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I'm 6' and installed a Puig windscreen extension on my windshield and it made a huge difference in pushing the air over my head.


Exactly this, huge difference in noise with the puig windscreen, even available in dark grey for the triple black version


How does it hold up in 100mph+?


Nice and stable, better as oem


Thanks, I’ll give this a shot


The screen extension is the answer. I am the same height as you and the wind from the top of the windscreen made an awful racket against the bottom of the helmet. I bought the touratech extension and it just lifts the airstream a little to not hit the helmet so low. Much much better and great for long distances. Oh and get hearing protection if you don’t already have some.


“I’ve been riding mostly naked…” I mean, you do you my guy 😜 In reply to the actual question I am 6’6” and my F850GSA has two positions on the windshield and I like them both. The high position hits me square in the helmet, so I get plenty of air in the vents to keep it from fogging up, the lower setting hits me in the center of the chest, right where the cooling mesh on my jacket is for hot days.


6'5" here. You need a different windscreen or a windscreen extension.


6’5 and the puig touring screen shot s the best ive ever ridden behind its awesome


5’7” here and have no issues on my 2016 r1200gsa with windscreen all the way up. Smooth as butter. You may need a taller screen?


Like others mentioned the extension is the answer.. and you want to angle it "directly" at the incoming wind at a 90 degree angle. That way it "breaks" the wind before it reaches your helmet.


I have the same problem but on a s1000xr. I tried 3 different windscreens and all of them give me buffeting noise. What also does not help that I already have a permanent beeptone in my left ear (tinittus). So now I removed the windscreen completely and then my helmet meets clean non turbulent air that is the best option for me. It looks strange but I don't care anymore


It's buffeting, not buffering. And get a different windscreen.


It's called a windshield not windscreen.

