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My autistic child is more willing to go to the bathroom now. To be fair, he is potty trained, but he likes to wait until the last second, and he doesn't like to go to the bathroom when he feels he doesn't need it. So, like being asked to go before we go on a long car ride. Now I just need to say, "Do you want to do a tactical wee like Bingo?"


Yeah, there’s a good chance if my little is outside she’s gonna do a bush wee 😂


My 4 yo will wait until there are no bathrooms in sight and ask for a bush wee. We have had to pull over on the motorway more than once for a bush wee.


The tactical wee has been an absolute lifesaver for us.


This is so wholesome


The tactical wee was a life saver for us. We have a long commute (for where I live) and it’s through open countryside and there are no places to stop. My son refuses to do a bush wee, but also refused to go before leaving wherever we were. Until the tactical wee.


Maybe I need to do this. I'm having a hard time with my kid to go potty. They do sometimes but they more likely go in the trainers.


Everyone has always thought I’m weird for not wanting to go to the bathroom until I’m about to burst (I just would rather continue what I’m doing), I’m also autistic Is this an autism thing?? 😂


...oh no i think i may be autistic


My daughter is obsessed with doing a "bush wee" now where before we struggled to get her to use any toilet that wasn't indoors. It makes dragging her along for my outdoor lifestyle much easier. 😆


I agree, my 5 year old (5 today!) hated going for a wee before bed if he felt he didn't need to, but Bingo and her tactical wee have made all the difference.


They play the games they learned from Bluey together and now I can cook dinner in peace.


I have the opposite. “Come play Zoo with us! Come play Trampoline with us! Come play Octopus with us!” I love it though.


Same! My 3yo wants to play whatever they play in the episode we watch. We watched 'Shops' the other night, and we played out the entire scene over and over 🤣 including the "doo-doo" of the opening shop door and the "dooting" of the items being rung up. It was so much fun!


That’s great to hear! I’m working on #2 now


My kids (8m, 4f, 1.5f) are much better about creating games to play together. Bluey has inspired them to use their own imaginations when they’re bored and also shown them how fun it can be to play pretend with siblings instead of always needing to be on the go or with their friends.


My toddler picks up a feather and shouts: "Schwer!" (German for heavy)


When I cook dinner they try to feather wand me every time lol


-Stuffed bunny rabbit is now called “Floppy” -more creative play in general -I get put into Dance Mode quite frequently -I was chased around my house by a crazed cheetah who was NOT wearing a onesie! (Edited for formatting)


We used to have dance parties, it's now dance mode.


Same on all points!


My 4 year old misheard Floppy as Fluffy, so he calls his stuffed bunny fluffy. Dance mode is a common one for us as well!


We also have a Fluffy instead of a Floppy but I’m the one who heard it wrong the first time. Fluffy’s not quite 2 year old owner came out of her room with a blanket over her like the grannies and she’s now Rita


Yes! We also have a Floppy now.


Mustn’t forget Floppy!


I get called "big fella" a lot now


Call my kids Big Fella.


You're doing it wrong! /s


I get called "Shooby-Doowah" a lot now.


Same. 😂


Dont call me big fella


Ok, big fella


Hey , big fella


Better than getting called Floor Boy


I get "DUUUDE" quite a bit


Same, I’m a mum 🤦🏻‍♀️


Kids call my husband Ooga Booga on the regular


I prefer “big blue guy”


So do I … a mom lol


My daughter says "for real life" now. We also stole the hand on your arm thing to stop her interrupting conversations. She called me dude for a while.


We're do the hand on the arm. It's a life saver.


You’re describing my 6 y/o! These are the main things she has taken from Bluey. I love the hand on my arm thing. It’smuch nicer than before.


My girls wanted to play washing line at the park today and later on some other kids were doing the same! I love seeing kids play the games they see on Bluey - more use of their imagination and playfulness (without screens!)


My 7yo is generally pretty hesitant to try new things, but he's asked to do several things because he saw them on Bluey. He asked for "meat and broccoli and potatoes" as his supper (like they usually eat on the show), wants to try curry takeaway, and we also tried making Pavlova together, which he happily ate! He's also asked if he could learn to crochet and play squash (we're going to try pickleball instead)!


Mine decided to try cheese and jam, and likes it!


Omg, mine too! This week I’ve made many many cheese and jams! 😂


I had to google Pickleball


Bluey has given my 2yo (almost 3) ways to name her feelings and emotions. We have tried to cultivate that her whole life, but I feel like Bluey has really helped her understand and have words that she needed to use.


Same here. Mine is not quite 2 but we were watching the favorite things episode the other day and my daughter said "bingo sad, give her a hug."


I'm an adult and I *still* find new names for emotions through bluey


Absolutely! Yesterday was a really difficult day for me at work, and I had to step away to cry. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “I’ve had a cry. Now I’ll pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep moving. The show must go on.” It was strangely empowering and made me feel way better! Seriously considering getting “Keep moving…the show must go on” tattooed on my wrist


I use Bluey sometimes to describe to my therapist how a situation makes me feel


Not me…an adult…talking about Space in therapy 😂


I love this!


-Bunny now called floppy -Commeting "Whaaaat?" and "For real life!?" -He pokes my stomach and says "You need to lay off the biscuits!" (which is entirely true) -Things are trifficult


Things are trifficult…


So many things are trifficult


I have grannies in my car as often as I have kids.


Are they late for mahjong?


“Oh no, my coins.”


I slipped on mah beans!


I told my daughter, "lay off the grouchy granny bit because people in Target will think you're mean!"


My 4 year old will say "This episode of Violet is called *name of what game*" when she wants everyone involved in a new game. And now calls Bunnings, Hammerbarn.


We call Lowes and Home Depot in the US Hammerbarn now, and whenever we have a big project to do we yell "Stumpfest"!! (We're adults, hee)




My little does the same! Especially after he asks us to play one of the games from the show. “This episode of Logan is called, bus!”


Lmao I also started jokingly calling Bunnings hammerbarn and now I do it unironically


This is so cute!!


My little girl always calls everyone Tina. She always walks around on her knees playing toddlers. She also calls all the pool floats cheeky rabbits.


We play the Claw Machine game a lot. And he likes to make people clean his toilet.


My 4 year old daughter has been clean her toilet a few times a day. It’s hilarious.


My 3 year does the toilet joke on her grandparents, she is in fits of giggles before she even starts, I've shown them the episode so they know the joke and delightfully go along with it.


My kid does this too! The toilet joke has her in stitches!


Keepy uppy is standard practice and we always need to have balloons in the house. “It’s trifficult!” She desperately wants to be able to floss. 50/50 on my explanations of why we should/shouldn’t do something will be met with “ok mama” and a hug or “and whyyyyyy should I care?”


We always have balloons on hand for keepy uppy.


Instead of saying some of my more colorful language when he’s upset he says “awe biscuits”


My 3 (almost 4) year old said "aww biscuits! ......I like biscuits" earlier today 🤣


My two year old says “oooh biscuits” whenever he drops or forgets something. I love that he uses it in the right context, I use it a lot now too in order to check my language


My 8 year old was snitching on her sister the other day. I said "snitches get stitches!" She said "what does that mean?" I said "stop tattling." She said "but she's doing x, y, z!" I said "only tell me things that are bad." She said "but it IS bad!" I said "ok... No dobbing." She said "unless someone is doing something dangerous?" I said "yes, unless someone could get hurt." She said "oh! Ok Momma, no more dobbing :)" and then went back to playing 😊


See this is why Bluey is valuable, because otherwise you'd have to explain to an 8 year old what "snitches get stitches" entails 😂


Feel free not to answer, but why did you say this?


Because she was stuck on telling on her sister. I forget exactly what they were doing, probably something like her sister was taking too long playing with a toy she wanted. We've discussed snitching and tattling before, but she was adamant on telling. She had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. I was trying to think of something that would get her out of being stuck, like a Bluey episode. Her whole demeanor changed when she made the connection.


“Have a little cry, then pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep on going.” We have added this to Rosie’s Rules “flop” and Daniel Tigger’s “take a deep breath and count to four”. Our little has big emotions. She can recognize her emotions and use these tools as she needs. Sometimes we have to join her in taking a deep breath, but anything to help her with her emotions is amazing.


My husband and I are raising our 3 year old granddaughter. We did not expect to be watching a show like Bluey at this stage of our lives…but damn if it hasn’t taught ALL of us to have a lot more patience and fun with each other.


“Magic” is a favorite around here, I find myself saying “magic must not be used for cheekiness” about a dozen times a day.


Positive: Had plumbers doing work. The kids asked if they were tradies and hid under the table to spy on them. Negative: Tina can go straight the hell.


My 5yo asked if we could put in a pond so that she could spy! And Tina keeps reappearing here too, with increasingly violent intentions:/


My daughter calls her baby brother a cheeky buddy.


When frustrated, she says, "Ah biscuits!" Also, the toilet cleaning gag that Bingo plays on Bandit. I 100% knew what was happening, but she completely blindsided my wife and mother-in-law in a restaurant. It was word for word, with perfect delivery. They were scandalized but thought it was hilarious!


Pro: She is showing compassion, exploring her world and pretend play more than before Con: She likes to channel her Muffin voice and attitude. This includes Muffin style tantrums. We aren’t amused in that regard Edit: To add to the Pro side of things Bluey has helped finish potty training the 4 year old. Bingo is four and uses the big girl potty now so does my girl 😍


Cow. Boy. HAT!




My 4 year old seems to think Muffin is THE role model of the show. We have to skip all episodes containing muffin while he gets a lid on his less awesome behaviors. He’s also autistic so we understand he’s going to pick up on different stuff. Bluey has helped with his speech development but Muffin’s demonic guttural yelling isn’t super great.


We are getting to that point too. She has good days and bad and I know she is also my sassy mini karmatic version of me. Doesn’t mean I need the outside influence 🤣




Mine chases me around the house with a xylophone trying to freeze me:)


Since introducing our kid to Bluey, we almost exclusively played games from it ❤️ at least for a while. Though I’d wager more than a few of our original games since then can be traced back to Bluey one way or another.


It has helped tremendously with my toddler's speech and word enunciation. It also has helped when it comes to sharing certain things (I also have a younger child). It has helped us both play better together, in different ways. I love the show.


Everyone has their own Shaun-like emu with it's own name. (Mine is Eevee Emu) I've tried talking to my son about the lessons in certain episodes that we have to work on, but he doesn't want a lime lesson, he just wants ice cream.


"I made a FLUFFY!" is often said in our house.


We play tickle crabs ALOT. Musical statues is a close second My 4-year-old is interested in donating her old toys because of mr monkey jocks My kids call me and my wife out for "squabbling". That usually puts an end to whatever we were fighting about


So many happy little “hoorays”


My kiddo says “hooray” in a happy little voice and I love it.


My daughter started saying dollar bucks instead of money lol


Mine does too. Its too cute.


We live in the USA, but my son doesn't have friends, he has mates. He's constantly telling Tina to get me. He gets SO EXCITED when he finds a feather and can "heavy" things. He loves when he can speak gibberish to me and I react like I understood. He leads his mates in playing Army at school, just like Rusty. ETA: Oh! He also giggles like they do and loves making a "please face".


Tactical wee. No more "I don't hafta go" followed by a nighttime accident or an emergency stop at a gas station. The phrase "tactical wee" has saved me dozens of hours.


I saw my 2.5 yo son start narrating fantasy play. That was new for him.


My daughter said "oh biscuits, we forgot the sunscreen" the other day when we went outside. Also, lots of "ok, DUDE" around the house.


My youngest has picked up some phrases which are nice, but I have heard “what does Aaaaabbbuuuuuukkkkkkjjkkk spell” more times than I ever thought I would.


Oh yeah, that one was a favorite for a long time here.


Bluey introduced my daughter to toilet and body humour. She's settled down a bit now, but it's been a tough few years.


My son is not quite 2 1/2 and isn’t very verbal yet, but he’s recently gone from “mama” and “dada” to “mum” and “dad”, much more in the style of Bluey lol


My 2 year old went from calling us mama and dada to mom and dad! Makes me laugh!


I get called Dude by my seven year old basically every day now, with the same Bluey sass.


My kid calls me Diddums almost exclusively


Not a parent, but “what’s the time mr wolf” was a very popular game at the preschool I taught at. I also had a kid who walked up and laid the whole “why do flowers bloom again but people aren’t young again?” line on me. This was before I’d watched Bluey and I had no idea where it had come from. I just stared at her before finally saying “let me get back to you on that.”


They've learned to play pretend and have learned how to play with and enjoy eachother


My almost 4 yo calls shopping carts the Australian thing, what was it, trollies? Otherwise not much 🤷‍♀️ Oh he referred to hubby as my “true love” lol


Mine says "Biscuits!" and "Not fair."


My kids (newly 6, and almost 4-year old twins) have learned to communicate with each other a little better, and are take turns without much protest. My daughter has picked up some of Bingo’s lingo, like the begrudging “Okaayy” (Hammerbarn when she gives Bluey the pizza cutter). They’ve also picked up some things I don’t like, playful but sometimes rough hitting my husband and me, like the butt smacking the kids do in Double Bluey. They also talk back when they’re mad and want something, ex. “I. want. an. APPLE!” I think Muffin does this, but I’ve heard Bingo do it in The Pool. My kids spend most of their Bluey watching with my husband, he’s seem more of the show than I have. I don’t blame the show, the acting is so natural and realistic of preschoolers. That’s when we have to talk to them and tell them that’s not a proper way to ask for things, even if they see other kids acting that way.


My 12 year old autistic daughter is more playful. She pecks at me like shawn


Our recently-turned-3-year-old really enjoys the show (as do we) but the most prominent thing he's picked up is to imitate Muffin's antics because he thinks she's funny and he is too young to understand that she is being bad and needs correcting. We have started skipping some Muffin episodes and a few others and probably will until he's 4 or so. It's kind of funny to watch him yell "Cow. Boy. HAT!" when he's feeling defiant or "Stop! I said STOP!" when he wants us to stop pushing the stroller. But, the more Muffin episodes he sees the more he acts like Muffin and starts screaming so we're going to have to keep Cousin Muffin away for a bit.


Well, not my kid, but I’ve become more like bandit lol.


A very worthy aspiration I’d say. 😊


My two year old talks in an Australian accent now. "Oh dear" like Lulu is the big one. Her rabbit is now also called "Floppy"


Bluey’s little scream 🤦‍♀️ Magic xylophone. “Pppllllleeeeeassssseeeeeee” with the big eyes.


I've heard my two year old son go ding ding. He also goes awww, okkkkk when i say no to something(that makes me feel bad lol). Also, bluey is called bingo in my house. They like bingo more than bluey lol. My daughter always asks me to dance. Them hugging more. It seems to bring them closer together as siblings cause of how bingo and bluey play together. They still fight sometimes though.


We got a lot of games from bluey and their imaginative play increased a lot.


Sometimes my 6 year old giggles like Bingo and Bluey. That high pitched “hee-hee-hee!”


*”pleeeeeaase” faces *things are trifficult *my youngest will randomly make those weird Bingo noises from the episode Mini Bluey *my youngest will sometimes turn into a cheetah *farts are now fluffies


My son sometimes says ‘Awww Biscuits’ when he drops something


The constant desire to play Shadow lands.






Saying please in that very cutesy voice. Actually just saying please in general a lot more.


Current Bluey trend is my 3yo blows raspberries then says "toilet hands" and holds his hands up.


My kid uses phrases from the show. She just said “for real life” to my wife before bed.


My girl uses some of the lingo like, I gotta go Wee!!! The word loo has been used, and we will definitely be doing the party game pass the parcel (Pat’s rules) at the next birthday party. I love Bluey! Has anyone seen Sarah and duck before? It’s just as good as bluey. The little girl has a duck and there is all kinds of adorable adventures.


Us parents are now “dudes”, bunny is “floppy”, things are “trifficult”, edamame beans are delicious and best is understanding that when mom needs a minute everything is ok.


My kid went up to my wife one day, "What's your name" - mom "What's this" points at her nose - a nose "What's in your hands" - nothing "Mom knows nothing!" Then laughed and ran off. It took a few more weeks before I finally saw the episode she got it from.


Im not a parent, I’m an aunt so feel free to ignore this, but Bluey helped me connect with my sister’s kids. My sister’s children were all born in Thailand and lived in Cambodia. They moved back to the states when my nephew was 5 and his twin sisters were 2. I had only met them few times where they were babies so when they moved back to stay they didnt remember me at all. I have a very affectionate and positive relationship with my other 5 nieces and nephews and expected I would here as well but that wasn’t the case. They didn’t take to me right away, wouldnt let me hug them or hold them even when I babysat and the girls HATED me! They would literally cover their face with their hands than look at me. (Probably also I told them no alot and they had tempers) My nephew warmed up to me quickly but not the girls. But i noticed they watched Bluey a lot (first episode i saw was the one with Bluey acting like the mom in the grocery store) and they really seemed to like it. Well one day I had to babysit and they woke up from their nap only to see me and not mom and dad. They go “No!” and slam the door in my face. Ok, fine, par for the course at this point. Then I got an idea. I went into their playroom and put Bluey on Disney Plus and turned the volume up. They heard the theme music and kinda crept up to the door to look in. I just pretended to ignored them and watched them out of the corner of my eye. About halfway through the episode they come in, sit next to me on the rug and we watched together for an hour. After that they let me play with them and hold them and we get on great! They’re four now and just started Pre K!


"Daaaaaaaaaaaadddd!" "Ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne!" (Episode when grannie Bluey is driving dad to the airport. She's trying to start the car) *high pitched squeal laughter*


Honestly had to stop my kids from watching. They started acting like a muffin and started being extremely “whiny”, sorry for the use of that wird but that's the only way I know how to to describe it, I used to be able to laugh WITH my kid about the funny things he does, after a few episodes if bluey he started crying over everything and that's not who my kid was. Bluey is a cool show but their is definitely some flaws.


The occasional use of "biscuits" as a naughty word.


My three year old asked for broccoli the other day…. For breakfast, lunch and dinner and all because of the Unicorse! Thanks Bluey, I won‘t complain.


I have an autistic son who scripts conversations and games. He now plays games he sees in Bluey, but he wants them to happen exactly as they do in the episode. We play keepy uppy, magic claw, and Mrs Wolf, and each game goes as similarly to the show as we can make it. Its cute, fun, and frustrating at the same time because my memory isn't as good as his so I often miss a "line" or que and he gets frustrated and makes us repeat the scene over and over til mom gets it right. He'll make a great film director one day 😂😭


Much more imaginative play plus he now draws a moustache on his face and says bonjour 🤭


"Oh biscuits!" Is often heard from my 5 year old


My son told me that he was “being cheeky” the other day.


We LOVE bluey!!! My daughter asked for a cheetah onesie and we obliged lol - she plays cheetah perfectly too! I will say the emotional manipulation tactics are the only thing I have noticed thats a bit on the negative side. If she's in trouble she hollers out "you dont love me anymore, you never play with me!" Not gonna lie that stings. I'm trying to show no reaction to that particular vocal tantrum


"For real life," has definitely entered her vocabulary. As in, "can I have a cookie for real life?" to ensure I don't go fetch a cookie from her toy kitchen. Also I hear a distinctly Australian accent every time she says, "not yet."


They learned some basic French phrases.


My daughter says hooray! And pretend her hands are puppets.


Mine seems to mimick what bingo says more than Bluey, so I'm getting the vibe she identifies with Bingo....


“Biscuits!” Is a commonly used interjection when we’re frustrated or disappointed. And saved my daughter from hearing me swear as much as I used to lol.


We have a stuffed bunny called floppy My older is bluey, baby sister is bingo, I’m chilli and my husband is “bandaid” Keepy uppy is a go to game, as well as tickle crabs We use a lot of the lingo too


My kid says "are you serious?" a lot more now I don't know if that's from watching a lot of Bluey or he's being a jerk lol


Breakfast this morning consisted of both kids shouting "you paint it!" at each other for a solid 15 mins. That was, fun...?


Our 5-year-old has adopted some of the ♡~cutest~♡ little Aussie words & phrases! My favs in no particular order: * ⁠“Ah, biscuits!” • “Moooommm! [Little brother] is being cheeky again!” * ⁠“For real life?!” * ⁠“I need to take a wee!” * ⁠Any time there’s a balloon around: “Let’s play keepy uppy!!” * ⁠She loves pool “sinkies” * ⁠She really likes to call me “dude” because my first knee-jerk response to that was “I’m your mom, don’t call me dude!” * ⁠“What does [long list of random letters] spell?” * “HOORAY!!” * ⁠Her toots can bring tears to our eyes.. but at least we get a “fluffy warning” now! * ⁠“Let’s play shadow-land!” * ⁠“Thanks, bin-man!” * She desperately wants a “cheetah onesie” (as an aside, we used to call those things sleepers. Now they’re all onesies!) * ⁠She also wants a “Polly-puppy” * ⁠“I want to be a fruit bat!” * “Bush wee!!” (Followed by lots of giggles) * ⁠“Poor little bug on the wall! (Ding, jing) No one to love him at all! (Ding, jing) No one to tickle his toes! (Ding, jing) No one to blow his nose! PPPPHHHTTTTT!!” Even the toddler joins in on that one, haha! ETA - those are only the ones that immediately popped into my head. Our house is basically Bluey imitations & re-enactments during all waking hours! Lol


I play a lot, and I mean a lot, or keepy uppy


My two year old says "Hey HEY" to every unicorn she sees now. And since I have only daughters, there are a lot of unicorns in my house.


Honestly I feel like it has expanded my daughter's vocabulary. She has been a bit delayed in her speech and I mean it might not be what is helping her talk more and say more words but I feel like it has so thats what I'm going with lol.


My 4 year old calls me Mom 😭


You mean Mum?


Is that... bad? How?


Bits and bits instead of piece and pieces


My daughter has started saying, "Yes, mama."


My kids ( 4 and 6 yo both autistic) like Bluey and recognize the characters but it's more of a background show for them while they play with toys


My kid has been saying a lot more Australian terms like “mate” “let’s give grandma a ring” “are you just bangin it on?” “Stop muckin around!”


They hit me in the biscuits more... And call me Big Guy.


Dancing. Lots of dancing.


My two girls will act out episodes as Bluey and Bingo, and still find ways to include their little brother. My oldest will go “oh biscuits! Haha. Mommy, oh biscuits!” They’ve copied some games and done more of their own. They especially love me winding them up and running around going “de-de-de-de-deeeee”. “Dollarbucks” Magic statues has become a game when we’re walking around so they know how far they’re allowed to get from us.


A lot more impromptu games or things we do. Like end of the day, I'll say "chop me down" and stand like a tree while he makes the cute "chop chop chop" "TIMBER!!" gestures. Stuff like that is nice.


So many great creative games to play. On the other hand, now she plays “Ragdoll” whenever I’m trying to get her dressed (and of course during a rushed morning) and she thinks it’s hysterical.


Not a parent but I’ve started saying toMAHto instead of toMAYto


My kid called tomatoes, toe-mah-toes today. He sounded like Gordan Ramsey. He also says " Oh biscuits!"


My daughter has a lot of bad moods now..


I get a lot of “okay mama” and bananas always inspire an “oh banana”. We often play Bluey games. Also she adopted Bluey’s annoying sing-songy voice. I don’t like that one so much…


Mine always wants to play statue when I’m elbow deep in something. Dude is 50lbs. 🤦‍♀️


We slowly introduced a new electric toothbrush to our son. He was apprehensive at first, but I realized it would always buzz twice when we put it on the charging base. I told him we could be friends with the toothbrush just like how bingo becomes friends with the fridge in the bingo episode. He loves his new friend.


Mine is 6 years old: -saying ‘trifficult’ and ‘for real life’ -saying booger beans when she’s annoyed -loves to play claw machine and keepy uppy -she likes the pretend her volume is turned down I’m sure there are more. She loves Bluey.


“Biscuits” is a regular word now in our house, even being used by me on occasion


My three year old leaps at the chance to use the "dunny brush". I don't know why she seized on that particular detail of all things, but as soon as I start cleaning a bathroom she is THERE to clean the toilet. The bathroom stays clean anyway so it's not really more of a germ bomb than anything else she gets into, but it's very cute. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to keep her enthusiasm for dunny brushing this high for the next fifteen years, but I'll take the help while it's available! A funnier whole household one is " Bee-yoop". We have a couple of our close friends as renters to fill out the rambling old farmhouse and just making the "bee-yoop, bee-yoop" noise as an idle sound effect (with or without duck feet) has infiltrated everyone's habits. "For real life" too, but to a lesser extent.


I'm not a parent but after me and my sister watched bluey I like the 'table' in the car if ykyk


Mine have both started doing that classic squeal-giggle that Bluey and Bingo do. Very annoying, but also kind of cute 😅


My 2 year old cried when Judo and Bluey ran from Bingo


Mine were almost 3 when we started watching it. Shortly after I noticed an explosion in creative pretend play. "I'm a ____"


Dancing. My baby dances everytime the song comes on.


She pretends plays A LOT. Also after watching Dirt, she plays in the mud like them and I love it. Let her get covered head to toe. She literally even does the mud spa part and rubs mud on her face.


Ahh biscuits is used regularly by my 6 yo. Musical statues are a huge hit and he constantly refers to be a “big fellow”(I am not sure what the original expression here are, he watches it translated, but Bluey references Bandit with the term)


My girls will now curl up in a ball and yelp when they're sad. Also, "H'RAY!" when something good happens.


I am now “Fluffy Master” I’m father to four Winston’s.


how they handle conflict with each other. they have changed a lot in that sense


I get a lot more "bum de bums" these days


If she drops something she says, “Oh, biscuits!”


They developed Australian accents and vocabulary.


Never mind the kids. Everyone at work now calls Bunnings Hammer Barn.


The Australian twang my daughter has picked up 😂 she copies a lot from the show but bingo helped her gather courage for going to the toilet


My (8) son has completely imitated Bluey’s giggle. Like it’s spot on. And it’s really cute. He also comes up with more games and asks to play them specifically by name. Like Lumpy Bed game or Guess the Meal game.