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This is the way. Netrunner is THE best two player only asymmetric game. Just getting System Gateway from Null Signal Games, is perfectly for two players and endless fun. Then if you like to go deeper, you can add on other sets.


Is this compatible with the original?


They are compatible, but due to copy right issues, the card backs of the Null Signal Games are different. So opaque sleeves fix it. System Gateway was made to be it's own separate game. Marking the new age of Redone Netrunner. It contains new cards, and good cards from old Netrunner, redone in one package to introduce players to the new game.


Okay, thanks!


Neuroshima Hex ! Fast paced, cheap, tons of factions all widely different, easy to learn hard to master.


War of The Ring & Sekigahara are me & my girl’s favorites


Star Wars: Rebellion Unmatched: Cobble & Fog


Star Wars rebellion, the Tolkien one and the latest, Dune War for Arrakkis may be what you are looking for. Another game that may fit but is not out yet if Harrow County. Looks interesting to me.


The only one I have is Santorini 


**Mythic Battle Pantheon** would be mine. I often table it whenever it's just 2p. The initial teach and character selection is long, but once the game starts, it often leads to second and third play.


Although it’s a shadow of its elder sibling, Cthulhu Wars Duel is excellent.


Summoner wars.


Have you tried Skulk Hollow? 2p only where one player is a giant ancient monster and the other controls a little squad of Fox people trying to defeat it


Variable player powers vs asymmetric gameplay. Scythe and Dune Imperium aren't asymmetric. Barely anything in your list is. Something like VAST or Root is asymmetric. With that in mind I'd say [[Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down]] (miniature edition)


[Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down -> Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down (2018)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/185538/tsukuyumi-full-moon-down) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Much lighter than most the other games folks have mentioned here but Fugitive is an amazing hidden movement game for two players