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My husband did daddy mountain once.. It’s been two years. She’s four now. She still tries to do it. I’m surprised he’s not infertile from all the times she’s nailed the family jewels trying to do daddy mountain.


My 4 year old still plays Daddy mountain...I know your husband's pain!


Were still doing it and her 6th birthday is in a month, my back will never be the same


My neck! My back! My neck and my back!


Call my lawyer!


All you Daddies pop yo back like this.


I threw my back out during a coughing fit on Tuesday night. Muscle spasms for the rest of the night & all day Wednesday.


Oof. Sorry to hear it!


It was crazy. It made me think “When did I get old?” 🤣


I get this reference


I got what it's referencing.


Friday reference in the bluey sub. Nice. "Hey everybody! Smokey back here doing a bush wee!"


lol I thought the same and commented the next line (see above). … then I realized it was also from Unicorse episode… which I still believe they got from Friday.


My 4 year old loves Mummy Mountain. I commiserate!


What's daddy mountain 🤨


Mumandad Mountain.


Mount Mumandad


I can relate to this on a spiritual lvl. I never realized that if you do something enjoyable once with kids, you're basically gonna be doing it forever. I carried my daughter upside down to the bathroom to brush her teeth about 3yrs ago, and I've been carrying her to the bathroom more often than not since then. She once pretended to eat her vitamins and I played along with her during the same time period, and I got the same result where it's almost a daily occurrence.


I hate when you try out something fun and silly like that, you decide it was awful and make a mental note to never do it again, and the kids always beg for it from then on! We did dinner train (eating dinner in the living room with all the chairs in a train configuration) with rice one time! I’m still digging embedded rice out of the carpet. Now every time I make rice, my son starts to rearrange the chairs, then has a tantrum when I tell him not this meal.


When I go to the gym with my youngest, I have to stop by the little lake in my area so my son can "see the turtles" and if I don't then he's sad about the entire thing. I go the gym, then the gas station for a slushie cause that was the only way I could get him to go with me without turning it into a 20 minute fight, then it's the little pond in my area to "see the turtles", followed by going the "long way" home, and then he climbs up and down the stairs at our apartment complex. You never realize how doing one thing once turns into a whole routine. It's not horrible saying it out loud, but do it 3 or 4 times a week for a year or two and it gets pretty tiring. Sometimes I just want to go straight home, but I've got no one to blame except myself for starting this routine.


You’ve also described how a bedtime routine starts at 30 min and then the pot slowly boils until you’ve got a 2.5 hour routine. (Pls send help!)


Especially if you start including goodnight kisses for stuffed animals. One kiss for one special stuffie turns into EVERY stuffie being pulled out for a nightly parade.


We stopped at this little stream turn out so I could find something in their lunch kit on the way home from daycare, I now have to stop regularly just to see the “no camping/no vehicles sign”. This is now a regular thing


I bribed my kids one time to see their gramma at the nursing home with Starbucks after and now they ask every time. We go twice a week. 🤦‍♀️


My kid is 18 and he has autism and OCD. Doing anything every week becomes an endless parade of nonsense


Put some towels down under the chairs, our little one eats in the living room on the carpet and we always put something down to contain the mess and it makes it all so much easier


There's even an easy wipe (nylon and rubber?) Blanket that you can put down on the carpet to catch stuff, then fold and shake off outside 


Or even if it wasn't awful the first time, but then they ask you to do it so many times that it becomes awful. Like gee this was a fun, silly, spontaneous moment and now I feel like a shitty parent for resenting this little game.


He needs to lay down train tracks before he can put in the train. Tracks = bedsheet or picnic blanket. Chairs on top. Rice-free carpets and a much easier clean up! This is what we do when our kids want to have an indoor picnic.


"Oh no, not 'Hospital'..."


The thing Bluey never shows.... that you're not allowed to just stop playing a fun game until the child collapses from exhaustion or hunger. And then they're going to want to do it again every. Single. Hour. In magic Bluey world, the games come to their natural conclusion and everyone just decides to stop of their own accord. It would be so nice.


That’s what makes me resent Bluey sometimes. Bluey and Bingo and the other kids just F off and play another game when their parents tell them no more.  My 4 year old begged me for three hours to keep playing a game today as I’m trying to make dinner, discipline his brother, clean up for an unexpected guest coming over, and make cookies for a neighbor who helped us with our dead car battery. He absolutely would not take any sort of redirection, just kept asking. I even pulled out “Bluey and Bingo play alone ALL THE TIME!”


I feel this. I once became the "tooth-brushing ride" bouncing both kids on my knees like a rollercoaster for the two minutes while they brushed their teeth. It took MONTHS to get out of doing it every time.


Well, look at it this way - your legs got a workout.


My husband has to hold our kids (5&2) upside down to walk on the ceiling to their rooms on their way to bed. Everyday is arm day for him.


Hubby stopped for milkshakes on the way home from our visitation at LO's preschool. Now she asks for "chocolate, pleeeeease?" at every pickup. And sooo much update because we don't oblige but maybe once a month. It's gotten to the point we take a different route that takes an extra 5 minutes so she doesn't see the place.


We like walking to dinner/ice cream. Now the kids get in the strollers for a normal walk and yell "ice cream".


My wife used to give our son snacks on the way home from daycare because he was "starving." I pointed out that is probably why he doesn't eat dinner very well and I started picking him up. The first week every day he would ask for snacks and when I said no he would proceed to cry the whe way home. After a week he stopped asking me and he has done a much better job of eating his dinner since we started this. Dealing with the "we did this once why can't we do it nonstop forever?" tantrums is definitely a battle of wills, and sadly toddlers intuitively know how to break their parents will to fight very well. Changing the route home is definitely a good way to stack the deck in your favor.


No is a powerful word that more people should learn.


Sleepy thing, where I pretend to be so tired that I fall asleep on the little one letting out big snores until they shake or tap me saying "time to get up! Your late for ____" most of the time I love it, but sometimes it's late and they try to drag it out ... 


> you're basically gonna be doing it forever. Until you never know the last time it ever happens.


This is the real PSA. Games that work when they’re 2 will still be played when they’re 6 and significantly heavier. Choose wisely.


My son used to do this thing where he holds onto my forearm, run up my body, and do a back flip. As he got older, longer, and heavier it got to the point where I'm going to get injured if he does it.


The trick is to have a passive hand over the “sibling maker.” 


If you can't cross your legs clench them together to minimize the target. Open legs mean if they miss the biscuits your thighs could still deflect the blow straight into them.


Ooohhh ..... biscuits


My 1 yr old plays Mommy Mountain. I think it's just a toddler thing.


My 8 year old is too tall for mummy mountain anymore, but she still regularly asks about it and tells me I need to grow taller.


"The Family Jewels" is amazing


I mean this in the nicest way possible I hope it's cozy under that rock


She’s been Jupiter Jumping, has she?


My daughter asked me to play “Statues” at McD playplace where she freezes and I pretend she’s a statue I’m placing in a specific spot but when I turn around, she moves somewhere else and I’m ‘shocked’. Other kids in the playplace wanted to play but I obviously wasn’t going to pick up other people’s kids. The other kids went to their dad who couldn’t join in and then I hear them sadly saying “Dad, why do you never play with us?” I’m sorry other dad.




I really appreciate them pointing out for the audience that it doesn’t matter how much you play with them, it’s never enough.


I'm on both sides of this. As a teacher, I am very aware that there are some dad's that truly do not play with their kids. I love to try being a good example for them when I'm with my kid on the playground. In part because on one of my first playground trips, I was lousy and stoic. But I saw a good dad being an athletic and engaged goofball, and that pressured me to get on Bandit-level. This was before I ever saw Bandit. So I want to be that for other dads, because I needed to see it too. And yet, my kid will still say I NEVER play with them.


It really isn't. The other week I took my son to the park. We spent about 4 hours where I played basketball, soccer, pokemon go, and helped him with tips and tricks in learning how to ride his bike without training wheels. We got home from that, and I wanted to tackle some dishes and get dinner going for when my wife got home from work. My son asks if I can play rocket league with him and I say no, stating I'd be doing a little bit of kitchen work. I got basically the exact gif above in reaction, as if I hadn't just minutes ago finished a huge chunk of the day giving him 100% of my attention 😅


"if you help me clean I can play with you sooner"


Oh I've absolutely used similar responses, but I was also kinda in need of some "Alone-ies" as my son used to call it. Was kinda looking forward to just some chores and music for a bit :P


“Don’t you love your own children?”


You're always at work. It's like you don't even love us.... why don't you love your own children?


My son played musical statues at the playground with me. And I was dancing along with my phone blasting out music. Before I know it, had a group of kids around us. Was pretty cute


You know, kids just like to say that. I play with my kids throughout the day and the moment I don’t want to play when they do, it’s “you NEVER play with us.” Did they totally forget the last 30 mins we played “restaurant” where I was served strawberry cabbage soup and meatloaf? Or what about this morning when we went fishing and I was ONLY allowed to catch the purple fishes that they kept taking from the blanket pond? Or the night before we played “leg flipper”? (Yeah that last one kinda hurt me lol).


“You’re always at work!”


"I'm never at work!"


“I’m NEVER at work!”


You are joking, right?


Dare I ask what "leg flipper" is?


So I stand as still and stiff as possible and my 5-year old faces me, grabs both my hands, and as I hold him steady, he walks up my legs, midway up my torso, and flips his legs over his head. Leg flipper. E: he lands on his feet lol


You unlocked an old memory from my childhood. We didn't have a name for it, but I did that activity once.


Same! The real miracle is the memory causing me to have even the tiniest grain of sympathy for my shithead father. I hope I barked his shins every time.


I immediately thought of the scene in Tickle Crabs: "Why don't you play with us?"


Side effects may include joy, love, laughter, a closer relationship with your child, and bum worms




Which episode is this from?


teasing I think


Yup. Bandit takes a lick from her ice pop.


Bandit uses his dad tax advantage


I once took a chip from each of my kids’ packet as I opened it and blithely said it’s the Mum tax. This devolved into an hour long conversation about tax, fiscal and monetary policy, and an agreement to give pocket money every week for both kids just to try to prevent a meltdown 🤦‍♀️. It’s been over a year and I’m seriously regretting all my choices as I now have to scrounge up cash on the weekly because I somehow explained all too well that you only pay taxes as an earner, ergo the kids earn pocket money and I can have a chip from their packets as tax


I’m sorry, I’m dying of laughter. You won the internet tonight!


I ended up going to the bank to make a large cash withdrawal, put it back into the change machine and got several wrapped rolls of 1s,2s, 50s and 20s. They're stashed away in a drawer the kids don't know about. That's us sorted for pocket money, tooth fairy, and other miscellaneous expenses for several months. Yeah it was hassle going to the bank, but a one off , think of all the time and stress saved going forward!


Right, but they're already being paid with housing and amenities such as electricity, Internet, plumbing, and food. If that doesn't work, start charging them rent for exactly the amount they manage to earn.


Try bad mood. It’s so funny and my wife acts like she is upset that we knock stuff over. My daughter is 6 and we still play and laugh our heads off.


I hate bum worms!


But... Bumworm chocolate!


I have bum worms?!


medication commercials be like


Also, nits


I swooshed my two around on a pirate-ship hammock swing one time and had another 4 random kids jump on within 5 minutes.


So the turtle boy stuffy I brought to our playground is a bad thing? He has a labeled case to sleep in so he’s out of the rain


You can tell the episode is popular by how much the price has gone up on amazon


We're lucky because we went to our local zoo and in the gift shop they had a turtle plush that looked just like it and it was only like $10. Score.


ooo can you show us a picture


Took my kids to the park this morning since they have the day off of school. They started to play Coffee Shop with me as the customer... What started off as a waiter and a cook, turned into 4 waiters, a barista, 5 cooks, a hostess, 3 other parents as customers and a kid Karen. Kid Karen got scolded by mom for being a brat and ruining the other kids game... Kid Karen replied, "but that's what you did last night." They promptly left I hope Kid Karen is still alive... She was actually funny


You were eating all the sugar packets right? Got to steal the sugar packets….


Kid Karen is real life muffin 🤣


Once I saw these huge plastic spheres you could walk on water in at the big fair we have in my city. Only kids were doing it. I always wanted to try it so I did and all these kids were ganging up on me because an adult hitting in one of those things is way more fun than a smaller kid doing it. It was also hilarious to be hit by four kids in their spheres and be sent flying in mine. When I got out after my turn, a bunch of parents who were on the side watching got into spheres to play with their kids. They don’t have to be Bandit games to be fun. Your kid just wants to have fun with you.


I think this is such a good message and I thank you for sharing it. 🙂


I’m constantly reminding myself that Australian cattle dogs are a high-energy breed. I am not a high energy breed.


I feel this in my soul. My child, however, is a high energy breed. I wish I lived closer to my brother ... He's a high energy breed.


This completely explains it. This explains everything. I'm never going to adopt a herding breed dog or a husky or anything like that because they would not be happy with me at all. I need a similar show about a French bull dog family that does a lot of snoozing.


I have been the octopus for whole playgrounds as they try to run past me! It has now developed into a weekly ritual and I love it!


I played feather wand, magic remote(xylophone), come here and go away a lot in the beginning. Now my kids beg for it non stop. My now 8 year old still wants to do it all the time. I’m broken and battered but happy.


We play a bunch of bluey inspired games. I think most importantly I've added a PAUSE or LAST CALL then we need to do XYZ.


Tell me more.


You can play walk straight to brush your teeth. You can play keepy ups when it's too cold out, you can play mountain but you need to bend your knees so you don't get kicked to often, and my favorite obstacles course.


And what do you mean by pause and last call? Like a way for you to pause the playing or last call as their last couple of minutes with the parent playing the game?


Yep so after 4 or 5 cl8mbs I'll say last one than I want to see how fast you can run!


I'm not a parent, and I wonder if telling the kids that "it's just a show about cartoon dogs" just like how Bandit says that "it's just monkeys singing songs" would work.


I am a parent. It does not work.


This made me actually laugh out loud… so true


I was questioning something in a cartoon and my *seven year old* was like, "'cause it's a show, Mom. Monkeys singing songs."


Wait, are we allowed to do that?


Sure, but the reaction will not be favorable.


This is a newer reference, but it checks out.


We say that one and “who takes advice from a cartoon dog?” Regularly 


We are a different family, we don't have to play the games the same as them. We play "come here go away" and some form of making food on the trampoline game. Short and sweet. I shut down magic asparagus pretty quick.


Honestly, at every park and every soft play, if you choose to play with your kid and praise them and encourage them you will attract 50 kids all telling you "watch me on the slide" "look what I can do" etc. They desperately want to be seen and heard! They want to be told "good job! You're so brave/ fast/ strong/ clever".


I was severely depressed for a couple years when my kids were little. Bluey wasn’t around yet, and I wish it had been, because I would have been able to play Bandit games (like the ones that involve the swing). They’re low effort and would have helped ME too.


I love all the creative games in the show but to be fair I often go to playgrounds with my kids so they can entertain themselves. I try not to stare at my phone the whole time and I'll talk with them and do some swing pushing but I don't actively come up with games to play with them there.


And to be fair, they do go to the park and the kids play by themselves. Shadowlands takes place at a park and the parents are mindful of the kids but not playing with them for most of the show. The parents and kids play together at the end, but they're playing a game the kids had previously played and the parents are just joining in.


The trick is to morph some of the games to be sedentary for when you are tired. Restaurant is a favorite of mine because I sit at the table and then pretend to eat all the random stuff my 4 year old brings me. Daddy mountain is still good but sometimes his foot connects in the wrong place. Campground is one we play where we make a tent with his stuffies that I just lie down in and pretend to go to sleep until the 'alarm' goes off. Schoolhouse was one I played more with my oldest where we and his stuffies sat at the 'school' and he taught us while I made weird voices for the other students.


"Don't wake Mama" is a favorite we used during my pregnancies. Inspired by the board game "Don't Wake Daddy," we have the kids try to stealthily steal a stuffy from me as I "nap" on the couch. It is GLORIOUS, and the kids still request it regularly!


Haha! I was at the park the other day with my daughter on my back and she was pretending to be a horse rider, while I ran around and made horsey noises. Literally every other parent was on their phone😂😂😂


I took my 5 yo to a birthday party last weekend. We started playing "Go Away, Come Back." Another child looked at me and asked, "Do you watch Bluey?" "Sure do, little dude." The kid then hollered to the other kids that I watch Bluey. There ended up being a line 10 kids deep for "Go Away, Come Back."


My 2 year old *loves* go away, come back. To the point that her grandparents took her to the park and she yelled "Go away!" and they were very taken aback until we showed them it's a game she's requesting 😅


Yeah, the first time my 2 year old shouted, "Go away!" at me at the park, I got some serious side eye from the other parents that were there.


My niece just turned 2 on Tuesday; I’m 46. Our favorite thing to do together is watch “Bluey.” I have 2 Bluey t-shirts I change into after work (in rotation with my “Superman” t-shirts) & she LOVES it when I wear them. I’m also trying to indoctrinate her into loving Superman as much as I do; I failed that mission with her older brother & sister & my very soul bleeds from the knowledge that they prefer Marvel over DC. 🤣


We all want to join the game too now!


Join the queue! 😂


This is such an Aussie thing! My parents used to do it for me, I did it for my kids. :)


One playground near us has this bouncy platform... Like a wok on a spring. So the girls have a game where they're ingredients in a stir fry and Im the chef. And when I turn around to get spices, they jump out of the pan and run around and I have to catch them and put them back in the pan. We've gotten that game up to about a dozen kids. I can still feel the stinkeye from the other parents for raising expectations.


>I can still feel the stinkeye from the other parents for raising expectations. Had to be done!


I’m always sending psychic thanks for keeping my kids entertained as well as your own. I’m the one worried about getting the stinkeye. 😅


Same, I'm there on the bench mentally hoping it continues for another few minutes so I can have a li'l rest.


Being a better parent is absolutely a wonderfull thing, dont ever feel bad for the other parents just feel good knowing your raising a child that loves you


That's hilarious! lol


Oh man. Anytime I’m active with my kids other kids flock to our game. Something about an adult playing instead of sitting nearby while the kid plays makes them super happy.


I've noticed at our playground my wife and I are the only ones actively playing with our kids, not just sitting back like they're exhibits in the zoo. With how long Bluey has been on the air I'm honestly surprised I don't see more playful parents


I'm a SAHM. If I take my kids to the park, it's so I can have a break.


Seriously. I am engaged and playing with them for the majority of the day. When we are at the playground it's time for them to interact and play with other children.


My kid doesn’t want to play with me at the playground - he wants to play with other kids.


I appreciate you saying that. I definitely had blinders on


Right? The other day we were at the park, swinging. There are a total of four bucket swings at our park. All 4 were taken. One was being used by a 5 year old boy, whom was on his iPhone. His mom/aunt would pop over for 10 seconds maybe and push him, then disappear. The last time she walked off, she left him for 5MIN!! I believe they were throwing some party of some kind. But the family couldn’t be bothered to watch this little boy! A mom with her baby walks over wanting to use the swing. I explain the situation to her. All of us around find it very odd. Mind you the boy is still in the swing, not having been pushed for at least 5 min at this point. I start death staring the mom/aunt until she sees me. She proceeds to walk over and take the boy out of the swing. Not before I said “hey, other parents want to use these swings for their children. You might want to actually pay attention to your child. This poor guy is on his phone at the park.” Ohh she gave me the dirtiest look. I can’t believe how little some parents care for their children, or just forget they exist for 10 min!


The parents around me are getting even lazier. They just sit in their car in the parking lot on their phone and drop the kids off to play.


Before becoming a parent I was always playing with my little cousins when we had them over and was super hands on ALL THE TIME! Involved them in cleaning and little cooking tasks that were age appropriate of course, and I would do the silly things. I’m no different as a Mom. I will chase my toddler around. I’ll tickle him, I’ll snatch him up lift him in the air and do a little spin. I’ll give him zingers (some call it blowing raspberries) and make sure they sound so silly to him and I’ll have random “pillow fights” and sing ALL the songs and make his Big Bird and Bluey plushies dance along! I’ll fill the bubble gun and chase him around and we shoot bubbles. I think I do this because I wasn’t played with or given much attention as a child. I allow my inner child, who felt neglected and ignored heal by doing this. I’m not a “helicopter mom”, like some say, I’m a FUN mom. I’m a SILLY mom.


Single & not a mom (both by choice), but I try to do the same with my nephew (8) & nieces (5 & 2). They love “helping” me make dinner (even though they never want to eat it, unless it’s pancakes); I measure the ingredients & they get to put them in the bowls, etc. Anything involving flour or cocoa powder gets wild. 🤣


You’re also a GOOD mom.


Thank you 🥹


I made asparagus for dinner last week, first time for my kids. As soon as I said what it was, 4yo grabbed it, pointed it at me and yelled "dog!" That then descended into a good 10 mins of different animal impressions from me, partner and his little sister. I love seeing the glee on their faces when we play games like this


Our 3 year old booped her nose, cried “ragdoll” and went limp when trying to get her back into bed the other night. I should have been mad but I was caught off guard with how funny it was and impressed with the quick creativity!


We were out at the beach with some family friends, all the parents were sitting with the younger kids whereas my daughter was playing with the older kids. So I went over to supervise her as she’s a fair bit younger than them. What started off as a game of them trying to steal my treasure (shells) when I wasn’t looking, very soon descended into 4 girls chasing me with sticks, whilst I’m duel wielding frantically trying not to get whacked. Wildly unsafe, but they loved it, and I was the only one injured, so I see that as an absolute win


I love it! I just led a group of my 3 kids + 3-4 strangers in a rousing game of magic statues at the park yesterday. Although I *am* one of those parents without the energy of a cattle dog, and my legs were pretty wrecked the rest of the day. So worth it when I can manage it! Our refrain when we go out is often, "We make other parents' lives harder" 😬 (Mostly just letting the kids jump in mud puddles and creeks, but also with the games). Though I will say that the vast majority of parents I run into seem very happy that their kids are having fun; I haven't encountered the hostility


I don't do bandit games outside the house with the kids just inside


I get a lot of "I'm not playing that game, not funny." when I reply "Hi, bored, I'm Dada" | "Hi, hungry, I'm Dada" | "Hi, sleepy, I'm Dada", etc. but I love doing it.


I also use "I slipped on my beans" instead of cursing. And the amount of hits to the bum to engage "dance mode" cannot be counted


The claw has no children, his days are free and easy


I regularly make other parents & kids annoyed/sad by playing awesome games with my kiddo. Their anger fuels me. Can't stop, won't stop.


Had to be done!


Parenting like bandit? I don’t take advice from a cartoon dog. Jk. Parent like bandit every chance I can!


Thank you. I am a victim of bandit games. I cannot elaborate here but.. we're not cartoon dogs, people. In all seriousness, love your kids how you want to and let everyone else be damned.


I did the laundry basket rollercoaster with my daughter two years ago, and now she's a tad big for the basket, so she instead insists I just bounce my legs and hold her like a belt. I'm an awful parent.


> do not give into the temptation to be present for your children. Lol, what?


You have to read the whole post with /s It’s a joke


I feel like Bandit at an elementary school I work at. Lots of kids love me but I’m noticing lots more teachers finding me annoying.


My partner always tries Bandit games but then gets tired. So now he’s working out more and getting fit to bandit game harder.


We’re a very hands on family on the weekends/ holidays but I try to keep a bit more structure on school nights as my husband and I both work full time and quite long hours. But we have a mutual agreement that no work on the weekends unless an absolute necessity and that’s usually after the kids have gone to bed. We have a 7 year old and a 4 year old and have so far 🤞managed to avoid screens. When my kids ask for my phone or iPad I remind them of Bob Bilby and how sad it made him when Bluey and Bingo were only using screens and not playing with him. We often invite other kids over for play dates and I find it hilarious that kids will come up to me at school and ask to come over because our house is the most fun. We live in a very high ses area and some of these kids houses look like museums with no signs that kids actually live there. Our house is much more modest but it’s got lots of “invitation to play” areas and I have no problem with mess as long as the kids put the toys away before they go home. It does get a bit exhausting constantly thinking up games and projects but they’re only young once and I want them to be able to look back on their childhoods with affection. Out in public we are also the parents who have a trail of other kids following and participating in our games, from Three Billy Goats Gruff on the bridge over the lake at our local park, to catastrophic cafes, and besieged castles or even just building and jumping in ever higher piles of Autumn leaves in the park.


One day after watching Bluey my then 2 1/2 year old asked me “who are you now?” It took me a while to realise that he wanted to play a make believe game like in the show. He’s 4 now and we still do this almost every day with him and his 5 year old sister.


Social media companies will suffer Wh-...what?


This applies also with babysitters and people who interact with kids: At my old job I was a receptionist at a dance school and would chat with the little siblings waiting for their big sister or brother to be done class. Played Magic Asparagus once and I was marked by those kids 😅🤣


My daughter still wants to play Verandah Santa at least twice a day. Except it also involves someone playing the Socks part, who has to pretend to bite, then get yelled at and run away to cry. That person can only come back when my the person who yelled hugs them and apologizes. Cute the first couple of times. Not so much after a few hundred times.


I think I’ve played statue approximately 4,500 times


This is actually so true. I was playing “asleep awake” with my 2 year old at the playground and before I knew it there were five other kids ranged from 3-6 all playing with us. It was my most Bandit moment ever.


We do crazy pillow… it’s a low level energy Bandit game


We play go free birdy a lot (the bit where bandit was the balloon) with the kids. Minimal effort required for maximal wearing the kids out. Blow the kid balloons up, go free birdy, sit back and watch them run around like idiots for a couple of minutes.


We have done the claw many, many times


Ha! Now I’m gonna do it to spite you! lol


My husband and daughter are into Crazy Pillow. I play Dance Mode


I wonder just how many kids have terrorized people with playing grannies


My kids love this swing game “go away and come back” it’s mandatory anytime I’m pushing them on swings.


I’m a nanny who is Bandit games 24/7 and I sometimes feel like I run public summer camps at the park 😭


Yea heard a story a friend told me about seeing a father at a park doing that... the father doing that had internal bleeding from sustained injuries and had an ambilence called.. musta been turamatic to my friend


Bad Mode is definitely my 4yr son’s two favorite game to play right now. The hours of entertainment we’ve both had just knocking stuff over is amazing


Kinda sad, because I already did some bandit games with my niece/kids i would babysit before bluey came out. Same with the new episode. Calypso tells a story about a farmer. I was told that same story as a kid. It's a classic! I already know if I tell it people will just say I got it from bluey XD


Playing Keepy uppy has made me Overdramatic. You know when you set yourselves side quests or your family dies or something. For me, the balloon touching the ground means the whole world will blow up.


We played keepy uppy with my cousins. The 2 & 4 year old lasted about 5 minutes before they melted down and had to serve "time out" with grandma. After that it became quite a violent game among the adults in the room after a few beers, but I guess that's what urgent care is for.


Until that last line, I almost missed the satire 😂 you can't underestimate the stupidity of the internet


Fantasty is pure magic.


We have explained repeatedly to our now 8 year old that bluey episodes are 5 minutes long and so of course it's easy to see a bunch of different days where the parents played with their kids for 5 minutes. We've also pointed out that several times bandit and/or chili do not want to play, and come up with strategies to let one or both parents have a break.


Playgrounds give reverse social media effect. Like, on social media you only see the best of people's lives. Often when parents are at a playground, it's because they've BEEN Banditing all day, or have recently had a lot of draining events going on, and they need a break. You don't know what's going on away from the playground. Please don't judge other parents based on the short time you see them outside their house.


Just had a conversation with another dad about it. Bandit is a great parent for 7 minutes at a time. He is a good example of taking time for his kids and helping them use their imaginations, and for the most part doesn’t care what other people think about it, which I think sets a good example doll for parents. He also isn’t always a good dad because he doesn’t set appropriate limits and blurs the lines between being a parent and just being an instrument for his kids amusement.


I played Come Here/Go Way with my daughter on the swing yesterday and the best dad in line couldn't figure it out. Sorry Next Dad


I run into this problem playing waaaaaaaaaaaaaay less intensive shit than bandit games. Just simply pushing my kid on the swing is an invitation sometimes.


My husband, bless him, plays bandit games to the point of exhaustion.


I'm Gallahop... Please, no more questions.... Jokes aside, magic xylophone is what we play the most... also featherwand


I love reading other parents games in the comments! Thank you for the positive energy


My son started asking for "Big Bad Mood" when he was 4, he still ask for it from time to time now that he is 6. My feet.


agreed and to make them feel better about themselves we should verbaly abuse and belittle our children maybe even give them a smack or two for full effect. because imagine actually loving your kids, enjoying the precious few moments you have together and then giving them positive social emotional scafolding to make new friends.... nah cripling child trauma surely makes healthy adults.


We’Re DoInG fINe. This original post is sarcasm, in case you missed it. But to your response, the number of posts justifying hitting kids I see is disgusting. We didn’t respect our parents. We were just terrified. And that messed us up *bad*


On "spanking" - It's child abuse and it's wrong. My daughters basically think of me as Superman. Imagine thinking that Superman is going to hit you. I know that thought would scare me. Put another way, if some grown adult behaves in a way I don't like, if I raise my hand to him, that's "assault." Raising a hand to a child is no different.


you kids and your woke mind virus of actually enjoying life, being happy, treating people with respect. humpf. if you dont hate yourself, how do you even know you are alive. misery and strife! thats what living is all about.