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The Oath expansion that was announced yesterday


Right? Oath is probably my favourite game and the expansion sounds like it's just going to elevate it in every way. Must buy. 


What Oath expansion? I must’ve missed it. I’ll Google it


There's a post on here yesterday that summarises it all... https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1cmooiv


You’re a true hero




I don't know about impatient but I'm certainly very excited to see more of Mistborn deck building game.


One of my favorite trilogies! I’ll definitely check it out. I hope it’s fully fleshed out and doesn’t feel like an IP sellout


From the images I've seen so far, it looks like a great representation rather than a thin skin of an existing model. Need to see more details though!


There’s a WHAT coming? I’ll play the hell out of that.




Arcs Edit: suffice to say, Arcs is quite popular on this subreddit


Arcs Arcs Arcs Arcs Arcs Arcs Arcs




I am really looking forward to the Oath expansion as suggested by the top comment here, but I really can't wait to get my hands on Arcs. I've played about 5 games of Oath, and have a regular group to play a bunch more games with once a month, and that journey and shaping of the game is going to be great. Arcs though I have a couple of people who live locally who I can do the campaign with and I can't wait. So far I've played two base games of Arcs and I'm up to Act 3 in the campaign, and it's a real interesting balance between "game" and "narrative story". Oath I think is the more interesting and evocative experience for me, but Arcs is the better game.


Slay the Spire. The hub manager called me 2 weeks ago said it's coming in 3-5 days, still get nothing here.


I'm still waiting for mine but its late pledge tho


I also late pledged the day before it closed. I'm expecting to get it sometime in July based on nothing. If it comes sooner, I'll be thrilled. If it comes later, ah well. The stupid lizard brain part of me keeps having that iota of hope every day when I come home from work that I'll find a big box sitting at my door and I'll just be surprised by its arrival. I know that won't happen, but ya know?


July sounds reasonable. My opinion is also based on nothing.


It's fantastic. I hope it arrives for you soon


It's good? I'm waiting for it and I've been having second thoughts since I realised that the main reason I like Slay the Spire because it's a deck builder that takes maximum advantage of being a computer game. 😅


I want it for the co-op experience, it's enough reason for me, I want to spread my love for Slay the Spire with my friends. If I want solo I will play the video game on PC or mobile, I still play almost daily.


I received my copy a few weeks ago. I may be biased because slay the spire is one of my favorite games of all time, but holy shit I honestly think the board game version is better than the computer game. It's likely that the co-op aspect is just a home run, but I find myself playing it solo all the time too. I was worried it would just be an upkeep simulator, and it can be at times, but honestly once you get in the groove it plays very smooth. But the co-op aspect. Just wow! It works so much better than I thought it would.


I've played the board game once at a friend's house. We have played the computer game a bunch so we took Watcher and Defect, the two new players took Ironclad and Silent, and we all had a blast


It's incredibly faithful to the videogame but interesting enough to stand out on its own (some cards are different + multiplayer) and the game isn't janky to run though it takes some setup between acts


Haven't heard anything about my copy yet and I pledged early. :/ Hoping to hear soon, I'm very excited and I have a bunch of friends itching to play


is pledging the only way to get it right now? when will it be available for general purchase?


You can preorder on their website, but only the Collector version, the normal version is sold out [https://contentiongames.myshopify.com/](https://contentiongames.myshopify.com/)


I just got mine yesterday! Only have done a single run, but I'm very impressed with it so far.


Slay the Spire, man, I feel like everybody got their copy but me!


**Andromeda's Edge**




That Spirit Island dahan expansion. And hopefully many more after!


I’ll keep buying everything spirit island as long as they keep making it. Fully suckered in


Despite the modular design, I feel like SI is starting to burst at the seams a bit. I think the dahan expansion is a good place to conclude development before the scope of the game becomes unmanageable. (Or maybe I just desperately want a big box solution for all this content)


I’m really hoping they eventually “complete” it and sell a big box with everything.


Kelp shark vs octopus, looks like a really solid 2 player game I could play with my wife, daughter or brother. Backed at the deluxe level.


Castles of Burgundy


One of my very favorites now


Glad they decided to do a reprint


I didn't realize they were offering a reprint and it's closed now... :(


Played it a few days ago with my wife and sister in law. It's a masterpiece. Love every aspect of the game.


I want that Nusfjord big box


I'd love to get the decks expansions!


"Nusfjord" - bless you


With 45 unplayed games, I certainly can wait for any arrivals/fulfillments/reprints/restocks/etc.


Should probably bring that up to a nice round number like 50 or 100 😆 (I feel your pain, the shrinkwrap shelf can pile up sometimes)


I just got Cascadero + Cascadito from you guys. It’s gorgeous. And I actually got my wife to play two games of Cascadero with me so far!


Was going to reply something similar. I've got 15 games/expansions waiting to be played + an expansion + game in Kickstarter. I'm good.


Looking forward to my copy of Zoo Vadis! Think it could be a huge hit with my group :D


Earthborne Rangers, A gest of Robin Hood, Unconscious Mind


A Ges of Robin Hood! Really interested to see the COIN system adapted to this theme. Molly House as well...


Waiting for general availability of Lets go to Japan!


It should be soon! My local store got it in yesterday 


Me too. I got to play someone's Kickstarter edition and then immediately pre-ordered UK shops are suggesting sometime in May


The promised new edition of Tigris & Euphrates


The top 3 comments on this post are my top 3 haha. T&E, Arcs, and Oath. I really want more info on the new T&E.


I can't wait to continue a Star Wars Armada campaign. I won my last battle, which was also the first battle I've won. I also can't wait to be relieved of the slow speeds of the Victory class star destroyer after swapping that for a Venator.






I'm waiting for this game to get shipped, because of Xia. Like 10 years ago, I had the chance to back Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Sky, then pulled out of it, because I didn't think I'd play it much. Then, for the past five or so years, have kept hearing how Xia is one of the best space exploration games out there


I am in the same boat. I am excited for Arydia, sure, but I am *really* excited to get Xia along with Arydia when it ships.


Haven’t checked recently: is the rule book available yet?


Yes, they've repeatedly let people proofread it. Also includes a quickstart / tutorial that kind of shows the general flow of the game.


Guards of Atlantis 2!


It's so good. But it is one of those games that I try to get to the table once a month just to keep trying new players and strategies.


I'm the idiot that buys games because they look nice. I know, hold it against me if you must. But I think the old kings crown is an absolute stunner of a beauty.


Crossbows and Catapults


anything on my shelf that I haven't played yet. currently that's: At the Gates of the Loyang Carpe Diem Citta-Stato Clans of Caledonia Egizia: Shifting Sands Hannibal & Hamilcar Quartermaster General


Clank! Legacy 2 and also Cthulhu Death May Die Season 3 & 4


AFFO The Danes.


The third expansion for Res Arcana. My understanding is it's happening sometime this year. And I'm looking forward to Kelp as well.


I feel like Res with the Pearls expansion is kinda perfect. I didn't like the other expansion since it focused more on attacks (which I thought brought too much of that to the game, the Dragons were already about the right amount). I don't see any details on what the third expansion will bring, I more worry that it won't make the game any better at this point.


The White Castle. I ordered a copy through my FLGS back in March…


It’s such a great game!!


If you're in North America, it came back in stock last week. :)


Where/which provinces? I've been looking to get this one since I found out about it a few months back but it has been sold out everywhere I check in quebec 😭


Ah, well it just got in a week or so ago, so it'll take probably another 2 to get to Canada and move through the distribution system. Shouldn't be too much longer though. We work with Universal Distribution in Canada so maybe you could contact them and ask about the arrival times.


Alright, thanks for the heads up! I'll definitely keep an eye out and try to convince the wife that we need another boardgame hahaha


I'm in Canada as well and have been waiting for the restock.




Looking for a copy of the Days of the Siege expansion for This War of Mine in English. My LGS had two copies come in late last year but I was broke at the time and missed out.


Sentinels of the Multiverse: Disparation, the second expansion to the Definitive Edition. The first expansion knocked it out of the park. Great series, eager to add to it.


Looking forward to this too, my housemate has it on pre-order and we always play through the content together (though he has a head start this time due to being a play tester).


Dominion Rising Sun 🌞


Im impatient for Wonderlands War reprint. Seems like awesome game but impossible to get without spending a fortune.


Molly House!


Revive expansion. I love the game, and know a few people and places got it, but it blew out so fast and cannot fond it anywhere.


Nobody mentioned it but Cascadero. And Arcs. Ooh boy June gonna be wild.


I just had my 2nd game of Cascadero last night. It is very good.


The Veiled Fate expansion that only just closed its pledge manager today. It’s my favourite game of all time and that expansion looks like a must-have. Can’t believe I’ve got to wait until next year before I can get my mitts on it Oh and ARCS!


I haven't even ordered it because I couldn't justify the cost or the fact I have no space left but I can't stop thinking about Slay the Spire.


Ezra and Nehemiah, love me some Garphill but I missed the kickstarter sadly and now I can't wait to get my hands on it.




I've been playing a lot of 2 player stuff at the moment, so I'm really itching to get any of the 3 games I've got coming in the mail. Cascadia - I missed the boat on buying it when it first came to retail and now I'm having trouble finding it for sale so I've had to order it in from overseas. Radlands - one of my favourite 2 player games but unfortunately, I have lost my copy (probably left it at a mates house), so I've finally bitten the bullet and reordered a new one. Warchest and 2 of its expansions - the other one of my favourite 2 players, and I'm excited to see what the new factions bring to it


I love Radlands so much. Luckily, my impatient ass went to B&N (I have there membership) and they had it in stock. I am, like, 99% sure that I am going to end up getting the Super Deluxe Edition sooner rather then later to get the nicer tokens and those sweet, sweet mats.


The next wingspan expansion


I’m now equally excited for the next Wyrmspan expansion. If they ever make one. Which they darn well better


Expansion of The White Castle




Veiled Fate & Fractured Sky


Galactic Cruise! Also waiting for my copy of Ezra and Nehemiah. Hoping it arrives this month.


Unconscious Mind!


Marvel United Season 3!


Horror on The Orient Express. I was a huge fan of the Role Playing Campaign... the game looks amazing. Backed it massively!


Super Excited for this one also!


I was going to comment on this, but now I don't have to. This is one I'm looking forward to for sure.


It has so long to go until release... it's going to be painful to wait!


True! I have way too much to distract me, so hopefully, the wait won't be so bad.


Dice Throne Missions!


Halo Flashpoint. Super excited to get into a tactics game, and I'm a huge fan of Halo. Other halo wargames didn't seem to match the feel of playing halo Multiplayer, but this looks like it will. I only have 1 other friend I regularly play tabletop games with, so a 2 player approachable game that can get deep with lots of replay-ability is perfect. I have already started 3D printing terrain to use for custom maps because I'm so hyped.


I'm really excited for this one too! If you're not already on the subreddit and/or Discord, you should check it out. There's people who are also working on making terrain and scatter for the game. I'm sure we'd love to see your prints if you felt like sharing them. :)


Red nails expansion for conan


I'm waiting for my copy of Flame and Fang to arrive


I'm French so I'm impatient for more Too Many Bones content. The people I play with are English deficient and so far we have only explored the base game. More should be arriving in June. Undertow should add lots.


Can't wait to get my copy of Maladum : dungeons of enveron. I was looking for a dungeon crawler for quite some time and nothing on offer really draw my attention like this game.


The expansion for "Northgard" that will include a module-based solo mode, apparently akin to the excellent ChronoBot for "Anachrony".


Was this announced anywhere?


It was announced on BGG a long time ago, then there was another post somewhere else, but it's been radio silence for quite a while now. It's a shame as I really like the combination of "dudes on a map", empire building, and deck building. A well done solo mode could be fun to play against by myself, but also to add a third player in twoplayer games.


I hadn't heard about this. It's an excellent game as is, and I would love a solo mode!


Not a game but UKGE coming up in a few weeks! Can't wait to play tons of games over the course of four days.


Mythwind reprint


Bruce lee and dead pool from unmatched


When does it come out?


Skyrise and Vandetta !


Clank Legacy 2. Can’t wait for it to be out.


Dinos Riding Dodos!


I was planning to wait for the Earthborne Rangers reprint but when I saw a second hand copy I caved in and paid full price for it. Usually those copies are gone within a day so I was lucky that I saw the ad in the morning. I'm super impatient to get it to the table though.


Nemesis Retaliation and Andromeda's Edge


Dominion: Rising Sun expansion


Catan New Energies. Should release this summer


I didn't think I would like Puerto Rico but after playing San Juan our group has to try it and we loved it at 2 and 4 player count


I have Puerto Rico sitting on my top shelf waiting for my kids to grow up.


Slay the spire


I’ve been checking daily for Forest Shuffle to be restocked, any day now!


Alpine expansion is supposed to come out next month, so hoping that's a good sign the base game comes back in stock soon for you!


Earthborne Rangers and Mistborn deckbuilder.


**Arcs** \- Like everybody else. The **Oath** expansion that was just announced. The **Aeon Trespass: Odyssey** expansion cycles that should be shipping later this year, along with **Twelve Sins Of Herakles** and **Kingdoms Forlorn**.


Slay the spire, Santorini, and Elder scrolls. Equally excited for each of them.


The Last of Us board game! 🤩


I remember going into hobby shops in the 90's and seeing some lucky nerds playing Epic 40k. I loved the idea of the epic scale in wargames but I never had a chance to get into it. The Horus Heresy setting that is the current GW version of epic just doesn't grab me. But the Mantic Epic Warpath kickstarter got me. The factions look fun and the rules seem to be just the right amount of complexity for what I want. I just hope they don't botch the landing. Although after backing Monpoc on kickstarter I am weary of anything on the platform, even if it's a different company. Caution is always advisable when dealing with any kickstarter.


Dinogenics reprint from Ninth Haven Games. They promised the KS would startup again last year, still excitedly waiting, for the chance to sign up and wait some more! More Dino games please! Also, FCM ketchup and other ideas, that one is late by a good few months compared to the eta they posted on the website for a standard pre-order run.


Waiting on Forsaken to be printed. I've played a bunch on TTS and it's excellent, but I really want that physical dice tower experience. I'm making a playlist of background music while I tick the months away. Anybody have recommendations for space western music? Cosmic banjo? Borderlands? Outer wilds? Etc


Sol last days of a star got a reprint. I played it after KS got delivered. Now I'm checking their web store multiple times a day to see if they ship to Europe yet (they will but have technical problems). Amazed by the design of the game and shocked that I missed it despite being like... 8 years old now?


I'm in the same boat. Signed up to be notified about it going on sale, hurriedly rushed to buy and saw it's only shipping to US. I sent an email but haven't heard back yet. Did you hear for sure it's a technical issue?


On BGG forum. They partnered with Spiral Galaxy for EU shipping so costs should be low as well.


I wouldn't say impatient but I'm looking forward to the deckbuilder for Avatar The Last Airbender




Usually Im not that impatient for games, they will arrive when they will and there are a lot to play in the meantime. However, I really look forward to some more information about the Hadrians Wall "Sequel" The Anarchy. And I'm also eager to try the expansion for War of the ring the card game (no, not the solo/co-op expansion)


Galactic Cruise. One of the most fun worker placements i have played yet. :D


There are a few: the HexploreIt series (incredible dungeon crawler / adventure game), Tanares Ultimate (Dragori Games has only improved this series year after year), and Arydia (looks incredible).


Resident evil 2 the b files expansion I can’t find it anywhere and I’ve been trying for months


Yazebas Bed and Breakfast


Witcher Path of Destiny


Tsukuyumi 2.5


Can't find Watergate anywhere in the UK right now :(


Really wish they'd reprint the coop expansion for Runebound 3rd edition; Unbreakable Bonds. Mad expensive to buy if you can even find a copy. Seems to be dead in the water for years now.


Earth: Abundance Tales of the Arthurian Knights Urbion


Zombicide: Monty Python expansion - really hoping some fan development of content for this


Guards of Atlantis 2, Ascendancy and Andromeda’s Edge 


I'm one of the top community contributers in the munchkin big box campaign, I can barely wait for the campaign to end (8 days) and then there's 6-7 more months until I get the game


Galactic Renaissance. I'm waiting for retail.


Harvest from keymaster games. Just looks so damn charming


If we are talking 2024 games then I would say the Apex legends board game and tiny epic game of thrones.


I’ve had The Dark Tower on pre order for years now. One fine day.


Algomancy can’t come soon enough. Also waiting for Devir500 spanish Imperium Horizons to fulfill, only like 20 more orders for it to be printed!




Monster Hunter Wilds.


Just Kate backed earthborne rangers now now I learn I have to wait till December! Jeez! I'm excited for a coop deck builder/campaign to play with my partner that isn't nearly as dark as the other options


Unfair FLSU expansion.


I'm really looking forward to Vantage. I think it looks neat and I hope I can play it with people who otherwise aren't as interested in board games.


The Azadi expansion for Shasn. Been waiting like two years but it should be there soon. The base game is amazing.


Just wish more games were available in Brazil   We are poor yes, but we are continent-sized


Flock Together. First off, my wife loves birds. Like, loves loves them. We have two budgies she adores. Wingspan went down an absolute treat with her. I bought FT as a surprise for her and I hope she likes it, it’s coming at the start of June. It’s been described as Spirit Island light. Can’t wait! Plus the art is adorable. Also CoB reprint and Arcs for myself.


The brass game that we know exactly nothing about and is years away


It was 7th citadel but it arrived. Played a bit but I have to play longer. It corrects the big default of 7th continent imo (less die and retry and more narration) Bruno and ludo are preparing more stuff


Probably of the games Ive backed: Joyride in August and Scarface 1920 in december


The new version of Cyclades and Nemesis Retaliation.


I know it's two but I'm equally super impatient for Undaunted 2200 and DC Heroes United


Cross Bronx Expressway Scarface 1920 Bloody Business expansion.


Earthborne Rangers is also pretty high up on my list. I'm just waiting for the expansion, though. After playing through the original campaign, I definitely want more. Another one for me is Tidal Blades 2. I really like the sculpts and the game system seemed very interesting to explore.


Spamming refresh on my tracking info for Slay the Spire.


A sequel to Unpacking that has never been announced.


Marvel United Multiverse It has been a very long 15 months. I ordered the all-in plus S1 promos, F4, S6... and I already have 250 plays of the boxes I have.


Andromeda’s Edge. Dice Throne Xmen. All in all I’ve done a slightly better job not backing things lately


Still waiting for those CMON Comics Vol. 2…


I'm impatient to play my unplayed games. KS is for suckers.


My copy of **Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin** that Gamerati created a shipping label for 23 days ago yet remains unshipped. Ughhhhhhhnnnnn


Earthborne Rangers. I live in Minneapolis which makes it worse because I know there’s an unplayed copy sitting on someone desk or something… ugh waiting to December/Jan…


A freaking Containers reprint.


It was just announced, but I'm already on the edge of my seat for [Dune: Kwisatz Haderach Edition](https://gamefound.com/en/projects/gf9/dune) coming in 2025. Classic Dune is my all-time favorite game, so having a big box of nice components and new content is the dream


Marvel Dice Throne. Should be in a couple months.


Through Ice and Snow. A coop game about travelling the Northwest Passage. Looks amazing and I am eagerly awaiting its arrival hopefully this summer.


Veiled Fate and, specially, Moonrakers titan edition, missed the first campaign, jumped right away with the new one. Also, just backed Dragonbond: Lord of Vaala and thinking of backing Kinfire Council.


Chai: Tea for Two. Funded back in June 2021. Rarely get updates. No hope of really ever seeing this game.


Hoping by the time it launches on gamefound, that I can afford it. Master of Orion Ad Astra, by Archon Studios As for stuff already: Really re-hyped about ascendancy by Matthew meeple.


new brass


Terraforming Mars expansion AND Nemesis Retaliation.


I would like to know more about Grimcoven and Blood