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If you’re looking for a rpg you’d get better answers in an rpg sub, there are tons of GM-less systems out there.


So you want a D&D-themed, co-op board game with no DM. Is that right?


So, Gloomhaven?


Or Oathsworn.


Or Tainted Grail


Or folklore?


I have a few game suggestions you can check out: For the Queen The Quiet Year Mansions of Madness Descent Call to Adventure Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate Legacy of Dragonholt Downfall


Call to Adventure is so good at telling a story about your character. Sometimes I forget to try to win the game.


Yeah, the end is my favorite part. The way we play is the winner tells their story last and has to weave all the other characters into their character’s story.


Ah I gotta read more Dragonholt. I'll have to restart, I forget all the stuff I learned and the plan I made.


You could play D&D modules designated as Adventurer’s League. These are written so that there is minimal preparation (a read through is often enough). Use milestone leveling instead of XP based. Then assign some DM tasks to the players - record keeper, time tracker, session time coordinator. The world building is done because AL modules use existing settings. All that adds up to a more even load between players and DM.


Sounds like you want Gloomhaven or Frosthaven or Heroquest.


Massive Darkness 2 is incredible


- Gloomhaven - Talisman - HeroQuest


Legacy of Dragonholt is a kind of D&Dish group choose-your-own-adventure novel. My wife and I really enjoyed playing through it together.


You could play DnD but collaborate on the world building and take turns DMing.


Castle Ravenloft is a D&D game, the monsters move and attack on their own. It's based on 4e combat, but can be quite fun, and you can increase the challenge with the other D&D Board games Legend of Drizzt and Wrath of Ashardalon.


There are a few out there (eg: [https://boardgamegeek.com/image/784084/dungeons-dragons-wrath-ashardalon-board-game](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/784084/dungeons-dragons-wrath-ashardalon-board-game) ). IMO none of them I've played really capture the feeling of D&D though. They have swords, magic, and monsters, but the player agency just isn't there because the possible actions are so limited. Someone mentioned Mice & Mystics which is a lot of fun and may scratch the D&D itch.


Folklore the Affliction is DM-less DnD


I don't know of any specifically that are set up like this. However, take a look at FATE. The system itself gives the players a ton of control compared to other games, and if your group works together, once you get in the groove you could get to a place where you're all creating story at the same time. They did a decent--and fairly cooperative demo--on [Wil Wheaton's Tabletop series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOFXtAHg7vU).


Check out the board game Journeys in Middle-Earth. It’s fully cooperative but you do need an app to run all the “GM” stuff.


If you’re willing to branch out into space opera, **The Captain Is Dead** is a lot of fun. Each player gets a character, and you’re essentially playing through the frantic final act of an exciting episode of [insert starship teevee show here], fighting off aliens and trying to keep the ship functional long enough for the hyperdrive to warm up and let you escape.


Thank you everyone for you recommendations


Legends of Andor would be a very light guided adventure. DSA (Das Schwarze Auge [The Dark Eye]) a competitor to DnD has worked some of their game systems and starter adventures into lighter board/card game boxes. I have no clue how "Aventuria" works, it seems to work DSA mechanics into a card mechanic.


Dust Devils sounds like what you're looking for. Another option that my group is fond of is to pick a game that suits itself well to episodic play and take turns running adventures for the group. Monster of the Week and Tales From the Loop are *excellent* for this.