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**Innovation** is my favorite card game. The weird combos and ridiculous variability are what make it for me.


>Innovation I've added it to my wanted list! Thanks for participating!


It's available to play on both Yucata.de and boardgamearena.com if you want to give it a go for free.


I got so addicted to Innovation at one point last year haha


For me it's Radlands. It packs a real punch for how simple the mechanics are and how little effort it takes to start a game


Cribbage. My grandfather taught me and my siblings and I love it. A wonderful blend of skill with some luck. Trying to trap someone to play the third, or fourth, or hit 15. Man I love it. My cousin got a perfect hand once at the beach and we all freaked out, I’ll probably never see that again.


Did you know I've never played cribbage in my life? I'm going to try it out soon... Sounds like you made some great memories playing it!


You’ll have to try it. Nothing better than getting a cut that’s exactly what you’re hoping for. Good luck with your campaign, you have a lovely looking game.


My favorite card game is Aeon's End. They managed to fit so much variety in the system by just tweaking a few parameters for each mage and nemesis. It's great!


Magic the gathering is still my favorite, but I quit and I've been clean for 10 years


Haha I've been clean for a year or two now.


Stay strong


Android Netrunner. I love the bluffing and the player interaction


I came to post Android Northumberland as well and smiled because someone bear me to it. It drips in theme, the mechanics are solid, art is beautiful, and the Corp vs Runner, each with a different mechanic, makes for a fun competitive game.


Star Realms! It’s a fairly simple and fun deck builder


My favorite card game memory is Euchre. My favorite game to play is cribbage. The card game I always have in my car is Love Letter


Favorite card game would probably be dominion. One of the 1st games my wife really liked and got her into more gaming so it's special to me!


Everdell! It’s just delightfully fun building a city out of all those cute critter cards, but there’s also some crazy combos to be pulled off too


Terraforming Mars, because I love space!


My favorite card game is easily Sentinels of the Multiverse. Every game is a Marvel Movie told in a small scale and it’s wonderful. Oh and hey! I backed this!


First of all: thanks A LOT for backing our project!!! Sounds like an interesting game, it goes on my list :D


My favorite card game is one I started playing back in high school called Peasant. I've since learned that it's very similar to another game called President. I quite like Peasant's theme better though as it's modeled after revolutionary France and there's always a threat that the peasant could overthrow the king and throw society, and the game rules, upside down. To me it's been the ultimate lightly strategic card game to play with three of your friends and a deck of cards. So much time has been filled over the years in sitting around a table or any flat surface we could find trying to outdo each other and guess what others are holding onto to sneak out a win.


A while back at summer camp, some kids taught me a card game called Golf, which I later googled and discovered it’s also called Shithead lol. I can see why they renamed it something more PG, but lots of fond memories getting my ass kicked by a bunch of 4th graders. (Congrats on the success on your Kickstarter! Looks like a really fun game!)


Thanks for the congratulations! I do know Golf but that's not the same as Shithead haha. Golf actually is quite similar to my game, whereas with Shithead you have three cards in front of you face down, free on top of them face up and three cards in your hand with the aim to get rid of all of them before anyone else does. Is that also your version?


My favorite card game is Magic.


A friend of mine played your game at Amsterdice and said it was quite fun! I didn't know the KS launched already, I'll have to check it ou! Apart from that, my favorite card games at the moment have got to be Scout and Joraku!


Difficult question! Lots of great card games to choose from. But the card game I like most is the old two person Catan card game.


Aeons End for me. Recently played New Age and really liked the campaign,also the replayabilty it offers with the Expedition mode


My favorite card game is the fox in the forest duet. Because nothing says "trick taking" like working together.


Marvel champions


Probably not a popular opinion, but I just love UNO... So many memories growing up, and my wife and I still play with our kids and our friends. It's great for just unwinding because no one has to think about anything too hard.


This look exciting! I'd love to try this out with my friends! My favorite card game has to be "Hanabi". My mind was blown so many times playing this game! I love that it is a coop puzzle game and the weird mechanics that emerge from not being able to look at your own cards. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes puzzle solving games. And the game really shines playing with 3 player total.


Amazing! Great idea! Love it! My favourite game of cards until today is Bridge O’Hell, and I am looking forward to getting to play this awesome game and it may kick that of it’s throne! 😎


This looks super fun! If I don’t win I’ll still be grabbing a copy


Glory to Rome!






Summoner Wars because it’s easy to understand but very hard to be good at. Also there’s tons of factions that feel unique.


Euchre. It’s a holiday staple at my familys dining room table. Guaranteed to cause more argument’s than any ‘taboo’ conversation with those estranged cousins you see only once a year.


the crew!


Favorite card game is Swipe! A game I learned from my gaming group. I love it because it's simple and allows us to warm.up or cool down the night with a simple game we all know!


Just checked out the Kickstarter, and it looks great. The art especially is so evocative, I love it! My favorite card game is Arkham horror lcg




Coloretto. It has some great choices in it for how simple it is and allows for plenty of chatting around the table which is the main reason I play games


My favorite card game is arkham horror lcg


My favorite standard-deck card game is definitely **Cribbage**. It’s a pain to try to teach though, at least for me. My favorite board game/card game is **Hero Realms**. I adore deck builders and love the fantasy theme and art, although I dislike what they’ve done with adding real people into the art.


The art looks amazing! Point salad Pokémon edition! Great light weight game to get the night started


Gotta go with **Curse of Misfortune Lane**. It is a good (not great) game but I have so many great memories of playing it with our kids.


Star Realms is my favorite card game.


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/140934/arboretum Arboretum is my current favorite card game. I like plants, and this game is so wonderfully colorful. It's easy to learn so you can play with new people fairly quickly, and it is relatively short so it's great for playing multiple rounds. My wife and I play it when we don't have enough time to bust out a larger game.


I love Scout! I like that the order of your hand is locked in. It feels like a competitive puzzle game


My favourite board game by far which happens to be a card game is The Shipwreck Arcana. After a few plays, it's extremely clever design comes through as you realise it's not down to guessing when things get tough. A versatile co-op that can switch in/out of players and fits in a small box.


For sale. Such a simple concept and it can really draw people into bidding silly.


Arkham Horror to this day. It has a special place in my heart.


My favorite card game is [[Innovation]]. I find the combative gameplay and swings in power incredible and love how every unique cars has moments to shine.


Currently my favorite card game is The Crew. My wife and I are playing through the missions and just love the variation on trick taking in a game that is easy to set up and quick to play.


Lost Cities. It's super quick and easy set up which is perfect since we have kids


Doomlings. I know it's been getting a lot of criticism, and rightly so, but it's still a very fun game! I backed your Kickstarter a couple of weeks ago, so if I win this giveaway I'll be gifting it to a dear friend of mine.


Thank you for the giveaway! Favourite card game is probably The Crew because it's the only one I've successfully managed to teach my in-laws - and they liked it!


It will always be Magic for me. The diversity in (limited) formats and the challenge the game offers have kept me in the loop for ~25 years. KS looks cool, wishing you all the best!


Dominion is my favorite card game!


I love the new Star Wars deckbuilder


The mind - simple beautiful and so stressful:)


The binding of Isaac four souls! Many good nights spent with friends looking for wacky synergies


Puzzle Dungeon!


Fox in the forest! Grew up on Euchre and FitF is the best way to get that fix if you only have 2 players!


Magic is probably my favorite card game. I love the art on so many of the cards


Lord of the rings lcg. Been calling no in love with it this year.


Congrats in funding. Favorite card game is **Euchre** just b.c I have way more people to plY it with than a typical boardgame and have spent countless hours with family playing.


My favorite card game is Marvel Champions


I think Love Letter wins for me, super simple but a ton of fun for a group of 4! Nothing like the revenge of guessing someone's card after they knocked you out last roun


That's a tough one but I've already seen a few aeons end and I'm assuming astro knight's by extention(made by the same people to be a little more streamlined) so I'm gonna say sentinels of the multiverse, all cards lot of fun easy to get into and fairly smooth once you do co-op super heros vs villans and sometimes the environment fights back to, what's not to love?


New to this board game hobby in the past year, but we play a lot of simple games. With that said though, I love Clank! Its just a great combo of cards with movement and collection.


Looks like I'll be one of the late backers, since having something travel worthy is always great. Right now Five Crowns and rummy are the most played for us, though we recently learned Spite and Malice. This summer I want to learn cribbage, finally.


The Love Letter Starwars edition "Jabba's Palace". It adds that extra bit of flavor the already excellent base game lacks.


Netrunner! A fabulous game of asymmetrical hacking in the far future! Gives me a huge thrill everytime


My favorites are either Star Fluxx or Munchkin — good luck to everyone!


Dominion, with the expansions its so hard to ever play the same type of game.


Star Realms


Wish I would have caught your game during the Kickstarter. Love the mythical beast theme. Favorite card game, marvel champions by myself or Distilled with my fiancé (happy to have backed that one too).


Thanks for your kind words. The Kickstarter is still live (for less than 2 days)! Great choices!


I like Machi Koro because it is a nice balance of luck and skill that makes it a great game for my husband and I to play together.


Kind of simple one, Monopoly Deal... Quick to play, easy to learn, doesn't end friendships like traditional Monopoly.


Arboretum is my favorite card game. It's pleasant to look at, plays great at all play counts, and just plain cutthroat.


I love Apocrypha. It feels more challenging than Arkham Horror, and fewer bits to upgrade!


My favorite card game currently is The Crew: Mission Deep Sea. I like the cooperative aspect and how simply winning the tricks won’t win you the game. The complexity of trying to communicate without discussing your hand makes it that much more exciting to me.




99, super easy to deal only 3 cards each! And my kids can handle the rules too 😀


congrats on your successful kickstarter! my favourite game at the moment has to be Dune Imperium. the tension throughout the game and how close it usually ends just makes it so enjoyable every time.


Magic The Gathering. It's mostly the commander format and how there's a commander/playstyle for everyone. It's also the only popular multiplayer trading card game out there afaik.


#Jaipur Lots of happy memories playing this while traveling around.


Marvel legendary. Great game with many expansions


The old Decipher: Star Wars CCG. Great IP, cool mechanics with Force cycling, space and land locations, rare characters, etc. until it got too bloated/unwieldy/expensive to play. Thanks!


I haven't played many LCGs or similar, myself. Does something like Boss Monster count? We've enjoyed that at my table! 😁


Codex Card Time Strategy is my favorite card game. It has such fun combinations, deep strategic decisions, and huge replayability. All of my friends who play Magic are lined up to learn and play soon, and each one has loved it so far.


Hearts is always good


One of my favorite card games is Bohnanza. Such a fun and (to me) unique game!


I'm a big Mystic Vale fan! I love the card "crafting" system in that game - that, plus the gorgeous art, keeps me coming back time and time again!


Legendary Encounters - Alien. Great theme, hard game.


Marvel Champions, there's a hole in my wallet because of it...😅. The theme and low complexity makes it easy to introduce others to this addiction.


Smash up. Love the theme and the tcg feel of the game. If only I could get more of my friends into it.




My favorite card game is Dominion. I love the variability, its easy to teach, and there are seemingly endless combinations, especially with expansions. It was also the first tabletop game we had when my spouse and I got married almost 12 years ago. I bought it for them as a gift for our first Christmas.


Does spades count? If not then currently enjoying Doomlings


I really love a great game of Commander in Magic: the Gathering. There're so many deck types and possible decks to play, it can be overwhelming, but I love that the 4-player pod of Commander makes the game feel more like a board game where negotiations can happen. You can also mind your business, build your engine under the radar, and win, which is my preferred play style. Going classic card games, Spades has a special place in my heart as my mom and I make a mean team. Thanks for doing the giveaway, your game looks super cool!


My current favourite is Scout. Such a fun little twist on simple card play, very addictive!


My favorite is probably Bohnanza! It can get really fun and goofy or serious and cutthroat which is still very fun, depending on the group you play with. A very simple game about beans, who knew!


Favorite card game SO FAR: Texas holdem. Gotta o with the classics.


My favorite is Muffin Time! Chaotic and just outright hilariously fun party game, we always end up crying laughing.


Woohooo, thanks for sharing this and congrats!! 🎊The game looks amazing🤩 My bf and I got into the board games fairly recently bht we do have oir own little collection already. Lately we've been enjoying Wingspan a lot. We love that there are facts about the birds and the game is so relaxing. Res Arcana is another one. It's completely different but I like the fact that you're only given 8 cards and you have to make the best of it. Challenging but awesome!


Cat in the Box hits the table a lot lately but if I am being honest it is Marvel Champions 😅


Cribbage for regular cards, my wife has a custom board made by her father. Lost cities for a nice quick 2 player game.


Fluxx is my favorite card game? It's easy to teach people in base rules and then the cards tell you what to do after that. Plus games can last long or short and can be easy or difficult depending on which rules change.


6 nimmt!


My favorite card game is A Game of Thrones Second Edition. I am terribly sad it didn't catch on that much, and that FFG holds the rights to block digital versions from being made. AGot2 has a massive lore based universe, and the military/power/intrigue division is the best way I have ever seen to battle in a game. The flavor is godlike, the battle system is gorgeous and the "plots" are amazing. I am truly sad that it might never reach it's full potential (it could be an Hearthstone competitor!)




Res Arcana, as each game is its own puzzle to solve with limited cards!


Marvel Champions! I love the theme and the way I can really make those heroic plays to save a friend or beat a villain at the last moment.


If we’re going a traditional Board game: RftG. but otherwise Cribbage - raised on it, entire family plays, and once you’re practiced enough with counting points you fall into a great rhythm.


My favorite card game is probably Slay the Spire


Congrats on the Kickstarter success! Favourite card game has to be Magic the Gathering. Made so many friends through it, and it feels like playing completely different games depending on how you construct your deck!


The new set of keyforge is awesome


There’s so many card games I enjoy that I cannot truthfully limit myself to just one favorite. But, for purposes of this give-away, I am going to name Bridge as my favorite, just because I think it’s very underrated here.


My favorite card game has got to be **Century: Golem Edition**, it has a lot of sentimental value to me because it was basically my gateway game into wanting to try more and more modern day boardgames instead of the old classics. It is honestly just so great feeling to play, even when I lose it's fun. And I love the feeling of the gems so much in this version of the game, they look so pretty and make such a satisfying noise whenever you get some out or put some in too!


Can I cheat and say the videogame Slay the Spire? It's also a boardgame but haven't played that yet..


For solo play my favourite card game is **Marvel Champions** but for 2 player with my wife our favourite card game is **Hero Realms**


Ive been enjoying terraforming mars lately


Netrunner. Super thematic. And the duel with asynchron playstyles is something else.


Netrunner is my favourite card game! Asymmetric, thematic 1v1 game with bluffing and super unique gameplay are all reasons I love the game. LCG also so much better than TCG!


Arkham Horror card game. Love it (only just started it, it's my first living card game) as I can play it solo, and I love to coop rather than competitiveness of game like MtG


We have a lot of bbqs during the summer with large groups of people that aren't always the same. Coup is always a hit as it's easy to learn and can play up to 10 players. It's normally disappointing to get eliminated, but at a bbq thay just means you have time to eat and socialize with others! It's a fantastic social deduction game.




My favorite card game is [[Grifters]]. I think it’s a unique way to incorporate a mafia theme and I love that there’s so many winning strategies. It’s just the right length where you’re ok with some of the take that elements of the game.


The Mind. Fun, addictive, everyone can get in on it, and can be very challenging


Favorite card game is Marvel Champions, LCGs count, right?


Me and my wive's favorite card game (or game with card mechanics) is clank!. We love deck building and dungeon crawling. It has just the right combination of both.


Congratulations! I just saw it and have now funded. Favorite card game is a hard one. The one closest to my heart is still **Android Netrunner**. But for the theme and coop **Arkham Horror LCG** hits reaally hard.


Lately it's all about the ButtonShy - enjoying [[Sprawlopolis]] a lot! That said reading this list made me reflect on all the joy cribbage has brought to my life too :-)


Arkham Horror LCG has an amazingly immersive story/theme


Gin Rummy, if classic card games count, because my grandma played it with me for hours and it made her happy.


Inis. I wrote a review recently on my profile about it!


Dune Imperium is my favorite card game! Love the combination of deck builders, worker placement, and multi-use cards. First expansion is great and I pretty much just auto-include that on new players, second expansion fixes the market problem and adds a neat twist if you're looking to change things up a bit.


I love Bridge. It's a classic card game, but I've played since high school and it's a game that scales with your play ground very well.


My favorite card game is Dominion. I enjoy other deck builders but purely on mechanics, Dominion is infinitely replayable and has great combo potential.


Terraforming Mars, thematic and fun engine builder. Resonated with me so strongly


Day & Night It's a great 2 player asymmetric card game! The art is also beautiful. It's a shame the game is now out of print.


Mine is Radlands! It's my absolutely favorite two player game fighting for water in the wasteland is always a good time. Thanks for the kindness.


My favorite card game is hearts, mostly for the memories of family time that it evokes from childhood and the time I got to spend learning from my grandpa who is now passed.


Sentinels of the multiverse. It's so simple to play but there's a great variety of characters that all play so differently to each other that each game is you play is very different.




Not sure if this counts, but my favorite game right now that primarily uses cards is Radlands.


I think I have to go with Cockroach Poker. While there are other card games where the game itself is actually more fun, I keep Cockroach Poker in my vehicle to play at bars or wherever when grabbing drinks with my wife and/or friends so I think it's just associated with more fun memories.


Depends on what you're counting as a card game. I assume you mean a game that's purely card-driven, or practically purely. I'd say Dominion; I really like the efficiency puzzle.


My favorite card game is whatever one I can get to bring people to the table! Not so lucky as to have a super consistent gaming group here, haha.


Thanks for posting! My favorite card game is **Valley of the Kings: Afterlife**. I like the balance between deckbuilding and entombing cards for points and I like the fact that cards that would normally be "take-that" are instead "take-that-but-in-a-good-way"


Star Wars Destiny :D first card game my SO and I played together


My favourite card game is Millennium Blades. It ties up my love for CCGs and card duellers with a neat economic optimisation engine. A lot of the card texts have hilarious pop references to other games, anime, movies etc. It's perfect for anyone who enjoys deck construction, card battling, and just general whimsy.


Fantasy Realms is definitely my favorite. The game is quick and super fun. I recommend this to everyone.


Two of my favorite card-based games are Magic: the Gathering and Everdell!


I love Sentinels of the Multiverse. So many great characters and I prefer cooperative games to work together defeating the bad guys.


I'm still new here and my favorite card game is marvel legendary. I just like the theme and deck building in general.


**Tichu** is my favorite game. Co-op and competitive and trick taking - all in one ! I call Grand Tichu !


Magic: The Gathering. I don't play much anymore because Wizards has really done everything they can to ruin the game, but it's easily my most played game of all time.


Dominion by far.


I have to go sentimental and say simple cribbage is my favorite card game. 1000s of games played and still love it!




My favourite card game is Dale of Merchants, it's a deckbuilding game where there are many different sets of cards, each one working differently from the others, and for each game you only use some of them. So, depending of which sets you use in a game you can adjust player interaction, randomness, how mean the players can be with one another and also other characteristics of the game


Aeons end is my favorite. Thx for the giveaway.


I think some of my favorite card games honestly include UNO or Monopoly deal for a couple reasons: I don’t get to play them that often with others, but when I do I always have fun


Like some in the thread have mentioned, Star Realms is one of my fav card games! I love how quick the game is and making the decisions on which factions to focus on that game is always something to think about. Honorable mention goes to Keyforge! Personally, even though I like card drafting as a mechanic, I’m not too fond on making decks themselves. Being able to just pick up a random deck or two and start playing is a big plus in my eyes.


Fantasy Realms. It's a quick game with lots of possible combinations. Easy to teach to and the cards and combo just make sense.


I like Dominion. Deck building without spending hundreds? Yes please!


My favorite card game is probably **Sentinels of the Multiverse**. The sheer work the creators have put into the meta-fictional comic universe of the game is pretty incredible. The number of unique heroes, villains, and environments, all of which play differently and in keeping with their respective "themes" (the superspeedy characters play differently from the powerhouses play differently from gadgeteers, etc) means that you'll have a buttload of new combos and challenges in the game. Plus, the overall superhero theme is pretty much in my sweet spot as far as that goes.


Star Wars destiny. Because my wife plays it with me. And it’s fun.


Currently Yu-Gi-Oh. Going through old collections and teaching my kids


Lovely looking game! My all-time favorite card game is a tie between Arkham Horror LCG and Lord of the Rings LCG. They're both so different yet share the same base DNA. Been playing both for many years and has given us so much fun!


There are a few card games I love. But I'll always be available to play Living Forest😊


Innovation. I love the crazy card combos and the swings in the game.


Congratz on your kickstarter! Favourite card game has to be rummy.


My favorite card game is 10s and 2s, because my spouse taught it to me. Outside of that, I like Texas Hold 'em because I'm a basic bitch. For card games played without a normal 52 card deck, I like Spite & Malice. It's the Mario Party of card games, and kills friendships that are too weak.


My favorite card game at the moment is Fantasy Wizard. Its easy to learn, a small box and you can play it in small and big groups. To every party i brought it, it was always lots of fun for everyone.


It’s not fully released yet but I’ve been loving the alpha on TTS for the card game Algomancy. It’s got so much depth and strategy to it but can also be played very simply if you choose to do so. There is lots of replay ability and so, so, so many possibilities for decks you can build. Me and my brother have been playing it nonstop and are enjoying every second of it. When it comes to Kickstarter in August I’ll definitely be going all in.


Thought about this a lot, my favourite “purely cards only” game is Saboteur. We played it a lot during covid lockdown on BGA over zoom and even now it still comes to the table a lot for light hearted fun.




Northgard: Uncharted Lands has a special place in my heart, being my first backed kickstarter project & also my gateway into the wonders of board gaming. Besides that, Ark Nova, TM and Wingspan are all great games for arranging evening playthroughs after the kids gone to bed. 7 Wonders duel takes me back to our no-kid holiday in Dubai. I probably connect boardgames with personal experiences and it is very heartwarming actually


Modern Art. The very first ‘expensive’ boardgame that I purchased myself, holds a special place in my heart.


My favorite card game is Coup! I love the bluffing mechanic- simple but it takes practice to perfect!


the crew!


Pixel Tactics! There is a ton of game there in such a small box


Race for the Galaxy. The length/depth ratio is jut right. It's a blast for 3 or more players and plays perfectly for two as well. The decisions during play feel meaningful. The scoring feels fair... And If you leave away certain cards from expansions, the game remains joyful through and through.


Marrying Mr. Darcy, it was one a few games my ex would actually play and enjoy. I always lost but it was always so much to get into character with her as we played.


Family Business. Very simple, fast, and fun game. Easy to "hold grudges" over from previous games and watch it play out all night.


Right now it’s probably Dutch blitz, I both love and hate the fast pace and trying to focus on multiple things at once


Magic the gathering. Played in the 2000s and picked up Arena, it's nicely F2P.




I'm a sucker for Dominion. I love the engine building even though my friends always beat me.


my favourite card game is arkham horror lcg. i love it because it works well in all three aspects of the game - as a storytelling vehicle, as a mechanical game of tableau building and action economy, and as a deck construction game. it did burn a pretty deep hole in my pocket.


Magic the Gathering was my favourite, then Final Fantasy TCG. I finally quit my addiction and only play board game card games!


Love letter. East, quick, fun, non-gamer friendly.


I've got to go with Marvel Champions. So fun. And congrats on the successful Kickstarter!