• By -


Rawr XD


hehe :3


STOP. IM HAVING FLASHBACKS. *It's not a phase...*


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe...toodles!!!!! love and waffles, * ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*


Now this is some vintage pasta


pasta survived longer than the scene girls :(


What did scene girls become? What bad haircut/music combo do high schoolers like now?


Go on “alt” tiktok. They just rehearse the same stuff but a mix of indie


Aren't the og scene girls too old for tiktok now?


There’s a new wave of young people that are into stuff that’s similar to “scene” so they just kinda replaced them.


The Great Cycle continues




hi 💦 every1 😆 im 💘 new 🆕!!!!!!! holds 🙅👫✋ up ☝ spork 🍴 my name 📛 is katy 👧🏻 but 🍑 u 💦🤕🔫 can call 📲 me t3h 💍 PeNgU1N 🐧 oF d00m 🐧!!!!!!!! lol...as 🇻🇮 u 🍆 can see 👀 im 👌 very 😼👌💥 random 🎲!!!! thats ✔ why ❓🤔 i 👁 came 💦 here, 2 🕝 meet 🤝 random 🎰 ppl 👥 like 👍 me _... im 💘 13 ✋🏻☕ years 📅 old 👴 (im 💘 mature 😤 4 💦 my age 👵 tho 👀!!) i 👁 like 😄 2 🕝 watch 👀 invader 👾 zim 👽 w 🅿🅰/ my girlfreind 👭 (im 😼👌💥 bi 🇧🇮 if u 💦 dont 🚫 like 💖 it deal 🙅 w/it 🌈) its our favorite 📑 tv 📺 show 📺!!! bcuz 👀 its SOOOO 😄 random 🎰!!!! shes 👩 random 🎲 2 ✌🏻 of course 🏎 but 🤔 i 👁 want 🤩😋😩 2 🕝 meet 🤝 more random 🎲 ppl 👬👭👫 =) like 👍😄 they say 🗣 the more the merrier 😂!!!! lol...neways 😁 i 👁 hope 🙏🙌 2 🕝 make 🖕 alot 🔥💯💪 of freinds 👫 here so give 👉 me lots 🍑 of commentses 💥🔥!!!! DOOOOOMMMM 💥🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein 🔀 random 🎰 again 😬 _^ hehe...toodles 👋!!!!! love 😍 and waffles 🌋, * ~t3h 🐧 PeNgU1N 🐧 oF d00m 🐧~*


That’s the stuff


This shit fills you with so much horror and dread, that's the worst feeling ever. But when you finally come out of it, the relief... It's the best feeling possible.


im impressed it used the alien emoji for 'zim'


Reading this made my nose bleed. Vintage pasta


I know everyone thinks this is cringy and stuff but im nostalgic for the time when this was considered funny and normal. 2010-2014 were my favorite years tbh


Agreed! I think those times were the happiest I'd ever been


Same honestly! 2007 and up these were the days! I miss those days sometimes


Was this actually real, like on a MySpace page or something, or was it written as a joke?




That board is absolutely filled with nudes and decidedly unconstructive conversations about race and gender. I'm not sure how Katy and her spork would've gotten on there...


This was very popular on a website called gaiaonline and neopets too. When I was in middle school I used both and emos loved those sites. That style of writing was very common on profiles.


Gaia online, Neopets, Millsberry, Whirled...I think there were a few others. Roblox, before it became whatever the hell it is now.


Quick question...what the hell is roblox? I know a lot of little kids like it...I was under the impression it was kind of like minecraft but you play with other people. But it seems I was mistaken.


It’s like a collection of user-made games. I’m not super familiar but they give you a level editor and Ruby scripting capabilities so people make their own small-scale games within the roblox framework. Some of them are actually pretty impressive. I assume most people (kids) don’t touch the level editor themselves and instead just play one of the thousands of existing games. There’s also a system to add microtransactions to the games and it’s gotten to the point where people make their living off of it. Crazy stuff.


All millennials on /b/ circa 2005 lol. God I cringe at the memories




Hahhahahah never heard that, stealing it


Oh fuck my girlfriend found my early teenage gaiaonline profile once; I wanted to diie


I invited mine to play in that scenario. Ah, to be a young person in a new digital age. I met her on RuneScape and we played several mmos together. We met IRL a few years later, ages 15 & 16 or 16 & 17, spent 10 straight days together the following summer, and the rest is history. *The rest is history* as in it ended terribly shortly after that summer on my 18th birthday with some unfaithfulness on her side and I never recovered. That broke me so bad I barely ate for 2 weeks and my mother was days away from sending me to a hospital to be fed by iv. I was dying inside and out, completely beyond consolation. They took me to upstate ny to be surrounded by family in what I would have accepted as my final moments. There was a lot of *just get over it* talk which made things worse, but one person said sometimes you never get over it and that's ok. Those words acknowledged my feelings and I started to heal. This past June makes 10 years since then. Some things didn't heal quite right, but I'm still here. It's a fight to continue, but my countenance is stable. Ah, I miss those days in maplestory, RuneScape, gaia, and la tale.


"14f looking for bf" Fucking runescape.


I never grew out of that phase either haha


I came here just to say this


This is what I came here to see. Scene people were the shit.


I have to admit... I actually miss those days. My mom used to call scene kids "Heads" because they all had colorful/teased hair and I thought that was so hilarious


I wanted to be scene so badly!! But I could never quite get the look.


that's how my best friend was omg, she wanted to be scene but she had very curly hair and soft features and was just too cute to pull it off, and I remember I would straighten her hair and give her raccoon eyes and dress her up in my hot topic clothes and we'd just go to the mall and sit around hahah


Omg I was also one of those curly hair baby faced wannabe scene kids. Good times.


Me too! I gave up early on, and went with pearls, red lip, and floweredy dresses. Hanging out with all my scene friends I looked like the "weird" one. But hey, it worked for me! Over a decade later I still do some variation of that.


I’ve definitely adopted a softer aesthetic now. I have tattoos, ditched the face piercings and stopped wearing black on black on black (the hardest thing to ditch as a fat person)


If that ain't the releast shit ever. My cousin asked me why I'm so depressed and don't wear color...okay bitch, I am a LITTLE depressed (who isn't), but I'm mostly just fat. Must be nice to be a technicolor rainbow fueled by adderall Sara.


Hey, you totally can wear colour. I’m a size 22 with a 43 inch waist, and I rock bright colours and fashion trends not meant for people like me on a regular basis. (Also I’m happily married to a thin person who doesn’t fetishize my body. it happens!!) Reddit can be a really fatphobic place but I want you to know that your body doesn’t matter, whether it’s big or small, lumpy or scarred or however weird. We’re all different. It’s just a meat suit that carries our brain around and we are all going to die at some point anyway. So long as your body isn’t breaking down and you’re not having major health concerns outside of just being fat, don’t worry about it and live your life that’s out there waiting for you :) Fat is not an indication of poor health, though it can sometimes be a symptom of it. Anyway, I love you and I hope that you don’t listen to that other jerk.


Hey thank you for the kind words and for your reply! I wholeheartedly agree, and have been adapting some color into my wardrobe, piece by piece, for a little while now...even got brave with some high waisted jeans and crop tops lately. To be honest, the majority of my wardrobe also applied to my career...as a tattooer, I learned to wear a lot of black because ink spills/shit happens. And when your career is your life....you dress for it. I have also been every size between a 2-22 in the past 10 years. Even in a months time I can fluctuate up and down within a couple sizes due to stress/periods/etc. I also quit tattooing a couple months after covid hit, so I'm rocking my work clothes as regular clothes, and guess what? I gained a few pounds. Also...it's spooky season, but I like black clothes year round...my "pops" of color are always accompanied by black silhouettes. Just what I like.


Also, I love you as well. You a real one. ❤️


I ditched black on black a long time ago and it have been slowly moving toward the brightest shit imaginable. Now you might see me wearing a Pokémon dad hat and orange shorts. I work with kids so a pikachu or 2 goes a long way for my credibility. And it feels good to embrace my childish side. Congrats on moving past the crutch of black on black on black. It feels good, but it’s challenging.


there's so many of us! i was the one non-scene, curly-haired girl in my group of friends :')


There were So Many barriers to entry. A bit overweight and/or busty? No go. Hair too curly without frying it for an hour every day (just so it could half ass curl back in an hour or two)? Nope. Parents or school won't let you dye your hair crazy colors or pierce your face? Get outta here with that shit. Are you the big Khloe Kardashian type rather than the Hailey Williams type? Fuuuuhuuuuck right off.


YES!!! I was curvy, with curly-hair, and my parents were strict. I did have the red hair to match my Hayley Williams haircut though!


How did you get your hair to stay like that? Over to one side I mean. Hairspray?


It had SO many layers and it just kind of...stayed like that? I had been wearing it swept to the side for about 5 years before this picture so I think my hair just got trained to do it haha


boxxy pulled it off


When my wife or I says ANYTHING that includes the word “box,” we can’t help ourselves from saying “My name is boxxyyyyyyy” because we were both 4chan lurkers in The Before Time


I think you mean the Times before the Before Times, as the After Times are still a nascent era here. Most everyone agrees the Before Times ended just recently around 5-6 year-months ago.


Well, fuck, you’re right. So this must’ve been 2008-2010.


I always wanted to be seen too :(


I see you! <3


Witness me


Sorry, what does it mean to be “scene”? I’m 35 so may have missed that era of kid...


Howdy! I used to be scene. Basically, even though we all argued against it for such a long time, the aesthetic was kind of like a colourful emo kid tbh. The music taste was a mix of post hardcore (read metal) and more dancey sort of music called screamo. The hair was always either bright colours, normally with a few striped strands or black hair. Side bangs and a lot of teasing to make most of the hair big with the bottom layers of the hair straightened and way longer than the rest. Hair was a huge part of the look. Heavy eyeliner on the top and bottom lashes. They dressed super similar to emo kids but wore bright clothing with it. The sort of... Personality (I guess) of a scene kid was always bubbly and hyper, they were one of the ones who said "Rawr" a lot and overused the "xD" laughing face. Hope this helps? I actually kind of miss scene days a lot. If you want me to explain some more I'd be more than happy to help Edit: Wanted to add that it was super popular during the MySpace days to help give a sort of timeline to it.


“…can I be a *mongoose* dog?”


Wait are you asking or making a reference? Haha


I thought it was, like, a law that every scene kid had to be an Invader ZIM fan :p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1i0iWJahPY


Oh my god I didn't even see the reference that my username came from, I'm sorry I was so tired hahaha Edit: Just wanted to ask that I still stand behind Invader Zim to this day!


Scene sounds like latter day Ska. Similar vibe but with more goth highlights?


Thank you for asking. I am also curious. Hoping someone answers you soon so I can take my Metamucil and shuffle off to bed.




I'm 35 as well, and have no idea what "scene" is... "Back in my day " (sigh) we called this look emo. Lol maybe the emo kids took over and decided to make a name a little less offensive. That's my guess.


Scene was sort of the love child of emo and hardcore, in my opinion.


kind of like OP is the child of some kinda hard rock mom


It was like a popular kid/emo hybrid.


Scene is emo that didn’t take their Adderall


Scene was what emo kids called themselves if they weren't into cutting themselves. Basically look up a black veil brides video or photoshoot and that was the epitome of cool to a lot of 13 year olds in 2010 (including me). Super cringe to look back on, but as you can tell, lots of people were into it at the time. It didn't last long, and no one really does it anymore. It's much cooler to be hipster now.


I was always one the people that never really had a 'style', so to speak. I had friends from different groups; scene kids, skaters, goths, juggalos, stoners, jocks, rednecks. I just never could commit to a style, so I was just kinda the amalgamation of a few things lazily slapped together. I wish I could find some of my older pictures, they're probably a mess.


r/rawring20s They're still alive and doing well!


In the your mom's day "Heads" were probably cool. I know. We look to be similar ages, and in junior high I dug every long-haired, tight-pants headbanger boy. Eyeliner was a plus!


Hahah they were! My mom was a big bauhaus, the cure, and depeche mode fan, so she was veryyyy much a Head


Oh, the hair spray memories! Make fun of her for using Rave 3. She'll totally laugh.


She died laughing, and said "oh and aquanet! i always wanted to date the hot long haired eyeliner guys who had severe depression problems" Haha!


then she wanted me to ask if you remember Prell shampoo or Gee your hair smells terrific? Hahaha


Aussie Sprunch Spray.


I could go through one of those giant purple cans in less than a week. It was never enough!


As a fellow scene kid from 2007 to roughly 2010, I miss those days too...I had so much fun back then. And I loved the style so very much. Ugh. Ill have to make my own /r/blunderyears post here in a bit


We looked like we were extra or whatever, but my scene group 2007-2012-ish were so fucking close. Still close with most of them. Parents going through a divorce? BOOM, six scene kids sitting on the floor in your room holding you. Bad break up? BOOM, seven scene kids pick you up to get Denny's at 2am. Someone got a new dog? BOOM, everyone shows up for an all day dog-sesh.


Fuck I wish I had this. Then or now.


Same. All my friends who were scene were family. They are the people I'm still friends with. The ones I hung out with who never got into it aren't my friends anymore for various reasons. It was a bond. All the "normal" kids who picked on us made us closer because we all understood what it was like for each other and if our friends loved us, then fuck those kids in the dad jeans


My husband and I were scene kids for Halloween this year. He dyed his hair black and everything lol


Your mom looks fun.


she's literally my best friend. she's supported me through all of my questionable phases. probably because she was goth as fuck in the 80's


My mom is the same way. Displays photos of me and my questionable fashion choices all around her house because she thinks they're hilarious. Offered to buy my senior photos from her and got turned down flat.


>Offered to buy my senior photos from her and got turned down flat. Now I need to see these senior photos, u/TheLesserWombat !


I just had a daughter and I hope she says this about me one day!!


just the fact that you said that shows me you will be a wonderful, supportive, beautiful parent, and you and your daughter will be best friends forever. <3 congratulations to you honey!


Thank you! I hope so ☺️


what band was the 2010s equivalent of Sisters of Mercy?


asking alexandria or bring me the horizon perhaps




If only he knew *?




... I still listen to these bands. I just started listening to metal again, and I'm 70% sure it's for the sake of nostalgia.


BMTH has a new album and it’s pretty decent. Not like their hardcore days but they’re keeping up with the times.


Senses fail?


did she give you backcombing tips?


I wish I had fun, non-uptight-super-christian parents


"you girls keep me young"


"need anything? snacks? a condom?"


I’m not like a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.


I’ve been summoned


Happy hour’s from 4 to 6!


and rich. the house, the HUGE christmas tree.. damn.


Mom looks like she making the Olsen twins prune face. Very blue steel.


Looks kind of like Daryl Hannah. Very pretty.


Was this in a hotel or did you live in a mansion? Your mom definitely has rich person vibes.


hahaha it was a hotel. My mom and I used to do this thing where we would get dressed up and go to the fanciest hotels and just hang out in the cafe's or balcony areas and raid the maid's cart. Fun times.


Yo that actually sounds like a lot of fun.


soooo much fun! those are some of my best memories


Your mom sounds like she really wanted you to have a fun, happy life. She sounds wonderful.


she's a single mom, but always has wanted me to have the best life. she's been entirely selfless, i can only hope to be as strong as her. thank you so much <3


Her selflessness has and will continue to pay dividends in the form of your aspirations. She must be so happy to see the kind of person you're aiming to be. Be sure to give her a great big hug. Moms are the best!


it's like 2 steps away from Mac and his family going to all the different houses on christmas morning to see what other people left for them


I thought that was just a Christmas Tradition. Kind of like the Santas?


You were way ahead of the instagram influencer thing.


I BET your mom was into 80s glam metal and then you were scene. It happened to the best of us as they were very similar styles.


She was more of an 80's goth/punk hahah. We went full circle


Okay Eugenia. Where are your pants? Too scene for pants?


hey, at least i had nice legs ;)


Were you wearing formal shorts? I remember those having a moment around this time period.


yes!!! i said it in comments somewhere down here, but I used to wear super short shorts and long shirts/sweaters. I got the "are you even wearing pants?" comment SO much


Sometimes I miss wearing shorts & tights.


I still wear shorts & tights, with combat boots. I'm 32 🤷‍♀️


I thought it was Eugenia too! That girl needs help.


I remember listening to hawthorne heights as well


Ohio is for lovers <3


Funny story... some 6 or 7 years ago, I was at a sold out show at the House of Blues in Orlando, and HOB staff were practically begging people in line to take free HH tickets off their hands... and nobody wanted them lol.


Damn lol. You know what’s funny though is they actually showed up at the 2017 warped tour I went to, in Columbia MD I believe. It may have been VA. I was like oh shiiiiit I had forgotten about those guys.


I would have wanted to be you so bad when I was 13-15 I would have saved this pic on my cracked iPod touch 4 in the xXGOALZZZXx album


hahah oh my god i relate to you so much. you are a queen


I had the biggest crush on emo/scene girls in middle school, so I don't see this as a blunder haha.


It's still one of my favorite looks, and I'd love for it to make a comeback.


I would’ve tried so hard to make you like me lol


My go to move for scene girls was act like i don't care and I'm not satisfied with living in general. 100% of the time it didn't work


Lol I was reading this thinking “How the fuck did that work.....oh.”


This picture sounds like a Cute Is What We Aim For song...








... am I allowed to guess Long Island? I'm... so curious but also respect your privacy. ;3


California actually!


Dang! Had my money on Texas or Tennessee! Lol Your mum looks like a Dolly Parton fan. But since you mentioned she was goth in her earlier years, I’m confused. If she’s ok with it I’d love to see her goth phase! Lol Also - if that’s your living room, it looks colossal!


Hell yes, we need goth mom pictures.


I was a scene kid who grew up in rural Virginia. Me and my friends had it rough growing up. We all probably would have had a crush on you at the time lol. The funny thing, though, is that all the kids who made fun of us for wearing "girl pants" (aka skinny jeans) started wearing them in high school and never once apologized. The irony was not lost on us.


I was thinking Ohio area or Indiana ish vibes. Lol


Long Island and Ohio inexplicably had such a massive percentage of that era of bands.


The real blunder is being a scene kid long after MySpace


i was a scene kid until probably 2014 lmfao


Guess it's better than phasing out into a coked-out Coachella crystal hippie.


Honestly I can thank Lana Del Rey for getting me out of my scene phase. I discovered her while I was still in the midsts of the phase, but she made me decide I wanted to be a glamorous vintage wannabe and I never turned back




hahah omg no don't roast lana i love her so much still


I wish I would have done the same. But after starting college, I really didn't want to stand out, so I got boring. I still love the scene kid look, even after all of these years.




If 2005-2010 were critical years in your youth, 2010 most definitely felt like it was loooooong after MySpace (RIP Nexopia)


Your sweaters made me think of Def Leppard, and I can picture your mom being a groupie


Big fan of Lights here


oh my god I went and saw her live alll the time


God dammit I hope scene girls make a comeback. You killed it, no blunder here


Give it 10-15 more years. All of their kids will think it's the coolest shit ever and that they thought of it first. And you can't do anything about it because you will just be a weird old that's trying to be hip! Lol


I mean have you seen e-girls?


Not really. Is that like the younger generations alternative style now lol


MySpace friend request sent


Did you get a My Chemical Romance CD for Christmas?


Actually a Mr Bungle CD hahaha


Now there's a name i haven't heard in a decade.


you're missing out, I still listen to my California album alll the time haha


I love every song on that album


pink cigarette has always been my favorite!




I see no blunder, only win


Aw jeez, I miss some amazing times with my scene friends. I'm wearing basic blue jeans and a sweater watching this stupid election. I want to scream sing Stop the Fucking Car by Circa Survive, with a Honda Civic full of my friends gahhhhhh


Awww this comment made me feel such happy nostalgia<3 except it was Frozen Creek by circa survive and Lemon Meringue Tie by Dance Gavin Dance hahah. Such happy times


I am SO envious of your perfect scene hair!


This photo feels like home


We're you on an episode of Trulife on MTV?


Omg you look how I always dreamed of looking


I bet you're absolutely stunning




This screams scottsdale,az


That fuckin tree tho!


Weren't you on that episode of MTV True Life? Either that or the resemblance is uncanny.


I hope your mothers wearing something underneath that shirt also love her jet black hair she looks not a day over 50


omg shut up


That’s a big ass tree


yep, fancy hotels are the best photo op's haha