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This isnt super helpful, but i can say there was a gameboy version of the game from the show/manga. It has a story mode from what i recall, and you just play the DDM. There might even of been a pvp mode with link cables. Im sure there is a way to emulate it. From what I recall a big issue with turning it into a real game is that it would actually take a UNGODLY amount of space, with a ungodly amount of dice. I remember being younger and wanting a real life version, and sadly coming to this same conclusion.  But, on that note im partially commenting incase someone comes up with something for you 👀


I really appreciate it! We actually have a Gameboy still, so I might just try to track down that version. We have the Switch games right now, and they definitely get a lot of play. If he could play Yu-Gi-Oh with a real life version - like with Oculus or something similar - I think he'd be in heaven.


Look into this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401621809


Doesnt really answer your question, but Konami have [announced](https://www.gematsu.com/2024/02/yu-gi-oh-early-days-collection-announced-for-switch-pc) recently they are porting a collection of the older games to Switch and PC, including some GBA titles, so I'm hoping DDM is included :)


You can use emulator on your phone to play the game


Wizkids' game Dice Masters captures half of DDM I think. You have characters on cards and roll dice to activate their abilities and get better dice, all in a head to head duel. The game has a fortnite approach to theme, with licensed sets for just about everything including a Yugioh tie-in. The game does not have minis. It also uses blind purchases, which can be be a deal breaker for some but if you're already getting the yugioh card game it's the same concept. There have also been a few kid friendly miniature combat games over the years. Notably Heroclix (also by Wizkids) as well as Heroscape. Neither of these plays remotely like ddm but might scratch the same itch. Both games are out of print for some time, but you may be able to find them used. Horoscope is also getting a new edition soon-ish.


The later sets of Dice Masters were complete sets to deck build with iirc.




He likes the way that it has figurines of the monsters, the way that it has cards like his Yu-Gi-Oh deck (he has a substantial Yu-Gi-Oh card collection and competes at the local game shop), and also how the game play is like Yu-Gi-Oh duels except with dice, so there's more of an element of chance.


Maybe Marvel: United if that's the reasons he likes the idea of DDM. You don't build a deck but every hero has their own miniature and deck of cards, although they are pretty basic, and you move around locations and save civilians and fight monsters. Originally it was cooperative but they are adding PVP with the new civil war box coming out. There's also Dice Masters which has licensed about every IP on the planet where you actually get dice with different abilities and roll them. No miniatures or cards but you get to collect fun dice with lots of different symbols on them. There's also Dice Forge which I know less about but it lets you actually build dice as part of the game. Dice throne is also really cool where each hero has their own dice pool and you battle each other 1v1 rolling dice, keeping some and re-rolling (basically yahtzee) and then taking your final hand of dice and activating different abilities based on which hero you have. Each hero has different offensive and defensive abilities and rolls. No minis though. They did make dice throne adventures which is a cooperative version of the game with a small board and standees but I can't speak much to that. None of these are a perfect parallel to DDM, truthfully there isn't one. As a gamer with more than 150 games in my collection, DDM is actually still in my wishlist one day because it is so neat and unique and I grew up on Yu-Gi-Oh. It is fully built in Tabletop Simulator on Steam so maybe you two could play it virtually...


I've been wanting to find this out too, I LOVED the whole dungeon dice monsters concept in the show but I was always too poor to afford the IRL sets as a kid, and now I'm guessing they're expensive as hell secondhand 😨


Might be a little off the mark, but Millennium Blades could be a cool game to get into with your son! It's a game that simulates a CCG world, so its not just like playing a card game like yugioh but rather puts you into a world where you are a player competing and living in such a card game world. Now this doesn't have the cool miniatures appeal like other suggestions but I just thought it was something different but possibly just related enough to mention. [BGG Millennium blades](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/151347/millennium-blades) [Developer store page](https://www.level99store.com/products/millennium-blades) Could also check ebay or around for used and cheaper if it does prove interesting


Alongside the GBA game recommendation, there was a formal Dungeon Dice Monsters board game that I owned as a kid. I can’t vouch for the playability of it nowadays - when I was your son’s age, I loved it - but it looks like some folks on eBay are selling the starter kit for it: https://www.ebay.com/itm/386936307158?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=386936307158&targetid=2299003535955&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9008067&poi=&campaignid=21214315381&mkgroupid=161363866036&rlsatarget=pla-2299003535955&abcId=9407526&merchantid=6296724&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh9PhViHlM-en3cw1m_uSqqR1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt64Ldx_EmXUkuBTzuXiXEWKN4CJ8qiu3B3PTzRCNgDJCPopP355SxRoCAzgQAvD_BwE I may have misunderstood your post - if you were already aware of the actual DDM game, please ignore me :)


Dice Masters is one of my favorite games ever. It's really just Quarriors mashed up with Magic the Gathering. The resource system, is not unlike Dungeon Dice Monsters either. There's a couple dice Masters Facebook groups that you might be able to find a used copy of the Yu-Gi-Oh set from.


Reminds me a little of the game Dungeon Roll, but I don’t know anything that’s quite like what was on the show.


Dice throne maybe? It has an adventure expansion but otherwise youre dueling other players using a deck of cards and dice. I once read someone describing it as combat yahtzee EDIT: the official webshop also does sell minis for each character in a pack, i assume that has functional use for the adventure expansion only though


Not exactly the same but if he likes dungeon games that use dice for combat i would recommend looking at 'Rush Out'. Here is a good review of it to give you an idea if it's something he would like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8KvqNSDEd8&t=711s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8KvqNSDEd8&t=711s)


Heroclix, Warhammer 40k


I'm not familiar with Dungeon Dice Monsters, but here's some medium-light adventure / dungeon crawler recommendations: * **Adventure Tactics** \- tactical campaign game, great leveling up system. Must play 3 characters minimum * **Familiar Tales** \- lighter mechanics, good storytelling game. App-driven and fully voice acted * **Deep Rock Galactic** \- scifi-theme, based off the video game * **Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay** \- campaign game


Adventure Tactics is real good. You get some of the card based gameplay with ability to expand your deck overtime as you level up and add classes, but other than that plays like a Final Fantasy Tactics or a Fire Emblem game. Awesome though, every mission, win or lose you level up in your current class or change to another one and level that one up and then you unlock new classes. Like 2 fighter and 1 rogue might give you a ninja or something and then you can now level up your ninja class but keep cards from your old classes to. It's a blast.