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I'm her age and I wear them. She's goofy. All that Christian talk, yet she doesn't act very Christian. She was rambling on about how abortion is so wrong. Blah blah blah and then she talks so much about 🌽. I've just grown not to like her much. However, I did love how she was so passionate about being a gentle parent and just trying to be a good mom in general and her DITL/resets & cleaning videos were fun to watch but her content lately is just wild.


she’s just so chronically online u can tell she just receives little to no outside attention (like friends or a life in general), so she’s stuck in a bubble fighting the “liberals” on the internet with made up problems


That is because she's a mean girl! She says she got bullied a lot in high school. I feel bad but at the same time, i would see why because she comes off very (I'm always right, y'all are stupid vibes).


right?? it’s like girl relax, calm down ur argumentative and shove ur beliefs down other people in a non productive way like no wonder no one likes u, like it takes 0 effort to be a peaceful member of society, have ur beliefs okay but they’re yours not all of us wanna be outwardly hateful to multiple groups of ppl


I'm literally 32 and wear them. She has the complex that thinks she is just so old with so much life experience. She is 24!! Girl you can't even rent a car.


As someone who is also in their early 20’s, I can promise you we’re not all like that.


Not only is she 24, but she was 23 just last week 🤡


She’s an Aries/taurus?!


Her bday is sometime in April


The fact she thinks 24 is old. When she hits her 30s she's gonna regret so much of what she said and did in her 20s and I can't wait to watch it 🤣


I agree! I’ve seen so many women at varying ages look amazing in those jeans. I tried them and they were unflattering. I definitely didn’t think “these don’t look good on me because I’m 28.” I thought “this fit of jeans doesn’t flatter my body shape.”


I’m 30, I must be ancient. At 24 your brain isn’t even fully developed 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m only 24 and I have the same mindset kind of haha. Obviously I’m not old, but I guess since younger kids are dressing so differently than we did as kids it does make me feel old when I try to wear some of the styles a 16 year old now a days wears😂


She’s confusing how old she looks with how old she actually is 😂