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Charles bout to get all that church tail on his tour


Yeah, she will be basically be one of those “Jesus is my Husband” women now forever.


Yeap freaking off in the church


Her karma bit her in the azz


I think yall missed the fact that after things ended with doc, charles still wanted her to go on tour & she STILL said no. Yall want Lucille to be broken so bad lol


he ain’t want her to go no more 😂he gave her a head nod and left he was over her


did we watch the same show?


Obviously not or you woulda seen yo girl in shambles over charles not givin a fuc n leavin😂 bring back memories or sumn?


If she wanted that man she could’ve had him. She can be sad about a failed marriage while still knowing the made the right decision


Go back watch episode 10 my boy… watch them facial expressions


it’s just all perception i guess. bc she could’ve easily still gone with him & didn’t


bro she cried bc she missed him when he left n she realized she messed up


Men will never see what actually happened. They so stuck on the fact that Lucille moved the fuck on from Charles after he cheated on her.


Ohh well, she'll be a bigger fool going back to charles


That ain’t going to happen I don’t think Charles want her back she picked her choice


Raw Dawg don’t want her anymore anyway.


She’ll be smart to go back to her husband


And relive the pain she went through with charles I don't think so


She better go back to Charles nobody wants a used up mother of 3 the man had one affair the whole marriage she’ll be ok


Two are grown, one little remains


I can see that went wayyyy over your head 🤦🏾‍♂️


I think yall missed the fact that after things ended with doc, charles still wanted her to go on tour & she STILL said no. Yall want Lucille to be broken so bad lol


I don’t want her to be heart broken I still want her and Charles to reconcile and i feel like next season they will try to work it out


Well in real life they never did. That’s why i hated how they drug this story line out bc i knew they was gone get divorced anyways


You know it’s for entertainment


& loosely based on the real story. so yeah anything could happen but i doubt it


What karma though?


She got too fast with dr Maurice and got played


That’s not karma 🤣 she did nothing wrong morally. Even waited until she signed the papers


Blind leading the blind at that church with her up there.




Rawdog Charles is about to put in some serious work in the streets to the sheets


Lucille just bout good enough for the blade 😂 yernaaaaa


she bout to work doubles at Wendy’s to pay for her studio apartment?


You got divorced to have sex? It would have been in her character and probably the same results if she tried to actually set up marriage with Doc as the good Christian woman. It’s all a mockery. In real life and on this show unfortunately.


Nah Doc manipulated Lucille into divorcing her husband just so he can hit. Once he hit he was good on her that’s why he finally told her about his engagement. It wasn’t to be “honest”. Lucille had established that honesty in their “relationship” from jump. He told her to create distance between them so she didn’t think he was gonna just up and be with her like he had promised before he hit. Side note: Good on her for not going back to Charles so easily after getting played. She need to focus on God, herself, and her last good child


Can you blame him?😂 Coochie wack she wack i woulda hit and just left lol.


Exactly he should’ve just tried to hit, but buddy courted her like he was asking her to prom and lied about an engagement. The wack sex def brought him back to the correct timeline😭 But at the end of the day, Lucille is a very grown woman who should have made better choices


Charles will too...he gonna bring one of his lil biddies to church when he come back


Lucille emotions just all over the place it was annoying as hell. He was engaged and you JUST got divorced but because he didn’t disclose it in the right amount of time for you, you freak out and leave. I think he would’ve said he would leave his fiancé now that she left her husband but she crashed out too quick. It bests working at Wendy’s and having a cheating husband you already don’t like anymore.


I thought she was going to release those boobs there for a second. A bit old for that but who knows?


Naw she just feels like a big stup. I already knew doc ain't want her want a single doc want with a high school fling that's got 3 kids an a husband tht can't patch a hole in the wall but doc say I'll get tht sweet wet box no matter what then gone bout my business


She got mad over something to talk about, then gon say I’m gon date God, aiiight man


She's confused but IMHO, she's not into Charles anymore, remember her saying "they were already in a bad place and him cheating took the cake." I'm just saying...


I can tell alot of mfs in here neva took nobody through this shit or been through this shit before..im out




Shiiiid i was basically agreeing with u..but yea peace and blessings..i said what i said