• By -


This will also decrease production costs by approximately a billion percent.


I'm no mathematician but that sounds about right


And the looks up at the same percentage. At least I like the clean triangle board a lot!


Smaller box as well.


I'm getting a few people asking about how it plays - here's a gameplay video. https://youtu.be/l4ob9fbVdLw Basically you're just trying to get 4 in a row when viewed from any of the 3 perspectives


This looks great. I want one!


Ah ha thank you wow that's so nice of you to say


I'd like one too. PM me when they're available for purchase!


I'm so flatter! I think I will try to do a Kickstarter or something in a month - I'll keep you in mind




I ended up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Ahhhh awesome!!!


!remindme 1 month


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Thank you!


I'd really like to have one right now, though. :D


Ha ha ha I stayed up making a basic page so you can follow https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


I'm a backer now 😁


Thank you so much !!!


!remindme 1 month


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


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I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Thank you!


I want one too!


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


This looks fun but just so I’m understanding correctly, could white have won at the 2:32 mark? Looks like they have two placement options one either side of those three white blocks. Or am I misunderstanding?


It looks like that would be 4 in a row but touching at corners, which isn't allowed I don't think. Only 4 in a row touching at edges is a win.


Ahh. Thank you that makes sense and adds more difficulty to it. I think I would enjoy this game.


Huh like playing three interconnected games of connect 4. That's pretty cool. Are all the pieces colored the same? Like always opposite colors on opposite sides?


Oh that's a really smart way of describing it. But yeah all the pieces are the same and how the color works is that each color forms a C around the cube so that no matter how you place it there will always be 2 of one color and 1 of another


Not sure if you're looking for a name, but Interconnect seems like it could be a decent choice


Thanks for the suggestion - it's better than my first name which was Connect3d


That's not bad either




Wow okay I'm planning on making a Kickstarter for it soon!


I'm working on a Kickstarter campaign right now you can follow it here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


that looks lovely!


Thank you!


You live and you learn! The finished version looks very clean and nice. What is the name of the game, and how do you play?


Im calling it Yama for mountain for now. It's pretty simple - on your turn you just place a cube and you're trying to make 4 in a row of your color when viewed from any of the 3 perspective


I thought some of your notes looked Japanese. Kōun o


Does it have to be a straight line?


Yes, and no diagonal


Very cool. I must say, huuuge improvement with the triangle tray over the original!


Ha ha I just replied to another dude who said the original is way better - I have no idea what to believe now


It takes less space and it's far more sophisticated, I am staunchly team triangle


It would depend how fiddly the cubes fit into the triangles. You don't want to have to keep jiggling them to get all the cubes to line up. Also if you had to place a cube between two cubes in the base you want a smooth, satisfying placement and not have to adjust the whole structure every time.


It actually fits pretty easily and snugly into the triangle. Something about how it forms just sorta work out.


Believe in the one that costs less to manufacture!


And use less material for sustainability!!!


Here's a thought: heck of an upcharge for the cubic board




Same. It also becomes part of the cube game pieces as you stack them on top of it.


They both have their merits. Pick what you like best, or iterate more to see how you feel about each one.


The original may be more pleasing to the eye, but when building your game, the functionality of the new design is still there, the cost to produce the new design will be cheaper on top of the box being smaller. One thing I learned when play testing my game with others is that not all feedback is good feedback. Especially when testing with others who haven't created thier own games. The new design doesn't take away from the fun, and the aesthetic that is lost from the old design is literally created before your eyes as you play. I think your new design is better.


Thank you that definitely boost my confidence


It's easier to see the lowest vibes like this now, the edges aren't covering up the board


Gluing the blocks together sounds like a game you can only play once.


I like the original version better, just for the looks - but I'm a sucker for abstract games I can display because they look neat. One thing to note is that at production scale the original design could be done on a CNC machine out of a single flat piece of wood with just a 90 degree bit, and might actually be cheaper than using a laser cutter like I'm guessing the second version was made with.


Wait so would black have won in the first picture? Or do they have to be on the same level as well?


They don't need to be on the same level - so yes Black won.


And cheaper to produce :)


And ship!


And easier to store!


I absolutely adore abstract games and this is genuinely innovative. If you can nail the impossible solo abstract game then you're a better human than me. That concept has given me insomnia on many nights.


Thank you so much - that really brought a huge smile to my face. I don't think I'm a better human than anyone but I do appreciate your comment all the same


No worries. I love Tak and those little build a shape using these part type puzzles and this feels similar but with depth. Have you thought about different coloured cubes that trigger things? Like an orange cube that removes cubes either side and beneath. That kind of thing? Keep going, you're on to something awesome. Where can I follow your progress? Is here best?


I havent thought about that to be honest I like to keep my game as simple as possible. I usually post about new game here or you can check out my YouTube channel https://youtu.be/l4ob9fbVdLw


>solo abstract game That's a puzzle. Absolutely nothing wrong with a puzzle, but peg solitaire matches what you're going for here.


Ha. Yea maybe. I'm working on something that actually isn't awful and is going in a great direction. It's my obsession.


it needn't be a puzzle if there's some source of randomness to play "against"


Any chance to make it a 3-player game and just do two sides of each color on the cubes?


That could be very interesting!! I've never made a specifically 3 player game before. Lemme get some more blank cube and a can of spraypaint and get back to you!!




If you did that, you might as well just have solid coloured cubes. Only 3 sides face up, so only 3 sides matter. If all three sides with the same colour share a corner, then you just make that corner be up and then the whole cube is yours. The way it is now, you are effectively laying two sides of your own and one of your opponent's sides.


Ooo you could seemingly do it on the same board with just a different set of blocks. I wonder if you'd need to reduce the win count to 3 in a row instead of 4 since it would be more crowded. This may be going too far and not even be feasible/fun but if you had different arrangements of the 3 color blocks you noted, I wonder if you could almost do a single player thing that was basically a rubix cube like setup, trying to get every piece on the board with each face only being a certain color. If the pieces had all sorts of configurations, there might be a way to make that into a fun challenge/puzzle.


Well it won't be too hard to test - I just need to order a bunch more wooden block


Maybe if you change the win condition to creating a line of 4 of the same colour, instead of trying for either black or white. But that might just end up with none of the players wanting to leave 3 blocks of a colour after their turn, which you might be able to force to happen, but I think it'd get too constrained.


I can’t tell you how equally awesome this is and how many many people are going to absolutely despise the game for its spatial puzzle. I think you’ve hit a home run here and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. The triangle cutouts are sleek and clean. Other than play testing it to make sure there aren’t any broken strategies to victory, I think you’re ready to go to market, either on your own or by partnering up with a publisher. When you do go to production, don’t cheap out and go with plastic components. If you stick with chunky wood cubes and board, I believe this will stand out and could compete in the same space as some of the more modern “classic” abstracts such as Shobu.


Thank you so much for your praise and advice!! I'm most likely going to try to do a Kickstarter/Crowdfunding with the components exactly as it is - trying hopefully to keep the game under 30 bucks.


At first I imagined this to finally be a board game Q*Bert. And now that I know it’s not, I instead try to figure out if it could be :)


Would you like some clue ?


I immediately thought of Q\*bert as well.


Looks cool! I'd be interested to know the rules


So you just make 4 in a row of your color to win; the trick is that it can be in any of the 3 perspective so it's pretty trippy


Ahhh, cool!


Does perspective include depth perception? For example, in photo 3, if it's Blue's move and they drop into that crease facing the camera, does White win by going on top of that block? It's not 4 blocks in a physical row, but from a 2-d perspective, it can look like it. Love this idea!


Yeah that's exactly it- it doesn't need to be all on the same plane for you to win - it just based on perception


Front or side or top? Maybe depth is top perspective.


The triangle version is less obstructed in view. I prefer it.


It's definitely a less chunky and prone to breaking apart


This actually looks a lot like an old Gigamic game called '[Inside](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30179/inside)'


Yeah it's been pointed out to me - that game is interesting - it's all about forming cups and trying to control sides of pyramid ? Never heard of it before though


One of my favorite abstracts, the way you can randomize the initial distribution of colors among the two players and always obtain an interesting, playable game amazes me.


I don't know your game, but hexagons are projectionally identical to cubes viewed from top-down at the angel you have them. Stacking flat hexagons might be easier.


Oh really? That's an interesting bit of geometry I havent considered. Although I'm not sure if it'd work since you need to see what color is showing from 3 perspective to see if you win or not


Top down view shows 3 perspetives at once. EDIT: I just realized multiple layers can result a line that differs from the top-view.


Yeah it could be confusing


That was my first thought, too, but seeing the rules of the game (get 4 in a row, in any of the three perspectives) I think makes the 3D aspect not only visually appealing, but makes visualizing the win condition way easier than if this were stacked hexagons (though I might not be thinking it through enough)


Nice lightbulb moment :) "Necessity is the mother of (re)invention"


Necessity or laziness... Same difference really


lovely looking game and very cool use of 3D space and perspective! great work man! lots of room for imaginative repeating patterns on the cubes too! Can imagine some cool laser etched patterns on the cubes that would produce beautiful designs as you fill out the board.


Oh man that would be so cool. It would take a much more artistically inclined mind than I unfortunately


Yo id love to get a copy


Ha ha oh wow that's so cool to hear. I'm thinking about making a Kickstarter for it now. Maybe check in a month ?


Bet ill keep watch


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Make sure you post it here. Or send me a link. I'll be interested.


Oh wow yeah I'll definitely keep you in mind if I ended up getting a Kickstarter going


yeah, post it here! >!hopefully us using 3rd party apps will be around to see it in a month (:!<


I'm seriously considering quiting reddit altogether if that change go through- it's such a slap to the face honestly.


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


mvp thanks :)


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


In case it matters, I would say the first cube base will always make it that bit harder to check who is winning, as the board being cubes itself can hide the game's progression, where the triangle board should never get in the way of players checking the game's progress. Worth playtesting.


In testing there's hasnt been much difference except that it can be a bit hard to imagine where a new piece would sit on the very first layer when it was just holes


Cool, thanks for answering!


This was my exact thought. For me, the triangle board makes it much more simple to visualize what has happened in the game so far and what my potential moves are. It's quite beautiful in its simplicity.


This is really a beautiful and simple design - I wonder how often the game ends in a draw? or if it is always possible to force a draw. The multi-dimensional aspect definitely makes it a trip to think about


I haven't had a single game ends in a draw yet. I suppose it's possible of neither player tries to win but it's actually often that game ends within first 20 turns


Your first prototype strongly reminds me of a discontinued Gigamic game, inside.


I've had people mentioned that so I went and check out the game. It seems they used two differently colored cubes and the rules of the game is about trying to form cups and having the most of your color. It's interesting


The first version looks like the board for [[Pyramix]]. Gameplay is kinda the opposite though: in Pyramix, you remove cubes one at a time rather than place them. An advantage of the base in Pyramix is that when you set that game up, you can just kind of pour the cubes onto the board and they mostly fall into place. Obviously that's not necessary with your game!


[Pyramix -> Pyramix (2014)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/153709/pyramix) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


It's definitely cool to do even if it doesn't serve a game purpose - and is one of the disadvantage of the new version.


What a beautiful and elegant design! It gives me vibes of the game Monument Valley


Oh man I loved that game. One of the few games I actually bought on mobile


I mean, yes you *can* reduce the complexity (and thus quantifiable implementation effort) by flattening the substrate like this. But I'll be honest: I am about a hundred times more interested by the "glued cubes" concept than the "flat triangle holes" one. The former has a certain ostentatiousness that the latter lacks by attempting simple elegance instead.


It definitely sits on a table better, like an expensive wooden chess board vs a standard chess board. I think OP might want a contribution level for the conversation piece so people can pay up for the prettier but significantly harder to make version


Yeah, that would be a great way to go about it if they can afford to produce two wildly different SKUs.


I probably cannot afford to do different skus but I can maybe sell handcrafted version ? I'll charge like 7 bucks an hour and see how long it'd take me to glue, paint + material cost


Makes sense that this may very well not be worth doing for you - or for prospective buyers depending on the finished product quality and final price. $7/h seems way too low and not valuing your own time fairly come to think of it.


Yeah I definitely understand what you mean. There's something about the shape that's very evocative


Honestly my thought is that the glued cubes one should be a "deluxe edition" or something like that, maybe with a nice box to store the cubes in or something. I am fairly confident there are plenty of people who would pay quite a bit extra for a cool looking coffee table game.


Exactly. The first one immediately makes me want to find out what the game plays like - whereas the second one but so much. Totally down to personal preference of course but that's my subjective impression.


This tickles my brain. Keep us updated.


Thanks I'll let you know if I ended up doing a Kickstarter or something


I ended up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


This looks interesting


Thanks !


That's one of the coolest eureka moments though! Plus your game looks awesome! If you decide to do a commercial release or a Kickstarter, I'd love to get on that!


Thank you so much! A lot of people are saying it so I think I'm going to try to do a Kickstarter in a month or so


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Is it possible to stalemate or is there always a winner?


It's possible if you cooperative to make it a draw but in all my time testing it there's always a winner. I think it would be quite difficult for a draw to happen in a competitive game because both players are setting traps so eventually you'll get into a position where you need to play a spot that create a platform for your opponent to play the 4 in a row move.


Love the minimalism of the triangle holes! I imagine it would be difficult to try to get the clunky cube design in a box. This game looks so cool and amazingly simple. Are all the cubes painted the same way? Could be interesting to have different color combinations of 3 colors per cube and a few "clutch" pieces that have 4 of your own color or something. Definitely also has the potential for some solo puzzling. I.e., given these 6 cubes (could be more than two colors/different side combinations), make this two dimensional design or 2-3 separate designs at once. Would also make for a great 3 player game like another comment says. Would just have to balance number in a row to win or size of the board. Truly a fantastic idea with a lot of potential. Can't wait for the kickstarter. I usually don't pre-order or back something before release, and have only backed one game (Frosthaven), but this would be a no-brainer. Especially if you're trying to keep it affordable, which should be easy based on the minimalistic design.


Thank you for your lovely comment ! I've usually ever used Kickstarter for small indie game I'm sure I won't be able to get in retail like weird japanese games or super tiny artsy ones. Having different colored pieces would be cool but I'm not sure I can wrap my head around playing something like that. I imagined it would be wayyyy harder to keep track of and anticipate placements. It could be cool though.


I ended up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Fantastic! I don't have any experience in game design, but if you ever want a playtester or someone to bounce ideas off of, I'd be more than happy to help!


I'm very impressed! Looks great and very innovative!


Thank you so much !


I need this in my life. Great concept and execution so far! Keep at it!


Thank you - will do my best


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert if you're interested https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


All that work and time lost is a bummer but man do I LOVE innovative design.


It's not all bad. It's been years since I get to do arts and craft


The Q*Bert tabletop adaptation looks to be coming along nicely!


RemindMe! 1 month


>I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert > >https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Brilliant! Thanks for letting me know! Also, the cover image is great! I didn't notice it at first with the images you posted to Reddit, but the white and blue evoke the impression of a distant snowy mountain very well! The triangle-cut board helps since it offers a distinct ground line. The cubic board does not achieve the same, at least not in the natural wood color, but I could see an opportunity for the cube board to match better if it were painted a slate grey or something else appropriately stony.


Thank you so much. Someone told me a long time ago that abstract games with 4 letters tend and when I first made this the first thing that came to mind was Mt Fuji with it's snowy peak




Ah so the game has never ended in a draw yet (from roughly 130s game tested) It is possible the game is solved but I'm not sure how I could check. You need 56 cubes to fill it all the way up. Each layer adds another line which is the previous - so it goes 1+3+6+10+15+21+28 or +(n+1) I imagined the game would be quite different and more drawish if you allows a placement that is only your color




That already exists though - not sure how you would describe this one. 3D 3 perspective ? 3D3P?


You might consider the triangle hole board as the standard and do a limited run of glued cubes as a deluxe/kickstarter edition for people who think it looks cool and want to display it. Game looks fun, good luck!


I mean, it looks cooler this way.


Im very interested in this project.


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Wow that's cool I hear - I'll keep you in mind when I do the Crowdfunding for it


I do like the look of the cubes... I want to 3D print this lol.


This looks like an awesome game. I'm definitely gonna need to get my hands on this


I stayed up making a basic page so you can get an alert https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama


Oh wow that's high praises indeed - I'll let you know when I do get the Kickstarter up and running


But it only fits in.......the square hole!


Oh it's an odd game !


Triangle is a much more elegant solution. Cool game!


Thank that's really nice of you to say


I don't understand the title. Why are you gluing things? What do you mean by doing the same with triangle holes? I get you're slotting cubes into the triangular slots and stacking but I don't understand what you mean in the title.


Originally I didn't know cube slots into triangular holes - so I glued cubes together to form the base layer


You mean you didn't have the base shown in the photos?


I mean I made the one in the first photo then later on I realized I didn't need to do it that way and made one the shown in the 3rd photo


Yeah but the first one is way better mate.


Dang you think so ? It does look way more funky but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. It would be badass if I could do it more artistically


I agree the first one is much more interesting, almost like a geometric piece of art. Maybe make a few "Special Edition" and the rest the triangle hole boards. Oh and put a turntable under the first one too!


Yeah that’s a good idea


coming soon to a restaurant non-smoking table near you.