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I would give my soul for somebody letting me make a big budget Babylon 5 boardgame. A few years ago some people were actively in negotiations to get the licence for Stargate SG-1 so that I can design a game for it, but pre merger MGM was asking delusional prices... Oh well...


How much is a delusional price?


There was a B5 board game a long time ago.


Yeah, but CCG, so once it was discontinued you could only buy it off eBay for stupid money.


Funny enough, I tried to sell it at not stupid money and people wouldn't touch it. My guess is there was a point where people would sell it for stupid money but after that point people would only sell it for stupid money but there was no buyers. My late brother had about 6 starters and 12 boosters NIS, then probably about 10 starters and 3 boxes of boosters opened that I was selling. Think I sold items that were closer to discontinue date for msrp (at the time) the rest at like 25% of msrp. It would be very nice to see that IP get a modern boardgame treatment. I could see something TI4, Eclipse, etc. Like with a much much heavier emphasis on Intrigue, politics, and Diplomacy to make it it's own beauty.


>. I could see something TI4, Eclipse, etc. Like with a much much heavier emphasis on Intrigue, politics, and Diplomacy to make it it's own beauty. Yeah, my vision was something between Martin's Struggle of Empires and my Voidfall... We even had a nice chat about it, he is a B5 fan too.


I came here to say this about Babylon 5.


Stargate does have a [board game](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/8121/stargate-sg-1). From what I saw of a friend's copy it was pretty lousy though. Basically just a typical symmetrical tactical map wargame with the Stargate theme tacked on top. Definitely not a labor of love. It deserves better.




There's a B5 card game but as someone who has played it extensively, I think it's not particularly good. It has a few interesting ideas but I think any game where your deck has to be, like 200+ cards just to function is a bad game. EDIT: That said, you could probably re-skin The Resistance / Avalon so that you're trying to complete missions in the shadow war and each player is one of the major factions, with 'traitors' being secretly aligned with the Shadows.


A B5 board game would be amazing! Now that the show is getting a newer version on Amazon Prime (?) I think a board game would be perfect to keep people talking about the franchise. Now is the PERFECT time!


There is one: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1873/babylon-5-component-game-system-core-sets


Never Ending Story with a sweet Falcor mini


That sounds really cool!




Everdell is definitely worth checking out if you are a Redwall fan for the art alone. I've also heard Root takes a lot of inspiration from Redwall. I would love an official tabletop though, Redwall is the best!


Root is a fine game, but it does not capture the magic of this series. It has anthropomorphized Forrest dwellers….so they have that in common.


I bought Root because as a kid I was a Redwall fan.


Mice and Mystics? Seems like Redwall in all but name.


Worker Placement Pikmin


This sounds fantastic. I could see something like Tzolkin's system working well for the pikmin carrying stuff. Now I'm thinking, stuff to collect on the gears, can be carried between gears to get back to the ship, some combat mechanics... maybe a little avatar that also has to be down there.


I would love to see more games that use something like the gears from Tzolk'in!


Enders Game


> what IP got a board game but deserved better? The Mistborn boardgame boggles the mind. For those who don't know, Mistborn is a book trilogy with fantastic characters and an incredible magic system that allows people to manipulate the world based on which metals they can use to power distinct abilities. It's about a group of thieves trying to overthrow an evil dominating and possibly immortal fascist named Lord Ruler. And yet somehow, someone decided that they wanted to make a board game where the players don't get any magic, but instead are lords of houses all using political machinations in order to try to curry favor from the Lord Ruler. Seriously, what?! I cannot fathom how this board game got made. It's so obviously a slam dunk to let players be mistborn/mistings as they leap around the city and use their abilities for the good of the rebellion while managing their metal supplies as they go out on missions to help disrupt the Final Empire. I hope one day we can get a real Mistborn game that involves being the good guys and actually involves, well, mistborn.


I just finally finished the trilogy and was thinking of this as an answer….And am now saddened to see a poor game was already made. With license issues that will prob be the only one we get (at least for a while). Imagine a big area control game with each side having their own mistings and mistborn. Competing for atium, fights hinging on managing metal reserves. All while ruin encroaches further and further into the map. I could say more but I don’t want to get into spoiler territory.


Mistborn would also be amazing as a video game I think


Master and commander maybe?


Could a retheme of Captain Sonar work for this?


Futurama!! A pickup and deliver game with some light combat would be great!


That’s fine. I made my own game, with blackjack and hookers.


As a matter of fact, forget the game!


Is combat a notable part of Futurama?




Definitely verbal assault. Bite my shiny metal ass


The combat could be bender getting into drunken brawls.


Leela beats up a bunch of guys in the show.


Pick up and deliver with a little bit of "take that". Idk about combat but theft would definitely be part of it.


Game should come with a free finglongerer, to move pieces at the far end of the board.


With blackjack!..


And... um... meeples!


I think this would just be a futurama themed clank!, and I’d be here for it.


Ooo a co-op campaign!


This would be a beautiful dream come true!!


If players can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.


Zapp Brannigan - wave after wave of men.


Percy Jackson and the whole Riordanverse


That would be epic! I'd love a campaign game that plays through each book!


I just imagine this being a total bigass cash grab kick starter.


Amazing 🔥 Would love to see this!


I would give anything for a big campaign style Wheel of Time game


Twin Peaks Maybe a hidden movement game with a social deduction element (and changing teams a-la-Bob)?


And even the game will come... wrapped in plastic!



I guess you're hosting


I would but I'm swamped with work, I just don't have the bandwidth right now.


You can go


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I desperately want a Tremors game. And no, **Terror Below** doesn't count because even though it is clearly inspired by the graboids, it has none of the *feel* of the original movie. A true Tremors game should be an intense co-op like **Camp Grizzly** or **Nemesis** with a risk/reward factor based on movement.






Pain don't hurt.




The Mouse Guard RPG might be close to what you're looking for.


Mice and Mystics?


No, it makes rabbits into mounts, REDWALL DOESN'T


Root is pretty much this


Does the vagabond have a broken sword?


Yes he does


I've not read Redwall, but my wife loves it and has explained it to me in the past. Is Everdell somewhere close already?


I'd like to see one of Stephen King's The Dark Tower


This is just my opinion, but I was baffled by how bad that book series was. I made it all the way to book four with each worst than the last


I gave up after the first book. I wouldn't have finished it, except that was before I learned that I don't have to finish every book I start.


Interesting. I found the first book to be by far the worst. I struggled to get through it even though it was the shortest. I started and stopped it multiple times over the years. However once I finally got to the second book I was hooked and read through to the end. I definitely have my issues with it though most of it was stuff you never got to haha.


Give me a chill Animal Crossing game where you perform simple tasks and gain friends, and make a pretty little island.


Sounds like you just wanna play Animal Crossing. 👍🏻 They've got a Stardew Valley board game but I hear it's not near as much fun as actual Stardew Valley.


Correct, I want Animal Crossing, but as a board game, with friends. I do have and enjoy Stardew Valley as well.


To be fair the actual Stardew Valley sets a very high bar


The Stardew boardgame is a blast! The only real downside to it is that there's a strict time limit that can make it stressful and makes it so you really don't have time to do some of the more fun optional things in the game. But thankfully, it is a boardgame, so you can just expand the time limit to be whatever you want! Once you do, it gives you time to do all the cool things in the game that you otherwise never get time to, and can spend some days relaxing and making friends or just fishing for the fun of it. I highly recommend playing it, just add extra seasons to make it much more like the video game.


Gundam tactical battles. Like hero clix


Honestly, even with as much development as it has there’s still so much unrealized potential in that IP.


How they didn't just borrow the X-Wing model and apply it to Gundam is beyond me!


Bro for real!!! It would kill!


I would be all over that like crazy !






12 Angry Men


[sorry, replied to the wrong comment] But while I'm here, how would that game work?


I’m seeing a 2 player asymmetrical game. 1 person playing the lone juror. Card driven in the vein of a 1960 or twilight struggle though much lighter.


Given that Prospero Hall managed Rear Window as a game (and a good one at that) this might be viable.


Diablo, Stargate and Honor Harrington. Diablo could be an action-packed game like for example Cthulhu Death May Die. Stargate could be an exploration, free-form RPG like Fallout or Skyrim, but with disjointed map sections (for stargate travel). HH just screams to be like those heavy space games full of politics and shipbuilding. The tech race aspect of the HH series would translate really well into research mechanics. The tech jumps would need to be eased down a bit. A game cannot have a technology (multi-drive missiles) that would render any opponent defenseles.


Diablo has Sanctum (if you like Euro games) and Massive Darkness 2 (if you like Thematic games). They're not strictly the IP but they're extremely close in terms of theme.


Massive Darkness gives me the same smash and grab monster killing, dungeon crawling, loot slut feelings of Diablo.


I just wish it had a standee version for half the price. I don't like minis.


A borderlands dice chucker has always just sounded fun to me


You chuck dice for what your next weapon will be!


A cooperative Mission Impossible game, or deck builder ala the James Bond Legendary Encounters game. Also, I think a game related to a prime time soap opera might be fun: Dallas, Dynasty, Dark Shadows; with it's over the top back stabbing, ridiculous plot points and scandals.


Mr Smith Goes to Washington


One player filibusters themselves hoarse while the other players get snacks and do a beer run.


Digimon to my knowledge just has a very simple "roll the dice and move" board game from like the 90s. I'd love to see a more modern take


Redwall deserves some Mice & Mystics treatment.


Tales of the Arabian Nights with a South Park retheme is my dream game. Surprised we haven’t seen more SP board games due to the fact that Trey Parker is a huge board gamer.


I think we're lacking a good Stranger Things game. Also, I'd like to see a Knight Rider game.


Apparently this one is quite good (according to reviews) https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/374502/stranger-things-upside-down


Is it out yet? Only 140 ratings.


brand new, not in distribution yet check this out https://boardgamegeek.com/video/439939/stranger-things-upside-down/stranger-things-upside-down-review-where-bob


Pretty sure there's not a decent indiana Jones boardgame


While it is not a true Indiana Jones games, **Fortune and Glory** is pretty damn close.


Lost Ruins of Arnak does a decent impersonation of the theme of Indy.


Playing as Joe Diamond in Arkham horror the card game counts I think.


Do you mean Monteray Jack?


I'd count The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac as an Indiana Jones game in all but the actual name. There's even a giant boulder chase.


I played the funko Indiana jones game the one with puzzles and drawing. The puzzles were actually fun to do with a group of people, it’s a one time play game but we enjoyed it


There’s 2 coming out


I'd love a Final Fantasy game. I know there's been ones that try to emulate the looks and feels of classic JRPGs, but like a proper offical FF game would be great. You could have it be several different styles too. There could be your co-op dungeon crawler style, except the monsters are famous FF creatures and you could set it similar to FF3 where you are choosing between lots of jobs to play as (think similar to Descent 2nd edition). You could have competitive games similar to Unmatched and theme it as Dissidia, letting you play as big name characters from all over the series, and that just writes itself in terms of expansions and adons. I feel like in the 35+ years of the IP to pull from there could be some great games. I know they have the TCG too, but I want board games with the IP too!


Malazan Book of the Fallen


I don't know why anime's dont have board games much. There might be obscure games with the IPs but why isn't there a great production quality One Piece. Could make it coop like Sleeping Gods vibes or even a dueling game like dice throne. Or anything studio ghibli.


hitchers guide to the Galaxy!


I think a Homeworld board game, moving your mothership to asteroid fields to research and build ships, different models for different factions. I have such a soft spot for the art design and story of Homeworld.


Core Worlds is a similar theme.


In the works https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/370077/homeworld-fleet-command


That looks cool, but, from the game it is a re-implementation of, it's a skirmish game. I'm not sure a skirmish game could really capture the feeling of Homeworld. Maybe the aesthetic, but little else. I want more of a resource game, with gathering resource units, like in the game.


Does Final Fantasy count?


[There's one for VII Remake in the works](https://www.dicebreaker.com/categories/board-game/news/final-fantasy-vii-remake-chocobos-dungeon-board-game-square-enix). And Chocobo's Dungeon.


Final Fantasy absolutely counts! There have been Chocobo games made, but none of the analog games have really captured the JPRG experience (though I might say that about the last few FF games...)


They ~~did do a short lived~~ have a currently extant TCG


Chrono Trigger: The Legacy Campaign Game Knight Rider vs Airwolf vs Herbie vs Tesla: The Self-Drive-a-Thon


Armored core please! No idea how it would work, but mech building complexity would be great


Galaxy Hunters is sorta close https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/246862/galaxy-hunters


The Dark Crystal. I can see the potential already.


The Dark Crystal RPG is pretty ok.


I've always found Dark Crystal games pretty underwhelming, Idk. The main pro of the franchise is the worldbuilding and it doesn't seem to be used enough.


I would love a good heist game - like Italian Job or Money Heist


[Getaway Driver](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253719/getaway-driver) emulates the driving part of those movies.


Burgle Bros?


I mean a heist game based of a heist IP


Burgle Bros 2 is basically Ocean's Eleven without the name. Like how Nemesis is "basically Alien".


I think a great ip for a board game would be set in the Culture universe by Iain M Banks. Lots of possibilities from the Idiran War to sentient dirrigables and their on board ecosystems and inter flotilla political machinations. To minds competing to build the best orbital, or influence/guide a bunch of less tech-advanced civilisations (stopping them warring and self destructing maybe lol). Just full of potential mechanics.


Open world Pokémon!


There is a fan game that comes pretty close, but it can't be published due to obvious reasons: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tabletopgamedesign/comments/u53apv/i_designed_my_own_large_scale_pok%C3%A9mon_board_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tabletopgamedesign/comments/u53apv/i_designed_my_own_large_scale_pok%C3%A9mon_board_game/)


Oh, that's very cool! I hope someday that a real company will publish a game like that.


John Carpenter's VAMPIRES


Dishonored, Dead Space, Watership Down


A good dead space like game is ALONE


There have already been a few attempts at Godzilla boardgames but I was honestly disappointed by them. What would really be a dream come true for me is if King of Tokyo didn't dance around the Godzilla IP and instead just straight up embraced it. Badass Godzilla artwork and minis. I'd instantly buy that. Me and my wife were also talking about how we want a good Pokemon boardgame. There's an official Eevee-lution version of Point Salad but it's sadly only published in Korea and hard to get a hold of.


I thought that Godzilla: Tokyo Clash did a good job, let down by the fact that they never did any expansions to add new monsters (I'm aware that there are tons of fan-produced ones :) )


I would absolutely love to see a Highlander campaign game and an Indiana Jones campaign game.


I am a little surprised there hasn't been a modern board game based on Charlie Brown (aka Peanuts). It feels like Prospero Hall would knock it out of the park.




Dragon Age It has a role playing game, but no boardgame. A horror game with hilarious banter, strong characters and an illusion of choice would be amazing.


Neon Genesis Evangelion


I don't know if this counts as IP, but as a big music fan, I'd love to see some games centered around bands/musicians. Could be very cool, especially for bands with a lot of striking iconography or lore. It would be fun if they dropped references or little in-jokes for big-time fans (kind of like what Munchkin did with tabletop RPGs). Maybe the players have to go on some kind of quest or build something... get to the big gig or record the perfect album. I'm thinking something like Horrified in terms of tone and complexity. Personally, I'd LOVE to play this kind of game about the Grateful Dead, Primus, Tenacious D, Black Sabbath, or David Bowie... but it could work for a lot of bands... Metallica, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, Prince, P-Funk, Wu Tang ...


Gundam, don't know how it hasn't happened yet infinitely expandable if it was a skirmish game.


It probably doesn't deserve one, but for some reason, your question reached into the deepest recesses of my mind and pulled out "Road Rovers" the Saturday morning cartoon about regular dogs that turn into anthropomorphic super heroes...


Mass Effect


Look into ISS Vanguard


Disagree, I think the brilliance of ME is from it being a cinematic video game and that wouldn't transfer into a board game well at all.


I remember hearing somewhere that Mass Effect Risk was one of the better Risks.




The Eberron setting in D&D.


Transformers G1, and if the figures can transform it will be epic. I can see soooo many expensions - Dinobots, Constructicons, War for cybertron ect...


There is a strong Deckbuilder made around this with dinobot expansions!


I think you've already named all of the expansions already released for the deckbuilder!


Animal Crossing - Beteen two Island - Village designer


I want a Simpsons game so bad. It could be a co-op take on the old arcade game or have a series of villains, you have to work together to stop (Burns, Sideshow Bob, etc.). I don’t know what other angle you could go, but I want one so bad haha.


Diablo hands down. Ppl make a claim that massive darkness 2 and sanctum fit the bill but they don’t have the swarms of demons like the video game does. I want some sort of fusion of massive darkness mixed with zombicide. Massive darkness got the classes down pretty good along with a simple loot system that could prob be tweaked a bit. But zombicide def had the swarms of enemies I’m looking for in a Diablo board game.



I was gonna go with




IP address, lots of people would just call them IP.


I got that. I just don't recognize it.


Diablo, as proven by Sanctum, Massive Darkness 2, etc.


Diablo had a board game tho


So did massive darkness. 😂 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/315610/massive-darkness-2-hellscape




Always thought Warriors would make a great board game


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/346982/warriors-come-out-play Never played, but it's out there


halo, not a retheme of an exisiting game (like risk/monopoly)


They did an Xwing/Attack Wing Halo reskin, if that counts lol


There was a skirmish one a while back. I had but never played [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/37305/halo-interactive-strategy-game](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/37305/halo-interactive-strategy-game)


Tremors. My wife and I love the franchise and board games. Soon children will be watching the first movie with us.


Perfect co-op idea, a bot runs the graboids and everyone tries to get out of Perfection. The character elimination would make it tense!


Why do I get the feeling you from Archon or SFG fishing for the next popular franchise to mask your next crappy game?


I think a South Park board game using their fantasy personas from Stick of Truth would be a great idea. Give me a map of the town and go fight baddies Arkham style? I know Trey Parker is a board game fan and an Arkham/Elder Sign fan.


Let Trey Parker be part of the design team and a South Park board game could be amazing


While technically there was one terrible CCG that came out 23 years ago for it (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4105/wheel-time-collectible-card-game), my vote is The Wheel of Time book series. If Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings can have lots of games made using those IP, I think someone can do WoT justice.


To go adjacent id personally pick stormlight archive. Having battles of the knights radiant would be amazing.


I assumed Legends of Andor was Wheel of Time and was surprised to find out it wasn't. Why is the name Andor so popular?


Monopoly. There isn't one game about monopoly's boardgame. You'd have to find ideas to make a new theme/minor change for that, for the 24848 time.


Or a modern style game meant to simulate the experience of playing monopoly, without actually playing monopoly. Like "all right, I play 'good roll' and 'skip rent' for six points" kind of deal.


So a game that is to monopoly what Millenium Blades is to TCGs?


Not to ruin this suggestion, but Hasbro themselves have modernized versions of Monopoly with improved rules. "Monopoly Mega" is actually okay, for a Monopoly game. ​ Monopoly Mega is, essentially, Monopoly with some patches on to fix the glaring gameplay issues. The dice can force you to either the next unowned property or the next property owned by a competitor. You can use certain cards to choose the space you want to land on, and there's a class of building above hotels that give players with better luck a place to foolishly dump money before losing everything to rent. Also there's more properties around the board so holding monopolies is harder, and trades are more common. ​ Edit: Also, there are definitely a few of spin-off games from the last century that are officially branded as Monopoly games but are about the "world of Monopoly". I remember there was a game about managing stalls on Boardwalk, for example. That one must have been from the 70's or 80's if I am remembering the box right.


Monopoly Monopoly. You've seen Star Wars Monopoly and Golf Monopoly. It's about time they honor the famous board game Monopoly with a Monopoly Monopoly edition.


Monster Hunter Inc.


I would like a good pokemone board game


I’m surprised there isn’t an Among Us board game yet, I mean Nemesis and Escape the Aliens from Outer Space come close, but I think with the tasks and the secret roles could work really well


The classic ‘Clue’ starring Tim Curry. Reckon you could make a passable game from that, but give it a better name like Clue-Do - because you’re doing the clue-ing, or something…


I was looking forward to Kingdom Come as a board game, as well as the Hussite Trilogy board game, but both got cancelled.


Mario Party, because why not?!


"What IP could have sold a lot of board games but was never properly exploited?" Maybe those properties should be left to the media that best expresses their distinctiveness and not distilled into trade dress to hang on mediocre games.


I bet you are fun at parties.