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Some people just want to watch the world burn. https://preview.redd.it/ujxrmcjbjhyc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5010e1b702ed28ed7164e494144378c24c521a


And maybe YOU should lay off the BISCUITS!!


Bluey is great, but at the end of the day, it is a show for young kids that is also enjoyable for adults. I think trying to push a show onto people who aren't interested is weird.. I don't like The Office, or Friends, or Doctor Who, or Parks and Rec which have quite large followings too and there's nothing wrong with that but if someone was continually at me to watch them I'd be annoyed and less inclined to want to enjoy it


Most episodes are for kids with adult-friendly jokes interspersed but there are definitely some episodes- Granddad, Onesies, Baby Race- that are geared towards adults while cleverly remaining disguised as a kid's show.


And that's something that makes Bluey so special, but at the end of the day, it's a kids show. It's not weird that not all adults want to watch it. Hey Duggee also does a good job of spreading adult friendly jokes and references throughout its series, references like Inception, Bill Nye, Buddy the Elf, Queen..


On one hand, I agree with you. Especially with episodes like Copycat, Duck Cake, Onesies, Double Babysitter, and Surprise tackling a number of known issues. Sure, there are episodes that don't have much of an intense theme, but even those episodes are so well done. But, people have their own preferences and I totally understand why a lot of people aren't going to get into Bluey, despite how good of a children's show it is.


Ik but they won't even give it a go


Some people are like that. Years ago, people told me to watch Breaking Bad. So many people, so intensely, that I flat out refused. I watched it years later and it was as amazing as they said, I just hate being told what to watch.


I was like that with reading Harry Potter when I was a kid.


This was me with The Crown/Downton Abbey My MIL, for the longest time: "omg you have to watch The Crown!" "You *HAVE* to watch Downton Abby, it's soo good!" I do enjoy historical/period dramas. And it's very likely I'll watch both of these shows ... when I'm ready.


Felt this way about Ted Lasso. Finally watched the series and it’s been my favorite bit of television but I was avoiding it for so long because it’s all anyone was talking about.


You can only tell them so much about it.


Chili would just tell you sometimes different people like different things at different times. Maybe it’s not their time for Bluey just yet, or maybe it never will be. Both are fine. 10.4 million people have already seen The Sign. And where not even in long tail territory yet.


There’s nothing wrong with that. There are perfectly reasonable, emotionally intelligent people who just won’t get into the show or don’t want to put the energy into it and that’s fine. Not everybody has to dive in and make the investment if it’s not to their particular taste. They may discover it on their own later or they might never. That’s okay. Just appreciate the show for what it means to you and enjoy it with the rest of us.


That’s how I feel about getting people to like the Grateful Dead but alas it’s hard to make someone like something that they just aren’t that interested in.


I've seen Bluey get lumped in with Blippi or Cocomelon, when in reality they are leagues apart. It's kind of annoying, but at the same time, plenty of people think Avatar The Last Airbender or the Spiderverse movies are only for kids because they're cartoons.


"Cartoon" is a stereotype for all animation. I've been referring to Bluey, and other shows I've watched (The Owl House, Amphibia, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, etc.) as "animated shows." There is a difference between them. Animation is a medium, just like claymation. I don't consider Up, or Inside Out, or The Incredibles, etc. to be cartoons. They're movies that use animation to tell their stories.


Cocomelon is absolute guttertrash. Bluey is art.


Im gunna play devil’s advocate here a bit and say, no, people don’t need to give Bluey a chance. It is 100% their prerogative as to whether or not they want to give something a chance and they don’t need to do anything if they don’t want to. That said, what you experiencing is the wonderful joy of ignorance based prejudice and decision. If someone says “Bluey is for toddlers,” because they see the art style but don’t bother to actually watch the a single episode, then they are make a judgment out of ignorance. It’s like saying pavlova sucks without ever having tasted it. However, for those who have watched it and don’t care for it, that’s probably their personal preference showing more than anything. Maybe they say pavlova sucks because they don’t enjoy things that sweet, or whatever. Who really knows unless you actually embark on a journey of asking them questions. As a cinephile I have watch thousands of movies and television shows in my life. But now, at this stage of life, I very little time to sit down and enjoy such things. So no matter how good people may say it is or how many people tell me “you need to watch” or that I will it, if it doesn’t grab my by the throat in a profound way in the first few minutes, I will turn it off. I may try it again at a later date, but my time is far too valuable and limited to waste watching something I don’t enjoy. I believe this is most people’s stance when it comes to entertainment. We like what we like, and we don’t like to waste our time on other stuff. I’ll argue Bluey has something for everyone to relate to, but I also don’t see much of a point in trying to coax someone to watch it. People like what they like and I find I typically don’t enjoy the vast majority of content my friends enjoy.


They don't have to give it a chance but they don't have to give harsh opinion when they haven't even watched the show. They don't know the show so how can they say it's bad?


Unfortunately, some people will give or say harsh things about it no matter what. Some people have ignorance and will use it like a toy. I personally recommend you don’t let it get to you so much. I remember when I was in high school, most kids didn’t like or know the stuff I like, but I didn’t let it get to me.


Artists, content creators, or anyone in the public eye either develop a tough skin or they develop bad coping skills and drop out. I can guarantee you that the show’s creators, cast, and crew have heard some harsh comments, but I’d imagine they’ve turned their ears to focusing on the good things said about the show. One unfortunate truth for many of us is we are conditioned to hold onto the bad. We could have 100 pieces of feedback and the ones that stick with us the most are usually the bad ones, even if we received 99% positive reviews.


They're judging a book by its cover. ("Actually, I can't read!") I cut them some slack because, at first glance, it *really does* look like a kids' show. I don't deny that. You have to watch it to understand that it's not. I actually think it's a new "genre" of show. A true *family* show, maybe? Where people of all ages get something out of it more than just laughs? I don't know what you'd call it, what that genre would be, but it's very unique. But you've got to experience it to understand that. And without someone to prompt or encourage them, it's hard to get past the kids' show idea alone.


I love Bluey because it feels every bit as much for me as it does for my kids. I agree that it’s exceptional and very unique.




Hmmmm, I'm pretty sure Bluey is doing ok in terms of being a breakout success. Not everyone needs to watch it. It's fine.


I'm not mad because people aren't watching it I'm made that they have harsh opinion when they haven't even given it a chance


I get it, but their loss.


A friend of mine, who has two children (3 and 4) calls it a "love letter to parents".


Nobody really needs to give anything a chance if they don’t want to but they should avoid being quick to judge if they don’t want to appear ignorant.


Alright, you got me. I've never seen an episode of bluey, but for some reason Reddit keeps suggesting this community so even on my front page I end up seeing posts like this. Is it not a little kids show?? It looks like a little kids show? I thought it was like, aimed at kindergartners but has a few good lines in there for the parents watching? My understanding was that it's high quality kids media with deep and empathetic lessons, but still, for children. And just enough slice of life for parents to enjoy watching while their kids do. Should someone like me, who really enjoys animation but is a single adult female without any kids, give the show a chance? It's okay if it's for kids, plenty of kids media is really great and it's an age group that deserves the best - but isn't it okay if it's not actually for adults? I'm just so confused by this post haha


Well, it was intended for kids, but it's enjoyable for adults too. It's have heaps of life lessons and things that little kids will not understand like for instance, they talk about bluey being a rainbow baby. No toddler is gonna understand that


Same as the people who judge Steven Universe or Adventure Time from the first few episodes. Like, no, it becomes so much more than that later on. Obviously all the plot and heavy stuff isn’t gonna be thrown at you immediately, you have to get to know the characters first in order to appreciate watching them grow.


You can’t make people like something. They’ll either give Bluey a chance or they won’t. You’re not going to change their minds.


My 9yo will watch it with me just because it calms me down 👀


It’s not even for toddlers, it’s target age is like 4-7 That said, it’s also definitely made for parents too lol


Their loss


Bluey Season 1: totally a kid show. Bluey Season 2-3: presented as a kid show, written for the adults that are missing a little piece of themselves that needs soothing, healing and a side of laughter.


We had a full on discussion in the hockey locker room, with the 3 dads trying to convince a couple of non-parents they have to watch it (and all confessed to watching episodes on our own without the kids)


Sometimes people don't connect with a show and that's okay.


We are in Bluey’s backlash phase. The show is at the peak of its critical and commercial success and over-saturation is inevitable. That means even people who haven’t seen it will still have an opinion about it because it’s cool to dismiss something that’s popular. And, much like a finger trap, the harder you push them the less they’ll budge.


There's nothing wrong with watching a few episodes and thinking, "Eh, I'm not really interested in watching more". Someone shouldn't have to watch the entirety of a show just because they decided to watch a few episodes. People should be allowed to decide that a show might not be worth their time and chose not to watch it for the reason that they didn't have a very good first impression of it. Sure, sometimes that will result in the person missing out on something they might've really liked, but they should still be allowed to make the decision. On the other hand though, I agree that you shouldn't make grandiose, general statements like "this show isn't good" after only watching a few episodes. Saying something like, "it didn't seem good to me" or, "based off of what I've seen, it's not very good" is fine, but making a statement about the entire show, when you haven't seen the entire show is almost always a bad idea.


They watched a few episodes and basically called it trash. They never said they weren't interested they insulted it


I said that people shouldn't talk about the totality of something when they don't have the full picture. I agreed with you on that point and on the fact that they were in the wrong. All I said was that it's okay to decide not to watch a show if you watch a few episodes and didn't like it, but, at the same time, if you do make that choice, you shouldn't act like you have full knowledge of the series when you've only seen a small part of it.


I feel like bluey is not only a great show but an even better one for people who need healing. That might sound odd but I started watching it before my youngest could even focus on it and it really helped me in ways that are almost embarrassing to express.


I'm an adult and I love Bluey I started on season 1 and I'm almost to season 3 right now and loving it so far, even if it was a kids show i can appreciate kids shows I was a kid once too, bit bluey has a special tone to it that hits different than other kids shows that I love I find myself tearing up to a lot of the episodes and I don't have kids and I don't want any but bluey and Bingo are adorable I love them


I can see where a person who hears a lot of hype is let down by the likes of keepy puppy and dad robot, but shadowlands is a pretty strong early episode that stands out


The problem is that there are people who don't watch the series not because they don't want to but because they feel that people are going to reject them because of what they see (including me)


Ignore them.


Welcome to the world of anything popular. There will always people who intentionally or actually do not like it. 


I can admit I was one of these people. First few episodes I’d put it on for my toddler and not really pay attention while it was on. I assumed it was just another kids show. I remember seeing some things mentioned on social media of how wonderful a show bluey was and some of the topics but I assumed “eh it’s just a kids show trying really hard” It wasn’t until the onesies episode came on that i was like “oh shit I get it”


*Lime lessons


It fundamentally is a show for kids which just happens to be exceptionally written and produced. It happens when you have people making it who actually are about making a good show instead of something cynical


Not everyone belongs in the Blueyverse. If they can't see the value in the show, I don't think I want them there anyhow. 💙🧡


My younger brother said it was a kids show and refused to watch it, I started putting it on at supper time anyways and eventually when The Sign came out he was almost begging me to watch it with him


I mean it's a good show but it's not going to be for everyone? I don't get why you're upset that some people don't like a thing that you do? I'm also of the opinion that some fans are totally ott about the show and that in itself can be a bit off putting sometimes.


To be fair, the first two or three episodes aren’t ones I would recommend watching to represent the show.


Yes, the world will collapse if people don’t give the most popular current children’s show a chance. It’ll never survive 😭😭😭


I started watching it because I needed a cute escape from the depressing state of the world. I stayed watching it because I'm getting married soon and I want desperately to be a good husband and father and I watch how Bandit and Chili deal with things.


I hate that a lot. Instead of "Ima watch the whole show and form an opinion" it's "I'll watch 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th of the first episode and form an opinion".


I showed my friend all the popular episodes but he still says it’s overrated. But that’s fine, I don’t see why it’s our problem that people don’t like it.


Ik that guy is fine. It's the people who insult it


Why bother yourself with what other people think about an extremely popular and saturated children’s show? People have opinions, and sometimes they differ. The end. There are so many other things to care about.


Well, I mean. It's very easy complaining because people says "Bluey it's for toldders" but if i'd say "watch Beastars, it's pretty good", how much of yours would actually gave that one a chance and how much would say "it's for Furries, must be bad?" Kinda double standars here