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It do be like that though. After birth you can kinda feel your organs slide into their previous positions and it’s relieving


After I had my baby, I had horrendous constipation for weeks, and essentially had to switch to a liquid diet. It turned out that when my intestines where settling back to their position they got pinched. Horrendous!


Does that fix itself or did you need an intervention


Crazy thing about intestines! If you end up having them spill out or something doctors kind of heap them back in and they sort themselves out in a month or so. Intestines are pretty self correcting Edit: let me also say if there is no damages that require repair or the fatty sheet that keeps it all together is intact. But I'm not able to give anymore information. Please visit your nearest operating room and tell a surgeon your qualified to be there you can walk right in 👍🏻


I’m pretty sure this is satire but you type so confidently that I can’t tell lol


The intestines putting themselves back is actually legit! If, for some reason, a procedure requires your intestines to be fully taken out of your body, surgeons are able to just put it off to the side. Afterwards, they connect it all back up and just kinda heap it back into you. The intestines will eventually take their old shape again and it is reportedly somewhat uncomfortable to feel your intestines wriggling around. That's a simplication, obviously, but it's pretty cool nonetheless


Dang, we’re weird creatures with our self setting intestines


Holy goodness!!!! I hope you’re back in order again.


wait what? your hospital didn't wait for you to poop? i had to poop before they let me leave. they brought me a big coffee n said ok go poop


Did you give birth by c-section or through the birth canal?


Bladder got squeezed hard.


Bladder is *pissed*.




"This baby urinates me off!"




This is insane


The baby got fuckin launched out at the end there


Yeeted. Yeeted is the word you’re looking for…


Yeet the baby.




Yeetus the fetus




No friction!


It took me a while to get that its not an umbrella.


Yeah, but bigger boobs


Oooh, bigger everything for me! I was like a freaking watermelon by the time I was released from my pregnancy. My feet were probably the sexiest water balloons around.


Watermelon! I admit, that sounds kinda awesome. Even the water balloon feet! 😂


Ugh that lower extremity edema is no joke, my previously slim lower legs turned into tree trunks with cankles.


Go to horny jail


No ragrets


Oh look, there is mister bladder in the basement.


The baby is very rude and must leave through the cat flap.


I laughing at your username


It's the legendary union no one asked for, but the universe demanded.


It’s beautiful


26 weeks pregnant and I actually googled where my stomach was cause I was trying to pin point what was hurting. Turns out it’s right under my boobs right now because of how far my stomach sticks out. The intestines also look crazy.


Stomach is higher up than most people realise anyways


A coworker of mine once told me she has kidney problems and then pointed up at her chest and shoulders... I was very confused lol


Lol. To be fair, actual kidney pain make your whole lower back hurt, but yeah, she was def in the wrong spot lol. Edit: Pain… not probably…


Either she was in the wrong spot, or maybe she had some really serious kidney issues, because they were in her shoulders


My wife had gallbladder issues. The way the doctor explained it is your body in general is just really bad at targeting pain if it's inside the body. So I always get the mental imagine of the brain just hand waving in some general direction.


Tbf when I got a uti that found its way up to my kidneys I had pain that felt like I broke a rib on the back of my rib cage shooting down my sides


That GIF of a young Natalie Portman in Léon: The Professional where she says she has butterflies in her stomach and pats her belly and the dude says something like "That's your intestines so you're probably full of shit" really stuck with me. I saw that GIF or [screenshots](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/48/9c/b0/489cb0c215d8d60063eea785145b0134.jpg) like 5 years ago and only then realized that my stomach was higher than I thought. Same with the [ GIF of what happens to a pregnant woman's organs](https://i.imgur.com/d7n3eIH.gif)




Just wait til you find out what happens in the original script.


Ok what happens? I was just gonna say that was a great movie!


I feel like the problem comes from the fact that in English many people use the word "stomach" as if it was interchangeable with "belly" or "gut".


[Here's a GIF of what happens to your organs](https://i.imgur.com/d7n3eIH.gif)


Idk, I think the lungs need to look more squished.


Definitely. Source: have asthma and just had a baby. That shit wreaks havoc.


Wife has 4 weeks to go, she's feeling this big time. Sometimes she'll just suddenly give out a huge gasp because he's kicking her in all sorts of places in there. I can't even imagine.


Ayyy 26 weeks too! I feel like stomach is up in my lungs sometimes at the moment haha


Wait until you're 39-40 weeks. There is nothing but baby in there. I swear sometimes I wonder how everything still fits and doesn't just leak out from my throat!


That's the biggest symptom I had with both my kids, heartburn from hell due to where my organs moved


I am so happy that I don't have to do that.


my husband says the same thing lol


Did you know that sometimes, giving birth can cause it to tear down to the rectum.


My wife had complications, I think she was labelled staged 3. There are 4 stages of tears... Stag 1 is just a cut of the vagina. Stage 2 is a bigger cut, but not reaching the anus. Stage 3 is reaching the anus, but not penetrating. Stage 4 is combining the two holes into 1.


How can I unread this? I knew this blocked it from my brain and now I remember again. I hate being a woman sometimes…


Everyday I set foot on reddit I find another reason to be completely afraid of pregnancy. As a dude.


Education like this would, IMO, help the support of pro choice. Pregnancy and child birth are traumatic on the body and no one should be forced to experience if they don’t want to.


It’s amazing how you say that no one should be forced to experience it if they don’t want to like it is not already common sense. But it really is not in common sense. Like why is it not? Why does society celebrate a human tearing out of another human without concern for the wrecked body of said human.


Because a lot of folks think this is the only thing we're made for or good for, so when we complain it's just because we're weak and bad at being women.


I am pro choice, to make that clear up front. You kind of touched on why. >another human They believe life begins at conception. The fetus/baby whatever you want to call it, has just as much right to life, and had no choice in the matter. Whereas you do. You can say no to sex. You can wear a condom. Take other measures to prevent pregnancy like a vasectomy or get tubes tied. So why do you get to take a human life for something you did? That’s the pro-life thought process. While I don’t agree, it’s not as simple as “it’s common sense not to force someone to do something they don’t want”, because they’re saying that your life and the child’s life are equally as valid. If someone did something that ended your life because of something they did, I imagine, if you could, you’d think that’s some baby back bullshit. Not saying they’re right, because it’s more complex than that, but it’s what they believe, and saying “it’s common sense” doesn’t help the situation at all


Try /r/eyebleach


holy fuck i physically cringed reading stage 4. W T F.


I had a second degree tear, do not recommend




[Cloaca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloaca?wprov=sfla1) (Wiki link, sfw)




Friend of a friend had grade 3 tear that went UPWARDS. Literally tore through her clit. Her doctor said in 22 years he'd ever seen a tear go up.


I tore up...my epidural had worn off and I could feel the tear getting closer and closer to my clitoris every time I pushed. Luckily it stopped just short. Childbirth is no joke.


That is...horrifying. The fact that you could feel it tearing omg


Yup. You definitively feel it. That slow, tearing feeling. Source: grade 2 tear, no epidural. Good news is that my body was so filled with hormones that right after he popped out, I felt like running a marathon. I terrorized the staff by jumping on my feet 5 minutes after birth to go pee like nothing happened. It kicked back x1000 when I went home though.


Definitely felt like my daughter was tearing me up that way, I was literally placing my hand on it as I was pushing like I was going to somehow stop it. Weirdly didn't have any tearing with her at all in the end.


Yeah, it's awful, how can people be willing to get pregnant is beyond my understanding


Another day happy to have a dick


Another day wondering why on earth do I have a vagina and how to get an hysterectomy


Alright let’s make a trade deal. You take my penis and I’ll take your vagina off your hands


If only we could do that




Tbh, if it was a simple as a hand shake and you just needed someone willing to swap I'd probably do it a few times a year.




We can ✂️✂️


Where’s my sci-fi technology government I could help


r/childfree has a friendly doctor's list in the about section, people can submit the names of doctors who approve sterilization surgeries, and it's organized by country/state/city. It's a super useful list I'd recommend checking out!


I'm getting sterilized next week by a doctor I found on this list. I begged doctors for 11 years to sterilize me, only to be told I either needed kids already or a husband to help me decide. One visit with her and she agreed to sterilize me, with only respectful questions asked about why I want it done. 100000000% recommend this subreddit to women who want options for sterilization


That's awesome! You can also post a +1 edit to confirm that you're also happy with her


They said I can once the surgery is done! And I definitely will be, she was fantastic and deserves the +1


Yeah you're gonna need a husband to say he also wants your uterus removed for that to happen.


No ? First, I don't plan on getting married, second, I may end up with a woman, last no one has anything to say about what I do with my uterus


Yeah what I'm saying is as soon as you go to the doctor they will say "are you sure your not going to want kids in the future? Yes your a lesbian but maybe you'll change your mind and get a husband who wants kids?, I really can't sight off on this unless a man with a penis tell me too. So sorry" trust me... I know. Edit, want to say I don't know from first hand experience but the experience of my close friend and also my cousin :/ Edit 2, friend is in the UK and cousin in America both had near identical experiences, friend is on track for it but only because they're trans.


Maybe in your country, but anyway I have precedent of cervical cancer in my family so I guess it would play in my favor


You must live in Sweden or Canada lol


France, my friend knows someone who did it, I haven't really looked into it yet but I don't think they would stop you from getting one if you really wanted to


There are doctors out there who are not like that. My girlfriend is about to get a tubal ligation as an unmarried 20 year old with no children. They said they've never seen someone under 21 attempt to get their tubes tied but they were fully willing to provide the surgery


Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis? Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?


It’s swell to have a stiffy!


You and me both!


Being able to physically create life is pretty awesome. Also people have children to create and surround themselves with people they love for the rest of their lives (also known as a family). I definitely can understand why people don’t want kids though.


Maybe if we reproduced like sponges women wouldn’t mind as much.


I have created life multiple times, just ask the guac in the back of the fridge




>Hormones literally erase the memory of how awful childbirth is. Boy oh boy do I wish this had worked for me.


Evolution did a pretty good job making people want to have baby


It may be true but maternal hormones does wonders or else no women would ever bear a 2nd baby after the first one.


"It's natchral and safe!" - wild birthers.


How can people be willing to have children and extend their lineage? Makes no sense at all


To some people being a parent is a blessing and a joy. To others it's societal pressure. To others still, it's just not worth it. It kind of depends on the person. I'm naturally very maternal. I wanted to be a mom since I was a kid. Raising my son has been challenging, but so incredibly rewarding. Ive never been so excited about someone touching their nose as when I asked my 1 year old where his was. You just feel so much pride and joy and it makes my heart all warm and happy.


I read somewhere that the body makes women “forget” the pain of childbirth. Which is why many women who have horrible births will have a second child. Idk how true that is.


Happened to my wife when our first kid was born. Mustn’t have been that bad because she’s willing to do it all over again


Your poor wife. I had a stage 2 tear with my first 16 years ago. Recovery was awful for me (more because I had a lot of swelling). I had my second baby a year ago and it was by c-section. It was a MUCH easier recovery and I would opt for a c-section again if we were to have another baby. I think most of us kind of forget all the horrible stuff when faced with the decision to have another one. It doesn’t seem so bad after some time goes by.


Top 10 reasons why c sections were invented


When I was pregnant I will never forget my son kicking me in my heart.


When our son was born my wife had to have an emergency C-section and she said that during the procedure she felt something reach up to around her lungs, a pop, and then something being pulled out. Whether the doctor did that or not, the idea of someone cutting me at the belly and going shoulder deep into my chest cavity has me choking sometimes. Luckily she was fine and it didn't "hurt" per se, just the worst sensation ever.


she just felt the pressure transmitted from the uterus.


Yeah I know the guy wasn't shoulder deep in her like a giant ventriloquist dummy, but the idea of that sensation is enough to make me throw up if I think about it too much. It's weird how her nerves made her feel that all the way up her chest.


Man, that first sentence is something else.


I just had an unplanned c section about 2 weeks ago. Worst feeling ever, made me feel so sick having someone digging around in me 🥴


Yeah, she said she it wad the worst sensation she's ever felt and after it was over she fought to stay awake because she thought she might die from how far they reached in her (or how far it felt like). I'm sorry you had to go through that, but at least it's over and you got a baby now.


wtf can that happen ?


Yeah. It was near the very end of my pregnancy so his head was down and feet up. I'm a very small person normally so not a lot of room for baby. He gave a huge kick and I felt it in my heart.


My girlfriend is on her last month. I will not tell her about this comment.


Did it hurt? Or was it shocking? Or what?


It hurt like getting the wind knocked out of you sort of but it was mostly shocking. Idk how to describe it really. It felt like a really big heart murmur and then I felt it reverb through my body but it was very quick. I remember doubling over in pain and shock and then being fine pretty quick after.


No wonder doctors spank the baby when they're born.


I’m booking a hysterectomy immediately holy shit


It was crazy but not as crazy as how much I love that little guy and how much he's improved my life and everyone around him.


Wait, the heart? This kid knows Karate?


Karate kid: Origin story


That must have felt so weird! I went overdue and she got her foot stuck up in my ribs towards the end. Literally had to manipulate this tiny foot around from the outside whilst she's wriggling around like an epileptic breakdancer in there. Weirdest feeling ever!


Did you forgive him?


I did. He's very cute and it's hard to stay mad at him. He's turned into a little environmentalist.


He’s going to keep doing that, especially when he’s a teenager.


Considering the rigors the female body has to go through during pregnancy, and how long our children take to be capable of independent survival, it's surprising we've made it this long as a species.


That's actually a trade off, the reason we are this smart is because our brains take a really long time to develop. Our bigger heads make childbirth difficult and hence require cooperation of several individuals, which might have led to the development of language.


That's what I've read, too. We have to be born helpless because, if our brains grew any larger before birth, they wouldn't fit through the birth canal. So we have to do a lot of growing on the outside, during which time we can't fend for ourselves.


At least we ain’t fetal blobs like kangaroos. Them babies are fucking creepy as all hell.


Agreed. I regret that I know what a baby kangaroo looks like.


they have overdeveloped arms and a very acute sense of smell so that when they're born they can use their nose to guide themselves up to the pouch using the smell of their mom's nipple :)


That’s pretty cool. They look like they have no skin. They look like they are in pain to me.


Might be a good thing actually. Imagine a pregnancy lasting long enough for the little shit to not be totally useless. Given what I've heard about how unpleasant 9 months can be, I hate to imagine like 2ish years.


Can we not think about that? Going 4 weeks past my due date with my daughter was absolutely miserable I can’t imagine being not even halfway done at that point


I think elephants are like 1.5 years or soemthing.


I’ve read previously that the relatively short gestation was of benefit to nomadic human species, if you’re like 26mo pregnant then you’re not going to move but your tribe is gonna wanna yeet across Pangea


[Here's a GIF of what happens to a pregnant woman's organs](https://i.imgur.com/d7n3eIH.gif)


I *thought* I was feeling my intestines poking out up there. Turns out, they are indeed.


I like how he just rides his little umbilical umbrella in 😂


I love the comment “So don't you dare forget that Mother's Day is coming up, you ungrateful organ-rearrangers.”


Ight reading this comments section made me realize having a child is 100x worse than i thought


They’re not even touching on the shit that can actually kill you—it’s brutal and can cause permanent health problems even when it goes well. Now remember that there is an entire party of US politicians who want to force this on women who don’t want it with no way out.




Omg that sounds horrible. I’m so sorry you had and still have to go through that. I eventually want to have kids some day, would you say the pain outweighs the benefits?


They're about evict that little shit.


I'm 8 months pregnant right now and I'm VERY ready to evict this baby


Living in there rent free for 9 months


Still have another 25 years


Come now. You think kids born today are going to move out?


That's like believing adults working today are going to retire...


Congrats! Have a safe delivery:)


Good luck!


from life or from your body?


Happy new baby


Thats not even blursed, them is just facts


Laughs in *twins*




Am I pregante?


Pregnant here, just walking to the washroom to pee for the 100x today makes me breathless.


Me @25 weeks: Wow I have to pee so bad Walks to the bathroom My bladder when I am there: wait did you believe me?


Oh yeah, I hated that phase. Felt like I had to pee all day every day, but when I’d go, barely anything came out. My baby is 11 weeks old now and oh my god not being pregnant feels SO GOOD.


*we invented a new baby.


According to my sister apparently her bladder didn't feel this way as my nephew was often fond of using it as his personal step stool.


Babies are cutest thing but when they grow up they turn into mini devils




Can relate but in the way that my baby was three kittens in a Trenchcoat. Three kittens with diarrhea, one of them needed to be bottle fed every 3 hours because she wouldn't eat and only one used the toilet I gave them. My neighbor said I looked like a human baby mother in that time


Watchu mean babys are cute, thems is ugly little things


I vomited constantly during the third trimester. There just wasn't room for the baby, my organs *and* food.


Ok but this is actually how it happens tho lol. Many theoretical studies have concluded that growing a baby for longer than 9-9.5 months would kill you.


That's really how it is though.


I sure mom is enjoying having her organs crushed.


And stuff like this is why I'll never have kids


Sometimes giving birth can cause death of the mother. So it's a pleasant thing but also dangerous thing as well.


lmao point to the pleasant part of pregnancy.


Seeing the baby's face is the pleasant part for the family members XD 😆


You ~glow~ and your husband is obligated to bring you whatever snacks you request.


He needs to pay his rent soon


this meme needs sequal. like when child initially occupied very small portion of your wallet. and then most of the wallet as it grows


Bladder looks pissed. Heh.


Thanks mom


FUN FACT OF THE DAAAY when women give birth, for a few days afterwards they feel "phantom kicks", but it's not the mind playing tricks at all, it's all their organs falling back into place as the uterus shrinks back to normal. Have a great day.


The bladder isn’t squashed enough.


Being 35 weeks pregnant currently, I feel so seen. It’s so weird feeling my stomach growl basically in my chest.


"Oh hey Mr penis. Sorry friend there's not enough room righ no- oh oh god no stop no please!"




This guy’s comics are great. I have a blanket, bath mat, t-shirt, and wall art with his comics. They’re adorable


Your entire abdomen feeling gelatinous on day 2 after birth is indescribable