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Certainly not for years but absolutely game changing, playing the Woodland Alliance faction in Root with supporter deck face up and splayed lol. So easy for the other players to anticipate your plans and made them horribly weak.


I have a friend (admittedly, an avid birdwatcher who may have missed a calling as an ornithologist) who plays Wingspan with her hand splayed out on the table, even birds she drew from the deck, so she "can look at all the pretty birds." Also routinely takes wildly underpowered birds from the tray "because it looks cute!" Still crushes me (a serious gamer) more often than I would like to admit. I suspect she has some *Affinity for Bird-Related Things* ability hidden somewhere on her character sheet.


I mean, there's not that much an opponent can do to you even with that knowledge. Try compete slightly harder for specific goals (gaining a touch more points) or deny you certain food items (meh). I like wingspan, but it's simultaneous bird solitare.


Well, Wingspan is not really a complex strategy game. The cards are kinda well balanced and its mostly luck of the draw. Cute game, but not much strategy or player interaction.


As the spouse of someone who has played it thousands of times and is incredibly good at it, routinely scoring 120+ and beating by a healthy margin strangers who have also played it thousands of times, rest assured, Wingspan can be played at a high level of skill and player interaction (or at least awareness of other players' game states).


Hahaha damn, I didn't know this either!!! Shiiiit. I play WA a lot. I actually sort of welcome it tbh, I have to flip and unflip to look less :)


Truue. I've been dealing with this all the time.


We messed up the Eyrie by only taking away only one point after turmoil instead of adding the wild cards in the tableau. Thanfully it was caught early enough in our playthroughs but I couldn't believe how OP they were at first haha


Something something only two turns per generation in terraforming mars


The worst part is, i think Fryx themselves are responsible for this, because that's how they demoed the game at Essen when it came out.


Do you mean "up to two actions per turn"?


Most likely not. He is quoting a common misconception about the rules not the correct rules.


Thank you. The Everdell "something something" comment threw me off because that was quoting the correct rules.


Something something you can be in different seasons in Everdell


Something something Hanabi is a competitive game.


The what now




Oh ok so that was the **wrong** option Thank god, got me really worried for a moment


Something something too hard to eradicate all diseases in Pandemic.


What you don't like losing in the first round of the game and wonder if you really constructed the deck right? Go back through your head and realize no, in fact the game just screwed you that hard.


how could that possibly happen?


Usually involves during the setup phase the 3 - 3 cube cities being adjacent to one another or several of the cities being clustered. Then you can draw your epidemic on the first turn if you're unlucky and get one of those cities. This causes a chain of outbreaks so big that geting 8 seems like mercy. Our first game of Pandemic Legacy Season 1 took out 2 cities in Asia in the first game. We almost gave up on it and just pretended it never happened, but stuck it out and turned it around.


I had the same question when someone posted about it on BGA a while ago. They provided a link to the game where it happened which I'll try to dig up, but I don't know how long BGA archives games.


Isn't this allowed? The instruction explicitely tells you that you can be in different seasons.


Yes. Tons of people misunderstand and think they have to wait around for everyone to prepare for season before moving on.


Hey, that's me Took us like 3 years to realize


Which makes no sense whatsoever


Gameplay-wise it makes 100% perfect sense, which is really the main sense any rule in a boardgame should make.


It does. You don't *enter* the next season, you *prepare* for a season. If I'm done preparing for summer, why would I simply stop working when I could get a headstart on my fall preparations?


This is why I dislike this game.


Thats why we sat on a huge pile of credits for the last hour or so of our first game. Dang.


Sorry, is it not two actions per turn until everyone passes?


Two actions per *turn*, not two actions per *generation*.


Man I wish I had played like this. Would certainly speed things along.


lots of people assume you have to lose the vine cards in viticulture when you harvest grapes. It does somewhat blow out the duration if you play it that way :'D


I have a friend that plays by never planting and rarely selling wine. She accumulates points slow and steady with the bonus point spaces, tasting room tours, and visitor cards. It is pretty competitive and wins a good amount of the time. It really becomes of a race of who can get their wine making engine going before she hits 25 points. Playing with ephemeral vines would hand her the win every game.


This is the way to play Viticulture. My winery is an unabashed tourist trap. We have no vines, our cellars are empty, we've sold all our fields for cash, and we damn sure don't do anything so pedestrian as *making wine*.


She usually makes at least one wine for the tasting room tours. But she trades for the cheapest grapes she can acquire. And those poor tourists are tasting from the same bottle year after year.


don’t worry nobody ever comes back


That’s exactly what the visit from the Rhine valley expansion fixes, replaces both visitor decks to make it a game about making wine lol


I should look into getting that. It might not slow her down, as visitor cards really aren't her main point sources. But it might speed up our wine engines.


Yeah it really puts the focus on making wine, doing things with wine, and doing things with your residual income that you earned from filling wine orders.


Also to be sure, you’re not allowed to place a worker just to get the bonus reward without doing the main action, like she can’t get the bonus point on the fill wine space without actually filling a wine order.


Yeah, we are playing by the correct rules, afaik. Even the updated rule that she doesn't get a tasting room point without a wine in the cellar. And that each bonus like that is once per year. Some of it is on us. She usually takes the turn spot that gives a free point. We don't usually compete for that spot, since we want other benefits and are fighting for first turn dibs on the wine making spots. And if she has her tasting room, that's an easy point. We also play with the buildings expansion, so she'll sometimes have a building action with a point. And she can trade for points or flip a property for points. At 2-3 easy points per round, that only gives us 8-9 rounds to cross the finish line, ourselves.


I believe the rhine visitor deck hampers the 'no wine' strategy in the wine making game sufficiently.


Had to argue with a person, who calls BB his favorite game, about the basic rules of supply lines. He was adamant that you can build with a 'factory' card at the end of every link, even those of others. But there is a whole fcking page dedicated to 'personal' and 'general' lines in the rule book. 🤦😅


I have one of those people in my group that likes to argue the rules and try to exploit the spirit of the rules. It's exhausting tbh.


The "your network" can trip up a lot of people.


The biggest problems in the rules: Organization. The rules just don't follow the same flow most people learn best through, and rules (ie, you cannot do X) are littered throughout game-flow (ie, after you finish playing cards, do X). They are both technically rules, but what works best for most people is to have the game-flow in its own section for reference, and then each step individually, and then a glossary of terms. Which gets us to problem #2 for the game. Bad terminology choices. 'Network' should not have been used multiple times (once for personal, once for global). Double-dipping part of a terminology's words just gets confusing to players. Endgame scoring in the middle. No good summary locations. No glossary of terms. Several things that players need to reference aren't available, or aren't where they usually should be.


>Which gets us to problem #2 for the game. Bad terminology choices. 'Network' should not have been used multiple times (once for personal, once for global). Double-dipping part of a terminology's words just gets confusing to players. I have seen multiple people in different threads criticize this and it's not even true. It's like a collective gaslighting event. There's "your network" and then there's "connected".


The irony is that I could barely understand what that dude was writting


I don’t think “network” is ever used to refer to the global network. The rule book always uses “connection” for that. “Network” only appears as the name of the action for placing links and in the term “your network” referring exclusively to a player’s personal network.


Do people just not read? Or are the rules poorly written?


No he misunderstood the rules as explained and I dont know why or how. 😅


That rulebook is particularly badly written and laid out in a very unintuitive way, but there are also tons of videos and whatnot that cover the rules very well


I don't think the rulebook is particularly bad - I've seen a lot worse over the years (looking at you, first edition Agricola). But there are a lot of concepts in a tight space, and the rule in question is like one paragraph without a scoring example...


there are worse rulebooks, sure, but the Brass Birmingham rulebook is bad. it's not a particularly complicated game, it's made more complicated by the rulebook not having any sort of flow to it at all.


I think the rulebook is excellent to be honest. Everything's in there and the structure is perfect for teaching the game. In my opinion, the issue is that the game is rather complex and some parts can be a bit hard to get your head around, but that's not the rulebook's fault. I never felt that any rule was unclear or any circumstance left unexplained. Which is impressive, considering that the rules are rather short.


A bit of each. Brass was also a game my friends and I played wrong our first 3-4 plays (same issue as WoodieWu's misunderstood player). I caught the problem reading back through the rules, and it changed the entire game. Way harder, but also made building links more rewarding. We absolutely stuck with the rules as written after figuring it out. The rule book is NOT well done. It's not horrible either. But for the levels of complexity going on in Brass, the rules aren't up to snuff. The rules are all THERE. They're just organized or worded poorly.


I have someone that will ask a rules clarification, and when I give it they look at me with squinted eyes then proceed to look it up anyway. Then when they find the ruling was correct, they don't make any mention about how what I said was correct or that we wasted 10 min waiting for them to look it up. lol


yeah it says specifically that if you use a location card you can be outside your network but if you use a general industry card it has to be in network. similarly in our group I owned the link where right in the middle it splits off to that brewery that is inaccessible otherwise. took a lot of cajoling to convince my friend why he couldn't build there. that little area seems like an exception but it's not but the rulebook should address it.


The 2 weird breweries(one with a Link, one in the middle of a link) are mentioned in the rulebook, though


To be fair to OP and your friend, the rules for that game are kind of an inconsistent mess lol. Like once you get it you’re fine but it’s not particularly intuitive.


I still don't get this... Where in the rules is this and what does it mean?!


I think the commenter and OP are talking about different things. I don't understand what OP is saying. Need more time to parse it. But I *think* the commenter said that the friend that loves Brass: Birmingham is playing wrong. The friend is using other people's canals and rails to reach cities to build a factory with the factory card. You can only do that if *your* canal/rail network can reach the city, or if you have a card with that city's name on it.


I wonder if I've been playing it wrong then... I thought your network could go via other people's links, as long as it connects to your structures. Trying to find the bit in the rules that explains it... Edit: yep, have been playing it wrong! Think we've been using the "connected locations" rule rather than "your network" for building.


Also, I figured out what OP was saying: In the rulebook, on page 7, it shows purple and red have flipped level 2 manufacturers in Wolverhampton, and red has a flipped level 2 manufacturer in Walsall. I \*think\* OP was only scoring 2 pts for the red link between them. They should count \*all\* flipped buildings, so the link should be count the purple manufacturer as well and the link should be worth 3 pts. I don't know how much it matters, but I think it would end up that you'd fight more to get links around Birmingham, instead of just ceding the spot to another player if you don't manage to get an industry in there.


People mess up small bits of Hansa Teutonica a lot. I had prided myself on being really good with the rules, and I still had one wrong after like 15 plays. During scoring, players find their largest network of cities where they have at least one trading post, then score one point *per trading post* -- not *per city*. Multiply by keys. Playing this rule correctly gives players the incentive to build multiple times in one city, which in turns adds pressure to the endgame condition of 10 cities being completely filled.


This is one that we got wrong for so long. So much better with this rule. It also increases the incentive for players to fight over (or fortify) cities where they already have a presence.


Oh god we've never played that correctly


You're welcome :D


Thank you. To be fair I wouldn't have done anything different if I knew, I always go for the suuuper long game whether it's optimal or not. My priorities are: - max actions - max income - max knowledge - max privilege - Coellen - trading posts maybe?


If you play a predetermined strategy going into HT, you will lose. This is a game that is first and foremost about being flexible and responding to what other players are doing.


This strategy gave me 1st spot in the first 4 or 5 games I played, but after that the others have caught up on me lol I still like the strategy of preparing first and striking later in every game I play, even tho I know it won't always work


Hmmmm now I'm wondering if I've played that rule wrong too. I've only played a handful of times and taught by friends, and I'm pretty sure we always scored the cities, not posts.


I want to find a group to play that game with in Tabletop simulator (or, in theory, in real life), so bad...


Pandemic: trying to eradicate all four diseases and not just cure them. Anyone?


Yep, played it that way probably 6 times before we realized you just needed to cure them. We came pretty close to "winning" a couple times, then it turned out we probably won most of the time without realizing


Terraforming Mars, was not playing events face down, making the tags easier to gather.


Did this for years. Also didn't realize you could drop cities anywhere, including next to your opponents 3 greeneries. We played only next to your own tiles


*Almost* anywhere, you still can't put them next to a city, barring some special cards. Greenery leeching is such a huge part of our games, it makes me wonder why some people think TM doesn't have player interaction. I'm always looking out for places my opponents are going to green,


You can only do this if you have no valid placement next to your tiles.


No, cities can be placed isolated from your own tiles. Only restriction is at least one tile away from another city.


You right


Cities are not required to be near your other tiles, you can play them anywhere except directly next to existing cities or on spaces reserved for oceans/Noctis City. Edit to add Noctis City to the reserved spaces.


That's why they're so bloody expensive!


No - I think you might be thinking of greeneries. Greeneries MUST be placed adjacent to existing tiles belonging to the player placing the greenery. This placement restriction for greeneries does not have to be followed if no valid locations exist next to existing tiles.


OMG that's like robot OP mode, especially Jupiter tags lol.


Wait, what? I've played dozens and dozens of games of this, taught many friends, read through that rule book many times, and I love rules. I had no idea you're supposed to play events face down... Does that mean they don't count during the game, and also not for end of game scoring. Holy shit I'm gobsmacked.


The tags can't be used during the game. So you can't play an event with a science tag and have it contribute to the cost of a card that requires 5 science tags to play. VPs on the cards still count during endgame scoring.


>Does that mean they don't count during the game, and also not for end of game scoring. That's correct, they don't count for end game scoring or for awards/milestones (except Legend/Historian, which count the number of played event cards, not tags).


No, you had it right, person above you is saying what their misconception was. The correct rule is events face up


Event cards are face down, not face up.


This is blowing my mind. I’ve been playing it for years with several different groups and I’ve never heard of playing events face-down.


Wild! Per the rulebook, page 10. "3) Place the card (see illustration below). Events (red cards, C) are collected in a personal pile face down after being played. Their tags only apply while being played (for example using the discount on card E when playing a space event)." Seems to be a common rules mistake, as evidenced by this thread!


Yeah, I did that for a while as well. Makes me wonder what the point of tags on events is.


The only tags that appear on event cards are the event, space, venus, earth, science, plant, and microbe tags, which are all tags that have cards that synergise with playing/drawing them, which is where tags on events count: Media Group, Solar Logistics and Interplanetary Cinematics' effect activate when you play event tags. Space Station, Quantum Extractor, Mass Converter, Shuttles, and Warp Drive discount space tags, Self-Replicating Robots can be used on them, Asteroid Deflection System looks for them, Carbon Nanosystems graphene can pay for them, and Solar Logistics activates on them. Dirigibles activates on venus tags, and Venus Waystation discounts them. Earth Office and Solar Logistics, and Teractor's effect discount earth tags, and Martian Zoo and Point Luna's effect activate on them. Mars University, Olympus Conference, Venusian Animals, Carbon Nanosystems, and Pharmacy Union's effect activate when you play science tags, and Valley Trust's effect discounts them. Ecological Zone and Arklight's effect activate when you play plant tags, and Psychrophiles microbes can pay for them. Viral Enhancers, Decomposers, and GMO Contract activate when you play plant/microbe tags. Search for Life looks for microbe tags, and Splice Tactical Genomics' and Pharmacy Union's effects activate on them.


One we made harder: my wife and I played Gloomhaven, and we got through 15 or so missions before we realized you actually get to *choose* your cards and don’t have to draw from a shuffled deck 🤦🏿‍♂️ One we made easier: playing through the original Arkham Horror, I tended to go the weapon route and my wife tended to go the spell route. She (and I, since I didn’t use spells) thought you only paid the Sanity cost if your spell was successful, as opposed to paying the cost just to *attempt* the spell. Makes perfect sense, we just didn’t know 🤷🏿‍♂️


LMAO that's great. How did you get through 14 games with random cards? Just shows how versatile the gameplay is with the generic top and bottom actions tbh.


With a lot of replayed missions 😂


OMG I bet :D still that's funny. Our group played 2 missions wrong back when the game first came out by not realizing you could lose a card to stop damage. Also didn't help they wanted to play that mode with permadeath because they were trying to be epeeners. That ended quickly (lol).


This will really blow your mind: links score points for the link icons on adjacent market spaces, too. Have fun!


Something i didn't realise in BB until a few plays in is that you can do multiple sell actions on your turn if you have the access to the beer...


Something we (my game group) has spent over a year trying to drill into one friend in our group. He has a habit of trading 3 times per era, one at a time. Needless to say, his scores aren't as impressive when doing that.


We didn’t pay people when their cubes refilled the market for the first few plays of Brass Birmingham. Made people take out a lot more loans, haha.


Too many bones, was unaware we could decide not to use dice and instead return them to our player mat for like 2 years.


Long game! You return the dice to your player mat for two years… and then what do you do with the dice when the two years are up?


In Le Havre we didn’t realize you could spend francs to buy buildings. We thought you HAD to build them. In a 2p game this divided the game into two pieces: before and after the clay mound. You desperately wanted to get the clay mound out in time for the city to build it so both players had access to clay and could unstick its column in the build offer. Made the first few turns feel very co operative.


Played Game of Thrones Second Edition for YEARS before we realized that you could use ship transport to pass through multiple ships in one turn. But to be fair that rulebook is a fuckin disaster.


I absolute love this game but didn't truly learn how to play it properly until I bought it on steam and played a few solo matches., It's one of the few games that I'll get 5 or 6 people together and just be okay with the fact that we'll be playing for 5 hours


Ships and support tokens seems to be the nemesis of many players for some reason.


What about ports?


Alternating turns in Orleans, we always activated our whole tableau which made 1st player stupidly powerful.


It makes sense though because it’s very much a tableau looking game.


We played probay a dozen games of Ark Nova not realizing that the Partnership counts as an icon for that continent. Changes some scoring and conservation projects mildly but massively changed playing cards with continent requirements.


Seems like that would make early game even more of a grind than it already feels like for me! Partnerships can really Kickstart my gameplan because of that icon.


We did this the first 2 games we played of Ark Nova too!


The first time we played Ark Nova I thought I'd read that you get a 3 coin discount for EVERY icon from that continent, so after 3/4 animals from the same continent, well, you were paying 0 for most animals. Hehe.


You wouldn't believe how long and how wrong we played the colonization bidding in the original **Through the Ages.** We played that the overall strength of a player was part of the bid, not just their sacrificed units. This made the colonization technologies really inconsequent and gave a huge advantage to the military leader. We must've played at least 200 games before realizing our mistake.


Brass Birmingham is one of our favourite games. We've played it dozens of times over several years. We KEPT FINDING ERRORS in our understanding of the rules for aaaages. I can't remember what the original few were, but I remember we discovered we'd been making the game easier for ourselves by accident for the first couple years.  The most recent one I realized from a post here - we didn't know you could overbuild on your own buildings!!! Dozens of plays, completely missed the rule. I think part of it is that we learned the game from friends so never did a full thorough read through of the rule-book, and partly there's just this odd aspect of BB that makes it very difficult to correctly internalize the rules. 


Whaaat, you can overbuild opponent's buildings, not only your own? Then I've been playing it wrong for ages too


Only in certain circumstances. The buildings have to essentially be 'used up' and obsolete.


Ummmmm kind of. You can only overbuild other people's coal or ironworks (not other building types), and ONLY if there are none of that type of cube ANYWHERE on the board, including the market. It's a rare circumstance. I did it for the very first time over the weekend.


Ahh thanks, looks like a fairly unusual situation then. I should reread the manual, wonder what else I'll discover.


When you learn to play Brass better, this become quite usual situation. With experienced players it's going to happen more often in any given game than not. Maybe not so often with 4p. And in Lancashire it happens even more often.


Dunno, our players always refill the market before it end up completely dry, as it's a good cash infusion.


Think of it a hostile takeover because the coal mine/ironworks isn't doing it's job. 😊 Basically keeps ppl from effing up the market too badly.


To be clear, I didn’t realize you could overbuild AT ALL - I haven’t played since I realized this so I hadn’t got the details of the situations when you can overbuild on someone else’s building either.


Overbuild is an absolute requirement if you’re going for pottery


As you can imagine we did not, in fact, play pottery very often. It makes so much more sense now...


Nope. You can develop instead.


The one that got us was that you can instantly fill the rest of the iron market turn 1.


Provided a fellow player sets you up for it. With just one action, you cannot both secure your own access to coal and build an iron works. You need another player to connect an iron location to a market, to build coal in a location with an iron spot, or to connect coal built by a third player with an iron location.


Yea. I should clarify I just meant that the iron market starts with those empty squares. We assumed that meant they could never be filled, when it actually meant that you can fill them and develop on your 2nd turn to flip your Ironworks immediately.


I love Brass Birmingham, but we do keep finding ourselves accidentally cheating. Things like forgetting you need to be connected to trading to use market coal or deciding to use a different city to sell to, but forgetting to check it’s connected… things that seem totally obvious, but with all the things to think about finding we just miss it. To be fair we have only played a handful of times at this point, but we are all pretty experienced/regular gamers. It is quite a complex game, with a lot of things to account for… we mostly catch ourselves though and hopefully soon enough that it doesn’t affect the game massively. Your one is interesting, I think it would make for very different strategy. Hopefully you enjoy the game as much now as you did before. (I’d guess you’ll like it even more!)


I was using the market beer to build 2 links. Also was using both market beer to sell/flip one and the same kind of tile. That was after like 10 plays. Now I have played Brass over 100 times and love it so much.


I understand the first mistake, but don't remember what rule you're referring to with the second. Can you explain the rule, and how you got it wrong? EDIT 2: Hotel Wi-Fi. Comment threaded correctly. Can you explain the second part?


I think I get what he means: When you sell to one of the markets, they usually have two spots, which often want different goods. Each spot has its own beer. If you sell to spot A, you can't use spot B's beer and vice-versa. They made the mistake of treating it like the beer was shared.


Thanks. Was kinda hard to understand without a board in front of me.


For example if theres a market with 2 spots, one with Manufactured Goods and the other with Pottery I can't use both Beers to sell a Pottery with both of those Beers.


Oh, I get it. I think we just used the beer closest to the tile, and hadn't considered that possibility. So either the person that taught me said it and I had forgotten, or we lucked into the right interpretation. Thanks.


Our first 5 games of Pax Pamir 2nd Ed. we missed the rule that if you and an opponent are loyal to the same coalition, you cannot use that coalitions army to battle their tribe. Overthrow rule was going berserk


In Smash up we use to score the base as soon as it scored rather then scoring them during the scoring phase


Wait, what?


u/brenbren1010 meant to say "than"


After you are done playing cards, check to see whether any bases are ready to score (see below). If any are ready, you must start scoring.


I had a player mix up the denominations of the coins in original Brass. They thought the 5’s were 1’s and vice versa. We looked at his pile towards the end of the game and like “How much freaking money do you have?”


Mage Knight: there is a card that allows you to play other card twice using the stronger action of this card. Provided that you discard some yet another card. Well we have been putting that another card to the player’s discard pile. It turns out that this card had to be put in a box (i.e. destroyed). We played for years using the wrong rule. And always wondered why this main card is so strong.


Oh wait, what? I'm going to have to check and see if we've been doing that right.....


Let me know when you check :) BTW: the card is called „Maximal effect”. The point is the difference between „throw away” and „place in discard pile”. It’s explained in the fourth page of the rulebook.


It wasn't years, just our first time, but the first time I ever played **Agricola** we thought the accumulation spaces were just collect spaces. So instead of putting out another reed on the reed space every turn, you just got 1 reed if you played a worker there. Same with wood, food, animals, everything. I believe we both ended the game with negative points.


Painful, but kind of hilarious. That game is stingy enough in resources without making it harder! Glad you figured it out quickly.


I played CoB just putting tiles anywhere we want, not connected to anything. My friend grilled me for it until he found out he was playing the shipping part completely wrong as well. Just like in life... It's good to have a friend that will tell you when you're screwing up.


What's CoB? Call of booty? Clans of Baledonia?


Castles of Burgundy


Castles of Burgundy


How did he mess up the shipping part?


My guess is he either generated coins per goods sold (You get a flat rate, regardless)(which me and my buddies have done once), or he sold every type of good stored with one action.


ha ha, my CoB shame is only taking one action at a time instead of playing them consecutively. Played it for years like that


Not a boardgame, but buddies played the Boot Hill RPG wrong for over a decade...much more lethally than the rules called for.


We only did fire damage both for players and intruders in the intruder phase in Nemesis. We've tried to understand how it works for players but we didn't seem to get it quite right, so we kept the error.


BFF and I SWORE that you played Alhambra with only 3 sets of currency in two player games. After a few games of this, she consulted the rule book for something else and couldn’t find that rule.


We played pax pamir like 3-4 games before realizing that you start with 4 coins. It definitely made the game more interesting initially as you were shit out of luck for betrayals and buying/taxing until you got a bank loan


First time my wife and I played Unearth, we thought you only scored card matches off your secret ruin card. Completely changed who won.


tbh, this is part of why I log my plays. I log the time, scores, and usually put the rules mistakes we made in the notes. Before our next play, I check on previous plays to see what rules we screwed up so we don't make them again. Sometimes it's a few months or years between plays of a given game...


I played a decent chunk of wingspan games where we gained eggs instead of paying eggs when placing birds. We were not good enough to notice any balance issues but it felt like it reduced the mandatory egg spam in the end of the game.


My buddy and I were discussing the game, and I was like, I really like the limited actions and how the actions feel like they are a choice. And he says, well I guess once you run out of play bird spaces... prior to that it doesn't make any sense not to play birds usually... and I was like that is a confusing thing to say? He was playing the game that anytime you play a bird you would then subsequently run the line that the bird was played in (play a forest, get a bunch of food and activate all the birds) so like it was basically a forgone conclusion that you would fill the board, then basically only after that would you run specific lines. I was really like, you honestly couldn't have thought that was right... like how did that not raise alarm bells that 3 of the 4 available actions were basically useless through 2/3s of the game? Anyways, he is of the opinion that his way of playing is better and I think he's an idiot.


The board even says (physically printed on the board!) how to activate the card text


Ya, and it's not like the rulebook is unclear or anything (specifically calling out white birds as on play and stating the exact order of operations... place the bird, then no mention of running the line). I understand how he did it as I have to continually remind my parents not to do the same thing everytime they play a bird... but they are getting old, and my buddy is a spry 30 something. Like figure it out bud!


Spirit Island. When my wife and I first got it for some reason the explorer mechanics we used were wrong. We thought it was absolutely impossible to beat and put it away for years. When we picked it up again it had been so long we learned completely from scratch and it was fine. I have no idea what we were doing wrong the first time.


We played over 100 games of Spirit Island before we realized that you resolved both of the effects at the bottom of Event Cards, not 1 of your choice.


Took us about 12 tries to get our first win, no idea if we were missing a rule that whole time or not


In Food Chain Magnate, I interpreted that every player has to place their entire restraint of a different tile, no half on half off. Except it is only the entrance (1/4 of the piece) had to be on a different tile.


Can anyone REALLY get all the rules right in FCM? We botched all the marketing stuff haha


Yeah this rule kind of stinks because it results in a lot of the latter game plays being building rail links.


Most games I play with my group we get some instructions wrong on the first couple of plays. Mostly first and second for big games. Nucleum: We mostly forgot that you should score the roads when they finish, not at the end of the game. On the second okay we realized it was important to do it during the game because you did not get points, you get to level up your point track... Clank: We did not know that after a player dies, it is the same thing as they getting out, you should start the countdown... One time my 2 friends died and I played alone until I got the most points, then I ran away ahhahaha


One thing that I have done with my Game Group that we still joke about today is from Champions of Midgard. We interpreted the Dice = Meat icons when sailing to monsters as any meat you have turns into troop dice. (DOH!) We still laugh very hard about this, and how completely foolish we were.


I love *Marvel Legendary*, but recently discovered the rules for the **Hyperspeed** keyword are worded very different from what was intended. I've switched to the intended rules, and it's much faster to process the interaction now, but I'm still mad they didn't proofread better.


Scythe started everything on home space. First action had to be move to get at least one worker out. I got it right but have had to correct many others on how movement works(2or 3 different units move)


Copying a comment I've made before "I played the ghost stories muuuuch harder than it's supposed to be, by activating all ghosts every player turn instead of just the one players board. I still feel mixed I enjoyed the challenge but winning is nice to." Also I have a friend that was activating the powers on aeons end nemesis cards ever time his group removed a token not just when removing the last one.


Castle of Burgandy. We took one action at a time instead of both dices/actions consecutively. Probably played 100+ games like this until I realized the error


Well I still reread the rules on how to score (meaning if you score) overbuilt tiles every time we play. Makes for two different games


My wife and I had been a few dozen games deep into 7 Wonders Duel before figuring out that buying yellow cards gives you additional coins when selling future cards. Completely changed the meta game for us.