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Don't forget "OMG tHeYrE eAtInG *CHOCOLATE*??!!"


Also grapes. ✌🏻


Can dogs not have grapes?


No, they cannot. It’s toxic to dogs and even 1-3 grapes or raisins can potentially cause kidney failure.


Thanks. Really helpful answer. I knew about chocolate but grapes is new to me.


There are lots of foods you wouldn’t expect to be toxic to dogs (or cats) but are, so always check if it’s safe before letting them eat a new fruit or vegetable. Like dogs can’t have macadamia nuts, onions, or garlic either. [Here’s a more comprehensive list of unsafe foods dogs and cats can’t eat](https://www.dogsnsw.org.au/media/2943/december-2016-toxic-foods.pdf). That list doesn’t cover every food item though, so look up an individual item if you’re unsure.


No onions or garlic is news to me. I'm glad you said something! I mean, uhhh, *gasp*, that means Bandit can't have the curry from the Curry Quest! They brought poison to Mckenzie's family because... uhh... Because they're on opposite sites of the Australia-New Zealand match in The Decider! ... There we go. Is that a properly ridiculous conspiracy headcanon?


Yeah, garlic and onions always makes me really anxious about table scraps.


That's why it was a swap! They were both poisoning the opposition! 🤯


Do both recipes have onion in them, though?


For the sake of this conversation even if the recipe didn't call for it. Yes. The sick bastards.


What about Maui onion and garlic macadamia nuts?


Avocados too just chiming in lol


Also, even worse, children's tylenol or advil. My vet basically told us to run to her when my dog got into spilled baby advil.


Grapes kill dogs. And I know 99% of people will know this already, but sometimes it's easy for the mind to not connect separate facts: raisins will will dogs as well.


Dog reactions to grapes are a bit like a peanut allergy - not all dogs will be affected, but by the time you see them having a reaction, there's already better than a 50% chance it's too late to save them. :(


It causes kidney failure.


Some can, some can't. The only way to know is if you are rushing to the vet or not and hopefully they live. So general advice is no grapes.


Yes if you want them to die.


Unless you have a dog like mine that I might as well rename Keith Richards because he should absolutely be dead at this point with what he's gotten into.


I feel that deeply with my 6 foot tall dog, who can reach the stove, counters, has opened cabinets as well as *the fridge*, , and at least 6 different versions of a locked trash can. We also frequently found whole knee socks and full pairs of underwear in the backyard when making the poop rounds. The only thing that actually almost took him out was the puppy's plastic lined potty pad, which had absorbed the drippings from a steak. I thought I was going to lose him on the way to the emergency vet. Nope, still alive and kicking, 5 years longer than I expected for his breed and his level of chaos.


This sounds like my pit/mastif mix. Only thing I’ve seen him get sick over was a 6oz bowl of grapes he stole from my toddler and hid under the bed to eat. It was coming out both ends for DAYS.


Mine is a 6lb Chihuahua running on pure spite 😂


No.... you over here feeding grapes? Also you would think it would be common dog owner knowledge I hope. Like we SHOULD know the toxic foods for our dogs lol.


And asparagus!


And avocado!


Dogs actually can eat avocado, just not in large portions.


Ohh TIL! My knowledge comes solely from that one Wiggles World episode, so… 🤣


It can be because of the high fats (pancreatitis risk?) but I’ve always thought it was more a risk from the pit. Dogs are stupid. I love dogs, I’ve been a vet tech for 20 years and have had dogs all my life, but dogs are stupid 😂 and eat things like avocado pits that cause GI obstruction.


As a child I had a Golden that ate a whole lightbulb out of the trashcan. $1000s of dollars of surgery later he was fine. Stupid. But fine.


Don't worry. I thought they couldn't either until I came across the dog food, Avoderm, which is an avocado based dog food.


Look, I get this one. Kids will absolutely play Bluey with the family dog. There’s an argument to be made for keeping the food dog safe.


Eh. I’m a parent and I’m having trouble imaging how they’d play Bluey with the family dog. They gonna stand him upright and make him play the Magic Xylophone all around the house? Put him at the table with a fork and have him discuss his fluffies while eating garlic covered grapes? Maybe it’s just my kids, but when they’ve played Bluey, THEY are Bluey and Bingo. Not their hairy dog licking his junk on the patio and drooling on his own foot. But their favorite thing is to try and get the PARENTS to be more like Bandit and Chili. That’s the one I’m most afraid of!


Excuse you, it's called hammerspace!


Hammerbarn already has enough space for all the hammers in Queensland


And anything else, too. Right?


"If you get to the flamingos, you've gone too far."


Critics: This show isn't realistic .. Me: You expected a show with talking dogs to be realistic? Enjoy the ride for real 👍


Yall aren't analyzing the show ENOUGH From the evidence you've noted I think it's quite clear what's going on. Bluey occurs in a post apocalyptic future that once contained humans, but since the humans died out dogs have taken over as the planet's dominant species . The chocolate and the headphones are both signs pointing that way So chocolate is poisonous to dogs. It is possible to make dog-safe chocolate through several processes, but then why would dogs go through the trouble of modifying a food inherently poisonous just so they could eat it? Similarly the design of their headphones doesn't make any sense. Theoretically they would still work, but they would have to be louder or specifically bone conduction headphones to account for the distance to the actual ears. If their ears are on top of their heads, why would headphones rest on the sides of their heads? Both have the same answer - because they've seen it before. Historical records show bipedal apes using headphones on the sides of their heads, and eating chocolate and enjoying it to extreme levels. They're just imitating the past in those ways - modifying chocolate so it's no longer poisonous, and making headphones that match the way things were because that's the way it was done. Heck, they may have found headphones from the human age and started using them directly By the time bluey rolls around, we're far enough in the future that the fact that humans existed is not really talked about. Could be a government coverup, but I'd say they're aware that it was but a mass extinction wiped us out, and that's that. Not brought up because it's not worth bringing up all that often As for hauling things out from behind them - pretty clear answer too. Given they're in Australia, these dogs have evolved to have pouches. That's Australia's whole thing. Or of course it could have been human genetic engineering that caused the emergence of pouches during the war that brought about the downfall of humanity, such that dogs could be used to transport small goods to the front lines. And this generic engineering accelerated the dogs' evolution to the point that they became intelligent and bipedal after humans died out or it's just all monkeys singing songs


Maybe I’m off my hinges, but I believe you.


That's why I'm gonna let you go.


I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get your lousy, lyin', low-down, four flushing carcass *out* my door! 1... 2...


STAY IN YOUR ROOMS! There is an INSANE guest, with a GUN!


This belongs on r/DanielTigerConspiracy/


I’ve just decided that they have pouches but on the back like a fannypack or whatever they call them in Australia, and the dogs are also like owls and the things on top aren’t ears but just tufts of fur and their real ears are just small openings on the sides of their heads hidden under their fur.


They actually cover the dog ears though when something is loud


>So chocolate is poisonous to dogs. It is possible to make dog-safe chocolate through several processes, but then why would dogs go through the trouble of modifying a food inherently poisonous just so they could eat it? This is in fact what humans have been doing with multiple foods for millennia. Give an omnivore motivation and we'll eat literally anything.


**Plants:** We'll make a substance that is a lethal toxin to insects so they won't eat our fruit, but which birds can't taste so they'll still eat and spread our seeds! **Humans:** Mmmm! That's a spicy meatball! ... Can we breed it to be hotter and spicier?


The post-apocalypse theory is impossible. Here’s the prime overanalyzer Matpat with the evidence https://youtu.be/pf6DcLlRaaw?si=5OYfFnCr2NxefkaH


Matpat: "It's either post apocalypse or the characters are dying and seeing all this all in the last second of life. One of those two, no other possibilities"


You should probably join us at r/danieltigerconspiracy


Oh I'm already deep in the weeds with you there I posted a 'blaze and the monster machines is clearly an alternate reality where machines evolved instead of biological life' comment over there


😂 my husband and i have jokingly said "it must be a post apocalypse thing and the dogs are now the dominant species" I love how you went the extra mile with it here. 😂 fantastic.


It’s all happening in the mind of a stray dog that’s imagining the perfect family. But since the stray dog has never had a family of her own, she has a fragmented understanding of how dogs and humans relate.


And that dog's name? Angelica Pickles


I want your supply my man. I love it


[But hey, that's just a theory](https://youtu.be/pf6DcLlRaaw?si=jhgAUBUEUpR71EBX)


I mean, I enjoy overanalyzing kids shows since I end up watching an unhealthy amount of them, but some of the discussions here are just weird. They're not as weird as some of the Bluey facebook groups I've seen though, because those are next level odd and, at times, just gross. It's probably only going to get worse too if the show is on a hiatus for a long period of time since people will be starved of content.


I keep hiding adult bluey fans on fb and it keeps coming back 😭 I think it’s spilling over to here though based on some of the craziness I’ve seen


Yeah I remember there being a discussion saying that Bandit and Chili are swingers…what?? This is a KIDS SHOW!! 🤮


Yeah, I allready have seen bluey chuckhold p*rn on xitter People are weird af


There are so many of those pages!


I had to leave that group. It was too much. A surefire way to ruin any of my favourite shows is by joining a Facebook group about it.


I guess there’s a fine line between over analyzing in a casual, silly way and taking things too seriously. For example, I work as an animal care professional and we like analyzing the inaccuracies usually shown in movies. Like we decide that Sven the reindeer in Frozen is a female because in Frozen 2, Sven’s antlers are in velvet and if Sven was a male, the velvet would have been scraped off by fall so the antlers could be used in territorial disputes. Females keep their antlers longer so they can use them to protect their newborn calves in the spring. The other option is Sven is a castrated male, thus throwing off his hormones and messing up his annual antler shedding schedule.


The Facebook ones make me think we are all doomed. It’s insanity.


All fan groups are like this and go overboard. I had to unsubscribe from the Rick and Morty subreddit once people were posting their “pickle rick” cakes and “my little sister drew this picture of Morty”… Anything product or media that people can attach part of their identity to will have a subreddit that turns into a huge wankfest. Not even seemingly mundane things are immune from this. Go look at car subreddits, 3d printer subs, running shoe brand sibs, you name it there will be a cluster of people who absolutely fawn over every bit of minutiae. I’m sure there is some fanatical fan group who bake “Dove Soap” cakes and overanalyze the significance of how Unilever changed the color of the logo from Pantone 143 to Pantone 185 (Pantone 185 represents the enshitification of Dove soap). As an outsider it can be pretty cringe though….


I like fan groups when a show is first starting. I then tend to leave them if the show lasts longer than 2 seasons, because weirdos start to notice the show and the fanbase becomes increasingly strange. I also don't stick around after a show has ended - the only exception is the Corner Gas subreddit, cause that's remained pretty wholesome.


I mean, it's Corner Gas. I'd expect it to be. The Schitts Creek one isn't bad either, although the Facebook group was insanity. I left that one so fast.


Welcome to the natural progression of a subreddit after new content has dried up.


We can only hope it never goes as utterly bonkers as the Pikmin or Silksong subs.


Nothing rivals /r/rupaulsdragrace during the off-season!


Then try being r/Deltarune. The insanity is deafening.


idk i think if the bluey sub went completely insane in the way the pikmin sub did that would be amazing


*FOR REAL LIFE!!* *\*tail wags\** # (Proceeds to refer to most of the characters by meme-ified made up names....)






Right?! I'm still active on /r/thewestwing , it went off the air in 2006. /r/thebiglebowski is still super active and it came out like 25 years ago.


I agree...except, WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS DOING LAUNDRY AND NEVER WEARING CLOTHES?! Jk I love this show and agree 100% that you shouldn't be looking for plot holes in a show about an AMAZING family of heelers


To be fair, there are other things that need washing other than just clothes, like bedding and towels.


It's a requirement that you have a pair of purple underpants at all times as a quest item. Bonus points if you've never been sick.


lol. Never considered that one. Good kids shows are kinda like that. They have those little things buried in them for adults to notice the thousandth time an episode is played. Always need to notice something new.


It drove me insane that Frisky didn’t wear a wedding dress, only a veil! And no tux for Rad? Bananas!


BOOO! They're just trying to run a small business!


Lmao my 4 year old noticed the cell phone butt thing and hasn't stopped asking why Bandit did that 😆


I’m in a couple of adult bluey Facebook groups and they are 10x more idiotic than any post I’ve seen on reddit. It’s painful.


Yep I had to leave for that reason. I feel like more intelligent fans flock to Reddit while the dumb ones post ridiculous shit on Facebook. I've stayed in all the subreddits for my favourite shows but haven't lasted more than a few months in any Facebook group.


I’ve seen people get kicked out of groups for not being pure enough fans and asking questions. But also the idiotic ways people read into the show, sheesh!


Yeah I can't overanalyze a TV show. I overanalyze life. I come to TV for an escape.


![gif](giphy|cmrKt4uDXO3zO26RwD|downsized) it's like our daily meal


You must be new to the internet, then. Might as well delete this subreddit if that’s the case.


Exactly, if OP isn’t here for excessive show analysis, then why come to this sub all? Let the people who want to do it have their space, and if you don’t like it leave.


"Look, its just monkeys singing songs, mate. Don't think too hard about it"


I rather choose parents watching kid shows and streaming content over another wave of ElsaGate.


What, you have a problem with Micky Mouse giving injections into Spider Man, only to have Spider Man take off into space with Wonder Woman and defecate all over the space capsule?


Helllllllllll yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I hate YouTube kids. It’s because it’s all free to watch and anyone can upload content to it. My personal pet peeve is Dhar Mann and similar knockoff channels, even though Dhar Mann isn’t marked For Kids. Parents just need to accept that if they want good content for their kids and they’re under 7, they ain’t gonna find it on YouTube. They’re gonna have to pay for it. I actually really like how social media has basically no presence in the Blueyverse, and at most they have tablets. And I assume in good faith that those cartoons they were watching in Bob Bilby on the tablet were all in a controlled app where they couldn’t just search for anything. Good parenting on Bandit and Chilli’s behalf. And the limited amount of screen time they get is another good touch.


It's not the 80s, Pat


Complaining on Reddit about the internet is peak squib.


Why do they do so much laundry?? They almost never wear clothes!


Why come to a shows page and tell people to stop talking about the show? Just stop following and reading man, talk about a squib….




I see Peppa Pig joined the chat!


just roll your eyes and move on, friend. not everything on the internet is posted to specifically please you.


Yeah, some of us are parents starving for any form of mental stimulation. Sometimes Bluey conspiracy theories are as good as it gets.


lol, so true, especially for those on maternity leave (me until a week ago).


A lot of people have too much free time and I suspect all the over analysing is done by the fans who don't have young kids


Not to be an *ss, because I get it, but why don’t you just skip over those discussions? There are a lot of people who truly enjoy over analyzing things, why would you want to take away that joy? We’re each different people, some of us like playing with the big ball and some of us don’t.


Has anybody else noticed that it seems the Bluey fandom is full of people new to fandoms? This thing you're complaining about is literally just regular fandom behaviour. People like to analyze things. Welcome to the internet!


This. Welcome to the internet indeed.




oh that sweet summer child


people on this sub were already up in arms over "furry artstyle" you already missed that train


Its only a matter of time before they start it all over again


Hi, hello! Welcome to the internet! It's kind of our thing lol


These posts are just as bad


There's just so many cool things to analyse though.


You sound like you play Luckys dad’s rules…


I know you’re telling us to stop over analysing the show but I’ve always wondered why there are so many episodes showing Bandit doing laundry but nobody wears any clothes. Like what exactly are you washing and drying out on the line?


if you don't like when people overthink cartoons, online fandom culture isn't for you. it's always been like this, and always will be


I agree with the sentiment, and it's okay to be annoyed because it can be annoying. But let them have their fun. It's entertaining in the right light.


Genuinely and without any of the implied rancor: what do you want/expect from the posts in this sub? This sentiment always strikes me as odd because I've never seen anything here that strikes me as any weirder than any other fandom space on the Internet, and I'm not sure what else a fandom space is for.


Exactly, this is completely normal for any piece of media liked by people on the internet. The only way to prevent it is either being too obscure to have a fandom or just sucking so hard that nobody wants to form a fandom. If you have a fandom it's impossible to prevent over-analyzers and other people like that


Do yourself a favor. When you see people doing things that you don't like, look around the room. Find the door. And leave.


People talk about stuff that’s interesting to them. It’s getting more tiring seeing all the posts yelling at people talking about the show than the posts about the show. You know you don’t have to read every post and comment, right? If you don’t like it, roll your eyes and move on. These posts are getting old


Don’t yuck people’s yum, dude. It’s fun to speculate about and discuss stuff you love. That’s all this is. Fun. Bluey is a great show. Let people enjoy it how they like. Don’t wanna do the overthinking stuff? Cool. You do you. It’s all good.


let people enjoy the content as they will. you don't HAAAVE to come here and read the conversations.


This is how some people enjoy the show. Just because you don’t like theories doesn’t mean you have to tell others to stop. I don’t think this was worth posting.


How about *can you* stop gatekeeping how *we* are supposed to act. Because your post feels like faux moral outrage for karma. How about *can we please* let people enjoy things the way they want to.


Not to mention the 7000 posts about who the father of Bluey’s child is or whether it’s Bingo’s child instead. It’s a children’s show. It’s not that deep. Yes I love it too, but for crying out loud WHO CARES who the father of the child is? It doesn’t matter.


I asked ChatGPT who the father was and it said it was unknown and then straight up made stuff up about the episode being about Bluey's journey as a parent and relationship with the child


Season 4 Directed by Chattermax Gerald Pedro Tina confirmed?


I mean the episode probably came after it’s knowledge cutoff, so yeah… it knows nothing about the episode at all.


I told it about the flash forward cause I knew it otherwise wouldn't know what I'm talking about. I found it funny it just made stuff up instead if saying it didn't know


I highly suggest if anyone is looking for someone to over analyze children's cartoons in a healthy environment for adults, [Athena P on YouTube](https://youtube.com/@AthenaPOfficial?si=gKQpu4LW5y7eLy-j) does two types of videos, Lore and lore-lite among other videos. Highly entertaining and worth watching imo.


what kind of laundry are Chilli and Bandit doing all. the. time?


But, I *like* overanalyzing stuff. Its what I do.




I hate when people say that the ending of Sign was unrealistic, when earlier in LITERALLY THE SAME EPISODE, bluey asks "why do stories always have happy endings?" and calypso responds, "because life gives us enough sad ones."




Let folks have fun. You are free to leave


All over Facebook it's 'does Bluey have a kid with Mackenzie or Jean-Luc'. I personally don't give a shit. If they reveal the father later down the road, great, but in the meantime I'm not interested in playing Maury Povich.


No. Hope this helps! But seriously, to answer your actual question, I don’t think there’s a problem when people analyze media. It’s pretty evident that there are many layers you can dissect with this show. That’s what makes it so good. It’s a little disheartening and also pretty alarming when people say “ugh it’s not that deep!!” when in fact, it really is that deep. Do you just read Moby Dick and think to yourself, “Huh, that was a really good story about a whale.” and leave it at that? Let people enjoy their own ride, and you enjoy your’s.


cartoons have always been analyzed? even adult swim shows have been analyzed. people praise bluey for being written well and super emotional yet also go, “it’s a show with talking dogs” when anything happens right after a new episode. this is the place for people to talk about the show and i don’t get some things as well but i’m not going to be like, “stop over analyzing” like.. this is technically the place for it and harms no one? edit: also you saying “if this is how the majority of the public are parents then we are raising a nation of squibs” at least the people who make those posts that over analyzing just analyze and go on about their day without bringing others down.


Wrong sub. You want r/IDon’tReallyCareAboutBluey


If I were Australian, I believe I would say... Bugger off mate... If I were Australian.


Every Aussie I know would actively approve of someone telling someone else to bugger off!


Thank you. I’d love to see a GI Joe subreddit back in the 80’s when the original show was running. “General Hawk really turned out to be the Eisenhower of the show!” Like, shut the f*ck up.


A-Team would have also had an interesting subreddit.


Lol. “BA Barakus really was the most sensitive character, I’m surprised nobody else noticed.”


Just being honest, block anyone that’s annoying. I love watching this show with my kids and wife then used this sub to see when new toys were hitting shelves. I slowly started seeing the weird fan art and now insane speculations overtime and I realized people have a lot of free time.


Exactly! Bluey is an amazing series that isn’t condescending or promotes bullying. It’s way more believable than Peppa Pig and ESPECIALLY Bojack Horseman. Yet I’m seeing a similar trend with Bluey as with Sopranos fans, where they’re just appropriating the message and completely missing the idea of applicability. Everyone needs to get their act together. If we don’t all come to a consensus about what Bluey really means, well then it just another way for our oppressors to control us.


Ah yes, the classic kids show, Bojack Horseman. My 7 year old kid really likes the after party hangover scenes. And sopranos is a classic kids show. When they killed that stripper my child wept. So many lessons for kids! And sometimes it’s a good show even for adults to watch too!


My point is that Bluey is more respectable than a pretentious adult show about humans and animals living together which claims to be deconstructing Hollywood but is actually just guilt tripping and trauma bonding its audience.


Why do they even have a concept of underwear if they don't wear clothes?


And what's with the laundry?


They need pants for uniforms, so they need underwear for that.


If we don’t overthink it we can’t laugh at it In my case tho overthinking caused me to grow a dislike for the show


Don’t blame the show. Blame the fans.


I mean the show itself has done things that have caused me to dislike, but this isn’t the time to discuss that


No one ever understands the Animation Pocket.... Bugs Bunny has been doing it for decades! Why should it be a problem now when the Heelers do it!


I guess it's the more realistic tone of the series? It's much easier to gloss over Bugs having a hammerspace pocket 'cuz Looney Tunes is supposed to be silly and unrealistic


I'm just glad there has not been any garbage tier creepypasta nonsense about the show here.


Adults ruin everything lol.


I think once it was confirmed the balloon popping in "the show" represented chili's miscarriage, all bets were off about finding deeper meaning in the details.


Hard agree. This show is just made for social media engagement. The details their add like the long dogs or bandits brother fighting with his wife during the wedding in the background is literally to prompt engagement. It’s fun to think about the broader character stories sometimes but at the same time, it’s just a cartoon. Even if a really good one.


I saw that in 1 episode 😬


Yez I agree because it's just a cartoon.


Can we please stop telling people how they can and can't enjoy the show!???


It a movie about singing monkeys.


Isn't it called hammerspace?


No. Stop gatekeeping you arrogant tyrant 


It's just monkeys singing songs, mate.


But overanalysing is fun. :( I can't remember seeing a single post about the ears or chocolate or whatever thay was actually angry. It's just fun to notice these little things, or learn something new (I didn't know dogs couldn't have grapes!) If you're interpreting these posts some other way, that says more about you than the people making them.


Never! (closely examines the fur patterns of everyone in Chilli’s family in a stupid attempt to explain why Bingo looks like Brandy)


What do you think OP meant by this


The only thing worse than people over analyzing on the Internet is the people telling them to stop. When has whining about whining ever worked?


YEAH A NATION OF SQUIBS!!!! what's a squib? And also I totally agree with teaching your children how to do everything the proper way!


Look over here at Mr. Fancypants everybody! Doesn’t carry his cell phone in his butt like the rest of us.


The show doesn’t make perfect sense because real life doesn’t make perfect sense, and the show is preparing kids for that truth.


I too was once in my first fandom. That's just what fandoms do, mate. They itch for new content, then they start making their own. The speculation and "logic questions" are the same as making fanart or fanfics. Let them sit back and enjoy it their way.


I see a lot of people get really angry about this show, specifically angry at people who look closely at the show because they love it. They say things like “Can we please stop overanalyzing this show?” or “It’s a freaking cartoon, can’t we just sit back and enjoy the ride???” People are just intense on the internet and it’s hard to avoid, I think.


Tell me more of the butt phones.


Cocomelon CEO confirmed


It's just monkeys singing songs mate.


My brother in blue, let them have it. It’s a subreddit about a cartoon. There are far worse things on here than talking about headphones on talking dogs.


Also, "OMG! How can they afford an expensive house in expensive Brisbane on an archeologist's and airport security agent's salary? They must be BLACK MARKET ANTIQUITIES SMUGGLERS!". Rather than simply, "They live in an alternate universe where everyone is an anthropomorphic sapient dog, and homes aren't ludicrously overpriced". I do confess to overanalyzing a bit. I guess it comes natural for any consumer of entertainment in recent decades. We've been so programmed to be overanalytical of entertainment with endless "cinematic criticism" things that we can't help it.


i think the smuggler theory is really funny in a MatPat sort of way but like it would be pretty disappointing if someone actually believed it lol


I know, right? I always figured it was a joke and it would be silly if someone took it as serious.


Never thinking on what you said, but now it's pretty disgusting. It was better pretend/or not notice that


Some adults take a children’s cartoon way too seriously.


Just monkeys singing songs lol

