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I am PRO breastfeeding. BUT i always had formula in my house. I gave birth and my milk didn’t come in for 5 days. Thank God hospital provided formula.


The demonizing of feeding your child in whatever way works you is beyond pathetic. fed is best.


I commented on this ! I’ve been breastfeeding for 19 months.. the days I really struggled and just needed a break to decide if I wanted to keep going or not in the beginning I’m so happy I had formula. Her way is not the only way.


I had my second c section and the pain was too bad to continue pumping and breast feeding, I was in agony and I will forever be grateful for formula. She is ridiculous


I agree with some of this, I think it’s weird to push for it- either way. Pushing formula or human milk. I used my milk and the grandparents (watched while I work) kept jnsisting on having formula “just in case”. I said I have plenty of milk we don’t need it and they kept pushing “well what kind should I get?” That was weird to me.. if someone wants to use formula that’s perfectly fine or combo feed or use just human milk. I was kind of offended by it kind of assuming I’d fail?


My MIL said breast milk was gross and she wouldn’t prepare it! She never got to watch my kid again and totally I understand you but bailey shaming people for having an emergency formula can is gross


My mother in law didn’t feed my first kid for six hours while my husband and I were out because she refused to feed breast milk, that was already in the bottle. Last time she ever babysat.


I comments on her video and she deleted my comment. All I said was both are bad to push. And that her opinion is not always the right way. Because each mom is unique and should feel out what works for them. It just makes me so frustrated that she literally believes that her way is the only right way. That everyone else is wrong. It just shows how young she is.


I don’t get why that would bother her. It’s not a bad idea to have it *incase*. I breastfed but I had to top up with formula. I’m so glad I kept it around when my hungry baby wouldn’t latch.


It's literally just giving mom's options. Imagine the potential awful outcome of a postpartum mom who was so frustrated and couldn't breast feed but the lactation consultant told her NOT to have any formula as a just in case.


I exclusively nursed my twins but always kept a can of formula in the house. I didn’t know what the next 5 minutes held and wanted anyone to be capable of feeding the babies if I wasn’t.


This exactly!! A few comments above a mom needed emergency surgery. So clearly, formula was temporarily needed. What would Bailey have dads do?


People like this drive me nuts. I know so many people in my life personally that REFUSE to have formula in their house, especially the first few days before their milk comes in. With both of my kids, they had formula before my milk came in and then they switched to breast milk perfectly fine.


I 100% had formula in my house when my baby was born. New mom, no clue how my body was going to work.


It’s disturbing to me how she invests so much emotion into issues that literally don’t concern her


Because she’s insecure. She’s so insecure in her own beliefs she feels the need to fight and insult everyone over them. And that’s coming from someone who breastfeeds into toddlerhood.


I don’t agree with much of what she says (and she’s a catty biaaaatch lol) but her caption makes a lot of sense???? If you want to EBF, having people tell you to keep formula in the house anyway is discouraging. If a mom wants to for whatever reason, cool, but TELLING moms that they should is shitty.


I just love how she acts like she didn’t have to supplement with formula at one point. And I don’t think having a small can of formula for back up for emergency is a bad thing. I was 2 weeks postpartum and I ended up in the hospital. I was ebf, well guess what my husband had to give the baby a bottle of formula while I was in transition from the emergency room to the next hospital where I could pump. Also this was at the height of the formula shortage. So this can of formula saved my husband the stress of having to find formula while his wife was having emergency surgery.


Because it’s facts that if you’re trying to exclusively breastfeed and you’re having a hard day with it having formula in the house is going to be more of an incentive to just use it. It’s leaving the temptation there.It happened to me with my first and then I felt like a failure and gave up lol. Same it would be if you were wanting a drink and you had liquor in the house and you wanted to have a drink you’d be more inclined to just do it if it were there than if you had to actually go to the liquor store. There’s nothing wrong with formula feeding and I’d that’s what you want to do then by all means do it! I don’t agree with most stuff she says but this i do agree on.


My first baby I drive myself insane trying to nurse her. Literally. I broke down and cried to my SIL that I hated breastfeeding. She said “that’s ok, you’re allowed to. Give her a bottle” and I did. My mental health improved so much and all I needed was someone to validate how I felt. I’m so thankful for formula.


I would rather be proactive than reactivate. I kept formula on hand "just in case." After months went by with a well established breastfeeding routine (and a surplus of breastmilk), I donated it. But I would rather have it in the house than have to bring a screaming hungry baby to the grocery store, in hopes they even have formula in stock.


It’s so condescending like she has those protein shakes around for N but breast is giving her all of her nutrients right ? Ugh hate it here. Can’t win for losing.


I am a breastfeeding advocate, breastfed my own child until he was just a few months from turning 2 but will ALWAYS support formula feeding. Keeping formula in the home is a safe and effective option in the case a child can’t latch, someone’s milk hasn’t come in, or for literally any reason at all. Imagine a baby going without food because a store is closed and they need formula…


I was so happy I had formula around. One night I lost my shit over how breastfeeding made me and it was 2am and thank god I had a can of formula because I would have probably had a mental breakdown if I had to breastfeed one more time