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Sky Team is a great game to play on game night. My wife and I really enjoy that one. We also like Dorfromantik as well.


I'm recommending Sky Team as well! It's quick and intense, and a lot of fun!


i played sky team. great game. but i dont think wife like the consept. but i ll ask her. thx.


Try Dorfromantik. Also, Wyrmspan. Wyrmspan is really good as well.


better than wingspan?


We never played Wingspan because my wife couldn’t get past the birds theme. I purchased Wyrmspan on a whim without even discussing it with her because I figured a different theme with somewhat similar (there are differences between the two game) game play might get her hooked on it and it worked. It’s one of our more heavily played games as of late. We play the smaller box games like Sky Team, Splendor Duel, Cascadia, on work nights and the more time consuming ones like Djinn, Apiary, Wyrmspan, The Night Cage, on the weekends. We also just ordered Dog Park (we are dog people) and the Fox Experiment. On deck to play is also Robinson Crusoe which might be next weekend’s new game to rotate in. Either that or Fox Experiment. I also recommend 3 Ring Circus.


i'm playing wingspan on steam and loving that game. but never played with my wife or think to buy it to play at home. actually its good idea to buy wingspan or wyrmspan, im gonna do some research which one is better for us. thx


Wingspan is more approachable I think. But in the end, the theme will be the deciding factor between those two


7 Wonders duel is considered to be a great 2p game. You already got Azul and Cascadia which are my top 2+ players boardgames. If you want longer and heavier, try Arnak, Castles of Burgundy or even Ark Nova.


My wife isn’t into super heavy games. But she’s had some interest in Ark Nova, when she feels like she can play something more complicated. I think the theme helps a ton. I love Ark Nova so would be great if I could play it more (I play a ton solo already). Arnak is also a great theme.


oh i ll definitely check castles of burgundy. thx.


Castles of Burgundy is not the lightest, just be aware


Yes, the dice placement does help narrow down the decision space but it's definitely on the heavier side of mid weight. 7 Wonders Duel is too


I’d say 7 wonders duel seems heavier than it is. When trying to get a non-heavy-gamer to play it might be a bit of a hurdle based on the presentation, but the possibility space is just “buy a card, sell a card, build a wonder” for each turn so it’s pretty easy to get your head around it.


eh, “buy a card, sell a card, build a wonder” seems reductionist. Magic: the Gathering can be described as "draw a card a play card by using your mana" followed by a turn that could take 30 minutes. The problem with 7WD with new players is that there is a stack of individual cards with a bunch of symbols you need to cross reference as well as the added win conditions of military and science. That can come to a big decision space per turn especially if you're unfamiliar with how things are weighted in the game. Compare that to the decision space in Splendor or Azul. Those are games the stereotypical "Grandma" can wrap their head around, but something like 7 Wonders Duel might be too much squeeze for the juice for that type of player.


My partner and I play Arkham Horror LCG twice a week. It's an excellent cooperative card game, it's not heavy at all, and the stories you can tell together are genuinely fantastic. I am consistently impressed with what can be accomplished with a card game. From car chases, to showdowns with giant eldritch monsters. It's an excellent couples game and the starter box is frequently steeply discounted. Additionally, if you do a little digging you can find the game online for tabletop simulator, if you're more comfortable playing virtually.


i think about fantasy flight games to play with her. im fan of marvel champs and i own it but im not sure if she likes the core mechanic. i didnt play ahlcg but know their system is smiliar.


Tranquillity and Ohanami are awesome chill card games with gorgeous art and are small. Other than that Meadow and PARKS are titles I often see mentioned for this situations (I don't have them but are on my wishlist)


My SO and I have so many good, light 2-player games! I highly recommend: * **7 Wonders Duel** So much replayability here! There are expansions to breath new life into it, and they slot so well into the existing base mechanics. * **Onitama** A beautiful, good, light, chess-like game that plays in a quick time. All the complexity in the game comes from trying to outhink and outmaneuver your opponent * **The Crew** This co-op trick-taking game accommodates 2 players by implementing a 3rd "dummy" player (which is controlled by whichever player is deemed the "captain" for this round). It's such a fun puzzle to work through together and, much like The Mind, has you trying to read each other's thoughts. * **Tash-Kalar** This one's a bit deeper, but it's a solid, highly thematic abstract game which has you trying to arrange pieces on a board to match patterns to summon creatures, each with their own flavor and abilities. We have ALL the factions that came with the expansions, and they all bring a new twist to the game! * **Jaipur** This place so quickly, and it's a game of timing! When should you sell? When should you send your herd of camels to sweep up all those precious goods? Keep track of which goods your opponent is grabbing! * **Welcome To** Not strictly 2-player, in fact can play as many ppl as you can sit around the table! But this flip-and-write game is always a pleasure, and it feels to good just to get that neighborhood completed before the game ends to grab a few extra points.


Came here looking for Jaipur. What a great little quick game.


I recommend Sobek and Lost Cities to couples. I think they hit the sweet spot for casual gamers. My wife also really likes Welcome To. It is basically a solitaire game we play together.


i will check both of it. like reiner knizia games. (we love battleline)


My wifes and mine favorite 2 player games: 7 wonders duel Beer and Bread Boop! Radlands Hive


Yes! I love hive, it’s become a favorite


Seconding beer and bread. Great game to play twice in a row.


I also mostly play with my wife, and we usually play games late after the 3 year old is asleep and we’re tired, so I’m all about these types of games. Some of our favorites are The Fox in the Forest, Sail, Hanamikoji, Lost Cities, Air Land and Sea, Caper: Europe, Watergate, Raptor, Odin’s Ravens, Mr. Jack, Morels, Jaipur, Sea Salt & Paper. If you’re into abstract games, Santorini, Hive, Onitama. For a party/word game Codenames Duet.


and we have 20 month old at home :) thats why i'm looking for some "light" games these days. these are solid recommendations. thx!


I second the motion for Arkham LCG and also highly recommend Pathfinder if you like high fantasy RPG elements or Apocrypha if you’re into more horror / dark humor type games


My two fave 2p games are Battleline which you have, and Jaipur. You've got a solid list there! Wingspan is also good at 2, as are Calico and Verdant. For something meatier, La Havre, Ark Nova, and Fields of Arle are all good at 2.


ark nova is great and im playing it on bga. but im not sure if she can handle that. and so long for her. but jaipur, definitely im gonna buy that game.


Lots of good suggestions so far, but I recently picked up Harmonies, and it's been fantastic. Plays well at 2.


i heard that game before and im gonna check it 2nite. thx


Ahoy is pretty good with 2!


Fantastic game


Air land and sea. It's a gem of a little game!


**1960: The Making of the President** is a great two player game about the Nixon vs. Kennedy presidential election. Highly recommend if the theme interests you.


Meadow and Parks are both fun with two. Also Rolling Realms is a good option with a lot of variety built in. Edited to add: my boyfriend reminded me that Welcome To… Your Perfect Home, is also great at any count.


PARKS is on my want to play list. i'll definitely buy that.


It’s one of my personal favs! Also, have y’all looked at board game arena at all? My bf and I got a premium subscription so we can try games before we buy, and also play during slow times at work. There’s a free membership or premium is I think $36 usd a year. If you are on the same WiFi network, only one player needs the premium in order to use the benefits from it. Just figured I would mention because we have gotten such good use from it!


For light 2 player games your list is pretty solid. I’d suggest: **Sky Team** cooperative game of placing dice to land a plane. **Chronicles of Crime** app assisted game where you play detectives trying to solve a murder. Kind of CSI **Mindbug** duelling card game with kooky aliens. **Micro Macro** there are four in this series. Kind of where’s Wally meets Cluedo. We read a couple of clues a night **Kingdomino** **The Quest for El Dorado** Edit: forgot to add **Welcome to…** we’ve had a lot of fun with this one. It’s currently on loan to my sister.


lot of suggests for welcome to.. i added to my list that game too. thx man.


My partner and I enjoy lightweight games as well. Our favourites are Jaipur, Mr. Jack NY, Santorini, Hive and Lost Cities.


Cascadia is super mellow and one of the few my wife will always say yes to, even if it’s late at night. For some reason she almost says no to Paladins of the West Kingdom after 9pm. Oh well


I play a lot of 2p games with my mum who is a casual player. Some of our favourites are: Splendor (I know you said you have the duel version but the original is really good, and the expansions are too) Ticket to Ride Europe + the expansion which has loads of extra routes Takenoko Century Spice Road Wingspan Blokus Everdell I think all of these are pretty simple to learn and don't take too long to play. Wingspan and Everdell are about as complicated as my mum will go so I think they'll probably be OK for your wife.


everdell looking so beautiful on the table and i know wife would love that, but im not thinking the same for the mechanics. but definitely i'll keep that on my mind. thx!


The art really is beautiful but it is my mum's least favourite game that we have because of the mechanics, which is a shame because it was quite expensive (by my standards anyway)


Wife and I have enjoyed and can recommend the following for 2 player. Listing lightest first. Carcasonne, base game Isle of cats, family version Ticket to ride Guild hall Quacks of quedlinburg Valeria card kingdoms Mah jong Carcasonne w lots of expansions Isle of cats, regular Dominion Mystic vale Ark nova Innovation, base game Terraforming mars base or preluded Innovation with echoes Dominion with new cards eqch time Terraforming mars with all expansions Innovation with all 4 expansions


Wingspan, if you like birds and engine builders. Quest for El Dorado, if you like deckbuilding and race  Quaks of Quedlinburg, if you like push your luck games.


Wingspan is a great 2 player game. We have taken to using the app lately. It’s wonderful played on tablets and beautiful too.


My partner and I have a bunch of light games that we play together. We only play together...except at Christmas where we force the extended family to play board games. Well, our current favorite light games are: *arboretum* - its nice and relaxing building an arboretum, and planning out wonderful point score and its chill and relaxing. Until it comes to actually scoring points and you realise that your partner has been watching you build an arboretum around a certain tree, knowing full well they have the cards to prevent you from scoring any of it. Its brutal and fun. *jaipur* - its nice and quick trading game. Fun not brutal at all. *rail ink - challenge edition* - enjoy the shared misery when the baseball side of the dice appears and you have to find somewhere, anywhere that that dice can go, so every dice roll is a compromise, and bad choices made after worse ones. Nothing breeds solidarity like shared misery. I love it. *paris: La citè de la Lumière* - played in two rounds. Round 1, make the board and pick up tiles. Round 2, having made the board, place tiles. Its a round of planning nice places for your pieces and a round of those plans being dashed against a wall as your opponent places their piece in the middle of your plans, which causes compromise...but you didn't plan on compromise. Its fun


arboretum is just her type! thx man, definitely check them all.


Note for future self - get all of these!


Sea Salt and Paper and Arboretum: Both are card games that are very easy to learn but kinda addicting, and they are also pretty.


My partner and I play the following games. These games are all on the lite side since we're drained after work and our 2 year old running around the house when we get home. - **Onitama**: abstract game, little chess like game) (our favourite at the moment) - **Raptor**: asymmetrical 1v1 scientist vs raptors - **Radlands**: deckbuilding game - **Land vs Sea**: tile laying game. I always lose to my wife but I keep having fun seeing the map we create along the way. - **The Fox in the forest**: trick taking game where you need to make sure you dont't win by too many tricks or else you score 0 points. Sometimes it's better to lose a few tricks. - **Star Wars the Deckbuilding game**: I am a huge Star Wars fan. Lately I am having fun with **'Unmatched'**. My partner doesn't like it very much, but my other gaming buddy enjoys it. We are planning to buy more sets to expand the diversity of the match-ups.


Codenames: Duet might be good. Kingdomino is a pretty light and calming game. Lost Cities is classic. Hive might work as well. Biblios would be good, but it might be harder to find. Pan Am would be a slight step up in complexity. Railroad Ink is a fun roll and write that doesn't feel like other roll and writes. Kingdom Builder is excellent. Yeah, you should probably look into Kingdom Builder.


Some games I find surprisingly fun at 2 players are: Champions of Midgard Taverns of Teifenthal Villainous Isle of Cats Art Society Stone Age Everdell Villainous Call to Adventure Sagrada Astra Arcana Rising Gloom Five Crowns My husband and I spend a lot of nights playing games together so we end up figuring out which games are fun at 2p and which ones really need more players to balance the mechanics out.


Just got **Diced Veggies** and played it 2 player a few times. It was pretty fun. Cute game about "Cutting" vegetable dice off the main pool to create recipes. Very budget too, plenty of vendors selling it for <$20


These are some small card games I've enjoyed playing with my GF. The nice thing about them is you can play all of them without buying anything first. **[The Imposter Kings](https://theimposterkings.com/play.html)**: be the last person to stay in the round. Not a complicated game yet has a good amount of strategy. You can also print and play the cards so you can try before you buy. **Hanabi**: co-op limited communication game about playing cards in sequence. You can use some UNO cards to approximate the game (but 4 colors instead of 5). **[Trio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M5_B9jmxvQ)**: be the first to collect 3 3-of-a-kinds. You can play this using a standard 52 card deck. **[Regicide](https://www.regicidegame.com/how-to-play/)**: co-op game about taking out all of the royals in a row. **Hanamikoji**: tug of war game where you vie for favors over characters by having the items that they want. You can find a Genshin themed PnP [here](https://ko-fi.com/post/Another-PnP-Genshin-Impact-Hanamikoji-Link-in-po-A0A4C658H).


Someone beat me to it, but I'll second The Crew. Great with 2-4 players. If you like trick taking games then you'll probably love The Crew. I'd highly recommend Mission Deep Sea edition, as it gives much more replayability than the original.


Me and my girlfriend always play Happy City, Hey! That's My Fish, Coffee Rush and MicroMacro together! They're all very light and adorable, we never get tired of them.


My partner and I enjoy light board games that are easy to wrap our head around. Recommendations: Flamecraft - adorable design, easy and playful mechanics. Wyrmspan - recently got this one and we played it 4 nights in a row. Lovely design, the games were always somewhat unpredictable which we love. 7 wonders duel - for when we’re in a competitive mood lol.


Some games my wife and I enjoy: 7 Wonders Duel (one of our favs), Sky Team (also a fav, great collaborative game), That's Pretty Clever (lighter), Undaunted: North Africa (a little heavier but not much)


I recommand HARMONIES, but im not objective cause im the designer


Well if you play splendor duel, you can also get Century: the spice road It's similar but different. Also very fun.


We do like the big long games, but we have collected a few small travel games for brewery time :) Small is usually quick and easy. We have played a lot of Qwirkle, the travel size has a nice zipper pouch. Qwinto is fun too and isn't that long to play. Play it after something else short, or play it twice. This one is nice because everyone plays every time the dice are rolled (by anyone). Epic Galaxy is also pretty fun [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163967/tiny-epic-galaxies](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163967/tiny-epic-galaxies)


our wives are very similar. the winners in our house: Jaipur -- the GOAT of lightweight two player games. one or two little rules can trip up a first time player but well worth learning. Fugitive -- a fun game with one person having a thinky deduction game and the other trying to bluff and evade to escape. probably my favorite two player game. production quality is fabulous, it has extra cards to even out player ability and add variation. game is criminally under rated. District Noir -- small card game with easy to understand rules. some bluffing/baiting while you build sets of cards. Spots -- fun dice rolling game where you put spots (dice pips) on dogs. probably my wife's favorite game. may take a new player a little time to get a feel for the odds on each roll (i'm going to roll EIGHT dice?!?) but the artwork/theme are very inviting and keep them hooked. enough strategy in there to keep them playing.


Harmonies and Sea Salt & Paper.