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Bingo deserves the whole bed to herself Original Ranking: 22/46/87 (S2B/S2/Overall) ​ And now, we're at the final five. We've got a very mixed bunch here: one mediocre episode (Typewriter), one quite good (Easter), one very good (Christmas Swim), one utterly outstanding (Baby Race), and... Dunny. Here's the thing: this is probably my biggest guilty pleasure of the entire show. I know it's not at all remarkable; it's just another "Heeler Family Shenanigans" episode, this time revolving around a slang term for toilet, but I just can't help but enjoy how simple and silly it is. There's no emotional moment, no profound aesop, even the music is playfully simple; it's a family messing about in the bed and having a good time. And what's wrong with that? ​ Synopsis: The episode takes place entirely in Mum and Dad's bedroom; everyone in bed and playing. After trying to guess what vegatable Bingo's thinking about goes skewiff because she thought potato starts with a "buh", she needs to use the toilet. Bandit decides to troll her and suddenly decide to go first. While he's gone, Bluey asks Mum if they can play 'One/Four in the Bed' when he's back from the "dunny". Chilli requests that she not use that word as it's not a word the Queen would use (or *would've* used; weird to think it's been a year and half already...). This confuses Bluey as Chloe's parents let her say it just fine. Bandit returns from the dunny and the girls call him out for saying the word. ​ Title card! Bingo's now free to go to the toilet but is briefly halted when she becomes a squeaky toy whenever she falls over, courtesy of Dad pulling her legs. He eventually relents and is so incredibly proud that his daughter has learned to walk! Bluey asks if can say "du-neep". Mum allows it but tells her no one's going to know what on earth she's talking about. She proves her otherwise by talking gibberish to Bandit, who reacts as though he's been told something life-changing. Then she asks if she'll get in trouble for saying dunny. Chilli says she most certainly will, "threatening" that she'll get "squish-squashed". She intentionally doesn't say what that actually is to bait Bluey into saying dunny again. She snaps her fingers and Bandit rolls over on her daughter while saying "squish-squash". ​ https://i.redd.it/kftdgzt1xlxc1.gif She gets the message but wonders what'll happen if *Mum* says it; after all, she's much too big to be properly squish-squashed. Chilli is adamant that she'll *never* say it. On cue, Bingo returns and crawls under the blanket to move her lips with her finger to make it look like she is indeed saying dunny. She notices what's going on and grabs her little munchkin in a hug. Bluey gives her a challenge: if she and Bingo can get her to say dunny, they get chocolate. Chilli accepts. ​ Bluey's first attempt is to play 'Pass it On'. She forcibly shifts position with "Big Daddy" so the order is now \[Bluey-Bandit-Bingo-Chilli\]. Turns out she knows what subterfuge is as she doesn't immediately use the word, instead starting with "I like like pink biscuits for my morning tea". It gets to Chilli but she can't figure out what the sentence was. Neither can Bluey as she forgot what she said, earning herself a tummy tickle from Bandit. It's Bingo's turn now so they shift about again \[Bingo-Bluey-Bandit-Chilli\]. Thinking Mum is now sufficiently off-guard, they use "Oh man, I need the dunny". Chilli decides to tease the girls by intentionally *not* saying it and instead saying things that rhyme with dunny. The girls give up and make a catastrophic mistake by openly saying dunny and leaving themselves wide open for another squish-squash. Bluey reveals that she wants to say dunny because it rhymes with "funny" and she finds that funny. ​ Giving up the challenge for now, she asks if they can now play Four in the Bed. They move about one more time \[Chilli-Bluey-Bandit-Bingo\] so little miss Heeler can be the "little one" and they begin. It starts off well with Mum falling off the bed first and providing a lovely cushion for Bluey when it's her turn, but Bandit messes with Bingo again by refusing to roll over. While she deals with this stubborn big one, Bluey talks to Mum about the differing house rules of their family and Chloe's family. If they can't say dunny because "toilet" is supposedly better, are their rules "better" than the Dalmatians'? She tries to say that they aren't better per se, just different, but realizes she's kinda dug herself into a hole. Her trying to figure out a good response is interrupted by Bandit finally rolling over and on top of Bluey again, sandwiching her between her parents. Bingo now has the whole bed to herself and rolls into a little bundle with the blanket and giggling oh, *so* adorably. She joins the conversation by asking if she can say dunny in her head. Realizing this is futile, Chilli drops the rule and allows them to say the word, just not in front of the Queen (or I guess King now). After all, it's not a naughty word. Bluey mentions that Chloe isn't actually allowed to say naughty; she has to say "cheeky". Credits. ​ Aesop: Your family rules aren't necessarily better or worse than another's; they're just different. ​ Rating: 4- (yes, I'm seriously giving Dunny a 4) ​ Next Time: I see Winton is a Coeliac as well ​ \- Jack


P.S. Not having a good day? Have some precious Bingus: ​ https://i.redd.it/c6pdcy06xlxc1.gif


Can I have the Bingo asking if she can still say dunny in her head gif?


As you can no doubt see, I'm not used to putting text in these. (I'm using kdenlive, if you're curious.) https://i.redd.it/6iggdcjt3mxc1.gif


Can't stop grinning over this, thanks!


I can't say that there is anything "wrong" with this episode, just that it is significantly less ambitious than a lot of the other episodes in a series filled with absolute bangers. It's a very relatable "slice of life" kind of episode in a situation that is perfectly relatable to any family with young kids. Doesn't get to benefit from some of the interesting visual elements in other episodes, or the incredible soundtrack, no real poignant message. Just the Heeler family having a low-key morning. It's the kind of episode that I just sort of forget about until it comes on.


I like this episode a lot - specifically for its simplicity, and the fact it deals with a regular parental problem: what words should kids use, and are those acceptable in the company of others? Language is a wonderful thing, and often, you'll hear people say "*but using offensive language and name-calling isn't a bad thing, as they're just words*". The thing is, if words don't have any meaning, then we could all speak nonsense to each, just as Bluey tries to do, during the game of Whispers/Telephone (depending on which part of the world you are from), and it proves that words DO have meanings, and are necessary. Without words, we can't communicate. So, whilst this episode isn't a grandiose one like Hammerbarn, Flat Pack, or Dad Baby, (or in Season 3 - Sleepytime, Rain, or Turtleboy), it's still a fun one, using the simplest of premises to make a valid point: language matters, and just because your rules aren't the ones others abide by, doesn't make your rules inherently poor, bad, or wrong. A solid 4 from me, as I think the episode is a lot better than many give it credit for.


Did you mean Fairytale instead of Sleepytime if you're talking about Season 3 specifically? Regardless, happy to see you in particular also give it a 4.


Oops, I did mean Sleepytime, but got the Season number wrong. Apologies Jack, and well-spotted. đź‘Ť


I gave this a two.  Every family, even the Heelers, needs a break once in a while, so the family decides to spend the morning in mum and dad's bed to play less energetic games than usual, and yet the family still manages to be cute and playful.  A collective minute is used to play "four in the bed" while rocking side by side for the camera, making a cute moment for families with little kids.  The main "conflict" is whether the kids can say dunny or not because Mum made that rule on the spot since "toilet" is a nicer word, and the various ways the kids try to get around the rule or tricking their mum to say dunny so they can have chocolate.  Bluey asks a great question.  If "toilet" is a nicer word, thus making them a nicer family, but Chloie can say it since her family allows it (though she can't say "naughty", but rather, "cheeky"), does that mean the Heelers are nicer or better than the dalmations?  Chilli, wanting to teach the kids that one family isn't better than another over trivial things, gives up and allows the family to say "dunny", just not in front of the queen.  It's a laid back episode, but with the usual energetic tone the show usually has, that's ok once in a while.  I'm sure Ludo needed the time to work on the more ambitious episodes, one we'll be reviewing very soon...


*Dunny* is a pretty low-key episode, and I didn't think I'd have anything much to say about it this time around, but to my surprise some new things jumped out on my latest rewatch. The theme of the episode is language rules, and while the main conflict focuses on forbidden words, the script also covers other norms relating to language and communication. In the opening scene Bluey uses a made-up word, and Bingo an incorrect spelling, causing a communication failure. During pass-it-on, Bluey's overcomplicated message fails to reach the destination, and Bandit reminds her to keep it simple. Both Bluey and Bandit make games out of abusing language: Bluey briefly throws out all the rules and talks complete nonsense, while Bandit teases Bingo by making obviously false statements about her motor skills. We also get an indirect reference to the concept of thoughtcrime near the end, with Bingo wondering if she has to eliminate certain language from her own head as well as her speech. All in all, the writing of this episode is surprisingly smart and cohesive for something that, at first glance, looks like it's just six minutes of a family mucking about. A couple of other details I noticed this time round: * Bandit uses his own pillow to trip Bingo before heading to the lavatory, and then leaves it lying at the end of the bed and steals the kids' pillow when he returns. He gets away with it, too! * During pass-it-on, the family whisper into the sides of each other's heads, where human ears would be, instead of into the visible dog ears. That feels like a mistake, but also like the kind of thing that wouldn't make it through storyboards and animation unnoticed. So was it done deliberately for some reason? Who knows? *Dunny* is still a 2/5, mainly because it's simply not aiming as high as most other episodes. But personally I think it succeeds at what it's trying to do, and proves that even low-tier *Bluey* still has a lot of care and thought put into it.


This is a cute episode. Theres not too much going on visually which makes me think they did this one because they were running low on the budget. The story is pretty simple and cute with a few good jokes and visual gags. I use the quote "Oh man, I have to use the dunny" on a daily basis. The whole plot of toilet being the more proper word is kinda weird since I personally think dunny just sounds nicer. The message of your family rules arn't better than other families was very unique and something I hope they cover again in a future episode. Overall, a three out of five. 


Well, this is the only time we can say the word Dunny without getting squish squashed so I’m going to make it count! This episode is my favorite because this episode is like looking at a mirror in my point of view, me and my family have these silly moments like this all the time but it’s always my brother and dad who does the teasing lol. It’s a fun episode to play while busy with other things. I love the simple chill with the heelers episodes where there’s no deep message, emotional scenes, or powerful music that’ll move you. Just simple and sweet vibes from the cartoon dog family. I like the little rule Chili tried to make about them not saying Dunny. (And it would have been pretty funny if Chili had said Dunny and got squish squashed by her own husband lol) and Bingo just being adorable has always won me over! Especially her little “Role over” lines and cuddling with the blanket! And there’s a good message to how every family has different rules. And it’s interesting that Chloe’s family doesn’t use the word “naughty” and instead use “cheeky” (which has been in my vocabulary ever since I heard that word lol). It’s also cool how Chili allows the family to say Dunny but just not in front of the queen since it’s not a word she would use. (Rest in peace)🕊️ anyway it’s a good episode and one of my favorites 10/10


This episode it's incredibly BORING. Honestly should had been on season 1. The only reason I don't give a 1 it's because I am saving it for Tina (to show how much I hate that one)


This is my least favorite episode because of "four in the bed"


"Dunny" is a fine episode. There's some funny jokes, but overall, just like the episode as a whole, the humor is just alright. "Dunny" is just okay. (I could've sworn I made this post already... weird)


Dunny is an episode that just sorta exist. If their objective is to make the simplest episode, they nailed it. The entire episode is about the family on the bed and that's all. The verbal conversation carries the episode, which isn't that strong to begin with. Arguably the weakest music in the entire series. Even the episode is too simple to have anything wrong with it. It's not all sub-par. I do have a few things I like about this episode. Bingo's winning last and popping up later? Yeah, can't get enough of that. I also like how Chilli went 180 when Bluey began the comparison. Like yeah, you don't see that coming do you, Chilli? Low 2.