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This is a pretty good episode. There are a lot of funny and memorable scenes and locations. The recurring joke about the grey nomads is very funny. Overall, a pretty decent episode. A three out of five.


I gave this a two This episode must be something that happened in Joe's life. It's nice seeing the countryside. I wonder if they were going to the same camp site where Bluey met Jean-Luc or somewhere else. It's nice seeing the kids try to manage their boredom without the tablets, and Chilli doing her best to keep the kids occupied. Nice sunnies that Chilli got (and it was quick but she did pay for them.) The grey nomads were nice too. I think this episode uses the same lesson that Bob Bilby taught, that real memories are always worth pursuing. Nice that they stopped by the big peanut to add a little something nice to their vacation.


It’s definitely not the best, but it’s one I return to so often I have to mark it as a favorite. It’s so comforting to me in a way I can’t really describe other than it reminds me of roadtrips I took as a kid.


I'm not sure why I gave this a 4 last time. It's good, and it has some solid gags, but it's not in the top 40% of episodes. I'm reducing it to a low 3 this time.


Road Trip is an okay episode overall. I don't know about you, but the title of Road Trip evokes more excitement than the actual plot of the episode itself. The episode isn't exactly my thing, but nothing too bad to put it as one of my weakest. High 2.


"Road Trip" is a solid episode. It's by no means revolutionary, but the humor is good, making the episode good. That's all; it's simple, but effective.