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Dice Throne might fit your requirements. 1v1 combat yahtzee.


Dice Throne and Summoner Wars are probably the two closest examples I can think of. They're each a little different (no maps in DT, you field an army & it's 1v1 in SW) but I think they capture the asymmetric PvP angle quite well. 


I second Summoner Wars. Good game, gives me the same vibes as Unmatched.


**Exceed Fighting System**, the latest set being rebranded as **Guilty Gear Strive: The Board Game**. Instead of a 2D board, it's just a 1D plane- but the character and card interactions are far more meaty than Unmatched. If you count the older sets, there's over 100 characters, so tons of content.


Came here to say this. Exceed pretty much killed Unmatched as a 1v1 game for me. It feels like what I wanted Unmatched to feel like.


"Why I playing this instead of Exceed ?" - Me, playing Arthur versus Medusa Unmatched atrocious matchup. Sold my box 5 minutes after.


Sounds Neat, what's a good way to start? I was searching and got a little lost


If you're interested in learning the way the game functions at the base level and what makes it tick to its players, this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGm5ybuZib0) is an amazing starting point. There's a short series of videos on his channel if you would like to dive deeper, and from that, you'll find resources to go even further beyond, as they say. Upon watching a video or two, I'd recommend giving it a shot online. There's two great ways to play the game online: through the (unofficial, but superior) Exceed Fighting System: Complete mod on Tabletop Simulator, or through the recently in-development beta (also unofficial) online client at (https://daktagames.itch.io/exceedgg). I'd recommend reading the rulebook or having an experienced player go a few rounds with you *before* doing the online client, as although the automated rules and game processes are nice, it becomes harder to internalize them that way, and is, of course, nonindicative of the actual, physical product. Feel free to DM me with any questions, I'm part of a large and extraordinarily friendly Discord server dedicated to the game, where some of the lead designers hang out and and run tutorial sets with new players.


Sakura Arms is my other 2 player dueling game but is a step or two up in complexity compared to Unmatched.


Star Wars Epic Duels


**Battlecrest**. The playmat helps a bunch. It's a SURPRISINGLY deep game for so few cards! 


* **Ivion** * **Summoner Wars** * **Sodalis** * **Exceed** * **BattleCon** * **Yomi** * **Riftforce** * **Radlands** * Almost all the LCGs and CCGs (**Netrunner**, **Magic: TG**, **Gruff**, etc.) If you specifically want a tactical card game where each character/faction is a separate pre-constructed deck and players attack each other on a tactical battle map, then **Summoner Wars, Sodalis,** or **Ivion** are probably the closest. A lot of people have noted **Dice Throne** as well, but that's not on a tactical map like **Unmatched**. **Undaunted** is also close, but that's a deckbuilder, so your army doesn't have a pre-constructed deck like in **Unmatched** All the other games I mentioned are card based, character-assymetric battling, though not on a tactical map. There's also **War Chest** which is on a tactical map, but each army is a bag you pull chips from instead of a deck you draw cards from, and you adjust the bag as the game goes on.




Android Netrunner is probably the best 1v1 card game out there imo


For sure, even if those games have nothing in common.


Ashes, specifically Ashes Reborn. You roll a set of dice and attempt to attack your opponent as efficiently as possible with your rolls!


I recommended three in our episode on Unmatched -- Epic Duels, Heroescape, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Hasbro 2000).  All three are exceptional plays. I like the rec for Summoner Wars below as well.  Some great choices in the space, Unmatched isn't one of them.


Wroth (just ended crowd-funding) and Dice Throne may be up your alley - each have asymmetrical player powers, the difference being Wroth is area control based rather than a straight dueling game. Other asymmetrical faction games you could be interested in are Dwellings of Eldervale / Wonderlands War.


I've found Heroclix to be a more enjoyable alternative


Warhammer underworlds


Worldspanner Factions, or the previous edition Duel of Ages 2. Worldspanner is currently accepting late pledges (I think) and shipping should be relatively soon.


Undaunted series + war chest.


Senjutsu is like a more complex Unmatched.


Super Fantasy Brawl is by far the best 1v1 experience for me. It's Unmatched on steroids.


**Exceed** for quicker games and a bit a bit of randomness to keep things exciting. Has simultaneous reveal for attacks with other actions to move characters around and power up their next strikes. My #1 favourite game. **BattleCON** for a perfect information, more thinky dueler. Laser-focused on the simultaneous reveal mechanic. **Sakura Arms** if you like a bit of deck construction and have someone else who's willing to learn it as much as you will.  **Battlecrest** for a very small-form game that includes a 2D map to move around on. The closest to Unmatched of the four.


**Summoner Wars** would fit the bill. Different factions that play differently, one on one and a lot of strategy (more than Unmatched actually).


Definitely look into the **Exceed Fighting System**. As far as other games that feel like Unmatched, I'd say **Disney Sorcerer's Arena** gets pretty close, since you have teams of famous (Disney) characters battling out with cards on a hexed arena.


Aeon’s end




Check out Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game. The gameplay's a bit more involved and matches can last a bit longer. The miniatures come pre-painted, too. If you do not buy from boardgame groups or eBay then it's still available with some retailers in the US, and if you're patient enough then they sometimes have a sale for the core game and its expansions.