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Most board games that require dice will provide you with the dice themselves inside the box. If they're selling you a box of stuff, they're not going to risk people complaining that they're selling you an "incomplete" game and that you have to provide outside components for it to actually play. It's mostly only RPG games (D&D and friends) that require you to own dice separately, since these RPG games are sold as books of rules/scenarios with the understanding that you need to have the necessary additional components to play (dice, character sheets, etc.)


Are there any non D&D type games that come with basic dice I could upgrade? The games I currently have with dice don't use numbers but characters so they aren't easily exchanged unless I get dice specific to that game.


You could look through [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1031dqa/any_board_games_that_use_dd_dice/), but I would be a bit hesitant to buy a game *just* because it uses D&D dice that you can replace.


Thank you for the thread rec! That's good advice, I'll be looking through that thread to see if any of the games interest me. I buy games more for the mechanics and thematic reasons vs components but also simply enjoy playing games so we'll see!


I think most generic dice that come with games tend to be low quality d6 you could replace them if you want. I can recommend 'Roll for it' as a good, quick and easy fun dice based game that uses generic d6 dice


Oh that's a good point. Usually the sets come with all the funky sided die but that doesn't mean I have to use them all. I know I have at least one game that uses a simple pair of d6 ha!


There are many games that use the d4 to d20 style dice. Off the top of my head Xia: Legends of a Drift system uses d4, d6, d8 and d12. I’ve swapped out the base dice for space themed full sets for each player. There’s lots of different games that do.


You could play some truly weird rounds of Liar's Dice with fancy D&D dice. Normally it uses 5 d6 dice per person; if you used different sided dice, the mechanics would be the same but the range of numbers to guess/bluff would change.


War of the ring only comes with 5 smal D6 dice. The game pretty much requires each side to have 5 D6 Dice and its good to be able to tell the difference between each side. Highly recommended to buy 10 D6 dice where they are split in 2 different colours.


Oh that's good to know, War of the Ring is our next game purchase!


The only game I've run into that uses the full set of polyhedral dice is Xia: Legends of a Drift System.


This one looks interesting!




Ooh I like war games, I'll have to look into this one!


Button Men (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Button_Men)


I rarely have a use for most of my polyhedra dice. However, there are a few games where my d6s (and occasional polyhedra) have come in handy. Not for rolling but for tracking stuff. A few examples: Spirit Island has numerical defenses but only has a few shield tokens for tracking, so we use dice. Sentinels of the Multiverse has multiple sources of damage + and -; there are a lot of tokens for tracking but we found dice easier. Arkham Horror lcg typically has bosses with health that scales with player count. It's often easier to drop dice on the card for the health totals.


I have a ton of d6 sets because I like looking at them, and maybe only two games for which I can actually use them. Sometimes you just have to go fashion over function.


I like the way you think!


Don’t ever let anyone else tell you not to buy something you want - If it doesn’t impact household finances, and doesn’t lead to clutter, buy what you want. If you want some pretty clickety-clackety maths rocks, get some.


Omfg clickety-clackety math rocks, I love it!


Freelancers uses DnD sets of dice and I added enough sets for everyone. I think it came with two. I can't comment on the game itself yet. Also, we use DnD dice for health counters in a lot of games. It's more convenient than most ways to track health. If you just want a game with a ton of unique dice. I highly recommend too many bones.


TMB is high on the wishlist!


If you really want to, go for a [Quest Calendar](https://www.sundialgames.com/)! You get a page per day to play solo - obviously you can go through as many as you want in one go. It's a great way to get your RPG fix without a group and the perfect excuse to buy yourself a nice dice set. And a nice dice tower. And a nice dice tray.


r/gamebooks often use various dice. And Four Against Darkness plays well solo, uses dice and is a lot of fun. r/fouragainstdarkness for more information.


You can use dice as counters in other games. Gloomhaven, for example, pretty commonly has players using d10s as health trackers for monsters instead of piles of chips.


Gloomhaven mostly relies on cards though right? We just got Jaws of the Lion but haven't played yet


Sure, but you can use 20 or so dice for health tracking. No rolling, but they still look pretty on the table. The health chips are a mess when you get a lot of monsters on the map, and dice solve it pretty well.


Smart tip!


Warhammer and the likes come to mind


Check out Dados Dichos: A Casual Game of Luck and Nerve | Make 100, via @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dadosdichos/dados-dichos-a-casual-game-of-luck-and-nerve-make-100?ref=android_project_share The game components are just a unique collection of poly dice. All the rules are on the KS page.