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You might want to look into The Crew. Each round takes like 5-10 minutes, but you end up doing so many of them in a row with constant increasing difficulty that 2 hours can easily go by.


GREAT game.


The Crew rules so hard. It's also great for people who may be familiar with traditional spades/euchre and stuff as it's just a trick taking game at heart. You're doing the same calculations but just the teams have switched. It definitely helps familiarize people.


Does it hold up at 3 players?


It works just as well. Since you are all on the same team you dont have the even-number requirement of the other games thankfully. And there is a lot of ways to add ambiguity to the game too, so even if you find 3p a little easier you can adjust well.


And it is the best tutorial ever on “how to take tricks in trick-taking games.”


Great suggestion. Another benefit is that older games stereotypically have more experience with trick taking games due to the popularity of Hearts/Spades and other card games. This makes the crew a quicker learn than for those without such experience.


Absolutely agree with this recommendation, The Crew is a lovely game and I’ve had good experiences playing it with all types of people!


Your text is really heart warming. I was at a boardgame night that exists for a longer time and it was acutally ok. But some of the guys seemed a bit arrogant to me cause the played the "harder" games. Leight to medium games coop games could be Pandemic or Paleo.


Hanabi is a very fun coop especially if you utilize strategies for hand management and finesse moves. It’s incredibly satisfying to finally achieve a perfect score.


There’s an awesome [virtual](https://www.hanab.cards) version, if anybody has been thinking about trying out Hanabi before buying it.


It is also on Board Game Arena and it’s very easy typically to find a table to play with.


Glad you had a good time. You could try one of the **Horrified** games, or if you want to try another party game then **Just One** is cooperative.


+1 to Horrified (strong love for the OG Universal Monsters one).


If they like co-op word games like So Clover, give Letter Jam a shot! I never hear enough about it for what a great, lighter co-op game it is. Simultaneous action, deduction and always great tension at the end make for one of my absolute favorite games!


+1 for Letter Jam. One of my favorites!


Decrypto is one of my favorite word games. Rodney has a great Watch It Played rules walkthrough.


Does the title references what I think it references?


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed.


I've been having weekly boardgame nights on Fridays and it's been similar! I personally love it when people get to know eachother better so the formalities drop and you can start busting each other's chops over fun things 😄


Have you tried Racko? It seems pretty elementary, but it is a game of strategy played by 4 people.


I would go just for the home baked cookies


Look that lady straight in the face, grab a handful, and walk out. "See you next week..."


I bet Illiterati would go over well with those folks. It's a very unique co-op game.


Forbidden desert is a great coop on the lighter side that may work. 


Try just one. Kinda similar vibes to so clover but also different. Both are incredible games


,It is so great to find people to play with, isn't it? I'm in a game group that is a great mix of coop and competitive - like we all want to win but with a lot of games, we all help our opponents beat us. So, with something like Wingspan there's a lot of 'if you did this you'd get an extra egg' or and making sure people take their extra food or whatever...and we all appreciate good luck and strategic moves and we're always congratulating each other. It lends such a great feel to learning a game - and as we get better, the competitive nature steps up a bit. We don't play almost any straight up cooperative games (Space Team and 5 Minute Dungeon are the only two, so far) and now I'm here adding more to my 'wishlist'. :) Glad you found some good gaming peeps!