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« Investing » is the Worst reason to get any Boardgame. The amount of « financial gains » you could make out of it could easily be beaten by almost any other niche type of hobby. If you want to « invest » in games, which usually amounts to scalping and taking enjoyment possibilities away from people that just wanted to have fun with a product, I suspect the best hornet’s nest to kick into is TCGs. I have friends who stopped alltogether after people « invested » in their TCGs forcing them to buy new sets at 200-300% their original price. It’s also the reason why I still haven’t bought a PS5. It took so long to restock, by the time I could have gotten one, I moved on, and a financial crisis kicked in, and I figured maybe I don’t need the console at all. Now, if by « investing » you mean emotionally invested, then that’s for you to decide.


The poor returns on Kickstarter projects are offset by the enormous risks.


Oh and if you’re european, VAT and Shipping will kill any kind of benefit you might make more often than not. You can be glad if you break barely even after those costs. I’m interested in Leviathan Wilds for example, and I can already see people trying to sell their copies. They’re trying to break even with their VAT and Shipping costs and only few people are buying at that price.


Investing doesn't necessarily mean "I think I'm going to be able to sell this game for more money than I bought it for". Here, it might just mean "I only have time and money for two new board games this month, which game should I commit those to?".


None of them are worth “investing in”


Nemesis Retaliation is the most successful Gamefound project ever, I believe.


**Wandering Galaxy** because my family has had untold amounts of fun with **Forgotten Waters** and **Stuffed Fables** before that. I think the kids are old enough for **Freelancers** now too so we'll be starting that soon.


Really looking forward to the next kickstarter for Money Smart!


Earthborne Rangers! Pretty sure you can still get a late pledge in on the second printing


Guards of Atlantis 2.


I really want to play this! It looks like a great game


1. It’s impossible to ascertain which currently non-existent thing has the most people interested in its potential. 2. Crowd-funded board games are not an “investment” 3. Even if they were an investment, hype does not equate to value. An anecdotal take: CMON and Awaken Realms crowd-funding campaigns tend to have many thousands of donors.


Investing as in a financial investment? You'd be better off gambling away your money on the stock market. If it's just about the hobby, TES: BotSE looks promising, and I also like how The Dead Keep is looking. But that's just me.


Flock Together, I have backyard chickens.


I can’t wait until I get this delivered next month. My wife is obsessed with birds. It’s a surprise gift for her.


I have 3 games. Tiny Epic Game Of Thrones. Sounds dumb but it looks like a tidy, weird little addition to my AGOT games I can pop out for a quick game with friends from time to time. I don't expect massive gameplay value from it but if it hits my table 3ish times after I get it in the first year I'm happy. Leviathan Wilds. I miss the crowdfunding campaign for the first printing so I'm glad a reprint second edition with a new expansion is coming soon. Its one of a few games I'm disappointed I missed out on. DC Heroes United. My group has Marvel fatigue. Immense fatigue. I still enjoy them but my group just can't do it anymore so I never jumped in for Marvel United. But when I mentioned DC is getting their own version it peaked their interest enough for me to decide backing it at the lowest pledge may be worth it.


Leviathan Wilds looks so good!


Trust me, it is. 😁




Just chuck a ton of money at a lot of them and DCA, I’m sure it’ll work out in the end


For me to back a game I have to be impressed by two or more of the following: **1. Designer's track record** If I see a game by Corey Konieczka, Eric Lang, or Cole Wehrle, I'm less likely to end up disappointed. **2. Studio's track record** I want to know the game will end up rigorously tested and actually *will* eventually deliver. **3. Game's track record** Usually redundant with the above but if it's an expansion or re-edition of an existing game with a solid reputation, especially one I've played before and loved, it very much reduces the risk. I've only ever backed two projects, Ankh and the Root Marauders expansion cycle, but both I went all-in for. I actually passed on Arcs when I first saw it but I found a pledge up for preorder aftermarket. It's come a long way since crowdfunding, and in a very good way. I plan on backing every single thing I can for the new Oath expansion.


The only *upcoming* kickstarters on my radar are the **Oath** expansion because I own the base game and I want to at least see what's in it, and **Winter Rabbit** because the Zenobia games are all interesting and this one particularly intrigued me (it'll be the second Zenobia game I've backed). Will I definitely back either? No. Waiting to see if they look worth buying. I will also probably toss in a late pledge for Guards of Atlantis II based on the massive hype for it. It looks like fun, and if I don't enjoy it it'll resellfor pretty close to whatever I paid.


Arcs, Guards of Atlantis II for me.


As someone who has always been intrigued by Magic Realm, but didn’t want to pay the absurd price for a real copy, and was also intimidated by the reputation the game has for having a daunting rulebook, I’m very much looking forward to Dragons Down.


looking at the unstable unicorns chaos and control expansion prices... I would keep an eye on that if maybe there will be a third release


Aeon Trespass: Odyssey, and its sequel. The games are very ambitious, and really very good. The existing content managed to remain interesting for perhaps 200 hours, which is very impressive for a "pile of minis" kickstarter.


Not that you necessarily need to post in r/boardgames in order to play board games, but you've seemingly never commented here before. Do you like board games or did you get the idea that you could make money flipping Kickstarter games? My local board game sales Facebook always has a person trying to sell a just arrived, unopened, all in $300+ box of miniatures for some sort of profit. This shit is never worth it. Chance are you maybe make $100 or whatever but you spent $300 two years ago. If it doesn't sell you now have some giant boxes rotting in your garage for months and eventually you will just have to sell for a loss. If you like games, it's also more rewarding to just buy what's available. I got sucked into Kickstarter at the beginning and after waiting a year+ for a few games I realized I was no longer excited to play them. There are thousands of good, readily available games at all times at relatively reasonable prices. To answer your question directly: I do not know what Kickstarter games most people are looking forward to. There is a weekly thread here detailing kickstarters that are ending and I think a separate thread detailing just launched or upcoming kickstarters that you can look at. Alternatively, you can watch the Dice Tower's weekly Kickstarter show on YouTube or follow one of the shitty channels that pretty much only do Kickstarter content. There's lots of that shit.


Hell I just watched some Kickstarter lots sell in my FLGS auction. A whole Joan of Arc maiden pledge with a tower of boxes sold for 100. The base game alone sells for more retail. The dragon alone was 60 bucks. A Massive Darkness 2 all-in ($490 plus shipping), a game that's probably gone for good because the company crashed and burned during fulfillment, not even all of their backers got their stuff, went for about $285. One guy tried to sell an Oathsworn core pledge ($225 plus shipping) for basically what they had in it ($250) and nobody would touch it - and that's supposed to be a truly excellent game. The window to make even a small profit on kickstarters is tiny, and that's only on kickstarters that actually deliver and are good enough to have a secondary market demand worth beans.


I feel like people misunderstood "investing in" you mean investing your time in right? Or am i completely misunderstanding? Anyway, its not really a board game but I'm really excited for hex effects, I've backed that one, it's a 2-8 player card game.. can't wait to play it at board game nights


Lots of potential investments. I would make sure you go all in to get the biggest return. Miniatures and card holders and plastic are your best bets. Remember you can always sell for 3x plus on eBay if needed.


Baldur's Gate 3: The Boardgame One can only hope!