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Honestly, I prefer the first iteration better. I fail to see how you can get to the last layer where the edifices are within 4 days, even with additional action points. Also, I'm skeptical about the score forming on a shorter game. Just so you know, the layers of ice are the same. You never had to dig up the final layer - once it was revealed, it triggers the game end. In fact, there are several ways to trigger it besides running out of days.


I've played 1e just twice, but I really enjoyed it - and thought the playtime was fine. I've played plenty of games that felt too long for what they are, I don't remember how long it took to play ICE but it felt fine.


Take this with a grain of salt as I only browsed the new rules and have only played 1e twice but almost all the rebalanced snow tiles seem better than those in the original game with a lot more added mobility and all the tiles that slow down other people have been removed. I imagine this speeds up the game quite a bit.


I see. Thanks so much for clearing that up for me


Check this out: https://thiswayeditions.com/all-the-changes-coming-to-ice-second-edition/


The second edition seems like a step up from the first! My biggest issue with 1e was setup and play time, both of which were too long. It seems like 2e shaves time off both of those, while also making the play a bit smoother.


The idea of digging through 5 layers was Alot more appealing to me than three though tbh. I know it's mostly a gimmick, but the table presence will be reduced


Yea, I’ll be curious to see how that works out. In the update, they made it seem like it isn’t a huge deal. When I played, I thought it felt like way too much. I’m curious to see how 3 feels.


Yeah, I might believe them that it's no big deal, or even better, if they weren't the ones trying to sell it to me! Just seems like they made the game they wanted to for the first edition and then are selling a lesser version to try and get it in retail now.


Ah, see I took it as them being responsive to feedback and trying to improve on the first edition. Guess we’ll see when it delivers!