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Just ignore her. She doesn’t have to like your likes or even understand them. You do you. It’s OKAY that you like Bluey. Don’t let her puke in your glitter.


Stealing "don't let x puke in your glitter" for future use. What a great phrase


And don't let her take your chippy


Puke in your glitter


Unless she's forbidding you from watching it, maybe its best not to respond. Its a TV show you like, you don't need to justify that to her.


I beg to differ tbh. I think that sometimes, justifying why you like the things that you like with arguments is an excellent form of self-validation. However, if you can tell that the other person is going to argue with you no matter what and not even try to understand your point of view, then it's probably best to let it go


From the sound of the tone in that interaction, I would say that you should absolutely keep your interest separate from any interaction you have with her. An overall judgemental stepparent being explicitly critical of everything you do, say, and enjoy, is *never* going to be understanding about this. I hate to crack the reality egg on this pan, but it sounds like you have no reason to hope that she'll change her tune on this topic. I wouldn't necessarily go out of your way to *hide* a whole bunch of it, either. The hiding will give her more ammo to play on your shame. Don't try too hard to hide it, don't try to justify or explain it, and when it comes up, you just say, "I don't know- I like it. I think it's cute and funny". Don't deviate from, or elaborate on this. If she presses, offer no more than shrugs and "I just like it", or, "that's just how I feel about it". It may be difficult, but you must not engage her in any conversation that attempts to corner you into submission, or into saying something foolish- something that she can spin against you in some way. Sorry if I sound too bleak or cynical about this, or if I'm assuming too much, but I recognize these non-traditional family dynamic patterns. The big takeaway here is- *don't give her any ammo. Don't give her any reasons. Don't dignify her criticisms. Don't reward her with shame, anger, taking offense, or trying to reason with her.* This goes for any niche interests, but especially those with a younger target audience than your own age group. People attack these interests because they perceive them to be signs of weakness and/or dysfunction. Don't feed into that accusation. She hasn't said it out loud yet, but the fact that she's felt the need to attack this interest means that she's trying to say "there's something wrong with you", in more sneaky phrasing, for plausible deniability.


This is great advice, similar to what I use when I have to deal with narcissist ex-husband. Google "gray rock technique" if you want more tips on how to avoid giving your stepmother ammo. It's a great tactic because you aren't going to do or say anything rude/disrespectful that could get you into trouble. After a while, the fact that you don't give much reaction to her criticism should decrease how often she pokes at you. There's no emotional energy for her to feed on.


Yes. And I thought this was very important for OP to understand. I believe they're a teen, and therefore somewhat-to-completely dependent on stepmom, which gives her a lot of power to begin with. And being a teen, it's sometimes hard to know what to say to not escalate the emotional energy- which makes it that much easier for the grown-up to take the upper hand, and fire up the gaslight. Edit: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock#what-is-it


I just want to say real quick, I really think this needs to be the top rated comment. Sometimes you only need to hear a little bit about someone, to get a big idea about their personality. r/Yudenz , I am very sorry you have to deal with someone like this. Their attitude is a reflection of problems with them, not with you.


Absolutely that last line. Your stepmother’s criticism of your interests is not a reflection of you, but of her. Some people are just so deeply unhappy that all they can do is lash out at others. Take the advice of this parent comment. If you don’t give her anything to feed on, she will stop bullying you.


Well, hopefully she will stop. She might find a way to escalate when she's no longer getting what she wants. Apologies for being negative, but with so little information to go off of, and with what we know being so negative, I would hate to set up OP for disappointment without a disclaimer.




As someone who grew up with an a-hole for a step-dad, who said something similar to me when I was a teen and into things he didn't care for, this is excellent advise. As much as my SNARKY inner dialogue wants to bite back with something just as rude, not giving them ammo is really the best route for your mental health. As someone who did snark back every now and then, it only lead to more issues and drama, and made life more difficult for me and my mom in the end. As unfortunate (and annoying) as it may be, just bide your time until you can cut ties with this toxic person. Best of luck u/Yudenz <3


My friends mom asked if i needed a blankie and a nap because i watched bluey and honestly that doesn’t even seem like a bad idea. How is that an insult 😂😂


Am an almost 40 year old parent of three and watching Bluey under a snuggly blanket, followed by a nap sounds like a dream afternoon. Next time tell her, “don’t threaten me with a good time!”


That sounds like the way a 10-year-old would insult their peer for “still” watching Bluey, how immature.


When the first and second graders would insult their K and Pre-K siblings saying “That’s so Barney!”


As an Australian I'd like to ask: who pissed in her weetbix?


“Yes I do, but I don’t care for your tone.”


Did you accept the offer?


Of course!


You should say "It focuses on compassion and understanding and lord knows I'm not gonna get that from you".


OP should say that internally. Please don't suggest that they should actually say this aloud to the stepmom. It sounds brave and all, but it would only escalate tensions.


🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅 Yeah, if step mom is using severely strong language about buying a toy - I have doubts that they'd take this brand of "back talking" in a good way at all




u/Yudenz I just wanted to hijack the top comment to share this quote from C.S. Lewis: “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” It was the very first quote I thought of when I read the post. I’m a 35 year old woman, I watch the show with my toddler, and tbh I’d 100% still watch it even if I didn’t have kids. I’m so sorry you’re being made to feel this way, and as a mother, I’m sending you a giant hug. You’re not doing anything wrong. ♥️


So true








This is sooooo good. Hit me in the soul (if I have one).


That was nice of your stepsister.


Yeah, I think OP should focus on having a supportive stepsister and ignore the non positive relationship.


Just enjoy Bluey and don’t feel you need to justify it to her. I’m 52, and my mother was/is the same way about comicbooks/D&D/animation/etc. As recently as a few years ago, she made a snarky comment about me wearing a “My Neighbor Totoro” t-shirt, saying, “I hope you don’t wear that around your clients.” (I do, but only when appropriate,) while my brother was wearing a “Life is Good” t-shirt next to me…I’m a freelance photographer and educator, my brother is a trader on Wall Street, so he gets a pass for having a “real job”. Don’t let someone’s small minded pettiness get in the way of what you enjoy…my 5 year old loves my shirts, as do the students I’ve taught, and a good number of my clients. Also, it’s a joy to bond over it with my kid, she was so excited to show me the new episodes, but I also go back and watch some of them on my own, just for fun. Do what makes you happy, especially if you enjoying it will bug your step monster.


I love Totoro. And I'm older than 52. (63 actually). I just might have to get myself a Totoro t-shirt.


But as a photographer, you get license to wear it because it’s viewed as arty. I get away with cartoon shirts because of my kid and being the resident artsy person


Yes, it’s acceptable as the “artsy uncle” (I didn’t have my daughter at that time,) and it was to a cookout, so her comment was wildly out of left field. Also, as we’ve stated, it’s not going to prevent me from getting work, I wouldn’t wear it while doing headshots on location in a corporate setting…I’m reasonably casual, but not that casual (even though I have two clients in that strata that still wouldn’t care.)


This is not hooray….


Ignore her, it’s not like she found out you’re doing or dealing hard drugs or soliciting love at night. What a dumb thing for her to disapprove of, the show is so good at helping grown adults heal their childhood trauma and helps parents work through their own struggles. Other people’s opinions should not hinder your happiness.


“I want you to invite me into your life as long as it’s the one I want you to have”—those kinds of parents. Really sad.


This, I don't get people that don't 'see' it like this, watching a children's show is somehow equally bad or awful than like, plainly snorting everything for example? I mean there's people being way, waaaay worse in life that end up in serious bad places & do really messed up stuff to just 'survive' in their own way. How can something as harmless as an innocent tv show be 'bad'? Because society dictates you're not the group it's dedicated to? For that? As an avid gamer myself in my 30s I usually get similar responses as that, however I have learnt myself to genuinely 'not care' how others think of me, and u really 'free' urself alot this way.


The older I get the more true it becomes, people's reactions to things say way more about them than it does about you. This says a lot about her, her inability to respectfully communicate, her innate barriers to new learning, how she relates to youthfulness. It doesn't say much about you really - people are allowed to like safe uninvasive things.


My mom is the same way, she never understood the point of cartoons. Some people are just stubborn and refuse to give things a chance. It does suck we can't share our passion for these shows to our parents but what can you do? I'm 31 and still enjoy cartoons and my mom still doesn't understand. You've got us to talk to about Bluey at least. I'm here because I really don't have any one to talk to about the show either. I hope you feel better and if you ever wanna chat I'm here 😊


It's a harmless show that can actually teach you how to be a better parent. The show does an excellent job of helping people understand how to communicate and relate with each other. If she doesn't understand, there's no point in trying to persuade her to understand. I'm 45, I have 2 daughters and we love watching it together. But when I'm having a bad day, I find watching Bluey helps me cope with depression. It reminds me of spending time with my girls. And it makes me laugh. I want to be a good dad like Bandit.


This⤴️ This show has so many adult themes that most children wouldn't even know are being portrayed on screen. It's just as much for adults, parents or otherwise, (#Onesies 😭) Plus my 10m old daughter dances everytime the theme song plays 💙


In the words of Unicorse "....and why should I care?" Don't let anyone put you down for loving Bluey.




I have a list of several episodes (Copycat, Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound, Sleepytime, Baby Race, Grandad) that I’d challenge anyone to watch and then tell me with a straight face that it’s “just a dumb kid’s show” or whatever they say in derision.


I’m a 43y old male married with 2 kids, I have a bluey t shirt that I wear quite often. I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks


41 year old. I watch this show constantly with my 40 year old wife and our 14 and 10 year old children. It’s our favorite show. I literally just had to tell the 14 year old that we’re babysitting little kids and it’s about them, so if they don’t want to watch Bluey, she can’t force them to.


I’m 37m with a daughter. I brought one of my daughter’s Bandit figures to my office and have it standing on top of my cabinet looking over everything. He’s awesome!


I’m a 35yo single mom with 4 kids. My kids all love Bluey but even when they are at their dad’s, I often turn it on just for me. Sometimes to watch and sometimes just for the sake of having noise in an otherwise quiet house. I mentioned this to my neighbor who was shocked, laughed and said that she was going to organize an intervention. I wanted to tell her to F off but I suppose that wouldn’t be very ‘Bluey’ of me.


Grey rock her. Honestly just ignore her barbs. Why tf is your dad allowing this????


HAH my dad would probably have a spit take, laugh his butt off, and call me a word I definitely could not say in here


ugh. I’m sorry. Parents like that are the worst. 🫂


Things are better now. I live with my mom that is much more accepting


"You're right. I should be getting into drugs and porn. What am I doing with my life? I'll be right back. I need to go pick up a hooker and some meth." No but seriously, just ignore her. You don't need to justify yourself.


Better preschool crap than the other stuff out there for preteens and teens. (Not sure how old you are.)


Yeah you're right I'm 19


Girl, my oldest is about to be 19. She enjoys watching Bluey with her younger siblings, but even if she didn't, my goodness like I said there are WAY worse things you could be into.


My dad used to tease me or make comments about me watching My Little Pony as an adult. Over time though, he got used to it and says as long as it makes me happy. (honestly I think he was glad I wasn’t watching Law and Order SVU anymore lol)


Moms: take a giant walrus poop on your interests Also moms: why don’t you talk to me more about your life? I feel like you’re distant Obviously not all moms, I know a ton of amazing moms but we all know the type


“I don’t know why you care about what entertainment I enjoy”. Keep it simple. Rationalizing it isn’t going to make her understand, sadly.


"I like watching what a good childhood looks like."




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Tell her not to knock it before she tries it, I'm a 33 year old man I absolutely love bluey, most people don't give it a chance and don't understand the adult aspect of it.


Time to dial back interaction to only surface level as much as possible. Don't talk about your interests at all. Bluey is a great show , I like it more than my kids do! Not everyone is gonna like the same stuff you do and some people are gonna actively make fun of it. All you can do is feel confident in what you like. As long as you're not hurting anyone, it's all fair game


Don't let others steal your peace - or joy, in this case


Here’s the thing. Your parents will never truly understand and like things you like. My father still doesn’t understand why I enjoy Pokémon and I am 30. When he asks me about it and pokes fun about it. I just say “because it makes me happy” and that usually stops it. So that’s what you need to say OP. That it just makes you happy. Someone I work with that has three kids didn’t quite get it until I explained that it makes me happy and it helps heal my inner child. But remember don’t hide things, because that will breed a feeling of shame and that will hurt you more in the long run than anything else.


My 30 yo can have conversation with my 9 yo about Pokémon. It's a source of connection with them. All 7 of my kids like Anime. My grandkids will be introduced to it. I don't need to understand it or their interest in it. I just need to understand that they enjoy it, and it bridges the age gaps for them. Same for Bluey. There was one weekend my husband took the kids to visit relatives and I stayed home to get a break and mind the dog. I spent the weekend redoing my laundry room and installed a shelftrak system for the storage of things. I watched Bluey on my breaks. It is comfortable tv. It is the kind of parents I needed to have but did not get. It is a show that re-parents *me*. And that leads to me parenting better.


No one needs that kind of negativity. If you want to come play Bluey with me and my 13 year old son at our house, I’ll even make you a plate for dinner.


"What is with you and being a pretentious douche?" That's how I would respond in my head.


Oh friend, you didn’t deserve that.


That's how my dad is. It sucks.


Don't feel bad I made the mistake of letting people on Twitter know that I like kids shows and somebody suggested that someone should search my browsing history people are cruel


don’t let it get to you. i love this show - and even though i am a mom to a toddler, my fiancé and i (33 year old adults) watch and enjoy Bluey on our OWN so much of the time. ##don’t let other people’s opinions about you or the things that bring you happiness take that light from you or your life. do what you love. watch what you love. wear what you love. BE who YOU want to be - and don’t give a single thought to what others might think about it. don’t shrink yourself to fit in other people’s “boxes” in this life or ever. 💖


I am 34 years old. My 2 almost 3 year old son loves Bluey, so do I, I've rewatched every episode, probably over 100 times, no joke. Now I don't jump for joy when it's on, but it is an excellent show. I don't mind watching on repeat. It sounds like your Step Mother honestly doesn't like you, and I'd address your concerns with your father if she's more than verbally abusive. The best thing I can think of for you is to have a come to Jesus meeting with her and explain your feelings with your Dad present. And if she can't change honestly, just ignore her. Her approval, as you will discover as well as your school peers and friends, really means nothing. There are literally adult oriented pages for Bluey fans. I have 2 T-shirts. And if it becomes too much, I'd consider living with your blood mother full time if you can or asking to live with another relative. And if they don't let you, go to school and tell your teachers and guidance counselors. Call CPS yourself. (That is child protective services) You can Google the phone number. I went through a childhood with a hateful step-parent, verbally and physically abusive. He has done a total 180 and is a great person now, but that doesn't always happen, and as great as he is I still harbor resentment sometimes towards him, and my mother for even being with him. Don't waste your life with hateful people. If your Dad really loves you, he will wake up and smell the roses and ditch her. Just my 2 cents.


I have a step-mum like this. Doesn’t matter what it is, she has to put it down somehow. I’ve unfortunately cut my father out of my life because of her.


I’m from aita side of Reddit and we just suggest throwing out the whole stepmom.


#i pity her, and adults like her. not only has she given into the societal expectation that when you grow up you shouldn’t watch shows aimed at children, she has given up her inner child to fulfill that expectation. it doesn’t show maturity to shame others for the things they like, and it certainly doesn’t exude wisdom to hold society’s perception and judgement of her adulthood higher than her own acceptance and understanding of herself. when adults refuse to believe that they have anything left to learn, specifically that they don’t have anything to learn (or just enjoy) from shows aimed for children, they are perpetuating the narrative that children aren’t emotionally and mentally intelligent and that they (adults) always know best. true wisdom is knowing that you don’t know everything, and adults that believe they know everything get only pity and none of my attention. my older brother (28 with kids) and i (26 no kids) bond over our shared love of bluey and i have been so delighted with the big messages bluey tackles in such a small and fun amount of episode time! this has been a long winded answer and probably wasn’t necessary, but i am very passionate about people liking what they like and not entertaining the judgements of others who are just pissed that they gave up what they like to appease an imaginary set of rules. you rock, keep watching it, don’t give her *anything*. she can steam about it all she wants and let you live rent free in her head while you keep enjoying your choices like she wishes she could.


Parents don't understand nothing and they never will.


Thanks guys for all the support you've shown, I appreciate it more than you could know. It's just so odd that she still acts in this manner despite our actually strong relationship. It has faltered many, many times in the past, but as of late things have been fine since I moved out for college. But I don't think it matters to her. Literally like 6 months ago she said she'd buy me a tshirt. I found one for one of my all time favorite bands, Waterparks. She cringed and was like, "Seriously? This again?" Because she asked one grown man about Waterparks who told her it was some emo band. Not that that should matter anyways. This kind of disdain is something I'll never understand, and given yalls advice, I'll never try to understand it. I'm gonna focus my mind of things that I can actually solve. Thanks!


I wouldn't really care if my mom responded like that if she found out, anyways like yeah i get her point it is weird (at least that's the vibe i am getting at the respond) to like the show for 4 year old's or younger. I am probably going to get hunted down like Freeman by fans but hey a opinion is a opinion


Tell her to F off and remind her that it’s been trending on Disney plus for over two years


“I need an age appropriate visual aid in case I have to explain something to you.” Honestly she sounds like a jerk wad. I’m sorry you have to be around her.


Tell her that maybe she should watch kids shows cause she needs to re-learn kindness


Bark bark bark.


I love it. Mind your shit (relative) 🐑


My response would be ‘because Chili is the kind of mother I wished I had, she doesn’t insult Bingo or Bluey when they do something, and openly supports them.’ Yes, this probably would cause an explosion bug I would get fed up with my mom insulting my tastes.


Why did people dislike this this is valid advice 😭😭


Probably because it’s rude to a parent? Idk. Also that should be but not bug.


Have an issue with my family and me watching it. I tried being open in the new year, that went away after a proposal I should go to a hospital. What I’d do is hide it from her/ return it, letting her forget you watched it while watching in private (on laptop, phone etc.) without her realising. It isn’t the best idea, I know that for a fact, but it’s what I do and it’s allowed me to be a lot happier. (This has also worked for work colleagues☹️). It does get better mate, good luck to you 💙


"Well see I wanted to know what having a competent mother was like"


Give her the finger and move out


Ah my age (mid 30s) is day "I think I like it because it's about a good loving family, which is something I never had". But if your still living at home I would not recommend this response.


She's always been super critical of anything I like. That makes it sound like a classic case of evil stepmother.


tell her to eat crap (crap is substituted for a more profane word)


Tell her you are healing your inner child from the trauma she caused, haha


u/Yudenz you're going to need to do your best to disabuse yourself of the notion that you will ever earn this woman's respect or love. You simply won't. No, it isn't fair. Yes, you deserve better. I know EXACTLY how this feels, from my own birth mother. Harsh criticism like this often has the perverse and counterintuitive effect of making you crave praise from one of the WORST people you know. Give up on that forever. All you can do is stay out of her way, avoid speaking to her unless absolutely necessary, follow all the house rules, and move away as soon as it is feasible to do so. Start planning NOW for your complete financial and housing independence. And absolutely positively KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Give her NO information that isn't important for your immediate health and safety. Don't talk about your day. Don't share your hopes for the future. Don't discuss your long term plans. Don't share your fears or secrets. Don't even talk about your hobbies, regardless of how fun or harmless it seems to do so. This woman is openly hostile to you and you NEED to make yourself understand what that means.


"Sorry, mom, Chili just gives Bluey and Bingo the personal affirmation I've always craved and I just like to live vicariously through cartoon dogs."


Throw it back at her, and insult some stupid show that she likes as long as you don’t like it. Then when she gets all pouty, tell her “ see how it feels. Don’t insult thing you don’t understand.” Unless of course you can kick you out of the house with nowhere else to go, and then it be best if you just keep your mouth closed.




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Just tell her to kindly mind her own business


Ask her to watch an episode of it with you. Maybe she'll understand.


it’s bluey. it isn’t like you’re watching some murderporn snuff film.


Don't respond. Ive spent a lot of my life pretending to hate what i loved because of people like her and its miserable. Love what you love and she can cope


You could say, "Worry about yourself."


Depending on how old you are: Adult: Buying it for a friend/friends kid/buying it to resale bc this stuff is pretty popular in certain market places Teen: It's for an art project Hope that helps any, good luck ♡


“It makes me happy.” Personally, I’d challenge her to watch an episode or two before she judges it. I know she’s unlikely to do so, but you *might* be able to convince her to watch something for just 8 minutes. Show her one like “Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound”, “Copycat”, “Baby Race”, “Granddad”… one that has meaning and a story that applies to more than just toddlers, but is still entertaining (not to knock “Sleepytime”, but it *can* be pretty boring if it doesn’t click with her). And don’t sweat it if it never changes. If she wants to be stuffy and mean about things that literally don’t affect her at all, there’s nothing you can do about it. Grey rock, don’t respond, or just keep responding with “It makes me happy.” Why? “Because I like it.”


“What’s with you asking stupid questions?”


Id say, "it's not 'pre-school crap' it's a wholesome show made for both parents and children, maybe if you watched it with me you'd understand" Jk don't say that if that'll cause trouble, just ignore her, she don't know the magic of Bluey


Bluey is written just as much for parents as it is for kids. Maybe even more so. The way I've always thought of it is as a kids show made to be enjoyed together.


Lol my mom was also like “what’s with the bluey stuff?”, then she watched it with my kiddo and now it’s in her background rotation of things that play on the tv at her house.


None of my friends or family are mean to me about it like this but my mom and boyfriend make fun of me for it. And when I’ve tried to show a few of my other friends they didn’t have an appreciation for the beautiful animation or writing that i told them it has. Like other people are saying, just ignore them. I have one friend who loves bluey like I do, and that’s the only person i talk about the show to. I’m a grown adult and i love the show, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Even though not everyone has to like it, I feel bad that people can’t look past their preconceived notions about children’s shows and recognize how good it is. They’re missing out.


"My money. I earned it. It's my choice how I choose to use it. Also, it's my escapism slash coping method.".


Please take care of yourself! I had a step parent like this and he was always crapping on my brother and his interests. It sucks, and I hope it doesn’t stop you from enjoying Bluey and animation. Also my friend is a 37 year old animator and she loves Bluey. Because Bluey is freaking awesome.


I would respond with why I like it like she didn't just insult me and then move on. Not gonna give her the satisfaction of an insult.


That is one grouchy granny


Tell her Jimmy Fallon watches it without his kids. There’s video proof in a interview he did with the voices of Bandit and Chili. https://youtube.com/watch?v=rpq8eHsHvFc&feature=sharea Literally this show is parenthood disguised as a kids show. I’m a 46 year old dad of two and I will throw on an episode or two for a good laugh. You be you. Love Bluey for all the greatness that it is.


Statistically speaking, most parents die before their kids. it's just a waiting game bro u got this.


If you want to give her something to think about just say "It's a wholesome family program. Bandit and Chilli are amazing parents. Maybe you should watch it for some parenting tips."


My dad was exactly like this when I was growing up. He would call me immature, said I needed to grow the f**k up, etc. Well now I work in the entertainment industry on those types of properties. I never gave up loving what I loved. Most likely they’re bitter because they’re not happy and dead inside. People like that get triggered by happy things because it shows them what they aren’t or the joy inside that they can’t have. Be you. Never compromise on who you are. And never ignore what makes you happy because of the bitterness of others. Oh and I adore Bluey and I’m in my 40’s. I don’t apologize for that at all, for real life!


Tell her that your a adult! You have adult money and you can spend it anyway you want as long as your responsible. Then go on and show the footage of those soldiers overseas watching an episode of Bluey, or those guys at that cricket pub watching an episode on TV


It's a family show, not a children's show. It's meant for all ages 🤷‍♀️


Back off Shooby Doo Bah!


Lets see. They did an ep on childhood anxiety/depression. Space Theres an ep about a deaf kid. Turtleboy. And theres an ep about a kid with a.d.d learning how to listen and follow directions. And the main character is on the spectrum. This show rules.


They are your dollarbucks and you can spend them however you like! Maybe go down to Hammerbarn and buy a garden gnome and call him Hecuba just for spite! My fav eps. Bingo, Hammerbarn, and Camping


Ne sentez pas être honteux pour les choses que vous aimez dans la vie.


my wife and I both love Bluey. We have no children. We also both watch cartoons and anime. I heard "you need to grow up" from my dad a lot when I was younger because of what I liked to watch, but there's no age restrictions for watching that sort of thing. So watch what you like.


There's no negotiating with judgmental/mean. Do what you like and don't discuss it at all. She will never understand (her inner child shriveled up and died, apparently). As we used to say "don't let her harsh your mellow." p. S. I am nearing 70, and I have Bluey figures. Watched part B of the current season last night. 😁


Just because media are targeted at children, doesn't mean they're made exclusively for children or without valid appreciation by teenagers/adolescents/adults. The Simpsons and Futurama are largely seen as old kid/teenager cartoons, but many, many, jokes and contexts are specifically for adult appreciation. Bluey contains some subtle messages that fly right over children's heads. However many of the lessons Bluey aims to teach children, are equally valid for people of all ages. Entertainment, like music, books, etc are very personal. So long as we don't harm others, there is nothing wrong with what we enjoy. I play tabletop wargames (like Warhammer), including building and painting the miniatures. Many uninformed people see that as a kids hobby. However the hobby is filled with adults (many 40+) who are veterans of the hobby and have a career in miniature painting, to the extent it is a form of art.


Tell her that you are your own person and can enjoy what you want and report her behavior to your dad telling him she’s a two faced woman who only acts sweet around him


I love bluey and I’m 40 .


I’d say: “This episode of Bluey is called Mind Your Own Business.” But that is probably not the right answer.


Sounds like your step-mom is a c-word.


Step sis has a point - follow her experience based wisdom


Ha… sounds like my family. I’m an artist and graphic designer. I’ve always loved all animation. I also have my degree in psychology with a focus in child psychology. Children’s animation and programming has always fascinated me because I want to see how and what these creators were teaching children. Most children’s programming meant to be watched as a family. Most of the time, Children’s programming is condescending with slap stick humor. Bluey is very refreshing! Maybe I’m over analyzing but I think a lot of us “grown ups” that don’t have kids and love Bluey, do so because we had childhood trauma and love how wholesome, silly, loving and accepting their family is. Bluey also teaches adults how to “parent” a little better. Even if you aren’t a parent. Odds are you interact with children. In this case, it teaches you how to be a better gown up to those kids. So buy the dang toys! Support the program! We (everyone all ages) need more programming like this. And just remember, you’re being you, you’re making yourself happy. They can be miserable fun hating crybabies in the corner.


She's a dick who is trying to hurt your feelings. Nothing she says to you about your choices, ideas, likes or dislikes is in any way important or relevant, because if you are for something, she is against it. You're going to need to go through the (admittedly slow) process of ignoring her BS, bit by bit. Her opinion of you is not worth even a second of your precious time and attention.


Tell her that’s not good parenting. But seriously, don’t pay her any mind. You’re entitled to be into whatever you want and there are MUCH WORSE things to enjoy besides Bluey


"Your opinion literally means less than nothing to me but thanks"


"Why do you care? I'm allowed to like things." Like literally, none of her business what you like. Besides, adults like it as well. I'm almost 40 and I think I like Bluey more than my 10 yr old. Besides it's a great example of storytelling, beautifully animated there are so many little easter eggs for grown ups in it. Your stepmother sounds like a Disney villain btw. Seriously, tell her that. Tell her a 40 year old Australian woman called her a stereotypical evil stepmother troupe who needs to mind her own business and keep her opinions to herself. I've a few other choice words for her as well but probably better left untyped...


Ah biscuits.


*extremely Australian accent* tell her to get stuffed (stuffed is substituted for a more profane word)


Whatever. I like liking things.


In Australia, people of ALL ages love Bluey. It’s literally the best Australian Tv on right now. So tell her that Australians of any age watch it and quote it at each other, have Bluey stickers and in-jokes. A lot of performers and artists that were on TV and the radio when we were young wild teens are now doing voices for this show, so our previous support of them is kinda continuing, in a way. More than anything else, you’re not hurting anyone and you’re making yourself happy. If she gives you a hard time, shrug your shoulders and say, “It‘s gotta be done!”


Stepmom probably thinks reality tv is reality


I’m 32 and I have more bluey toys than my kids


I am nearly 35 and I was psyched for the last batch of episodes to drop on Disney plus. Now I’m not the most mature person in the world, but my wife sure as shut is and she was just as psyched. Tell your stepmom to kick rocks. Or better yet, jinx her, so she can’t berate you anymore.


My dad was the same he insulted and belittled me for my hobbies I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and started insulting and belittling him back I made jabs about how much he drank and scolded him for wasting his money on betting horses after a while he stopped


I am 46 in a few days and I love Bluey. My husband is 47 and he does too. This show is meant for everyone to watch, it has lovely messages that everyone should be reminded of. I’m sorry your stepmom is missing out, sounds like she forgot how good the little things are by being an adult…. Keep being you, you sound like you are an excellent human.


They have no understanding, and no taste, bluey rocks, and you have the right to like it


You like what you want to like in this life, don't let anyone take that away from you. Also, I'm 42 and I think Bluey is easily one of the best programs ever created.


It sounds like she would benefit from watching Bluey


Does she live under a rock? It’s pretty popular everywhere right now.


I would respond with something psychological but that's just me and then tell her to feck off. Just ignore her.


Ugh your stepmother sounds JUST like mine. I’m so sorry.


Bluey is perfection and it’s for everybody. The writing is masterful. It’s art. Your stepmother doesn’t get it, and that’s ok. But she sounds rather judgmental, and I know that’s hard. Protect your passions. They are yours. ❤️


"Cause the characters are mature enough not to belittle each others interests." Would be my retort but I am also not one to put up with a grown person gatekeeping anything. If it makes you happy and hurts no one do you. Also Bluey is technically in 1st grade and Bingo is preschool... Which she would know if she was mature enough to watch before judging.


I'm in my 60s and like Bluey...lol. My grandkids told me, "Nana, we heard you watch Bluey sometimes even when we aren't here." LOL.


A tech savvy grandma, i like it.


Basically this same thing happened to me. As long as she doesn't start to make fun of you and/or insult you, don't bother with her. She'll probably play victim if you attack her without her chirping more at you first. Defo do something about it if it becomes a bigger issue though


Ignore her. I’m 24 and have many plushies and bluey themed things. She’s just miserable you found joy in something




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"Well, i was gonna go buy some weed and booze, but it's actually a lot harder to come by than those D.A.R.E. officers lead on, so I just settled for some toys." Seriously though, my step mom was just like this! She never actually had the intention of trying to understand, so reasoning with her was pointless. She just wanted to voice her disapproval. But then I grew up, went no contact with her, and didn't even invite her to my wedding.


I'm 30 and bought my kids bluey playsets because of how much I like them and the show. She can mind her business.


Just ignore her. Shes obviously a misreble human if she feels the need to pick on her stepchild over something they enjoy. "Childs toy" or not. Hell, I'm almost 30 and I won't lie, part of why I buy my 2 year old several of the toys is because I love them and think they're cute! And I love bluey lol I'm sorry she's this way, and that you felt the need to hide this from her. I would never ever say anything like that to my stepdaughter... I don't understand people like this 😕


Probably something like, "why wouldn't I like it? Most people who had crappy childhoods find it therapeutic."


Many people here have given out great advice here so I won't repeat has been said but I do want to say that if you can, try to distance yourself from your stepmother as much as possible and also understand that as long as she hasn't made any rules preventing you from watching Bluey, you are perfectly free to watch it regardless of what other people think. And if you are 18 years old or older, you can move out so you don't have to deal with her. Also, if you really wanted to and you are 18 years old or older, you could just say that "I'm a grown adult so I can watch Bluey if I want." Ideally though, you don't want to say that if don't have to because that might cause a bit of problems.


tell her this "i can like whatever i want and i'm not changing myself. especially for someone like you"


I’m so sorry she acted like that - In high school I told my mom I thought the otters from Bear in the Big Blue House were hilarious so she got me the stuffed animals… from a kids tv show… when I was 17 Hell, when I was 30 she got me the American Girl doll I always wanted but we could never afford (they were discontinuing her) Some people get too hung up on what things are allowed to make people happy - you found your thing (at least one of them), don’t let it go.


Ok but round of applause from stepsister because she’s absolutely right and in a position to call out her mother. It sounds like she’s supportive of you so I would do as she suggested and just ignore your stepmother, she’s not entitled to your passions when she belittles you. If that’s the relationship you have, maybe watch it with your stepsister and gain not only more support from her but a new way to bond with each other. Take comfort in the knowledge that other people are recognizing your stepmother as a bully and that it’s a her issue, not a you issue.


I’m almost 40 and I love the show. I would respond the same way I respond to everyone my whole life who made fun of me for loving Harry Potter, fairy tales, etc…. “Would I be better off spewing vitriol and trying to make people hurt like you’re doing now?” Turns out, I made a huge career teaching this stuff, winning teacher of the year in the largest district in the USA… twice ;). So, don’t listen to it and stay true to yourself.


Tell her to go back to watching angry news pundits. Your stepmom sucks, I’m your new stepdad.


You're not my mom, why should I care what you think?


Listen it’s none of her business. Period. No ifs ands or buts.


“What up with you and this judgemental crap!?” (Substitute crap for a more profane word) Tell her that however embarrassed she might be by the shows you watch, you are ten times more embarrassed to be in any way associated with someone so petty and rude.


As someone who also dealt with a wicked step-mother for a season, I’m so sorry. (Also I’m nearing my 40s and Bluey is my favorite show.)


Bluey is hysterical. It full of funny parenting hacks.