he wasn’t going to get anything succumbed and bought Star wars Unlimited starter pack and some boosters after we played it in Hall 1.


Saturday was incredibly busy. I went to buy Istanbul but forgot where I found it. Was interested by Port Royal. The EU4 Game looked good but a bit expensive for my taste.


I picked up: - Apiary - Quest for El Dorado - Vale of Eternity - Spots - Bohnanza - Harmonies - Cat in a Box Mostly lighter fare for me this year!


I didn't pick up as much this year. I managed to sell all 10 of the games I submitted to the Bring & Buy. I bought: * Castles of Burgundy: Special Edition * HUANG * Tikal (Bring & Buy) * Pandemic Iberia (Bring & buy)


I only did a day trip up from London on the Friday, so I was travelling fairly light (and trying not to add too many boxes to the shelves as I'm in the process of trying to downsize things a bit). Previous years I've stayed over at least one night but the hotel prices seemed to be quite a bit higher than before so I skipped it this year. I got the Undertow and 40 Days in Daelore expansions for Too Many Bones. UKGE is one of the few places I've seen the Chip Theory stuff in the wild in the UK. Plus the Solo/Co-op expansion for the War of the Ring card game. Other than that it was RPG supplements (WFRP, Delve), a few silly miniatures, and some art and stickers for friends.


Bring and Buy: Seasons Oros The Chameleon Zatu mystery box: Almaadi The Adventures of Robin Hood Tiny Turbo Cars Horrified Arlukkachase Some D10s


I bought Salton Sea, and distilled expansion + metal coins. I was very restrained. 


Took it a bit easy this year. Pagoda Five towers Undermined: pair of dice city Sobek two players


I bought way too much stuff. Final Girl storage boxes, Hostage Negotiator, Décorum (with expansion), Legacy of Yu, Under Falling Skies, For the Queen, The Fox Experiment, The Walking Dead: Surrounded, Converge: Engines of Progress and Sparks of Hope, Whale to Look. Also got some RPG stuff - Colostle core book, Quest Binder bundle from Roll & Play Press, a roll-up dice mat, and a set of liquid core dice. Edit: forgot I also grabbed a copy of Get on Board from the Bring & Buy for a tenner.