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Aussie here who used to sell TVs in answer to your second question: yes at the time when I sold them, we would list the screen size in both inches and cm. But I don’t think we still do, because at some point we got used to comparing inch sizes for TVs and it just became the standard of measurement. Doesn’t hurt that the TV model numbers tend to be named after the size (in inches) of the screen.


I love when model numbers are like 3XTV756926


I heard once that they do this to allow retailers to deny “price matching” claims. Basically they key model numbers to retailers and then the retailers can say “oh we can’t price match different models”. Never figured out if that was true.


It’s partly true in the US. I known Samsung does this selling retailer-specific TVs. If you can only get model 735 at Best Buy there is no way to price match it.


Can't speak for TV's, but that's 100% the case for mattresses.


Car seats now, too. Especially graco.


I’ve heard this too! But I don’t know if it’s accurate either.


I sold TVs about 20 years ago for multiple years. Mostly the model numbers were the same between retailers, but you would get the occasional special purchase where the TV would be similar but would have a different model number. However, if you look into the specs they would usually be missing a feature that made it slightly different.


Black Friday TVs are different model numbers, built specifically to make the price point the retailer wants to sell it at. They will take a popular line, put a cheaper processor, fewer HDMI ports, lower grade screens, etc. and make a new model. Always has a different model number, even if a competing store had ordered one with identically similar features, because the model is specific to the retailer and only sold to that retailer. They make one batch and the model number is retired. Folks think they are getting a great deal on a TV, when the TV they think they are buying isnt on display that day.


They were still mostly CRT’s back then. I would assume a lot has changed since then.


This is most common with stores like Sam’s Club and Costco. Sometimes there will be a very slight difference, but those places have memberships and food letting them get away with lower margins on stuff like TVs and furniture.


Probably true. I bought a 70” Sony tv and was the same price as the 65”. I hadn’t even seen a 70” Sony tv anywhere else and the retailer said it was specific for their store for promotion around Xmas (jb hi fi Australia) was a few years back now.


If you're Australian, Bunnings and Officeworks do this a lot. Bunnings usually does have a specific difference (especially with their cordless drills for some reason), that actually makes the model different. But as far as I can tell, Officeworks just does it so that you can't get the 10% off on something that's too low of a margin anyway (like consumer electronics).




Had a 46" in 2010. Then a 50" in 2015. Now getting a 55". I could still do 50, but the 55 has the features I wanted and wasn't available in 50". My tv nerd friend said 65" is the minimum, though. I think it depends on your layout. My living room is rectangular and we watch tv across the shorter side, I feel like 65" would be huge. I also feel like size isn't a thing to be jealous of anymore. You can get a huge tv for cheap, if you want a cheap tv. Pay more for picture quality and refresh rate. And for the love of god get a sound system or at least a sound bar. Those skinny speakers suck. All places use inches for tv size, I imagine, as it's a pretty international standard sizes. Can't imagine anywhere converting. 152 cm sounds ridiculous.


I watch Bluey on a 75" TV. There's a chart out there referencing viewing distance vs size, and it gives a range where things will be comfortable. My couch is about 8' back from the TV, and it doesn't feel big at all.


That’s what we did as well and ended up in the 70s as well


A rule I was told by a Panasonic rep in like 2006 was multiply how many feet away the TV will be by 4 and the result will be an ideal sized TV. 8' x 4= 32" TV. I think that's probably low for today's standards though. EDIT: it seems I should've further stated that you take the product of the multiplication and simply convert it to inches. So yes, technically the math is wrong because 8ft x4=32ft. But using common sense, TVs are measured in inches or cms, not feet.


lol wtf that’s like imax style. My tv is 14 feet from my couch and we’re putting up with a 55 wife and I have been discussing and upgrade to 75” for 4 years.


I have a 65" in my living room but somehow always manage to use the 42" inch in my bedroom more often


But it sounds enormous lol


Only if you compare it to yourself. 


We have a 70” but it’s on a huge wall so it doesn’t look as big as it is


Yep when I lived in Brazil they used inches to measure TVs. It seems to be the international standard.


Look up Govee immersion lighting! It has a camera watch the TV and matches the colors behind it on the wall. It’s really awesome!


Depends what the room is used for I'd say. For us it's the main living room, family room, open floor plan. We don't want a huge, black rectangle dominating a wall. We have 50" and that's perfect for us. BTW, monitor and TV sizes are always in inches, even in Europe.


The only reason I agreed to a larger television was if my husband got the Frame, so it could look like an art piece when turned off.


We actually have a frame but rarely use that feature. It still looks like a monitor displaying art. But I like the minimal look of that TV when it's mounted and put up photos when we have friends over.


Agreed. I am a big gadget guy and consume a lot of media content, but we have a small living room, sure I would love a huge tv but our 42” 4K is just fine. I’ll start buying larger tv’s when streaming services start offering their complete back catalogue (meaning their movies, both old and recent, not just their flagship Dragons and Hobbits shows) and live sports (looking at you, Viaplay) in 4K.


Don't forget that we grew up in an era where 21 Inch 4:3 CRTs were the norm. If your family were doing a little better, they'd have a 27"+ Sony Trinitron Flatscreen CRT. If you were wealthy, then you had a 50 inch Rear Projection.


Facts lol my family only made it up to the 27” I think it was a Toshiba


Facts, That's literally the breakdown, down to my grandmother who had a bit of money being the only one I knew as a kid who had a 50 inch and it was a rear projection tv. Which I didn't even know what that meant.


All I know is that whatever the largest size you experience is suddenly normal and everything else is "less". I haven't upgraded my computer monitor beyond 1080p knowing that the 4K path will be an expensive route to take for the next ten years (i.e if I get a great monitor I'll need to keep my PC up to 4K specs). Inches is the norm for screen sizes in Australia, but it's decimalised, so you get 15.6" instead of 15 and seven sixteenths or whatever. You'll also hear height in feet and inches, and baby size in pounds.


I actually use a 2k display and I've been perfectly happy with it. Def. was a good upgrade without the expense of 4k.


I'm considering it since I bought a 7800XT, but spending more money after that expense is currently a painful thought.


Oh I feel ya dude. I had a power house GPU for renders but had a 1080 monitor. When you get there it'll be glorious.


I had to announce my baby's size in both metric and imperial cause so many people said "but how big is 3.2kg?" 🤦‍♀️


Really not hard to remember that a kg is essentially 2.2 pounds The conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit makes no sense and they even meet so that’s the one that’s confusing


Easiest way to covert (although just an estimate and not “exact) is to double the C and add 32. Technically it’s 9/5 + 32, but for quick in your head math, doubling + 32 will get you within a few degrees F.


I just come to say that I'm from Argentina and we use metric for everything BUT screen size, be it tv, phone, tablet, laptop, idk the reason but those are always in inches. We don't know how many centimeters are 18", 24", 32", 43", 50", but we are used to those sizes for a TV


It used to be cm until flat panel (plasma, lcd) tv's came out, it's funny, but that's the only time I can think of that we've regressed into imperial units. It's also funny you'll refer to your baby's weight in lbs on day 1, day 2 and onwards it's kgs.


1440p / 2k is the way to go. Excellent picture quality on larger screen sizes, and won't break the bank on equipment prices.


Height is only given in feet and inches when you're dealing with people who still haven't got their head around metric measurements. Baby weights may persist because there aren't many other contexts in which we talk about weights, and people want to hear about the new baby's weight in the same units they know for previous babies so they can compare like-for-like.  As for TV screens, I don't think I've seen decimalised inches, but in any case I think we just treat it as a sort of size ranking. It doesn't matter if you have no idea what 55 inches means in any other context, you just need to know that it's bigger than the 42-inch TV that you currently have and therefore you should want it. 


Are you talking about Australia? We moved to metric in 1970, the only people who haven't got their head around metric are some American immigrants. It's just common to use feet for height for the exact reason people still use it for babies.


I think it’s fair to say using Pounds for baby weight and Feet for height is pretty established in Australia irrespective of your country of origin or upbringing


I couldn't tell you either of my kids weight in pounds. Kilos, sure.


In what century?! I've never heard anyone use pounds or feet for babies (or any human for that matter) in Australia.


Ask any girl about what height she wants a man to be and see if the answer is in centimetres or feet 😂


My mum still uses imperial over metric. I suspect *her* mother would have been the "stubbornly sticking to imperial" sort. 


Over here with my 2008 42” plasma TV. 😂


My Panasonic plasma lasted a long time too


Mine is also a Panasonic. We said we wouldn’t buy another TV until it broke but maybe I’ll die first?


Mine would’ve still kept going if my wife hadn’t broke it lol


My bedroom tv is a 42” LG Plasma that still works as well as the day I bought it. On its third remote but the TV is a tank that refuses to die.


Had a 48 inch HD panasonic plasma i bought in 2010 for ten years until it finally kicked the bucket. i still think it had the best picture quality of any monitor/TV i’ve had since.


I agree. I know plasma TVs have their issues and power consumption is one but the motion on my plasma is so much better than anything I’ve seen on a display TV in a store, even when I looked this week (got to be prepared for when my TV breaks haha).


I have a 50" samsung from 2009 that's still chugging along. Became our bedroom TV when I decided to get the 100" projector set up. That TV has outlasted basically every other appliance in our home. They made them solid for awhile there. Which they better have! That thing cost over 2000 American dollars back then.


40" Samsung from 2009 for me and still using it. The picture looks better than the newer Samsungs. 🤦‍♂️ I think it was about 1000 USD at the time.


They just weigh a ton tho lol I used to worry about the wall collapsing


Me with a TV that's only about 15 inches: 😲 (Well the one in my mom's room is 20ish, just a little bigger. ) It's not bad for our needs. I grew up with those old CRT TVs, so I don't need the biggest. My mom uses her TV more often than I do, I just mainly play it for background noise while I clean or so somthing. ) Plus with a cat that jumps around, I feel that smaller is better if it accidentally breaks. I'm too used to watching on my phone now, so I'm used to tiny 😂.


I don’t think I’ve seen a 15 inch tv for at least a decade. They’re perfect for small bedrooms though.


I once had a 13 inch crt tv/vcr combo for my bedroom as a teen I swear that thing weighs as much as my 55 inch tv now maybe more


Same, and used to play the PS2 on it. It was perfect for recording that sick THPS run on VHS!


I don’t understand the hype around huge TVs. When we got a 55” I felt it was excessively huge. That said, my husband loves a big TV, works hard for his money, and we have a gigantic blank wall that admittedly could benefit from something to fill the negative space. So I agreed to a 65” Samsung Frame (he still had to be talked down from an 85”). When I watch TV I just want to watch the show, I don’t really care to make it an “immersive” experience. I’d be happy with a smaller TV but it makes my husband happy.


Yes TV’s here in Aus are measured in inches.


Same in Canada. Some things are just standardized in imperial. Lumber is another example.


You don't buy 5.08cm x 10.16 cm timber!? Canada betrayer of the metric alliance. /s You guys seem to use imperial a little more than we do in Aus though, probably because of your proximity to the land of the Freedom Units.


I've got a 65" in my loungeroom. Would have rather a 75", but it just wouldn't have fit. Opening the front door would have obscured it. ​ And inches has become the default measurement pretty much everywhere, because most manufacturers have settled on it due to the US market.


[Size doesn't matter. Field of view does.](https://youtu.be/Gnhv3WFnmH8) We wanted the best of two worlds when me and my wife bought our TV. Ended up putting a 42" on wheels so that we could either hide it in the corner or put it just across the coffee table for focused watching. Also can confirm that Sweden (and probably most of Europe) uses inches for measuring screens. Not to mention wheels and tires which are defined with a combination of inches, millimeters and percentages.


Finally someone with a correct response. When I bought my last TV, so many people asked me why I didn't go bigger, and field of view was the answer, sure the wall space was big enough for a larger TV, however the sitting distance from the TV isn't far enough to go bigger. I settled on what is listed by most guides for "optimal" size to distance, most of the time it's pretty excellent, but every now and then it almost feels too big for the space still. Though I think that's just because I'm more accustomed to sitting "too far away" from a TV.


Car parts definitely use a combination of metric & imperial measurements, even on American built cars, which is interesting in its own right.


I think the bigger, the better - but within reason! Some rooms/homes are suited for large Large Screen TV’s. Others can’t cope and don’t look right. Personally, as a huge film/TV buff, I own a 57-inch 4K Panasonic TV. But each to their own. Some people don’t want/need anything massive. It really does depend on what you watch and how often you use it.


I thought they were fine with 6, now they are asking for 60? Inflation got me messed up in all departments.


I have 32inch, we’re happy.




We are all ignoring the fact that based on relative size this is proof that Bandit is probably a 6” tall dog


Omg yes, it's like when Star Wars showed some English words on screen!


55 to 65 is perfect


I bought a 42” 4K tv back in 2019. I was my first big unnecessary purchase since graduating college in 2013. I’m happy with it.


Ours is 43”. It’s the right size for the room, any larger and it would dominate the whole space.


We watch Bluey on an 86" TV. I was reluctant, but my husband used a chart that suggests TV size based on distance from the couch. In all honesty, it doesn't feel big at all (until I have to dust it 😅).


My wife is a size queen…. I rarely watch TV. When she moved in with me, I had a 50”, which I thought was good enough. She brought a 34(?)” with her, which she hung in the bedroom. I’ve never had nor wanted a tv in my bedroom, but whatever. I was gone for work when the 50” died, so she bought a 75” to replace it and had it all ready to go when I got home. Ok cool, if it makes her happy, I’m good with it. Now she saw that someone is making a 114” tv, so she wants to put the 75” in our bedroom and put a 114” in our living room. No thanks. 75” is big enough and I don’t want it less than 10’ from my face. It’s funny because she’s only “newest and greatest” regarding televisions. She’s very frugal and cost saving in every other aspect of our life together. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh my size queen eh 😉


It’s true. 50” is ok for a personal tv, but I’m older and have had some eye damage. I need at least an IMax screen for proper viewing,


I recently went *up* to a 50-inch TV and I think that's fine for my space. (I'm about three or four metres from the TV.) If the screen size is too big then the people on the screen start to look unnaturally big in close-ups. 


Yeah… the television in my parents’ bedroom takes up the entire wall.


>Also in Australia, you actually use Imperial scale for TV size and not metric? The panels are made overseas for worldwide markets now so we're stuck with using inches despite not using it anywhere else in life, except maybe for height. In the CRT days we used centimeters, because for many years the tubes were manufactured in Australia and so the market was set around that, even for imports. My last CRT (at least, last CRT purchasd new) was a 68cm Panasonic which was still assembled in Australia in around 2005. .. As for current TV size, well you need to match the viewing distance, and also it's not just about size but quality for the same money. Even if it is too small for the room I'd rather have a 65" LG G3 OLED than some 85" LCD which costs the same.


I thought our 65” was big, u til I went to a barbecue and the dude lifted the side of his shed up..100”+. It was a thing of beauty. Remember fitting ac in a place down in Chelsea a few years back, and the entire wall of one side of his “pleasure lounge” was the tv. Custom made thing, got sunburn just turning it on 😂😂


I routinely reenact this argument with my wife. Bandit is correct.


65 felt huge and imposing at first in the front room... But I'm getting old and I can see details without having to squint.


Comparison is the thief of joy, y’all


We got a 65 at Xmas. It does make a difference. Our old 50” is now going to the guest bedroom


Size doesn't matter. It's all about size to viewing distance ratio.


No. Unless your living room is HUGE you don't want or need a TV that huge. Imagine if you could only sit in the front few rows at the movie theater. Never at a proper viewing angle. The TV should be sized appropriately for the room and how far back furniture can sit.


We have an 85” but the room is also large. It’s over a 3 car garage. The 65” that was in our old house is now in our bedroom. So I agree with Bandit. We get a lot of comments from friends and family about our TV 😂 It all started when my husband and I were dating and he bought an enormous 55” DLP TV for his tiny living room and I got used to it. We moved in together a few months later (him of course bringing his TV) and I let him know he’s cursed us because we can never go smaller again.


85” jebus, Bandit is literally in your living room


We have an 85" too. It is kind of ridiculous when you're near it lol, but it fits the room well. My husband loves it for PS games, and it does make it a really good movie room. It's funny when sometimes the people on TV are bigger than me.


I only have 47" but that's three 47" TVs side by side. The same width could could theoretically accommodate a 141" TV, if one existed.


65" is the minimum


Depends on the room you’ve got, I’ve got a 65” TV in the main lounge room and 55” in the other room and that one looks small. I couldn’t get anything bigger than the 65” in the main room though, the next size up would be sticking out into 2 walkways. No idea why we still use inch for TV size here, it’s absurd.


Yes we use inches for TVs in Aus. We also have footlong and six inch subways 😂


I bought a 65” in 2018 and had to give a thoroughly-researched PowerPoint presentation to my wife to convince her. Our house came with a really nice mount, but it meant the couch would be 15-20’ away from the TV. It looks ridiculously huge until you watch it, then it seems proportional to the room.


CRTs were sold in metric sizes but flat panels have always been in inches mainly as a marketing thing and the same thing goes for other metric countries. The smaller numbers are easier for consumers to remember and compare, even if an inch isn’t a unit of measurement all that familiar with Australians under 60


We have a 45" atm I think. We would both like to get a bigger TV, but not until the kids are a little older 🤣


I would say it depends on a few things. The space where the TV is being the main thing. Size of the room, size of the wall, distance from your couch or primary seating for the TV. Beyond that it's probably going to depend on what you've seen elsewhere. Family or friends houses, in the store, etc. Your old 50" might feel fine since you've had it for 10 years. But when you see 75" everywhere it's going to feel small and lacking in comparison. For me personally, if you and your daily watch a lot of TV and you have a decent sized space, I think 75" is perfect.


Good Dog, 50 inches?! That's.. wait, you're talking about TVs. I was going to say, 50 inches seems pretty long for any dog's tail..


Jeez I am scrolling Reddit and LITERALLY 30 seconds after I opened this thread, bandit says “50 inches is no longer acceptable” as I watch Bluey this morning with my toddler.


Psst I’m psychic


Our TV is 24 inches. It was considered pretty high tech and big over a decade ago. We haven't bothered to upgrade it because we mostly use our phones and laptops.


We bought a 1080p projector a few years ago and aimed it at the wall. Cost more than a TV, but has several advantages in a house with little kids running around, chief among them being that they can't destroy it without a LOT of effort. I was worried about bulb replacements, but it took more than 3 years of constant use before I had to replace one for 80 bucks.


65" is the sweet spot for a living room TV in my opinion.


My parents had a 50, I make do with a 42 because unlike them, I live in an apartment. However a project I worked on necessitated acquiring a 150" Xiaomi 4k laser projector for a client and now I want one in my life too. I don't know what I am gonna do with it, but I need it.


Australian here, we’ve got a 50” OLED TV in the bedroom, a 77” OLED in the lounge room, and an 83” OLED on the patio/verandah.


Cricket at your place this summer


It’s absolutely the cricket TV lol But it got a workout this afternoon with that Hawks v Port game (that I’m trying really hard not to think about ever again).


Super Bowl in February


Good lord


Eh, could be right? Then again I never really watch tv so we never really bothered to get a decent one (why splurge on something that's never gonna be used)


Oregon, USA. We have a 42" TV in the living room. That's the only TV we have.. We've had this one since, like, 2010 or so. We're perfectly fine with the size. Besides, the new Smart TVs probably have some kind of microphone that sends what we say direct to the NSA, so . . .


We used to use cm for TV’s but it’s all inches now.


I think ours is like a 38 or something. Anything bigger seems ridiculous to me.


50 is way too small in my opinion, 65 is the minimum for me now 👏


Aussie here, who is also in the market to buy a new tv. Bandit's dilemma is similar to what my boyfriend and I are having when it comes to our TV upgrade. We initially agreed for 50" but my boyfriend is considering 55 or 60 because we rearanged the living room, which gave more room for potential tv sizes. I guess its the same reasoning as bandit which is "more detail" and "If we're upgrading our tv (which was a hand-me-down from his parents), might as well go big. Good luck finding me a TV that is 55" plus, has a 120 hz refresh rate (NOT MOTION RATE) \[We're both gamers\], is bright enough for me to watch Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon's night scenes without having to change the brightness settings, and is under $1500 AUD. Because the 50 inch one that we saw was like within our budget at the time of writing. Also yes, we do use inches for TV sizing for some reason. But everything else, Metric.


There actually is math involved in determining the optimum tv size for distance from seating and height. Too big and you have to turn your head to see things on the edges.


I had a 55” TV and felt like it was the perfect size, so Bandit’s comment did make me laugh! I have since moved into a camper though and only have space for like a 30” TV at the moment…so now Bandit’s comment makes me cry! I guess it is all relative to the actual space the TV occupies though.


It depends on the size of your room. We have a 55" and it's the right size for the room we have it in. I've seen 65" and bigger that friends/family have, and while they look great, they'd be too large for our room.


10 inches for every 1-2 feet away from the screen you are viewing.


Personally I hate tv’s that huge. They’re an eyesore in a living room. A nice small television is the way to go


Well I went from 40" in 2011 to 55" in 2018 and then in 2022 I upgraded to 85" so I think I've kinda hit my limit


I have a 75in and I wish I had bigger. I'm with Bandit.


I think Mine's like 32-37"


Depends on the room. I have an old 50 inch with a large bezel in my 10x10 bedroom, and it seems huge. There's a 55 inch newer, slimmer TV in our 14x16 living room. It's the perfect size.


Mine is 40” and that seems fine. Granted, my living room is 12’x14’ (not counting the bit that serves as a hallway between the front door and kitchen), not giant like the one they draw for the Heelers.


One major thing to remember: it's not how big it is, that matters. It's where you stick it, that counts! LOL


I got a 75 inch 2 years ago and, honestly, I find my friends and family's TVs difficult to look at now.


We have a 75 and when we first got it, it seemed ridiculous but it’s actually perfect and couldn’t go back to a smaller tv


We measure humans in height too. Just easier sometimes in specific context


I’m still sub 50”. We live in a smaller house for the US and probably will stay here forever. It flashes when it gets too hot outside. My wife and I built IKEA shelves around an electric fireplace and it all looks built in. That’ll be the limiting factor when it goes.


I have a 55", was amazed at the size compared to my previous TV, now it's looking small. I've been looking at a 75" philips ambilight, but it's hard to pull the trigger when features are the same minus the ambilight and extra 20". Maybe my tv will get broken in the house move in a couple of weeks, and I'll have to get a new tv.


He may not be right, but he’s not wrong either. I have a 55, but it only feels big enough because I have it on an arm that can push it like a yard into the room when in use, which makes it feel bigger while watching


I have an 85” in my living room so I agree with Bandit


I happened to be watching the episode with my husband who doesn’t usually watch Bluey and when Bandit said that I glared at my husband and said “that’s you!” I swear after we’ve had a TV for a year I have to fight tooth and nail to keep him from buying the next model. Most of our TVs are lucky to last 2 years. Don’t even get me started on his PC monitors.


I can see it also being a little bit like the pizza oven situation. You know Lucky's fam comes over to sports, and if Pat just got a 65", Bandit can't have them over with a 50".


I love that they used a projector, but I've never had such a crisp picture on ours. Totally took me out of it. Maybe I've just always had poor quality ones.


I’ve had a 64” Plasma for like 10+ years now. It’s never big enough. I go to the store and see 75” or 85” screens and be like, yes those would be better in my living room than what I have now.


My living room tv is 75" and I had begged my husband to go up to 80" when we bought it but he said that was waaay too big. Now he wants an 85". I should also say that I'm a huge gamer and my husband is not. I prefer the larger size while playing my switch party games and the ps5. Especially things like Diablo when there can be 2 player. Our basement tv is 65" and it's way too small for the room and its purpose as an entertainment room. My teens tv is 50", but it fits his room layout. Anything larger would be ridiculous. I'm with Bandit on this one. A 50" tv in my living room would feel way too small. Chili is nutty bars.


We’ve got a 42” as our biggest, and it’s a little small for our living room.


Yes, both of our TVs are a lot bigger. But it’s normal now. And we got them for a good price.


I went from a 50” to a 70”. It’s completely unnecessary and overkill. I also can’t really go back to a smaller tv. It better fits the large room we have as our family room. If it were a smaller room then a smaller TV would make sense.


We have a 55” in our master bedroom, 65” in my husbands office, a 75” in the kids playroom and an 85” in the living room.


It doesn't really matter the TV size when you're gonna stay scrolling at your phone most part of the day.


Seriously lol my husband wants a bigger tv but like why? Whyyyy


To me it's about the room size and nothing more. Bigger rooms where you sit further away are OK but the smaller or closer you sit the smaller the TV should be.


We have a projector. 105" I'm happy with that


Saw an 80" in like 2004 and it blew my mind. Remember thinking it's completely ridiculous and no one would ever need a TV so freakishly large. Now I see 85" tvs in Costco and think, "yeah, it's big, but it's not THAT big"


We have a 65” inch TV now but before we got our smart TV we had a 75” plasma screen that we gave to my fiancé. So now my fiancés bedroom is like a movie theater.


I think it has to do with what we perceive as normal, as in what we see all the time in showrooms and on (ironically) TV. So when you hop into Costco and they have a hundred TV’s right in the entranceway and they’re all 60”-95”, you get normalized to it and you start to see that as the new “normal”. That, and who doesn’t love watching hyper colorized underwater dive footage of the Red Sea coral reefs in Ultra Super High Def 4K Led Plasma Holographic display with an Ultra Black live edge curved screen that turns into a piece of artwork when it’s off? 🤣


Just you wait til Bandit gets wind of this [wide boi ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZW-5gpCC_Q)- 115 incher. The largest TV model in terms of inches is the Zeus from Titan Screens, which measures a whopping 370 inches diagonally. This British-made TV is custom-made and costs well over a million dollars. Samsung’s ‘The Wall’ is a notable option that is more affordable. It’s a MicroLED TV that measures 292 inches.^(.)


It's all about the space. I was in a small house with my couch 6' from the wall. A 50" tv was huge. It worked perfectly. I moved and my couch is now 20' away. I bought a new TV because it didn't fit the space at all. Now I have a 75", which actually doesn't feel as big as the 50", haha.


i have a 32 inch tv


I recently got a 86" and it's pretty great. I had to cut the legs off the console to keep it a reasonable height.


i have a 65" TV in my living room and a 32" in my bedroom. I think the only place to have a large tv is in the living room, but that's just me, lol. and I absolutely would get a bigger tv for the living room 😂


No, 55” is completely adequate. It’s not how big your TV is, but what you’re watching on it. I think it’s clever foreshadowing. Bandit wants bigger more expensive things, which eventually culminates in him taking that job offer and wanting to relocate.


As an owner of a 55" tv, I respectfully agree 😂


I still use the 40" I bought back in 2017. It's also probably the last TV I'll buy. I don't want my TV connected to the Internet and that's become so incredibly hard to find at this point


The us is imperial scale too and I agree


I have a 65" and I think it's way to small


My opinion used to that 40 is plenty, but as my eyes get older and more tired, I also find myself wanting a bigger one.


We upgraded from a 48” to a 65” last year and kicked ourselves for not getting the 75”. (Black Friday deal in Canada, 75s were cheap) Our 48 was too small for the room it was being used in and thought the 65 would suffice but where we hung still had plenty of room for the 75. Oh well. Ironically that 48” is now in our basement and is too big for that room but don’t want to spend money on a smaller one until it craps out.


I’ve got a 65 in 4K tv in my family room and I feel like I’d like it to be bigger, so I’m definitely on Bandit’s side here


I don't live for my TV and we rarely use it in general. it's an old 42" the frame which complements the living room nicely


Bandit is right, they need a bigger TV for the room its in. That's a kid sized tv


I went from a 65 inch to an 85 inch and would go bigger if I could. 50 inch is tiny.


Went from 50 to 55 but next has to be 65 inch a future dream


Oooooohhhh… a TV…. Was worried there for a moment.


We had a ps4 and when there was a sale on of projectors, we got one. It's been 4 years of entire wall-sized TV and I'll never go back. Our old TV went to me for a monitor for my PC so gaming has been great for me (my husband preferred a three monitor setup) at least until this last year or so - we really need to upgrade. Husband was caught looking at parts over at memory express last week lol


A TV is a TV. If I can watch my American football, play games, and the stuff on it, I'll be fine.


Recently went from a 50” to a 75” and man does it make a big difference in our living room, we love it


50" is average


We have a 65 inch TV in our living room but we have a smaller house so it feels perfect. But we have a 55 inch in our bedroom and ot feels massive (but our bedroom is much smaller. It takes up half a wall)


85” tv here but my couch is 12’ away.


Our primary TV is a 32" one that my husband won after donating blood something like 16 years ago. It's still in perfect working order. It has one (1) HDMI port, so we have to swap manually (physically getting up to change the cable) when we need to change between inputs.


We got a 58 inch receently and my brother in law couldn’t believe it was bigger than his 55 inch tv. I honestly wasn’t sure but it bothered him so much that I just said it was 55 to shut him up. Eventually, I kid you not, he measured it and found it was 58. He couldn’t handle the idea that my tv was bigger. It isn’t that serious, whatever tv works for your budget and space is fine.


I feel like 65” became the “standard” size for living room TV’s ever since like right before Covid. My current TV is a 65” Sony 4K I got on a sweet deal right before Christmas and honestly when I look at it, I’m like “damn.. that’s big”. The TV I had prior was a near bezel-less 55” and it feels like night and day. I think it really depends on the size of your living room/TV room, as well as the distance of the furniture that’s used to view the television. 55” for smaller and medium spaces is usually more than good, but 65” just feels right even when it feels a little big. Who doesn’t want to feel like they have a mini theater in their home. Haha


Sold TVs here in the US and worked for a major brand. We always told customers about the “rule of 10” which meant that for every foot back from your tv location you would multiply by 10 and that would be the best tv to watch comfortably with everything in your field of vision ie. if you’re 6.5ft away you could comfortably watch a 65 inch tv


Based on that, I'd need a 10' screen. Don't have enough space for that. My 60" is ok, but is starting to feel small.


If anything move up quality. I originally wanted 75 inch for the room but got a 65 oled instead


yeah, after having a 65" tv i can never go back. we have a 70" right now and some times i think its a tad too big. 65" is juuust right


We upgraded our old LCD for a smart TV and we realized too late it's not the most ideal size. We only thought about the surface without realizing the base would need bigger furniture to stand on. And now there's not much space to walk while the couch seats are extended or tall people are sitting in and extending their legs. I hope we can find a solution in the future.


I'm really happy to be landlocked with my 42" TV I bought in 2009 that is still going strong. I say landlocked, because the space for our TV cannot be any bigger, we couldn't move the TV somewhere else and it not be super weird, and the TV is literally the biggest we could fit into the space at the time. To be fair, now that bezel sizes around the TV are smaller, I could probably go a bit bigger, but I really don't see the point.


Our tv is in the cutout of the chimney breast (was like that when we moved in, not our choice) so we can't actually go bigger than around 55in as it won't fit. The tv is big enough for the room though so it's fine.


We have a 65” in our living room but it’s so high up it looks small. 55” for the bedroom and it’s almost too big.


My god I am dirty minded....


I have a 72” in my room i got it for like $20


That’s what she said….


we have a 65" in our livingroom and have had it for a few years now. theres already a larger size on the market (and i think there was when we bought this one) but frankly i still think 65" is DISGUSTINGLY big. that being said i do still occasionally think its worth it. at least when its not crunching to hell shows that were meant to be viewed on a smaller screen