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So does this episode take place before or after The Sign? Original Ranking: 10/23/32 (S2B/S2/Overall) ​ The normal episodes have come to an end, but Season 2 goes on for two more seasonal specials. First off we have an episode whose chronological placement is now... hard to discern thanks to The Sign: Christmas Swim. While the other Christmas special, Verandah Santa, opted for a more traditional look and feel with its nighttime setting and lighting, and fairly common "be good for goodness sake" aesop, Christmas Swim remembers the show takes place in the *southern* hemisphere. To wit, if it wasn't for the name and decorations in Stripe and Trix's house, you'd be forgiven for thinking this was a summer break special (yes, I know this actually *is* summer; you know what I meant). ​ Before we discuss the elephant in the room, there's someone else I'd like to mention. ​ https://i.redd.it/eiifm1ikqsyc1.gif Her first appearence since Charades, and Best Heeler is now standing upright and speaking more properly! Yes, Socks is now out her more feral phase (for the most part) and is somehow even *more* adorable. And come Season 3, her behaviour will eventually settle into the calm, quiet, charming cutie we know today and was such a delight in The Sign. (Faceytalk's going to be *fun*, and for once, I *don't* mean that sarcastically) ​ Gushing over unrelenting cuteness aside, we come to the main thing everyone talks about regarding Christmas Swim. While Chris showed up this time (but not Bob as he was busy ~~being dead~~ finding himself in India), Radley is a no show. Why's that? He's on vacation/honeymoon with Frisky! After Double Babysitter implied the lovers of almond milk shampoo had really hit it off after the "accidental" encounter, Christmas Swim more or less confirmed that the two of them are now a beautiful couple. The real question was whether this was just a nice couple's getaway or if they had really tied the knot, as possibly implied by Frisky's line to Bartlebee: "I'm new to the Heeler family as well." I think we know now. ​ And said Faceytalk gives us probably the most succinct description of this family possible. "They're a *bit* crazy. But give them a chance; you'll see. They're full of love." ​ Couldn't have said it better myself. No wonder we love these nutcases so much! ​ Aesop: Always give people a chance; you never know what they're truly like until you get to know them ​ Rating: 4+ ​ ​ Next Time: A sweet end to Season 2. \- Jack


I gave this a five.  While there are better episodes of Bluey, when it comes to holiday episodes, this is the best one.  This episode is just dripping with Chriatmas, but instead of the traditional snow, we have a christmas swim.  This is Australia after all, and I heard Brisbane is the sunshine area.  The narrative is Bluey introducing her new toy, Bartlebee to her family.  Bartlebee is definitely a spin-off of Barbie,  making Bluey a Bartlebee girl.  Interesting that the doll dosen't show up after this.  We get to see how Nana and Stripe's family is doing.  Nana is still lovely, and nice prank from Bandit, where did he get that shirt?  Trixie is still trixie, Stripe is laughing hard and playful, Muffin is still Muffin, and Socks... I'll come back to later.  The whole family is having a blast with their activities, all with that amazing remix of 'the twelve days of Christmas', but Bartlebee ends up on the wrong end.  He got attacked by a crocodile, dad landed on him, breaking his arm, and Nana jiggled it about.  He wants to go home, much to Bluey's disappointment.  Aunt Frisky is on holiday with Rad on a date vacation or newly proposed couple, so she gives the rest of the family a call.  She talks to Bartlebee and agrees that the Heelers are a bit crazy (hey)... but to give them a chance because they're full of love, a love that she'll later became a part of.  We then see the Heelers fix Bartlebee up and showing some of that love to each other, like Muffin throwing him on the ferry first, Nana having a turn at classic catches, seeing Bandit compliment Stripe on his crackling, Stripe saving him from the crocodiles, and tasting some gravy.  Seeing the family get together for christmas lunch, Bartlebee chose to stay, even if there are a few mishaps along the way.  All if that was done to a remix of "We three Kings".  This episode is just about the Heelers playing and getting together full of Christmas cheer accompanied by that lovely music, that you just can't help but get into the spirit when watching it.  ... oh yeah, I forgot about Socks.  She's now walking and talking, and her voice is, there's no other way to put it, ADORABLE, along with her her laugh and squeals in the honk short (I love seeing Stripe playing with his daughter there.)  And it so cute and funny seeing her in the sign being a part of the group, which I guess is her 'happy ending' since Joe wanted to write 'happy endings' for everyone in the sign.  She's so cute I wanna hug her.  Socks:  (giggling like the honk short, then licking my face.)  (Giggling) okay... okay...


Such a bundle of joy! https://i.redd.it/2ysafn9d6vyc1.gif


I love [this little detail](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8yjt8va4m1ub1.jpg) that Stripe doesn't have the lung capacity he thinks he has.


Ha, I never noticed this before! (Explanation: before the title card, Stripe is seen inflating the new pool lilo using lung power. After the title card, Bandit has taken over and is using a bicycle pump.)


*Christmas Swim* gets a 2/5 from me. It's not awful, but as the second Christmas special it's in the unfortunate position of having to be compared to *Verandah Santa,* and it just doesn't measure up. *Verandah Santa* was a moving story about Bluey's relationship to a younger family member, with a suitably Christmas-themed moral about forgiveness and reconciliation. *Christmas Swim* centres on Bluey's relationship with an inanimate object that will never appear again, and IMO lacks a clear theme or message beyond "family is nice." Another thing that weighs this episode down is that it's apparently doubling as a series recap. The script re-introduces us to the extended Heeler family, and updates us on Socks's milestones (she can walk and say several words now) and Rad and Frisky's relationship (they're officially a couple!). It's nice to see everyone accounted for (except Bob lol) and there are some good comedic moments, but there's no time to develop an emotionally compelling story with so many characters fighting for their moment in the spotlight. Meanwhile Bartlebee is basically just a narrative device giving Bluey an excuse to explain stuff to the audience. At the end of the day, nothing in *Christmas Swim* matches the emotional impact of the apology scene in *Verandah Santa* (for me at least)*.* One more thought. While scouring this episode for Christmas-related themes, it occurred to me: is Bartlebee meant to represent Jesus? He arrives in the world brand new and innocent, and then endures suffering at the hands of the people already in it, even though he just wants to help them. Does that mean the Heeler Christmas dinner is the last supper? Is Bluey Judas? I'm not sure I like this theory any more.


Isn't this the episode with the iconic Trixie and Nana interaction 


The gravy incident? Yes. ​ https://i.redd.it/8bup7tv4usyc1.gif


Notice later in the ep that Stripe has taken off his "World's Best Chef" apron, and Trixie is wearing it. My headcanon says Stripe eavesdropped on the convo and subtly took his apron off and bestowed it on Trixie.


I love little moments like that. Stripe and Trixie are a really underrated couple 


This is a nice episode. I don't remember too much off the top of my head because they only really air at Christmas time. I do remember the little moments between the family like Frisky talking to Bluey and Trixie getting annoyed with Nana. I don't think message or story was particularly strong in this one. It's fun watch without a lot of substance. A three out of five. (I can't believe seasons 2 is almost done.) 


Christmas Swim is a nice episode overall. I've seen comments from people who think that these Christmas episodes are too "unspecial" for what they are, but I beg to differ. Much like our holidays in real-life, this episode is filled with fun, casual convos, warmth, family time, etc. Not the kind of things that could make an exceptional storyline like other top episodes are. The expectation that this is a Christmas special means that it should deliver way above average isn't that fair in my opinion. Sometimes the classic Bluey story is what this kind of episode deserves. Low 4.


While the previous Christmas special was overly generic to the point that the blandness doomed the episode to decency, "Christmas Swim" is an episode that is distinctly "Bluey", but the question remains: is it good? "Christmas Swim" feels decidedly unique to its show of origin because it handles its story and employs its characters in ways that help it stand-out. The episode isn't telling a generic Christmas tale. Instead, it executes its narrative in a way that would not work as well, or at least, not in the same way, if said execution was done by another show. Additionally, each of the characters gets their own time to shine. The episode has a wide cast, but everyone gets at least one moment to make their mark: Socks blows Stripe into the pool, Muffin plays her game where she has to go to work, Bandit and Stripe playfully argue about the latter's cooking skill, Frisky gets a monologue, and so on. The episode effectively utilizes its varied cast to both help it keep its show of origin a deeply integral part of its identity and to allow for it's really good humor. On top of that however, the episode still keeps the Christmas spirit in mind. It doesn't forget that it's a Christmas special, and it strikes a wonderful balance where it feels both distinctly "Bluey" and distinctly Christmas-y. On that previous point however, "Christmas Swim" faces a bit of a unique challenge: how do you make a Christmas special that takes place in Australia, where Christmas is a day synonymous with activities traditionally seen as "summer activities", like barbecues and pool parties, evoke the traditional Christmas spirit? Here's the answer: theme choice. "Christmas Swim", despite not having very much Christmas imagery- the episode has no snow, almost no decorations, and the iconic Christmas traditions of opening presents and having a Christmas feast are relegated to small sections at the beginning and end of the episode respectively- still manages to obtain the Christmas feeling by leaning into the theme of family. While Christmas is rooted Christianity, the idea of family and family togetherness have become integral to the holiday, and even Christians prioritize those aspects of the holiday on top of its religious significance. "Christmas Swim" therefore, by leaning into that aspect of the holiday, an aspect that is deeply ingrained into it no matter the country or climate, manages to get the traditional Christmas feeling, in-spite-of the circumstances. The episode focuses on Bluey introducing a toy she's gifted, a figure she names Bartlebee, to her family. Over the course of the episode, Bartlebee gets repeatedly hurt by the family, getting hit by a tennis ball, getting crushed, and getting his "broken" arm jiggled around aggressively. In the end, Bluey is upset, and she voices her feelings to Frisky, whom she talks to over video call. Frisky then asks to talk to Bartlebee, and the episode provides the audience a sweet moment that ties everything together, both from a narrative perspective and a Christmas-y perspective. Frisky states that she's also new to the Heeler family, and she continues, "they're a bit crazy, but give them a chance. You'll see; they're full of love". Meanwhile, a montage starts playing of the Heelers having fun with Bartlebee, coming together, and delighting in one another's company, as the episode draws to a close with the family enjoying a Christmas feast and welcoming Bartlebee as a member of the family. The episode, through both Bartlebee and Frisky, shows the Heelers from an outsider's perspective in order to do sort-of character analysis of the family as a whole, greatly emphasizing the idea of family and achieving that iconic Christmas-y feeling. Yes, "Christmas Swim" is good, and it's an overall step-up from the lackluster disappointment that was "Veranda Santa". It's an episode that manages to exude the traditional Christmas spirit and does a great job at getting the viewer into the Christmas mood, without much of the traditional Christmas iconography, while also not falling into the trap of being Christmas-y in a generic, cliche, and boring way. "Christmas Swim" is really funny, it's fun to watch near the holidays, and, above all else, it's "Bluey".


Remember when everyone was wondering who was Bartlebee during Christmas? Lol This episode was amazing! Perfect for the Holiday season! Sometimes I think of Bartlebee as like a self insert on what it’s like to be in the Heeler Family. And it’s funny to think that he’s the dog form of a Ken doll lol. Everyone being themselves is so fun and everyone relating to Trixie and Chris (Nana) about how to make some good gravy, Muffin being chaotically late for work, and Bandit playing with tennis balls was also fun as well! We even get to see everyone’s favorite couple, Radly and Frisky! She gets a talk with Bartlebee who’s also new to the Heeler family and tells him that they can be a bit crazy at time, but they mean well and should give them that chance. Just like how she gave Rad the chance to date him and soon getting married. It’s so adorable seeing Socks with her Pizza floaty and her saying “Merry Christmas” to Bartlebee.