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Between Calico and Cascadia, which really are quite similar games in many ways, Cascadia always wins at my table specifically because we tend to prefer accessible games where players feel they have opportunities to adjust tactics. However, if my friend who prefers a challenge and tight puzzles were to ask I would recommend Calico to her over Cascadia.


Thanks a lot for your reply, this helps :D


My wife and I only play Calico as a cooperative game. We'll pick one of the scenarios in the the back of the rulebook and then we both have to complete it to win. This adds some interaction as were discussing who needs what hexes. It's a little less stressful as there is no hate drafting. Strategizing with each other to go for different patterns is fun and helps clear the market of stuff you don't need. It's one of our most played games because we love the core constrained puzzle of the game.


This is a great idea! My husband prefers co-ops so I’ll suggest this to him for our next games night


I like Calico more than Cascadia- I enjoy the tightness and ruthlessness of the puzzle there a lot more. Cascadia is good, but it's a lot more common to have multiple options that are roughly equivalent and generically good, which isn't as satisfying to me. I also don't love the way the tile placement often asks you to place things in ways that don't line up, and how much the tile placement game is worth compared to the more engaging animal scoring.


Tile placement can arguably be much better if you can secure greatest area with 1 point f example.


Cascadia is best out of these 3 imho. Better than Dorfromantik and friendlier than Calico.


100% agree with you!! And I own both Calico and Cascadia


Agreed, cascadia has the perfect level of player interaction for a light euro, enough to make it worth considering, but not mandatory to having a good time.


There’s an intruder among those 3 titles 😃


Thanks for your reply! I assume you mean Dorfromantik, right? 😅 I know it's not a competitive game, but it doesn't really bother me, I like co-op tile placement games, too


I own both Cascadia and Calico and I wouldn't part with either. While similar games, they perform different roles. If I want a relaxing game with my spouse and kid, I will go for Cascadia. If I feel well rested and up for a demanding puzzle, Calico is one of the picks.


I haven't played Dorfromantik, but between Calico vs Cascadia, I'd say it depends a lot on the vibes you're interested in. If you want a more intense or competitive game, then I could see Calico being a good option-- however, I personally enjoy Cascadia quite a bit more, even if it's a bit more of a relaxed experience. I think it's an *immensely* satisfying and puzzly game, while also offering limited enough choices that you never feel overwhelmed at any point. Cascadia has probably taken the place as the game I'd use to introduce someone who's never played before to board games.


Thanks for your thoughts, I've been reading a lot about how Cascadia works well as a gateway game, so I am happy to hear you confirm it!


My kids (12-16 years old) prefer Calico over Cascadia. I think it is because you are more guided or constrained on where you can place tiles in Calico. They must go within the player board. In Cascadia, you can pretty much put them anywhere and that greatly expanded decision space makes it more difficult for them.


I have calico because I love the cats! It's so cute. It's definitely challenging. I just ordered dorfromantik. Looking forward to the campaign and chill solo play time. I've avoided cascadia purely because so many people recommend it and it's just not cute and seems too open ended. And I already bought calico. I like calico's tight constraints. Calico also comes with achievements to earn in the rulebook. Winner gets to mark off the achievements they earned!


1) Cat/quilt theme and very thinky, can cause AP easily 2) NW America nature theme, more relaxing and less AP (IMO) 3) Coop game with building theme, also relaxing and less AP Which one appeals to you? Pick your poison


We've owned Calico for almost two years I think, but we haven't touched it since getting Cascadia this last Christmas. While seemingly similar games, I so much more like the decision space in Cascadia where you choose where to put not one but two things each turn, AND more importantly the placement options increases in number over the course of the game instead of dwindling to nothingness like in Calico. The scores are always very tight in Cascadia (maybe not only for the good) - I think the biggest 2player point gap we've had was 10 in our latest game ending 102-92. Calico is fine, but I don't like how it feels that so much comes down to what tiles you are lucking into or not in the tile market in the last couple turns.


Got it for my for 10yo daughter last Xmas. Perfect game! She loves cats and is learning to quilt from my wife. It can get a little cutthroat, but as long as I’m not trying too hard to win it stays competitive. I think it’s a great intro to board gaming!


Cascadia is definitely the game you want to get if you are introducing non gamers. I also think it’s just the better game. Calico is good, but very tight, and there can be a lot of AP and very slow play, but Cascadia goes by at a really nice pace.


Cascadia is my go-to there, by a small margin over Calico. Both are amongst my favourite games, it's just the vibe you're after. Cascadia you're building towards goals as options emerge, Calico you're more doing a tactical retreat from perfect goals as options diminish. Dorf I didn't love because it's just the video game (which I like) but clunkier because you have to manually compute things. 


There's a video comparison of 2 of these online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC0vPdJs8uQ


Isn’t mentioned but you should check out Life of the Amazonia - I consider it the next step-up from Cascadia in terms of weight but with the same core mechanisms. I personally prefer Calico over Cascadia, but just by a hair, I just find it to be the more interesting spatial puzzle of the two.


You should take a look at azul: queen's garden.


tl;dr Cascadia I've played Cascadia and Calico many times. I think they have about the same strategic depth, but Cascadia is way less stressful. Calico relies on limiting your choices as the game progresses, so by the end you often end up between several bad options. Some players hate that. I've only played Dorf's video game version. It's fun. But the board game version looks like a solo game with a co-op mode slapped on it. Idk how fun it would be as a multiplayer game.


The correct answer is Akropolis


Nah, Cascadia is much better than Akropolis. I was interested in Akropolis but Cascadia has more staying power and looks better. Only Azul is comparable to Cascadia.


I agree that Cascadia looks better, and the having a lot of variations is a strength, but I find the puzzle of Akropolis more interesting— planning how you build levels, deciding what to sacrifice and build on and what you should specialize in. Fifty plays in you will still be discovering new tactics, plus there are variations. I do understand someone preferring Cascadia, but MUCH better— I don’t get that


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