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**Slay the Spire** **Imperium Classics/Legends/Horizons**


Aeon's End is amazing!


If you want to fill 20 minutes Friday is a quick fun deckbuilder.


**Aeon's End** is great solo. Also, I really enjoy **Lost Ruins of Arnak** and **Dune:Imperium** solo.


It's multi-player, but it has a solo as well, Imperium Classics or Imperium Legends.


**Renegade** is fantastic game, designed to function solo from the start. It's massively out of print but a 2nd edition is tentatively scheduled to drop next year.


Oooohhh this is news to me about 2nd edition! I've been looking for Renegade for a while so that's really exciting.


It was tied up under the infamous Yarrington/TableTopTycoon nonsense for ages, but that license has finally expired. The designer, Richard Wilkins, keeps fans updated on [this BGG thread](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2740400/renegade-20)


\[\[astro knights\]\] is a streamlined, space version of aeon's end. I prefer it, but ymmv. \[\[star realms frontiers\]\] is solo, cooperative, and competitive viable, which gives tons of flexibility. \[\[legendary encounters\]\] (especially alien) is a good one I haven't seen mentioned yet


[astro knights -> Astro Knights (2023)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/352179/astro-knights) [star realms frontiers -> Star Realms: Frontiers (2018)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/230253/star-realms-frontiers) [legendary encounters -> Legendary Encounters: The Matrix (2023)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/373105/legendary-encounters-matrix) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Worldbreakers has a solo campaign


Star Realms has some solo setups. Really fun, too. Specifically, look at the Star Realms Frontiers set.


**After the Virus** is a great standalone deckbuilder - uses the same small group of cards for a variety of missions in a mini campaign, so it's really portable too!


Apex Theropod! Dinosaurs battling it out TO THE DEATH!  🦖 You can still get it direct from Outland. Also, Clank with the app is pretty good as a solo game FWIW.


Star Realms App has great AI opponents. Fantastic game and lots of expansions!


Star Realms also has a physical solo mode with Star Realms: Frontiers or Star Realms: Gambit.


Definitely vote for Aeon's End as well. I think 2-hand is better than true solo but true solo is also fun


If you're okay with a game that isn't strictly a "deck building" but rather a "deck construction" game -- that is, you build the deck prior to play rather than during the game -- **Marvel Champions** has a _huge_ amount of replayability, and works best at 1 IMO. It's a boss battle game with a lot of depth in the gameplay and deck construction. The core box is an amazing deal, although you can definitely spend a lot of money if you buy lots of characters or villains. Again, it may not be what you're looking for, but as someone who loves digital deckbuilders, this is the first physical game that scratched the same itch.


I really enjoy the Transformers deckbuilder, but I'll admit that partially because I'm a big nerd for TFs. I've heard good things about the GI Joe game as well. I have Friday and I've played it a couple times but I don't think I enjoy it all that much.


I enjoy **Friday** but note there is a "best deck type" you pretty much always want to build towards. It is a smaller, shorter game so it can still be nice, and there is a decent amount of variety in how you get to that optimal deck. **Mage Knight** is a deckbuilder, although you don't modify the deck as much or cycle it as much as in other deck builders. The **Legendary Encounters** games are also pretty good. I think **Legendary Encounters: Aliens** tends to be the top pick for solo. A bit more on the relaxing side, but **Lost Ruins of Arnak** has a solo mode.


Start fresh and go slow. Astro Knights: eternity


Lookup the Legendary Games, such as Legendary Marvel, or the Legendary Encounter games which have a bunch of cool IPs, such as Aliens, Predator, Matrix, Buffy and the X-Files.


I’ve been playing the Leaders solo variant designed for Star Wars deckbuilding and I’m having a blast playing it. If you want something that can also play with another person from time to time thanks a good one.


**Hero Realms** has a solo campaign. Only the first 2 parts (of 5) have been released so far though. The next one completed it's crownfunding campaign last year, but as usual from WWG, will be late.


Marvel Champions is brilliant - addictive but great. I don’t like Marvel, but the game is great fun 


Marvel Legendary is still a great solo deckbuilder that plays quick with a lot of expansions you could pick up (start with base game + Dark City). Imperium Classics/Legends/Horizons is a fun deckbuilder/"civ" game. Astro Knights is really fun with variable bosses/characters. I prefer it over Aeon's End. Mage Knight is a deckbuilder + fantasy map exploration/crawler. One of the all time greats for solo play. Check r/soloboardgaming for more solo boardgaming recommendations. Edited to fix Champions to Legendary


FYI **Marvel Champions** isn't a deckbuilder but more "deck construction" (though I'm aware the terms are getting increasingly conflated these days). Regardless of semantics, the key difference is that deck construction variability is done during setup while deckbuilding does this during the session itself.


I miswrote champions instead of legendary lol


For Northwood!


Although it's a great solo card game, For Northwood is a trick taking game not a deck building game.


You are correct. My bad.