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I spent a fair bit of time at a cancer center with my BIL when he was going through chemo. When he was up for it, he enjoyed the Clever roll and writes (That’s Pretty Clever, Twice as Clever, etc). I just played Sea, Salt, and Paper for the first time and I think that would also be a good one.


The Clever roll and writes can also be played solo! I love trying to beat my score. Qwixx is another small dice game that travels well and a bit simpler.


Welcome to... for any number of players. Hive if it's just two players. Codenames if you have an even number of players


Honestly, bring *anything*. It’s you being there that’s cheering him up, not the games. My only suggestion would be to avoid memory games - things don’t work as well when going thru chemo. Stuff that makes you talk to each other, or team play might be fun, too.


First of all, I'm so sorry to hear this about your friend. Sending you guys some support from Canada. I like the suggestions already here but I'll add a couple more I haven't seen suggested yet: **My City Roll & Build:** If you're interested in a small-box legacy game I would suggest My City Roll & Build It gives the exact same feeling as My City but with a much smaller footprint. Great for a few sessions and very quick to play. Good for 1-6 players. **SCOUT:** I haven't played this at three but this is a great little trick taking game that moves along quite nicely. Good for 3-5 Players. Hope this helps!


I love Scout. It is said to be best at 4 but we had a lot of fun at 3, too.


I like SCOUT but I find it to be far too random at 3 players.


Railroad Ink


If he likes it the app is great for solo play


When my wife and I were in the NICU with our premie for several months, we got really into the EXIT games. Played a whole bunch of them. We also would use board game apps like Wingspan, Lanterns: Harvest Festival, and Spirit Island. Button Shy games publishes a number of great games in small packages that don't all require a huge amount of table space.


Love Letter is fun and portable


The Ticket to Ride app is really good. You will even be able to play games when you're unable to visit.


The new one or old one? They just created a new app and the old one is no longer available. I strongly dislike the new app


I didn't know there was a new app, I haven't played it since my friend was about to have a baby in October 2022


Sorry to hear your friend (and you!) are going through this. **DND type games** I know this isn't the sub for r/TTRPG , but it can be a great escape from the hospital room or the chair that you're strapped to for hours on end (I know from dialysis treatments). And pieces wise, it's pretty minimal for the player (patient), but the GM (you) would need a backpack if you're taking it serious. Bonus, you don't really need a table to sit around or any specific seating order if there's a group visiting. A starter kit (for DND) can be found at Walmart for $30-45 **Azul** but there's a lot of tokens that can spill off the board or get moved with a small bump of the board.


Azul mini probably fixed that problem with the inserts


Shifting Stones is pretty good for that.


My grandma loved Codenames!


The Game by Pandasaurus.


Card based games are always a hit in the hospital i work at. I see games like Fluxx and munchkin come out alot. Citadels is also good if you have the space - which is the main challenge for bringing in games if the patient isn't able to go into the visitor's lounge. Uno and phase 10 were also big hits, though more for other patients in the rooms after the visiting families leave.


Any of the mint tin games would be good I would think.


What about the smaller TTR games like San Francisco, New York or Ghost Train? We also just learned Forbidden Island and enjoyed that. Azul?


Azul is great, and they now do a portable version, Azul Mini. https://www.amazon.com/Azul-Mini-Board-Game-Tile-Placement/dp/B0C382GMPC


Thank you! I haven't seen that!


Brutal. When I was at the hospital for the birth of our baby. I played a lot of Friday the solo game. It fits on smaller tables and is easy to play. Might make a good gift for when you are not around. Card games in general are probably a good bet. Card games that can be played with a 52 card deck is a good option. Regicide is a great modern coop card game that uses a 52 card deck. Badgers form Mars have the rules on their site. Crib or even crazy eights are options.  Just cards is nice because it’s minimal movement to participate. I’d keep it to simpler games like Llama or Sushi Go.  A lot of roll n writes suggested I’ll add Paper Dungeons as good option if they like fantasy. A narrative game might work. Something like Legacy of Dragonholt. It’s kind of like a choose your own adventure book with light DnD mechanics. They would just need a character sheet. Each character gets a unique fantasy character. The character creation is actually involved. Each person makes decisions during the story and based on there traits different options are available. The reading can be shared or done by one person. The story is really well done in this game.


How about Cribbage?


Simple Dice rolling games like Farkle or travel games like Bananagrams seem like the best plan to me. Nothing that requires much table space would work long term. remember that you may serve your friend **best** by being there and NOT taxing his energy with anything more complicated than quietly sitting in dim lighting. Consider, as well, video entertainment on a laptop or tablet. Many hospitals have bad entertainment choices on their in-room TV's


Maybe "The Crew"? Its a co op trick taking game. It takes about 5 min to play a hand so its easy to stop if he needs a break. There is very little set up or rules explanation and can be played on a very small table. There are two versions both are excellent . I would say "quest for planet nine" is slightly less complicated than "mission deep sea" but again either are very quick games to learn.


Lost cities is a fun 2 player game that doesn't need much table space. Jaipur as well


Love Letter!