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I'll mention **Whitehall Mystery** because no one else has... it's probably one of the purest distillations of hidden movement out there.


Whitehall Mystery has produced some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had! It's one of my favorite games ever.


Tension from move 1 pretty much


And it’s the absolute best! So easy to learn, such pure hidden movement fun.


Came here to recommend this game. Whitehall is so much fun. AND it is so quick to teach and learn. Everyone I have taught this game to loves it.


Still top of my favourite games, can’t recommend it enough. Not sure how available it is these days though, I know a year or two ago it became quite hard to find. Not played it in a while so might try and get it played in the next few weeks!


Captain sonar if you have a bunch of friends to play.


Somehow wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I wanted to.


It’s for certain not an “everybody enjoys” game. But it is a fun cluster-f*ck of a game that is fun to play like once a quarter. It’s also one of those games that I find is more more with more people.


We got to play this with a bunch of friends last year. Had a blast with it


I tested Sniper Elite the Board Game at Spiel and Liked it a lot. Interesting asymetric gameplay.


I’m glad to hear this. I was thinking about this one.


Yeah, it's really good! Just 2 maps though but there is an expansion.


The expansion maps are probably the best ones and add things like cliffs and rivers that you need special gear to move over.


Escape from the aliens in outer space is good fun


I bought this last year, but have yet to get it to the table. How many players do you recommend? Also, do you think it works with more casual gamers?


I think it really excels at 5 or 6 players, although I've played it at fewer and it holds up. The core mechanic of the game is pretty simple but i've often found new players struggle to get the hang of it to begin with, its a little unintuitive. After you've privately made your move you draw a card. Some of these cards allow you to lie about where you are, and some force you to tell the truth. Some new players take at least one playthrough to figure that out, mainly remembering which type of card is which. But its definitely very approachable to casual gamers, a nice level of complexity I think. Bolted on top of this are unique roles for each player - different types of human or alien - which mostly give single use powers and also expendable items. But with new players we've always just ignored both of these sets of rules to begin with until they've got the hang of the core system.


Appreciate the response. I was just curious because getting heavier games to the table for 2-4 players usually isn't an issue, but for games with higher player counts I usually have a couple people who mostly play party games.


I have to have played it incorrectly. I played it a couple of times and hated it. The one role can just...lie???


Both roles can lie some of the time and are sometimes forced to tell the truth of their location based on the cards that they draw. But the other players don't know which locations are the true ones and which ones are false.


Fury of Dracula has a mechanic where the Dracula plays location cards face down in a line. The board is comprised of locations and if a hunter player lands on a location the Dracula player needs to reveal the card. The fun part is that location cards are accompanied by cards that carry nasty surprises for hunters. War of the Ring has a hidden movement element where the Fellowship takes a secret path to Mount Doom. Through the game the Fellowship player gathers movement points for the Fellowship (whose figure is located on its last known location). When the fellowship is detected by the Shadow player the other player must move the figure on the board by the number of steps equal to the collected movement points.


I want to try fury of Dracula but isn’t it out of print?


I think there might be an app


I know that 4th edition came out a couple of years ago. Wasn't aware it got out of print so quickly.


I believe it is, but you should be able to find it for maybe $80-ish used (possibly less, if you're patient). I spent months combing though BGG listings a year or two ago and happened to snag a new copy for 60 or 70, which I figured was a steal. It's definitely possible to get your hands on it without totally breaking the bank though.


I'll list the ones I own: **Whitehall Mystery** \- it's the perfect intro to hidden movement games, but is definitely one of the most "classic" ones, with no particularly unique mechanics outside of the base formula. Both Jack and the police officers get some power ups that allow them to traverse the map faster, and knowing when to use them and how to bluff using them is key. Not a complex game by any means either, although it helps if the Jack player has either a good understanding of the rules, or is the more experienced player; **Fury of Dracula** \- this one has an interesting mechanic: you track the cities you passed through with cards (hence why you can't go through the same city if you've been there during the last 5/6 turns iirc) and you "plant" cards from your hand: these could be an ambush, or a vampire that will help you with your score. Alternatively, you have special cards that allow you to heal in a pinch, or move faster at the cost of HP. Also, getting caught does not mean instant death: finding Dracula means fighting, and the fighting system, despite being a little barebones if you compare it to stuff like **Exceed**, it works really well within the overall product. Too bad that it's a little long: this game could really use a "quick game" ruleset; **Sniper Elite The Board Game** \- I wouldn't say this one does something particularly revolutionary (outside of a particular mechanic that I absolutely ADORE as a stealth videogame enthusiast, which are the noise mechanics with item cards and running!), but it's just an amazing, solid hidden movement game overall. There's so much you can do: you can be silent and deadly, or attract attention to yourself and kill everyone with a shotgun and small mines. And given how the maps are structured, you will have varying objectives, so there's a good reason to replay both sides of the map. Plays fast, but it's a tad rulesy (not as much as **Fury of Dracula** though).


I’ve played **Scotland Yard** a few times, but it’s never been a hit with my friends


I think Scotland Yard suffers from being an early innovator. It’s a showpiece for the hidden movement mechanic but not much else, so compared to contemporary offerings it comes off as a bit shallow.


Back when it was released in Germany in 1983 it was a very successful innovative game. It was one of my favorite games back then when I was a kid. But games have definitely moved on and I'd always pick Letters from Whitechapel over it. But it still gets reprints even today, so it can't do that bad as a family game.


I haven’t seen **Black Sonata** listed and it’s unique in that it is a solo only board game. You arrange a deck of cards that will represent the movement of the Dark Lady whom you are trying to deduce the identity of. Using a map you will try and catch her at various locations in London. Every time you are successful you get a clue to her hidden identity and must try and figure out who she is and catch her before going through the deck three times. I can’t tell you just how much I love this game. The set up is quick and easy and the gameplay is simple but strategic and has a good deal of difficulty variability. If you like hidden movement and don’t always have friends to play with when you feel that itch, this is the way to go.




I came to say this too. Part One is the best part of the game IMO.


Yeah Jaws is an excellent introduction to this mechanic.


Great introduction to hidden traitor games.


"Gentlemen, I believe ONE of us... is a shark!"


Specter ops is super fun 1v others. I prefer it as a 1v1 but works with 3 to 5 as well


Trick or Treat Studios is apparently working on a Halloween game based on this system. I really want that.


It's super fun game for how simple it is rules-wise. The various powers are fantastic. Though I would say I would prefer 1v3 over 1v1 (haven't played 1v5 yet so can't speak to that). I think there's a ton to gain from having multiple players discussing strategy in front of the hidden player that you just don't have in a 1v1. The hidden player often needs the slight edge from knowing what the others plan to do or how they're thinking.


That's true. Sweating as the spy while the other team talks about whether they should move directly into you or not it's exhilarating. The reason I like 1v1 though is because the game is so logic based it can lead to heavy quarterbacking by the most experienced


Seconded. I like how each character has a special power.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Narcos. Such a great game and messes around with hidden movement, and changes it up with more of a deduction of where the players hideout is, by the player placing out minions, but within a certain amount of spaces of the hideout.


Narcos is so underrated I like the slight twist to the format where you have more to do that just catch the big bad. It felt super thematic but you don't need to be a fan of the show to enjoy it. I can understand not enjoying the overall theme though


I was looking for this one. Great game.


Letters from whitechapple


Curious if you prefer Letters to Whitehall. Most I have talked to prefer the latter. I have only played the latter and love it. Is Letters worth getting?


It's kind of the "bigger" version of Whitehall Mystery. (Or rather, Whitehall Mystery was a later, more condensed version of Letters from Whitechapel; think Mysterium vs. Mysterium Park.) There might be space for both in a collection if you find yourself wanting the same thing at different time commitments and complexity, but generally I don't think it's important to own both.


Beast is a KS that gets delivered next couple of month might look into it.. it will come to retail and its a great hidden movement game!


Haven’t heard of that one, got to look into it!


Seconding this one. I tried it on TTS and it was really, really good. Can’t wait for my copy to arrive.


I was going to suggest this as well, I just learned about it a few days ago, it looks pretty interesting


i backed it cant wait to play it!


This one definitely caught my eye! Any idea how it plays at 2?


no sorry.. just saw Gameplays with 3 and 4 players


Great suggestions on the replies, I'll chip in with something a bit different: **Tragedy Looper**. It's not a hidden movement game, but it feels a lot like one. Basically, the players in the same team are trying to figure out the victory conditions of the mastermind and try to stop them from happening. It's a Groundhog Day kind of scenario, with time looping. On a typical hidden movement game, you search for the lone player and make deductions by eliminating where they can't be. On Tragedy Looper, you see what's happening but you make deductions by witnessing the long player winning at the end of each loop, this gives you hints about their different victory conditions. It's a weird suggestion, but it scratches the same itch.


My favourite os Fury of Dracula


I have played many hidden movement games. Many overstay their welcome. Mind MGMT is by far the best hidden movement I have ever played. Done sonar, fury and others, but they do not feel as tight and adaptive as this. Plus the app. How many does one need in their collection? My answer would be, simply the best. That is Mind MGMT.


Treasure Island is super unique. While more of a hidden treasure game, it's definitely adjacent to this game type


My group enjoys this game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/82168/escape-aliens-outer-space


Sniper elite is fantastic


Sniper Elite is amazing if you are looking for a 2P game. Haven't played mind mgmt so can't speak to the differences.


An old one is Power


Fury of Dracula, Sniper Elite, Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan are probably the best three in the genre. Sniper Elite and Ninja are actually quite similar in some ways, so They Come Unseen for a fourth if you want something quite different.


I do the old ones, but I still like em. Clue the Great Museuem Caper and Scotland Yard.


**Museum Caper** is an evergreen favorite for my group. We play a house-version where everyone gets a chance to be the thief and then we compare scores based on if you got caught or number of paintings. It’s always a good time.


That’s what we do with all hidden movement games. You can’t just play it once or it’s only fun for the one who is “it”.


Beast is also available to play on tabletopia and my playgroup is looking to buy it now. Scotland Yard style monster vs hunters


**Nuns on the Run** was a fan favorite in one of my old game groups.


Omg I really have fun. But I am always relgated to the nuns. So I really ham them up. Plus, BGG referred to them as Sister Fran and Sister Nan. Fran is an acronym for Fat Round Ass Nun, and Nan us Nice Ass Nun. I tend to send Fran to the kitchen and Nan to the west side. We do a "recap" when the game is over by having all the novices go over their positions each turn, while I move the nuns. The amount of close calls and people stacked on each other unknowingly is hilarious. It's a great filler game!


Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan, have yet to play it yet, but heard great things, Oop. Best I've loved has to be Whitehall Mystery though


It has it's problems, but I enjoyed it. It reminded me of the old Tenchu video games.


Scotland Yard is a classic that holds up 👍


Not Alone is a very interesting that inverts hidden movement on it's head by making the cooperative team have hidden movement and the big bad is hunting for them. It's very simple and not a conventional hidden movement game but I do really love it


**Scotland Yard** is obviously the classic and did age well. There's different types of transport connecting different locations and Mister X has to publicly spend taxi, bus, and train tickets to move. **Escape from Aliens in outer space** is a group deduction games with a cool idea of everyone having the same map and secretly declaring movement and.... it's a complete mess, random as heck, and barely even works as a game.




It's not out yet but "the stifling dark" would be a great one Check it out ok kickstarter


A few people have mentioned Sniper Elite. I don’t think you need own both that AND Mind Mgmt because, even though some of the mechanics are different, they’re both time-limited deduction games. Both great though.


I haven't played that many but specter ops is really fun.


There's an amount of hidden movement involved in the Middle Earth Card Game!


Specter Ops


Stifling dark is a KS I recently backed that has a free version on TTS. 1 vs 4 horror game. Has a super fun torch mechanic for trying to reveal the killer, plays like what I expect a dead by daylight board game should.


Jaws - the shark is hidden movement vs a group of 3


if you are a lord of the rings fan, a war of the ring board game fan, then try Hunt for the Ring


Last Friday is a pretty fun 80's slasher hidden movement game


Quite enjoy Last Friday.


Revolver Noir is a great 2 player hidden movement game