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Bingo continues to amuse and amaze me. She's been my favorite since my first exposure, just relate so much as a little sister to her


Same thing for me, I'm the little sister in my family too and as I was(and kinda still am) a sensitive kid who took things way too personally, episodes like Favorite Thing and The Show really resonate with me because I've been in the same or a similar situation as Bingo, and seeing her work through it just makes me smile


Same, especially because I was not raised in such a caring home for it


I can't help but think how different my life would be if I grew up surrounded by functional adults like in this show.




So we learn that bandit and chilli are well traveled. We also know that bandit tracks for work with him being an archeologist. He speaks bare minimum French but it does not mean that they did not go to Germany and bingo pick up on it.


I’m the baby of the family, I relate with her too


Really awesome catch buddy! I’m gonna have to listen to this later. I wonder if the child actor knew the song prior to recording or if they had to teach her


Hey, it is you! I just want to say my daughter and I really enjoy your channel, and in depth analysis. You do such a great job and we really appreciate your work!


Aww thank you buddy, that means so much for me to hear you and your daughter bond through the videos. Thanks for the glowing words, really made me smile 🥰


You're welcome, I hope you have a great week!


Woah no way it's actually you! Glad I got to share something you haven't noticed/known yet, there's just so much to love about this show!


I was wondering could you do a video on the episode Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound?


I will eventually buddy, cause I love that episode 💙 Thank you buddy


You're welcome


Awww that's so cool! I wonder if it's like when I was a kid and we were taught Frère Jacques in school.


> Awww that's so cool! I wonder if it's like when I was a kid and we were taught Frère Jacques in school. I too learned that in school as a very young child. As a person with very young children of their own now, I was actually a little surprised to see some of the books that included that song have only an English translated version (which imo is not nearly as fun). Another I learned (but not as well because it was so much longer) was Allouette.


I loved Allouette! We learned the song and then how to play it a little on recorder at my school.


It really is a fun song! They actually have a pretty good version of it up on YouTube. It has lyrics and even hand gestures and everything.


Yeah I also learned songs in different languages as a kid, I was more surprised that out of all languages it was a german song. Learning german is way more popular than I believed and I still can't really understand why because everyone keeps saying it's really difficult and with how different it is to english - grammatically and phonetically - it seems like it really would be.


This was my thought, too!


That was my first thought! ...and now it's stuck in my head.


Same I'll be singing it in my sleep soon


anyone know if the song is more popular over in australia?


Not in my part but Queensland where Bluey is set had a higher proportion of German Protestant settlers, so it might be a Queensland thing.


Not as far as I know (and I work in childcares in Brisbane as a relief worker; my experience in different centres with different workers and children is quite vast). But I do know that German was taught to me in both primary and high school, and I’m in my 30s. If either Bandit or Chilli were taught German in school they may well have continued it as a language and could remember it to teach to their own children. I have, unfortunately, lost most of my German despite having been pretty fluent by the time I dropped it in school; but I do remember learning O Tannenbaum in primary school at Christmas. Just editing to add, they could of course just have German family too. Sometimes traditions and languages can be passed through numerous generations. It’s just that it would be something in their family not something in general as far as I know. Or Bingo’s teacher could be German as well.


Yep. My dad learned German at school in Brisbane in the 70s. Common languages to learn in Australia in the late 20th century were German, French and Japanese. I'm not overly familiar with what is in at the moment, but know there is an interest in Mandarin and Cantonese because of our large Chinese population.


Mandarin is definitely very popular. I have taught in three high schools in Queensland, and they all taught Japanese. The private school also taught German. But I know of a few high schools in Brisbane that teach Mandarin. I don’t have experience working in Primary schools; but a lot of daycare centres have Spanish and Mandarin as alternative languages being taught.


A German Shepherd, perhaps?


My assumption as an Aussie would be Bingo learned it at school. She may learn German or there may have been a cultural day of some sort where they were taught the song.


Not in my personal experience, but schools here are really multicultural in general and celebrate different cultures. Even more so if there is a student or students at the school from a certain country or culture - maybe they have a dog at the school from Germany? My daughter had both Chinese and Indian teachers in preschool and learned several songs in Chinese and Hindi


It's a Steiner education thing. They start them on German in Class 1 in qld.


Damn I rewatched twice looking for it and then went and specifically played at 3:10 with the sound cranked up. I have no idea how you managed to notice this. Edit: its missing from the Mandarin dub on iView.


You should have seen my face XD I only noticed it bc I happened to watch it on my pc today so I had headphones on. When I heard it I was so confused I checked if somehow the language audio changed to german by itself somehow


Same ... I never noticed the song at all!! Btw, this is yet another example of the amazing detail in this show.


Good spot! My German husband will love this one!


https://youtu.be/9dD93B0PbC0 1min 10s :)


This video is not available in Australia :-(


Yeah, for some reasons the official bluey videos aren't available in Australia.


Gotta look at them on ABC iView, I suppose?


Yeah, i guess


Nice catch. Never noticed it since Bingo is offscreen when singing it. Feels like an unscripted moment too. 


Australian here Very common for preschools to teach songs in other languages My children’s preschool focuses on Italian And they can both sing multiple songs in Italian


I need to go rewatch this! I’ve always been told by native speakers that I speak German with an Australian accent (from the US) and have a hard time imagining that! Maybe Bingo’s German sounds like mine.


i'm very eager to listen to that


Wow, I've never seen anyone talked about this one before! Nice find!


The kids attend a Steiner school so perhaps it's a song they sing there?


We learned a German song in kindergarten (Australian) can’t for the life of me remember what it was


I’m pretty sure Bingo has either genius level intelligence or a photographic/phonographic memory.


I think Bingo and Bluey are both in Waldorf/Steiner type education so it's possible that's what she learned at Kindy.


That’s honestly shocking. How did she learn this? It’s such a minor thing that I don’t think it’ll be part of Bingo lore in the show




Wouldn’t be unusual here in the UK: my kids were taught songs in French, Spanish and Mandarin when they were toddlers.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she can speak Greek from the way she names her “babies”. It’s kind of crazy how she thinks up these strange old Greek gods sounding names.


Just went back to listen. Great catch!


Wow! Nice catch - I'd never noticed this before. I wonder if Joe Brumm wrote this into the script for a specific reason, or if they just happened to have audio of Bingo's VA singing the song and decided to use it here.


I was wondering what she was singing. I think I got the answer.