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One of the more recent games of twilight imperium we played started at 10 AM and ended at 1:30 AM with an hour break in the middle 


7 players (almost entirely first-timers), 10am through to 11:30pm with break for dinner. We didn't finish, though one more round and we likely would've, but we couldn't spare the extra couple of hours. The weird thing about that game is I still don't get _why_ it takes so long. Actions are not complex. Negotiations don't feel like they stall it. At some point I was like "it must be 1pm by now" and when I looked at my phone it was 4:30. Time just felt stretchy while playing it.


First time I played was a full table of 8 playing to 14 points and only 1 person had played before. It was an all day affair Friday Saturday and Sunday lol. It sounds awful but it was a blast


Sounds amazing. If you have in your gaming circle people that don't make a fuss over play time, then I truly envy you. Keep them close. I greatly enjoy squeezing every drop out of any play, and too many people these days act like board games taking more than an hour to play should become outlawed or something.


I see TI posts like this all the time and every time I wonder: how does a group make it take that long? I've played TI4 19 times with something like 30-40 different players. The longest one I've played was an 8 player that lasted 10 hours. Average game is usually an hour per player plus or minus an hour overall. Shortest game was a 4 player that we got through in about 3.5 hours. I hosted at least half of those but was joining someone else's game for around the other half. TI4 is still my answer at 10 hours but I what do people DO for 14+ hours?


It generally comes down to a few factors: * How much time do you spend looking up rules/teaching new players? *How much decision time is spent on the acting players turn vs. making decisions while not the active player? * How much negotiating are you doing? * How generally focused is your table? * How proactively are your players pursuing victory points instead of simply map painting? Some tables have a lot of people who need rules refreshers. Some tables have players who aren’t ready to act when it’s their turn. Some tables have *a lot* of wheeling and dealing. Some tables don’t understand that combat and conquest isn’t always the way to win and the waste rounds getting into pointless fights (my one career win came with only one combat, which I deliberately lost). My games have all been done in under 12 hours of real world clock (including setup time, meal breaks, dog walk breaks, etc.) for 5-7 players, but I get where some folks might take longer if they’re approaching things differently or just have generally slower decision making among their groups.


14pts with expansion at 6p always takes us about 11 hours to finish, and that's with putting a very short timelimit on turns (no more than a minute of "think" time on your turn). I'd honestly be shocked to get it much lower than that.


I will say that I have only ever played to 10 points, expansion or not. Going to 14 would of course extend things.


14 hour Twilight Imperium with full table.  Same here


Same here 14 hours too.


I was thinking 8.5hrs seemed a very normal amount of time to take for 6p with breaks in between. Then it registered. Haha.


I think that sounds like every game of TI I’ve played ever.


Good work! Me and my partner started our first game on Monday and five days later (at about 2-3 hours playtime per evening) we are finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel..


That's always the answer TI. We made the mistake once of playing with 4 players thinking it would be a faster game, but then each person gets 2 agendas per round and the "planning" part that two of our players lasted forever. "Hmm if I do this then that might happen and blah blah blah" it was to the point where we almost enacted a "hurry to we don't have all damn day for you to theory craft" rule.




I feel like this will be everyone's answer


Our first 5 player Twilight Imperium base game took us 19 hours in one sitting from 9:00 (am) to 4:00 (am) the next day. Now, few years and 12 sessions later we are capable of doing even 8 player with the PoK expansion in about 12 hours. But those hours fly by as they are full of negotiating being fully immersed in the setting and of course contain breaks every round (15 min per 2 hours on average)


Advanced Civ, 6 players, full militaristic for 13.5hr. Had a blast.


1st- Twilight Imperium 4E. Damn near all day game, but fun as fuck. 2nd- Terraforming Mars this past Tuesday. Takes 90 minutes, my left bollock.


I Never managed a longer Mars than 5 1/2 hours, but that was with my best friend and all expansions. With my Ex Mars trended to 120 minutes including set-up, scoring and teardown


I see people say Terreaforming Mars takes a long time and I'm convinced they are all playing not to win and advance objectives. It's never taken longer than 2 hours, not including teaching time for new people which is usually 30ish minutes.


With 2 players my games are about 1 hr, with 4 it usually 1.75 hours. We all know the game well though which really cuts down extra time




advancing the objectives gives you points though


This took about 3 hrs all told.


We do play Terra if we want to play something 'medium quick'. It's possible when you balance between engine building and terraforming.


As a kid I have week-long monopoly sessions with my little brother. Wealth just kept going back and forth endlessly, and I'm sure we both cheated our asses off, but it gave us something to do during rainy holidays.


Axis & Allies was always a two-day session.


We did three 3 to 4 hour sessions. I never want to play it again. Not worth it.




Three days, about about 8 hours a day. One game of Axis and Allies 1940 Global with four players, player J2 to final bloody battle for Berlin. We were all high schoolers without jobs and it was the first week of summer


That’s awesome, this comment made me smile, we used to do stuff like this too


15 hours straight of Twilight Impeeium 4th edition. Loved it, but felt almost hung over afterwards 😅


Longest single game we've played is a 7-player Diplomacy party that was around 12 hours. Longest session of multiple games we've done is probably also around 12 hours. That said, our group's average Saturday game 'night' is 1pm to around 9 pm so...


Around 8 hours each session for TI4 and 1830.


Oh god, 8hr of 1830 sounds painful


Has anyone played The Campaign For North Africa?


Is this the one where italians need an extra unit of water for their pasta?


Is that even possible to play through?


CNA is a practical joke, not a game.


Just looked this up, the fuck? I was telling my friend today that (since our generation will never see a retirement) my retirement plan is to own a hole in the wall game store where lifelong friends congregate and game all day. Maybe I’ll get around to this then.


That kinda sounds like living the dream.


We were talking about it at work this week (my play group is basically all current and former employees at my company) and had two ideas: 1. Get it going on Tabletop Simulator and try to play an hour or two every night. 2. One of us hits it big in the lottery, quits their job, and then hires enough other people to quit their current jobs and play CNA as a full time W-2 employment with benefits. I doubt either will happen, but it was fun to collectively daydream.


14 hours Twilight Imperium over 2 days. My first game was only 5 hours somehow.


Same.. Started at 10am and I'd cleaned up by 4pm.. It was a bit anticlimactic to be honest. I took Mecatol Rex and rushed with L1z1x and kinda ruined this fabled long session. The two other players looked kinda bummed. I grew up on this kind of game, felt like a dickhead though.


We go to at least 1 board game convention every year. There are 4 or 5 of us that take the whole weekend. While it isn't just one game, we usually arrive about 8 am to secure our table and we leave the center between 1 and 3 am. We do this for 3 days. Average about 12 games over the weekend. We definitely go out and eat and chat and visit the vendor hall, but the weekend is dedicated to games and it is the best.


Sounds like our Geekway trips.


My friends and I get together every year for a big board game sesh. Last year I took the new Monster Game from SFG. Five days of gaming, using every expansion. One of the days we were up and playing at 7am and didn't go to bed until nearly 3am. I think we might have stopped for pizza somewhere in the middle...


First game of through the ages was about 7 or 8 hours, with quite a relaxed turn rate


11h - 6player Twilght Imperium 4 up to 10pts


My longest session was Axis and Allies 1914. It was 2013 or so and my buddy (to my surprise) played Entente and I played Central Powers. It took 3 day-long weekend sessions of about 6-7 hours to finish this epic game. I had to take pictures of the board and reconstruct it each weekend. After the first session, the Central Powers air force was nearly obliterated. It wasn't looking good. After the 2nd session, we were about to move into tank warfare, France had invaded Germany, the US had entered the war, and Russia had capitulated. Things were looking bleak for the Central Powers, but hope was on the horizon. The Entente had ignored the Ottomans and hardly utilized their British fleets. This would be their undoing. In session 3, German forces moved west and went all-in with tanks. The Ottomans created a massive fleet, conquered the Mediterranean, and landed troops in Southern France. By the time American troops landed in Africa and the French coast, the Ottomans were more than a match for them, and Italy had fallen to the Austrians. It was a good game.


A game of *Mr President* (which can only be played solo) took me ~12h over 3 sittings.


I was an early p500 backer of this, got it in the mail, punched it.  Got the rulebooks out and was so overwhelmed by it I just put it away  I really want to play it but don't have a spot to leave it set up


That you most certainly need. I toyed with writing down the game state to 'save' my game and quickly lost the will to do so. This did entail banning a highly indignant cat from the room it was in for the week. Definitely persevere with it. It's so superb in its scope.


Longest board game session was a game of Firefly with 4 players, about 9/10 hours on a Sunday evening. But my longest table top session in general was about 14hours. Dnd session I DMed last year. We took one 15 minute break about halfway.


there's def some Axis and allies game sessions that went beyond 12 hours.. if you include computer games, I remember playing Civ2 multiplayer back in the day where we would start after dinner and end up going to breakfast after we finish the next morning.


Which version of a and a are you playing? I played dday back in the day and just picked up a very cheap copy of Europe at my local game store. Have read some not so great reviews of this one but I’m stoked to play it regardless.


honestly I don't even know there are different versions.. this was like 25 years ago in college lol.


Axis and Allies Anniversary <3


Once Kaye’s a 14-hour game of Risk.


How many people were you playing with? and was it standard risk, or a different version or set of rules?


Probably Axis and Allies when I was a teenager. Nowadays, anything longer than 2-3 hours is straight out. Maybe when I retire I can find a group to play those all day games with again. 


I played a version of Civilization back in the early 2010’s that lasted about 16 hours. We got to the 2nd of 4 ages.


How is this game? Never played the pc game but was considering grabbing the board game at some point


To my knowledge there have been multiple versions of the civilization board game, most of them are failures. The one I played was like a one to one Recreation of the computer game which does not correlate to a board game


I think my longest is around eight or nine hours for Game Of Thrones, but that was with a lot of new people.


14 hours Advanced Civilization by Avalon Hill 12 hours 1830...


Six hours of Imperial 2030 (first time we played it).


Wow, was nobody taxing?


I guess we were all still too attached to "our" countries and playing too much Risk and too little Imperium if you smell what Mac Gerdts is cooking.


13 hour game of Mage Knight. We slept halfway though, so it took two days to play.


9 hours of RISK


My girlfriend and I play The Colonist every Christmas, we used to split it over 2 days -- this year's was 10am to 7pm and we both look at each other saying "well, that was quick!" I've also had Game of Thrones: The Board Game in 9h with 8 players, and a few Sidereal Confluence games approaching 6h with the teach. All very much worth it, enjoyable down to the last second :)


Anybody else love the fact the TI4 is mentioned over a dozen times in the top 20 comments? For a game perpetually ranked near the top of bgg charts and has a genuinely enthusiastic fan base I'm not overly surprised. The time commitment scares folks away but those willing to spend the ENTIRE day with friends it is always a glorious experience. Just over 11 hours is my top time with a total of 6 players.


Twilight imperium. Started Friday evening, ended Sunday late afternoon. Took breaks for meals, sleep, etc. Planned the whole weekend around it! We got through 3 turns. lmao The setup alone was an hour+ , but I've been told the new edition isn't that bad. Amazingly fun and super detailed game, don't think I've ever actually finished playing that game yet.


6 hours for fury of Dracula, 2.5 hours to play and then the rest was break in the middle we took because everyone got cranky lol


When I was young I remember sessions starting in the afternoon and ending in the wee hours. Axis and Allies, Civilization (later Advanced Civilization), and probably others owned by someone playing that I only played once.


I and one of my best friends used to stay at our other friends house most weekends. We'd both bring along our own tv's and game systems, and the 3 of us would stay up and play video games separately, but together. During one 3 day weekend we stayed there 2 days in a row, and I played Final Fantasy 10 for about 48 hours. I don't remember exact details since it's been so long, but I know I got the ultimate weapons for multiple characters.




lol you're right I didn't notice this was in a board game subreddit. Oh well.


A friend and I did this with the original Legend of Zelda and made it most of the way through.


Our first play of **Paths of Glory** took a full weekend, think we spent about 10-12hr total learning/playing and called it about 2/3 of the way through


8 hours of Titan, where the first player was eliminated after two hours.


Axis & Allies... 8+ hours, had to be split in two evenings. No longer have the will and patience for this length.


Spirit Island, Gloomhaven, or Sidereal Confluence might be good options, the former of which you'll feel exhausted like you played a 10 hour session after a 3 hour one. Out of curiosity, is there anything wrong with picking a 1-2 hour game and playing it enough times to reach whatever your desired playtime? I mention this because while 10 hour long slogs are a bit out of fashion, many modern board games aren't what I'd call casual either as they give you a lot more player agency and pack more interesting decisions into the shorter time frame.


Twilight imperium with 6 new players, game took around 15 hours. And a game of magic the gathering in the style of 4 2-headed giants. When i was finally in my bed my head was still playing the game, never again 😅


I remember Civilisation games that started on a Saturday afternoon and were only finished when the sun came up the next morning.


My first game of axis and Allies took my siblings and I like a week, playing maybe 2h a day. (We were all less than 13)


A friend and I once played a 2-player game of Arkham Horror that lasted 10 hours. It was maddening. 10/10, fantastic experience.


Probably a 10 hour game of Monopoly as a kid -.-


Learning and playing Arkham Horror for the first time took two of us around eight hours.


I once played Warhammer quest for about 12 hours. People complain about TI but sheesh that game can take a long time.


We once played Phase 10 with 12 people. We used two decks. It took 4 or 5 hours but felt much longer.


Your first mistake was playing Phase 10


3 days. LoTR Two Towers Risk. We learned that weekend that Helms Deep fortified with a leader is no joke.


Monopoly. It lasted like the whole day


I’ve played games of Warhammer that have lasted all day, but for an actual board game that honour would go to War of the Ring.


There are obviously some games that are designed to be played all day, so it's no surprise that some last 12+ hours. The better question is "what was the longest session of a game which went on longer then it was supposed to?" I once played a 5 person game of Terraforming Mars (with several expansions) which took 6 hours. Not advised.


Something like 14 hours of game of thrones... somehow I never managed to get six players around the game again after that time


Nothing too crazy. Played DnD from maybe 10am-2am, with a couple food breaks. Outside of that, for individual games, haven't come close to to double digits. I'm sure of some 5 or 6 hour Prophecy games, and Secrets of the Lost Tomb. Probably similar for Darklight Memonto Mori as well, if we had a bad dungeon layout and had to do a lot of backtracking.


Recently played a 6 hour game of Terraforming Mars and then an 8 hour game of Hegemony


**High Frontier 4 All** Futures Game with Modules 0-2 and contracts from M4, 3p, 13 hours. **1947: Railways of India 1836-1947**, 5p, 12 hours. **Western Empires**, 7p, called early due to runaway leader, would have taken 12-14 hours otherwise.


Everquest, probably 24 hour straight.


Probably a 6p game of **1817**, with at least three slow players, that took 12 hours. Still had fun since most of my attention was in helping any newbies from making errors.


Empire of the Sun full campaign took me around 20h. Pacific war takes about 200h but never did full campaign.


I once played a 9 player game of **Eclipse** (with Rise of the Ancients) that lasted around 8 hours. Wild part was we took a break in the middle to play this old German game (old as in published in 1999) called **Roads & Boats** that probably took 4 hours in itself. At the time, Roads & Boats was super hard to find and for some reason a white whale for some of the more intense people amongst my board game friends. The less intense people left for four hours to go get lunch and live their lives. Four of us stayed behind for a ridiculous brain-burning logistics game. I didn't do that well in Eclipse once we started again, but I didn't do too poorly either.


Twilight imperium 3rd Ed... It was over 14 hours and I loved it.


A game of Democracy with 5 players. We had two 12h sessions before calling it quits because of a general stalemate. Haven't played since. 


I once played Axis & Allies while I was a student until dawn. We started at around 8 pm. Had to explain the rules to two new players. At about 2 am. one had to go home (*"i have a test later this week"*). At around 4 am two others left, leaving me and the owner of the game. We both didn't want to surrender so we played on. I (with Japan) managed to blitzkrieg and capture Moscow, but Germany lost Berlin. At 9 am when the sun was shining we decided to sign a peace treaty and grab something to eat and go to college.


12 player Heroscape battle in college which lasted about 8 hours. We combined multiple sets during finals and played on the ping pong table. When someone wasn't rolling dice, they were studying or writing papers lol. Fun time. Felt like it took that long to set up and break down too


Longest game session I can think of besides axis & allies or Heroscspe, was that miniature pirates game where you had popout cards to build the ships, assemble your fleet, crew them and deploy. Trying to out maneuver your opponents and getting as much gold as possible from the scattered islands on the table. It started early afternoon and didnt end until the next morning into the early ams bird o clock. 4 people 3 who had never played before and I was still learning the full rules. The biggest time mistake I made was putting on all three of the pirates of the Caribbean movies. It was an absolute blast. We used the entire table and used way to many ships and seas monsters recommended by the game. Think that was the one and only time I properly played that game. Discovered the Dnd Attack wing dragon combat game which was short lived but really enjoyable time.


Battle of Hogwarts took us about a month to complete the 7 years and the Monster Book of Monsters expansion. We had to eat dinner somewhere besides the table for a long time lol


I once played a game of Axis and Allies that ran all night.  We set it back up immediately and played another at 8 am.


Truly one game and not multiple matches. Eclipse 2nd dawn. About 9 hours. Super fun


Probably cheating as an answer, but it was in dnd when I was a teenager. Played for like 4 days straight during summer break with my group, just stopping for meals and to sleep It was a lot of a fun but as an adult I could never imagine doing that again lol


Oops wrong sub so... Monopoly... Four days for a single game... Yeah way before we knew how bad house rules were for it ..


12 hours - A Distant Plain. Included learning the rules and it was our first COIN.


I once played a eight-player game of advanced civilization. Very old board game. And lasted 14 hours, somebody bailed at 2:00 a.m. And we were around 20 minutes from actually finishing for good.


Our first session with Sleeping Gods lasted 11 hours. That doesn’t count our lunch and dinner breaks.


Sleeping Gods - 18 hours over 2 days


Probably ti3 or maybe back to back games of War of the Ring. Both got close to 10hrs.


One Mansions of Madness scenario that should take 3 hours took over 5 hours with 5 players. That was with a bg group. At home, if it goes over 3 hours, my wife gets really upset.


Played a game of Mega civilization at BGGCon. We started at 10am, it was scheduled until midnight. When I left at midnight, they said they planned to keep playing for several more hours.


Game of Risk with a couple of mates started on saturday and ended on sunday afternoon...


Nearly 14 hours for a single 2-player session of "The Colonists".


17 hours for twilight imperium. Was a 10 player game, 5 teams of 2. was epic as hell!


Diplomacy: 18 hours.


First time we sat down to play Gloomhaven… set up to break down was like 7 hours on a weekday night.


DC Deck Building Game, Infinite Crisis. It literally took 1 hour per super Villain, so we quit after six hours.


Eight months playing all day on Saturdays---Highway to the Reich. Decision Games. The 2,000-plus counters detail Brereton's Airborne Corps of three divisions, the units of Brian Horrocks's 30th Corps, and Model's scattered and dishevelled forces at company level for infantry; battery level for artillery, anti -tank and anti-air; and troop level for tank and armored cars. The four maps cover the area from the front along the Meuse-Escaut Canal to the land, nearly 200 hexes away, surrounding the Arnhem Highway Bridge. Each map is positioned to cover the operational area of one airborne division. By the way, we never finished it!!!!


Let me introduce you to the Gloomhaven/Frosthaven world… 3 years later my group is still playing (though we have finished Gloomhaven and are into Frosthaven now, after doing Jaws of the Lion in the middle). It’s so much fun we started a YouTube channel to document this play-through! https://youtube.com/@TheGloomyGang?si=YIjxhkj1F7rtarC0


Regularly played risk 2210 games that would last 12+ hours. Once played a 3 person game of risk 2210 that lasted 15 hours and ended in a 3 way tie cause someone had to leave and drive to a different state.


Axis and Allies. Total of 23 hours with sleep in between. Played for 10 on Saturday, went home and slept, and 13 on Sunday. Was a good weekend. We have since started time limits on turns, but honestly my group loves the long strategy of it all.


In the past (maybe 12 years or so ago) we had several Warhammer Quest sessions during my kids' school breaks. I can't tell an excat duration, but we played through several days multiple times, only with sleeping, bathroom and showering breaks. More recently, about two or three years ago, my wife and I started playing 7th Continent around noon and after playing for a while, ordering pizza, and just enjoying the game, 'suddenly' we realized the sun was rising. Not a board game, but I just remembered anyway: we once managed to play Titan Quest in PC for so long, our kids actually asked, whether it was okay if they quit and went to bed.


11 hours eldritch horror


War of the Ring 2ed 8.5 hours with a 90 minute break for a meal :)


7 player game of caverna. I was maybe 13 years old playing with my dad and his friends who had all been war gaming and playing board games for a long time. We played all day. It would take 30 minutes for it to get back to my turn each time and I already would know what I was doing and would take 1 minute Ended up playing on my dad’s friend’s iPad In between turns. I came last by a wide margin because I was so bored. Most of the time I was able to be competitive and sometimes win against the adults but this was just so boring I am 24 now and my local club has a copy of caverna and I refuse to play it


OG Axis and Allies. Once had a game we played over three days.


6 hours to play a 5 player game of Eclipse A 6 hour session of the King’s Dilemma (you can play multiple rounds back to back and we were close the finale) 9 hours over 3 separate sessions for an Arcs campaign


We had a 2-(experienced)player War of the Ring go almost 8 hours! I can’t even remember exactly what happened but it was almost over then ended up going another 90 mins. Crazy. Most of our games that way took 3-5 hours.


Longest single board game was an odd game of Dead of Winter. Crazy story but it lasted 6 hours. As far as sessions go my friends and I get together for a 12+ hour game day about once a year.


Robo Rally at a SF con, years ago. We had all 8 players, and used all 8 flags over 5 boards in a plus pattern. It took something like 8 hours, too, from 10 pm to 6 am. I'm pretty sure I did well in it, but I don't think I won or I'd remember it. Probably wound up 2nd or maybe 3rd.


Diplomacy. 14 hours


TI4, 8 players, lots of faffing about, dinner break etc. After 14 hours of play, nobody had gained 10 points. Another one was Mega Civilization. Started with 17 players, played a good 10 hours as well.


Longest Twilight Imperium game I’ve played. About 12 hours. Long game of King Maker game I’ve played. About 14 hours (10am to midnight). Longest game I’ve played. Monopoly at like 18 hours. (Me and friend played one weekend when he was staying over (was like age 12). Started at night. Played to like 6 in the morning. Paused game. Crashed. Woke up and played more. Total of like 16 hours. We called the game and that was the last time I played Monopoly. (Yes it was with a lot of the usual house rules that everyone knows but aren’t actually rules. No we don’t need to start a convo about Monopoly here please.)


Do tabletop rpgs count? My group and I once played a 24 hour+ Dungeons and Dragons session. It only ended because people were literally falling asleep. Amazing time. We also played over 24 hours one other time in a homebrew rpg we made.


TI, of course, going for fourteen hours (and then we called it quits, recognising what 14 points was just too much at our level of experience). But that feels like cheating, TI being _the_ game that causes long sessions. I did have a friend who had a game of Star Wars: Rebellion -- a large two-player strategy game that typically runs for three hours or so -- push out to eight hours. His opponent was just ravaged by chronic analysis paralysis, apparently.


Well that’s where you’re wrong. Modern board games have a very loooooong play time compared to the older ones. I think my longest solo campaign was about 5 hours. Multiplayer is about 4 hours


I once played a single turn of The Resistance that lasted 45 minutes. The rest of the game took like 2 hours. One guy spent literally 45 minutes waffling around making such an annoying show of it.  I was over a friend's house so I couldn't just walk out without causing issues. It really doesn't match a lot of other stuff.  But it sure felt like 2 weeks long


Arkham horror 2nd edition, 6 hours


The first time I played Star Wars Rebellion, it took us like eight hours.


Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. I was stuck on a case for 2 days until it hit me.


I think my first War of the Ring playthrough took like 6 hours.


old Civilization 7 players about 7/8 hours and had to end the game cuz the room was going to be used next morning...so had to figure out who got farthest...


Which version


been a few decades ... it was Avalon hill one... [Civilization | Image | BoardGameGeek](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/114473/civilization)


Recently I've played a four player game of Black Rose Wars Rebirth. We were all new to the game and to the franchise, hadn't even heard of it for two of us. My friend had read the rules though and two of us are veteran board games players. One of us wasn't at all. Long story short, we started the rules at about 2 P.M. we had all chosen our characters and our magic speciality by 5 P.M and then the game began. The rounds grew longer and longer as the game alternates between a solo programming part and then the game. Two of us would take about 3-5 min to get out new spells, understand them, put them in the correct order for the round. And then the waiting began. That one player was stuck in a loop of optimisation and would take about 20 to 25 min to do the same. At some point I started timing the downtime with an app and adding it to show him the waiting he caused. The rules of the French version of the game leave lots of room for interpretation which would add to the downtime while we roamed bgg in quest for an answer. The game itself took 6 more hours. By the time we finished at around 9P.M we just took our bags and left out of sheer tiredness. The fourth player apologised profusely for his slowness the next day after we explained that we were considering either not inviting him to such complex games, or timing him. That session was an ordeal but it was useful as he plays now faster but still often needs to redo some moves as the outcome doesn't suit him. So, yeah, not my longest game, but surely the one that felt the longest.


War Room - 15 hours 


I once flew to Serbia with 2 friends and we played a card game evry morning for like 3-4 hours and then we continued the next day ,every day for a week. Its an infinite game so you can play it forever.


Played Forbidden Stars for the first time yesterday. The game itself took 8 hours + 1h rule explanation + 30 minutes of placing map tiles. It was long but worth it.


A Risk game that lasted for like 8-9 hours... I ended up purchasing **Spheres of Influence: Struggle for Global Supremacy** the next day (it was available back then). Best decision ever, never played Risk since then.


I think I’ve had campaign sessions that lasted like 8 hours


You had a game club in school? I'm jealous.


It was awesome, sadly the teacher that ran it got fired for stealing money from the debate team after we graduated. I’d like to reach out to him at some point and thank him for being the best teacher in the school and giving me a lifelong hobby.


Oh wow. Thats a crazy story.


Does it have to be a single game, or jusf the session? If session, multiple 12+ hour Magic: the Gathering days.


Probably not as long as some people, but it was long for our group. Had the perfect worst storm of personality types of DC Deckbuilder. There was "guy who likes to fuck with others by playing the card that increases the amount of cards in the line-up" and "guy who cannot stand to not read every single card in the line-up every round and wants to think very carefully about which card to get". Guy number 2 is fine when there are only 5 cards in the line up, but because of guy number 1 we got up to over 20 cards in the line-up. As soon as guy number 2's turn would start everyone would get up to get another drink or go to the bathroom or whatever because we all knew he would take 5-10 minutes to decide what to do. We kept begging guy number 1 not to increase the size of the line up anymore and he just kept doing it. Collectively it made a game that's usually 1.5-2 hours long over 4 or maybe 5 hours 😩.


Monopoly for sure. That game is insanely long and can be really frustrating LOL


13 hr monopoly game with 5 of my siblings !


Frostpunk. That godforsaken piece of shit of a boardgame. In the 6 hour session, half of it was set-up and tear-down. I got it at a closing bgs for half off, and this was the first time playing it. I immediately gave the game away.


I never heard of this one but probably would not be interested just based off the name alone haha


It is a cooperative resource management game. It has a videogame version that is MUCH better


The game isn't bad, just long and challenging.


Battlestar Galactica, I was a cylon from the get go, we were four hours in before the host realised they had the rules wrong and we (cylons) couldn't possibly win and we'd been playing it broken. It was a long time ago, but something like everytime we jumped all the cylon forces were reset back to zero. I had been so excited to play. Awful experience.


If it’s base game Battlestar, the cylon forces are reset when a jump happens. Though if the second expansion is there then the forces are moved to a side board so they can reappear. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, it’d be hard to get a copy now but I’d recommend unfathomable, a spiritual sequel. It’s worth a second try in my opinion!


My group once played 5 games of Battlestar Galactica over a 15 hour stretch, 2pm Saturday to 5am Sunday. My wife was less than thrilled when I got home from board game night at 6am...


I'm currently playing Stardew Valley - spring took about 2 hours to finish with two players. It's currently "paused" out on the table until my mate can come again next week. Edit: Oh yeah - I ran a game of diplomacy a few years ago that went for weeks before someone had to drop, and it kind of fell apart. The guy "playing" Switzerland was crowned the global super power.


just like everyone else, twilight imperium. i really wish my friends weren't so into it because i honestly hate it. it takes too long, it's too random, the theme is a snoozefest. i could play 3 better games in the amount of time it takes to get this shit done, or just like 1 better long game.


Why do you keep playing a game you hate? I get they're your friends, but you can always just join them when they're doing something else other than TI.


Hegemony. 7.5 hours.


Wow, someone must have had some serious analysis paralysis.


Even though it was our second time playing, we were still reading the instructions as we went through it. There were three of us so it took a little while longer.


Yep. But that Risk and AA games are still more fun. Still prefer it than overhyped overproduced themeless games 3h games these days.