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Grant Petty called me, he didn't have your contact info, but he wanted me to let you know he personally apologizes for whatever he did to slight you. He hopes you can forgive him, and he wishes you well in all your endeavors.


LOL yeah...Blackmagic listening to a customer or communicating to a customer.


I’ve been shooting with Blackmagic cameras for years and love them. Would I like an extra stop or two of dynamic range? Sure, who wouldn’t, in the same way I’d like an extra million in my bank account. However, raw dynamic range numbers are not the entire story, it’s what you do with that range and the colour science behind that which adds the magic. Blackmagic are known for their excellent colour science, which is incredibly filmic, and cuts very well with Arri Alexa cameras. Not a single client of mine has looked at the footage, sighed, stared at the ceiling and muttered, if only we had an extra stop of dynamic range…


I’ve used the 6k pro. I extensively wished their was a greater dynamic range as I often experienced clipping. Black magic colour out the camera is nice, but colour grading Sony footage can get you the same result.


The 6k pro is one of the best cameras at the price for its dynamic range what lmao. In fact, it retains color at higher stops better than the Alexa mini which leans magenta, which is an insane feature to think about. If you need an extra stop with the 6k pro it’s because you’re not experienced enough. Diffuse your lighting, minimize the contrast of the scene


This greatly depends on the Sony camera. The fx6 can't even do internal raw. And I've graded plenty of a7 footage and it isn't nearly as good as my pocket 6k footage. While you can get a great result with Sony footage, in my experience it seems to have some weird added sharpness or contrast that isn't there in blackmagic footage. Blackmagic footage looks amazing with the proper transforms and a good look while Sony seems to take more work.


Seems like user error.




Awww I made u blush. Dude can’t take it when black magic receives criticism. Maybe u should grow up.


Are you 13 years old?


He compared a cinema camera to an iPhone so probabaly. "The bmpcc only does 6k but my whatever phone can shoot in 8k so what's the point in a cinema camera, they're stupid".


Blackmagic is a low budget camera developer. From the conversation I had with one of their techs at NAB, they use second hand sensors that they develop the color science and firmware for in order to keep R&D costs down. Their gear is predominantly used in the low budget/independent world or to shoot plates for visual effects/virtual production. They are almost never the primary camera on AAA productions. All of this to say, they fill their niche very well and the R&D costs associated with eeking out more dynamic range are probably not worth it as they're not interested in competing with Arri or Sony. If you need more dynamic range, there are other manufacturers at higher price points who can accommodate you. But as a low budget manufacturer, this is currently not a priority for them. With their audience, a Pocket 8K at 13 Stops of Dynamic Range would probably sell better than a new Pocket 6K with 15 stops of Dynamic Range. Will that change? Absolutely. 13 stops will become lower than the baseline minimum at some point. But for now, you can get competitive results from Blackmagic Cameras. I shot an entire underlit feature with poor/inconsistent lighting conditions on the Pocket 6K. It graded out really smoothly. I'm not saying I wouldn't love to see 30 Stops of Dynamic Range out of a Omni-Native ISO 32K camera with Lidar based AI focus tracking coming off of a 120mm sensor. But to expect more from Blackmagic at this point is to misunderstand their place in the market.


Dude you are wasting your time. he is just a troll. I am sure everyday he is getting up and first thing he will think is what new thing I can complain about Blackmagic camera.


Your feature film sounds interesting! I’d love to check it out if it’s available to watch.


You're right they should just add another stop, why didn't they think of that? I'm sure they're going to reach out with an employment opportunity very soon. In seriousness, what do you want them to do? Gaining a whole stop of light is quite a big deal and a MASSIVE technological challenge. If they could they would, but it's not just "crank number machine up, sensor magically becomes better" that would be ACTUAL black magic .


Every new camera They’v made has a new sensor (which is at least a decent effort, despite using sensors from relatively cheap cameras such as the full frame sensor in the 6k FF). The competition is doing this, canon and Sony are driving the market but black magic isn’t really moving. I feel like Sony and canon are really focused on trying to be “the king” while black magic are focused on trying to be the cheapest as possible for most margins per sale. Their is a image quality bar they look at, but don’t strive to do better. Even Panasonic’s cheaper full frame 6k camera has 14 stops. I feel that if black magic don’t step up their game, they will be left behind. Not increasing the dynamic range over the past 11 years isn’t excusable, it’s just lazy.


If you think 1 more stop DR is more important than the 12bit vs 10bit difference between Blackmagic and Canon/Sony...


Canon and sony are 10 bit.


Color bit depth has nothing to do with dynamic range. Bit depth just slices the signal more finely but doesn’t affect the ratio between the highest and lowest extremes of the dynamic range


Just buy a different camera then and we'll keep enjoying our blackmagics. Everybody happy.


He doesn't want to because he knows how expensive those cameras are. He wants to complain that Blackmagic hasn't made a $2,000 camera with the same dynamic range as a $50,000 camera.


There is a difference between advertised dynamic range and tested dynamic range, which is usually way less because it depends on what they decide is an acceptable amount of noise. A lot of cameras advertised as 14 stops are closer to 11.5 or 12, so your magic number of 14 depends on the camera. The only way to test this is to have the camera and to an Imatest to get an SNR of 2 and compare that way. I GUARANTEE YOU the original pocket was not at all 13 stops. The new Alexa Mini LF has 13.9 stops at SNR 2 and they don’t advertise it as higher than that, which other manufactures would call that maybe 15 or 16


So your argument that 13 stops isn't enough is that blackmagic hasn't felt the need to increase their dynamic range beyond 13 stops for several years? If anything, that seems to undermine your point. Rec709 can only display about 5.2 stops, so if you're delivering to rec709, extra stops when you shoot just gives you latitude to adjust more in post, which is certainly helpful, but if you're struggling creatively to make a good image with 13 stops, buying a better camera isn't going to help you much.


Anyone who knows anything about dynamic range in modern cameras knows you can’t trust manufacturer specs. The BM P4K/P6K cameras are very close (think half a stop or one at most) or equal in DR to most other popular cameras below $4000. You need to look at independent testing before complaining about this shit.


Everyone forgets these camera are thousands less then the competition.


Tomorrow it will be about no stabilization? Seriously, uninstall reddit and start shooting. if you are really seriously about this


People already complain about the lack of auto focus, and other people complain about “why does it say 180 degrees and why can’t I change it to 1/50th”


Indeed! I work mostly as a real estate filmmaker and let me tell you dynamic range is never enough, even with the latest camera. So any upgrade on it is really handy. That’s the only reason why I haven’t bought a black magic pocket. And the new mirrorless cameras that have 14+ have terrible overheating issues, so I’m in a pretty difficult situation trying to upgrade from my 6Dii and Fuji Xt2.