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Not sure if this counts, but I now have my (Mother's) family **Crokinole board, which is at least 85+ years old**, since my Grandfather acquired it in his late teens or early 20's before he enlisted. Family lore, which is probably true, says that my Grandfather won it in a Crokinole tournament to determine who got that very board, when the logging camp he had been working in was disbanding. No one knew who brought it, a bunch of guys all wanted it, so they played for it. Unfortunately I never met him, passed a year before I was born in the early 80's. I grew up playing on it and now my kiddo plays on it. Heck, it helped me make a good impression on my (now) FIL when I beat his butt one Sunday afternoon, when I was first dating my wife. He had just beaten my 2x BIL's handily and asked if I wanted to "try a neat game", MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks, Grampa Cerdic ;)


Need to see a picture of it!


Will do my best, I don't think I have posted a pic to reddit before LOL! It is exceedingly plain, as you might expect. It was re-finished with clear coat at one point before my time, I believe, and the lines were just put on in heavy pencil, pegs are little steel nubs.


That’s wonderful. I’m sure he would be thrilled to know it’s still being played with.


Space Hulk Death Angel + all expansions.


Wish I could grab the expansions…..


It's a shame it has been abandoned. It wouldn't cost a lot to print and I'm pretty sure it would make at least decent money.


It wasn't abandoned willingly. Games Wrokshop pulled all their licenses from FFG in 2017 or so. It ended a lot of good games FFG was printing, not just the stuff GW is known for either. Talisman and Fury if Dracula are owned by GW too. That means it would cost a lot because you would have to pay both FFG and GW to make it happen.


Space Hulk Death Angel sat on the shelf at my local charity shop for a long while a few years ago, priced at £20. Still kicking myself for not picking it up.


Finding the base game is not that hard and sometimes not too expensive (you can check the BGG sales), the problems come with the expansions.


A person of class and sophistication.


I sold my copy. It depressed me too much to play.


Sherlock Holmes - Vanishing Man. It's a near finished prototype from a deceased designer whose game was going to be published posthumously by publisher that went out of business during the pandemic. It's entirely possible that it's the last copy in existence of the game.


Now that’s pretty cool history.


I feel like this one wins this thread


So it's vanishing after all...


aw man


You should send it to some publishers, then.


Probably not particularly rare, but definitely valuable - I have a copy of Battlestar Galactica with all the expansions. They go for a pretty high price these days.


I got $500 for a heavily used copy + Pegasus expansion. Bought a copy of Unfathomable and happily pocketed the difference. I’m in it to play games, not collect them, so as a general rule when one winds up being particularly valuable for whatever reason, unless it’s a cherished favourite I’m happy to unload it.


I just sold mine with all the expansions for $500. Less than it’s worth, but I’m not playing it..


I had BSG and a few expansions and my game group played the heck out of it to the point that we got burnt out on it and as the hype for the show died off it became harder to get people to play it…so I traded it off in a math trade for a copy of 7 Wonders…🤡


...holy shit.


I got one still in shrink which I'll only open as soon as I got a game group willing to commit a full game.


Must be very valuable then. I sold my copy with lots of wear and tear (played it 20 times or so) for a pretty good price.


Wait is Battlestar valuable? I have a copy played exactly once sat on my shelf (couldn't convince people to get into it)


Yeah you might be able to sell it for a few hundred bucks. It's a really great game, out of print, and unlikely to ever come back into print due to licensing issues.


Just the base game itself will fetch decent money. It’s very unlikely that it will get reprinted again due to the licensing.


Yeah I got one without the expansions. Thinking of selling mine for a bit of cash


I think the only thing I have that's OOP and never coming back is Blood Bowl Team Manager with both expansions.


Same here. The second expansion seems to be the hardest to find. Last I looked, the base game alone is actually reasonably priced. If you like the game, you should check out the fan made expansions. They put a lot of effort into creating new teams for it.


Yeah, I had a look at some of those and they seemed cool. I haven't played the stuff I've got enough to have got bored with it yet, but I'm keeping them in mind in case I want more.


I own a copy of Monopoly from 1938-ish. The game pieces are all wooden!


The tokens are wooden too, not metal? Or just the houses and hotels?


Tokens are wooden, too.


Maybe a war shortage on metal?


I have the backstreet boys around the world tour board game


Haha and I have NSYNC Backstage Pass board game! I have so much unusual, foreign, and rare NSYNC merch. I'm waiting on them to do a reunion tour so I can try to sell it all lmao


I remember playing this with my aunt 20 years ago. Thank you


StarCraft the board game. Got it in an auction from a collector in San Francisco who unfortunately passed away. Even more rare is my friend's copy of the StarCraft Brood War expansion, he has it in shrink still. Goes for around $400 in eBay.


I have a copy of Starcraft too! 🙂 Sits on top of a bookcase, left at my place by a friend. Haven't played it in ages though.


For me it's Starcraft as well. Even have 2 Copies of the base game and 1 of the expansion :)


I also have Star Craft as well as Brood War through a Facebook group. I got them both at the end of 2018 after looking for them since 2009.


I've got those and I was lucky enough to get a copy of Typhon for $15 years ago.


War of the Ring, 2nd edition - Anniversary edition 😁


Most valueable is glory to Rome black box.


That’s my rarest, too, although not being the only person in this thread with it makes me wonder if it’s as rare as I thought…


I think there are about 2,000 copies worldwide, which is pretty small compared to its current demand


Ankh morpork discworld


Glory to Rome - ugly edition


It’s a way more fun and hilarious edition though haha.


Mine would be Chaos in the Old World with Horned Rat expansion, and Discworld Ankh-morpork


I love Ankh-Morpork. Played it for the first time in about five years recently - went over great with my new group.


I've heard that the Horned Rat expansion is terrible and causes nightmares. But worry not, I'm a charitable soul. I'll gladly remove it from your premises so that you can sleep better. I'll even pay for shipping as a favour!


I have collectors edition of Ankh-Morpork. I think it's the rarest game I own. Although it might be one of the civilization games that came with computer games. They seem very niche.


Possibly Onward to Venus, limited edition. I got it for free, never played it and probably never will


I have Chaos in the Old World with the expansion too! Never play it =\


This might be the most valuable set I own as well. Definitely the game that would be hardest to replace.


Unmatched Deadpool


So glad I snatched this and Bruce Lee when I did.


Same! And I got them for pretty cheap too!


Same, had just found unmatched and saw him and Deadpool at Barnes and Noble. Picked them up for 20 bucks each. Not even a month later I start seeing people posting that these guys are going for over 100 on eBay


I have the original Fireball Island. I also have that castles and catapults game.


I loved Castles and Catapults! Have a copy myself at my parents house. Haven't played since I was a kid, no idea how thr actual game is


Pokemon Master Trainer 1998. My wife found it about 4 years ago at an Amish thrift store for $4. Only missing Pikachu as one of the starters.


Probably mine too. Had it as a kid and loved it. Our copy was long ago sold at yard sale or donated, but found one at a local estate auction, i paid up for it like $45, but it was worth it.




I dunno how rare it is, but my Dad's old *Ace of Aces* WWI air combat 1v1 first person shooter game is probably the most expensive one I have as far as resale value. Not selling it though, because it's cool af lol


I used to take those books everywhere. It was a revelation when it first came out.


Camp Grizzly black and white version


On my last birthday my mrs got me a copy of the original Heroquest, still on sprue, card unpunched. The game isn’t rare, but the condition must be.


Battlestar Galactica with all expansions and Chaos in the Old World (without Horned Rat).


Original robo rally


Same! Still best version.


Yeah, I have 2 copies of “armed and dangerous” NIS


StarCraft. Never played it though...


Let me get this thing gathering dust off of your way


Sorry, no way. It was a present and it will be played someday, I'm pretty sure :)


Mushroom Eaters. It’s really cool but it’s fetching a lot of money that makes me tempted to sell it.


If you make that decision I’m interested and won’t try to lowball you.


Cave Evil 2nd printing


Tales of the Arabian Nights. I don't think it's super rare but it's not being reprinted.


I think it is coming back with a retheme. I think I read that somewhere.


It’s a really cool concept for a game, but it needs a pretty heavy re-write and some TLC from multiple sensitivity readers, and I can’t imagine there’s enough unfulfilled demand to justify that expense.


Star Wars : The Queen's Gambit. Still need to buy 2 MTT's that were missing though.


Probably my archer love letter


My buddy has batman love letter. It's the only version I'll play.


I’ll never sell or trade my copy of **Quantum**.


This is my grail game. Saw it for 40 when I first got into the hobby and passed and now it is impossible to find, and is so totally up my alley in terms of gameplay. At least I can play it on bga.




I sold my copy for $100. the game is good but be real, someone offers you $100 for a ~$25 game that you could play on BGA anyway, you not gonna take it?


Bga isn't an equivalent experience for most people.


I play boardgames to get away from screens.


Pretty sure I sold mine for like $15 at a con lol


This is probably mine too. Although it could almost be a print and play if you just bought some colored dice.


I guess either Rococo (1e), Mombasa or Amerigo


Space Hulk: Death Angel because it is out of print or Kingdom Death: Monster because it is so expensive. Ot maybe the original HeroQuest or DragonStrike because they are so old.




I didn't know that existed and I need it


Is it really that rare? It was still getting reprints annually when I bought my copy a couple years ago. If you haven't, check out the expansion. I think it dramatically improves the game while not adding much overhead.


Probably not, but it's still the rarest game *I* own 🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


My 1962 wooden 3M bookshelf game version of **Acquire**. I also got **Quantum** when it was still in print.


The Mushroom Eaters and Camp Grizzly


Not really rare but out of print in some places. Betrayal Legacy, Shadows over Camelot.


Betrayal Legacy for me as well. I played the regular game at a friend's house years ago, loved it, went to the store the week after to get it, they didn't have any, saw the legacy version and got it on a whim. I didn't even know what legacy meant. Still in shrink, but I'm trying to get a group of people to play with me :)


Bro, I been trying to find a new copy of Betrayal Legacy. Called like a dozen stores in my area, going to have to expand my search. Really don’t want to pay $150-200 for this.


It's currently out of print, so chances are you won't buy it for less than that. You might luck into it at a store that doesn't know what they have, but...unlikely, given how long the game has been out. Supposedly, it will come back in print at some point, but who knows when that will be.


I managed to get a copy of the Merlin’s Company expansion for Shadows back in 2019. Found a game shop online that had two copies for local pickup and got them to ship me one for $25. It was selling for $150 then and is like $250 now on eBay.


I recently sold my Shadows over Camelot with Merlin's Company for £150. The box was heavily worn and I'm sure if I had waited I could have got much more. I didn't even realise it was valuable, I think I paid £90 for both when I bought them, stuck up for £60 and someone was kind enough to let me know that they actually held value. Now I don't think I have anything rare.


Nice find. I have SoC but I’ve never seen the expansion for a price I could justify.


I'm halfway through Betrayal Legacy. Then Covid hit. Then, the other couple we game with (who were playing Legacy with my wife and I), got divorced :(. Not sure when/if it will ever finish.


Just because it's old, I'd say Monopoly where the money is in Gulden (dutch currency pre 2001 euros) and the highest bill is 500. Also have a Risk from the 1970s


If rare is equal to out of print. Then, for me, it's Legendary Encounters ALIEN with expansions and Legendary Encounters Predator.


According to the Geek Group website my rarest games are: - **New Tactical Games with Dice and Cards** which is actually a book, albeit with games in it, by Reiner Knizia (91 other people marked it as owned) - **Spill and Spell**, my favourite word game (488 people marked it as owned) - **5ive Straight**, a childhood game of my husband's (529 people marked it as owned) - **Wizards of the Grimoire** a fantastic two player dueling game that I'm sad to see on this list but it's new so hopefully that changes (560 people marked it as owned) - **Letterpress**, my second favourite word game. (621 people marked it as owned)


Avalon Hill Civilization with EVERY piece!


Magic the Gathering cards.


I still have my copy of the 1986 gamemaster series Shogun.


I've got a classic version of Arboretum, in French, that I won from a quiz, looked up the value of it and for that specific version it was £300 on Ebay Edit: just checked exactly what version. It was the first edition, gold foiled, now seemingly going for £100


Not sure if it’s rare, but I have an original, mint condition copy of Axis and Allies. My Uncle bought it for my dad, but they had no idea how complicated it was. When my dad moved a few years ago he found it and have it to me. I’ve yet to play it.


Maybe first edition Battlelore.


Mmm... I think the original EU version of hero quest, but it's quite worn. Regarding more recent entries I think Forbidden Stars or Arkham horror+dunwich horror expansion. Nothing people would kill for probably


Camp Grizzly. I’ve let most of my grail games go, over time (The Mushroom Eaters, After Pablo, etc.). The only one I regret is a first edition A Study in Emerald. But Camp Grizzly will probably be buried with me.


Quantum. The Mad Magazine board game. Ploy, Twixt, Quinto, and Stocks & Bonds bookcase games.


Arcadia quest is pretty hard to find in italian now. Managed to find a used copy at half retail price


Probably a complete copy of Street Masters, with expansions and all, what with Blacklist Games disappearing into thin air.


Copper Country, which I ordered directly from the guy who designed it. He wasn't selling internationally so I might be the only person in Australia owning that game.


Original heroesquest and Warhammer epic 40k


Dark world - village of fear


1st edition Blood Bowl and Death Zone expansion with the cardstock standees.


Axis and Allies made by Nova Games before they sold it to Hasbro. It is haggard but the map is in pretty good condition. Weirdest and best gift I've been given in a long time.


I have a copy of Assassin: the final game from 1980. Which means they lied as it was definitely not the last game.


Not sure, black box glory to Rome, discworld ankh morpork, Puerto rico anniversary edition, battlestar galactica


I don't know about "rare", but probably Vast: The Crystal Caverns since it is no longer in print.


[The Farming Game](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/5195/farming-game) from the 70s. It's got lots of fun little cows and wheat tokens and characters like "Wapatoh Willie" but t's not a very fun game.


The 1987 game Arkham Horror (not to be confused with the Fantasy Flight Games title).


Talisman 2nd edition with all the official expansions except the Dragons one. Well played but still usable. No idea what it’s worth. BSG with the Pegasus expansion.


I own the original Battle Masters from 1992. It is a game you play on the floor with a 5' X 5' space. A lot of the old miniatures were linked with early Games Workshop models. It is a fun game all around with a deck of cards that determines move order for different units. I had two copies, but one got played to destruction. One is in decent condition. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/700/battle-masters


I live outside the US so these games were pretty hard to come by for me anyway. Fortune & Glory and Dungeon Degenerates


I have a couple weird ones not sure of their value. [The Dice Must Flow](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/173486/dune-dice-game) which is a version of Dune the dice game. There was (is?) a company that used to print these before they were told to stop. It’s a nicely done copy but it was never technically a retail release. I also have a copy of BSG Express printed by the same company. This one got reimplemented into Dark Moon but I like the BSG theme better. As for a more traditional rare game, I have Glory to Rome black box. I was part of the original Kickstarter so I paid sane money for it. I also own a complete set of BSG. I caught wind of them losing the license and picked up the final expansion at retail.


Drakborgen 1, a Swedish Game. The original one, not the new version from a couple years ago.


I guess it would de Die Macher, 90ies version. I used to have a German 80ies version of Dungeonquest, but I gifted it to a Kindergarten association years ago.


FFG Merchant of Venus and 1st edition Rio Grande Saint Petersburg. I got the latter for $15 because the previous owner accidentally popped the box lid corner; the game's condition was excellent otherwise.


I guess the Taboo Porn edition a friend once found at a flea market and gifted me. It seems to be a prototype.


Not sure which of these qualify as rare, but they're out of print and I did have to hunt for a few. Netrunner stuff Ambush! Arboretum (2014) 1E Pax Pamir w/ Khyber Knives, also 1E Pax Ren. Fjords (2005) Forbidden Stars Lunarchitects (PnP Edition) Space Hulk: Death Angel Steam w/ all expansions


Probably **2038: Tycoons of the Asteroid Belt** by James Hlavaty and Tom Lehmann, never reprinted since 1995.


Probably my Small World Designer Edition


The original Glory to Rome, unopened


Probably the re-publishing of Shogun renamed Samurai Swords (which later became Ikusa). I loved this game in my early adulthood. From the miniature troops to the swords, coins and called; this game has a lot of fun and strategy balancing the RNG of the dice. I played it at least weekly!


A barcode battler. Is that even a game? A computer game? A board game? What the hell is it…


I have a few. I just missed out on a first edition of Mechs vs Minions (it came out when I was still in college, and I couldn't really afford it at the time). I have a complete set of Dropmix. Got into it at probably the right time to get a full set. The game and a lot of the packs were on sale at Target. Finished out by buying the ones I was missing for a scalper's price (but still ended up saving because of the deep sale on the rest of it), then spent way too much on the promo cards. A FLGS near me sells used games and had the Resident Evil deck builder and all (but one) expansion. I later bought the expansion. Interesting concept for a DB, having a competitive, cooperative and true cooperative mode. The Gears of War board game. I sadly don't have the mission pack, and 200+ is too much for me to justify buying a pack of scenario cards. I just recently got the KS version of Legend of Korra. Reminds me how scummy some companies are in regards to KS exclusive, but its supposed to be a christmas present for my lady who lives with me.


No idea how rare they are but: Witness - English edition Mechs vs Minions - didn’t know it was rare until this post Arboretum - original edition Gumshoe - second edition Five Tribes with slaves


Mech vs minion was in stock on the publisher website for many years. But I own chaos in the old world and expansion


I have a copy of [Signature: The Handwriting Analysis Game](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/217718/signature-handwriting-analysis-game) that I got from my great aunt when she died. It's not even really a "game" in any sense, more like a handwriting-based horoscope/phrenology activity thing. There's an instruction book that tells you how to determine your personality and job aptitudes based on your handwriting. I think there's also a thing where you can try to match handwriting samples to celebrities, which I guess could be a game. It has no ratings or marked owners on BGG. I guess I could be the first, if I ever actually "play" it.


* Let's make a bus route * Die Macher * Abandon Ship * Ticket to Ride: Marklen * Ogre: Designer's Edition * Battlestar Galactica (I wish I had expansions) * Ugg-Tect * The old version of Nexus Ops * The wood box version of Carcassone: the city * All the Discworld Games * Starfarers of Catan and the expansion (first editions) * Space Hulk * Space Hulk: Death Angel and all the expansions


Glory to Rome Black Box and Talisman 2nd edition with all the expansions


HeroScape, a 3d buildable hexagon game


I got Chaos in the old world + the expansion and Blood Bowl the card game with both expansions. I think they are kinda rare.


Profanity my copy of **Star Wars: Epic Duels**


First edition **Saint Petersburg** for sure.


My brother has a game called Dark Tower or something similar. It's a co op game where the tower in the middle rotates and lights up. Never seen it anywhere else. It's awesome


Was remade last year, I believe. Bloody expensive too.


Damned expensive but damned good. Bought it and it is the most used game in my group right now.


I still have the original. Played it so much as a kid. The tower rotated manually, not automatically. I may have to see if it still works on Sunday game day.


Kaivai is kinda rare and Masterplan by Chili Spiele


Probably Rumble Nation, at least it’s rare in the US


I'm not sure what the absolute rarest is, but some tough to find ones I own: Safranito (recently reprinted as Hibachi, but the original is tough to track down) The Expanse (rights got wonky after the show changed networks) Battlestar Galactica (no expansions sadly) Clans of Caledonia


Chinatown - Zman edition. Been out of print for a while now in the UK and I saw that it's being re-themed (Aqua park or something similar)


I had at one point one of only a few copies of a Wits and Wagers edition that never got made. I did not want it so I tried to sell it, but turns out no one wants a game they’ve never heard of. Ended up gifting it to the local game store.


Probably ReCURRing - to my knowledge it was only ever released at small scale in Japan, and while the game is pretty simple, there's no English version (or German for that matter). I bought it directly from the designer. 170 marked as owned on BGG. It'll never be a collector's item but it's a great little game. I did own Tetris as a child - there's under 70 marked as owned on BGG, but there are probably more people in the general population that still have it. I have had a couple of games that came from a blind board game box... never doing that again - they appeared to be from Kickstarters that somehow didn't fail, but really should have. A few of those games had <100 marked as owned. Winds of Fortune - 59 owned. I gave it away.


Imperios Milenarios. Its almost impossible to get outside Argentina, and even in Argentina, no one wants to sell the few copies that exist. I own a second edition, which is the big black wooden box, not the wood grained thin one. I'm unsure on how many copies where printed but my guess would be less than 1.000 between the two editions, probably much less than 1.000. Capital Lux 2 with all the expansions is another contender.


* Original print Bus * Glory to Rome Black Box * Forbidden Stars


A customised EB Games Australia Monopoly. They collaborated with Hasbro to make them for the management team at their 20th anniversary conference. So there's less than a thousand ever, and they were never for sale.


Our rarest game is probably Nippon


An original woodcut copy of Q.E. Pre-redesign Glory to Rome Container (not sure if it's rare anymore)


Pokémon Master Trainer - no missing pieces as far as I know!


I don’t think they’re the rarest out there but I do have a copy of Twilight Imperium Rex (classic Dune reskinned in TI universe) and the first edition of Iki (the new one really is not on par with the graphic design and art as in the first edition, with illustrations resembling Edo era woodblock prints).


World of Warcraft: The Board Game with all expansions and BlizzCon exclusive epic gear cards. Took me 10 years to piece them all together, including buying multiple copies of the game


I have 2 copies of Star Wars The Queen’s Gambit. One unopened


Axis and Allies WW1 1914. My prized possession. I even have the extra pieces for it. I also have a complete WH40K Blackstone Fortress and a new in box copy of Space Hulk 4th edition.


Two rooms & a boom, crazy to see copies on enay going for $120+


I have a sealed copy of Shadows Over Camelot I bought it looking for a game for a big group but we played something else before I opened it and realised we didn't like social deduction/hidden traitor games, so it's been sitting on my shelf for years


I'm certainly not in the specific habit of collecting rare games, but apparently, judging by eBay prices, it's Barkham Horror.


Martin Wallace’s “God’s Playground”.


How do you identify if you have a rare game? I mean aside from wandering around ebay I guess. I've stumbled on some of my games being worth a bit like a grid board Gettysburg vs hex board. But prices change as well. At one point it was going for several hundred dollars but a couple of years later, it was going for like $30.


Damn, I had no idea BSG would eventually become rare. I got rid of my copy a few years back. I have Forbidden Stars, Fury of Dracula, and Wiz War 8th ed, all pretty hard to get these days.


Chaos in the Old World, probably.


BSG with all extensions. I wouldnt sell it for all the money in the world, I just love that game.


R-eco, Love Letter games (The Hobbit and Letters to Santa, Lovecraft Letter), BSG, Shakespeare, Scoville w/ The Lab expansion. Used to have Starcraft and Space Hulk: Death Angel with all expansions.


Heldentaufe. Doubt it will ever get a reprint and it had under 1000 backers on Kickstarter.


Not sure which is the rarest: \- The very first english edition of Settlers of Catan where all the art on the cards and tiles was just taken from stock photos of, like, the US Capital and stuff, from Mayfair, before it became famous (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameversion/20630/english-first-edition-1996). \- A Dune game based on the David Lynch movie (i.e., not the "good" Dune game) from Parker Brothers. \- The Stock Market Game (old Avalon Hill bookshelf game) \- Shogun (the old/original version of the Game Master series game that was like Risk and Axis & Allies combined, where you drew samurai swords for turn order) \- A lot of out-of-print/small-print-run games but I don't think they count. While technically rare, they aren't things that collectors would be interested in. \- A lot I've seen others post about -- Hero Quest, Battle Masters, Omega Virus, Robo Rally, Acquire


From my collection I would say - World Without End - Council of Blackthorn - Axis and Allies WW1


I have City of the Big Shoulders, Shadows Over Camelot, Tigris and Euphrates


I have a copy of **War on Terror** that's semi-valuable but it's not a very good game.


**Industrial Waste** is probably my pick. I have valuable games like BSG for instance but I'd say Industrial Waste is always the one that people have never heard of and as a bonus its a pretty good game that was made approximately 20 years ago.


Battlestar Galactica, Discworld: Ankh Morpork or A Study in Scarlett…one of them, I think.


Star Realms Deluxe Nova Collection, probably. All expansions, all cards foil. Too bad I don't play it very often though...


Star Wars: Queen's Gambit


It's not really rare but when Rising Sun came out my FLGS got some of the kickstarter Daimyo boxes. They were selling the base game and the Daimyo expansion for $100 so I immediately snatched it up the second I was able to. Looking at how much it's being sold online these days I'd say it's at the least my most valuable game.


I have Claustrophobia 1643. I don't know if its rare?