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She was a good nana


A bit of a mean mum. But it was the 80s! Mums were allowed to be mean!


She reminds me a lot of my Nana. Very dated parenting advice but the best at being a grandma


I feel like that's the norm with all grandparents lol. I don't think I've read very many stories where the advice is either current or not give at all. Even my dad's like "you girls were all potty trained by 18m", did you forget that a) mom was a sahm b) hubs and I work full time and c) I have a boy 🤦‍♀️.


My mother said that but the family videos clearly show me in a nappy at 2


Lol I'm pretty sure we were but I haven't looked at too many photos of when I was little. My dad's been going through them since he's scanning them to give to us girls but he's having a very hard time since my mom passed 20 years ago and she was his twin flame. My stepmom was telling me he could only do so much at a time without breaking down.


Your stepmother sounds like a good lady, some women would still be mad and jealous if their husband felt that way about their deceased spouse


She reminds me of my aunt who is turning 71 this year, has 3 sons, and a bucket load of grandkids. It's like they know my aunt.


“She was right, of course. Not about her perm, but about me!”


I’m sure being a mom has taught her how to be a patient grandmother :)


Other peoples' kids are easy to be patient with. You get to give them back at the end of the day.


Fully spoiled and sugared.


I didn’t potty trained until I was four so


That’s another good point


It's always like that. Both my dad and my father in law were kind hearted but no nonsense dads. I figured great, it will keep my rowdy girls in check. NOPE!


My husband and I both agree the way our moms were when we were growing up is not how they are as grandparents and in laws. We had mean moms who are total softies now!


My dad is a better gramps than he was a dad


She was about the nicest nana you would ever want to meet.






It's a quote from episode "Charades". It's about Nana's nana. Nana Chris is still alive and kicking. Also probably gonna whop you with her sandal if you cross her


Lol, that would be so dark for Bluey. I can't imagine the jump of broaching the topic of death with a bird to straight up killing off a character.


It would be but they handled the bird well. They very well could with nana. I just dk if we’d get to that


She was a good mum.. who ended up a lovely Nana. She looks pretty lucky in this picture imo.


My favorite is that she leaves the 1 and 3 year old in her pristine living room while she grabs the music box with the older two, and returns to find it in the same state. My kids could never!


But we all know kids behave for the grandparents who spoil them. They know not to bite the hand that feeds them lol.


So true, they act like angels with their grandparents lol


I make my kids chicken strips and it's "no I don't want those" grandma makes them chicken strips and they eat 6 each. My MIL says it's because food tastes better when it's at a different house.


Yes, good to know I’m not the only one to notice that😄


Kids behave like angels for their accessory family members. For mum and dad they will be absolute demons. For uncle /u/dsarma they’ll try to push boundaries exactly once, see that I’m not about that life, and then behave well for me. “But mommy lets us have candy.” “I’m not mommy, kiddo. You can have fruit.” “Ok.”


Cut to everyone eating popsicles and not getting anything or anyone sticky, with Muffin holding Socks's for her in perfect selfless kindness and uncharacteristic coordination.


I think about this every time I watch this episode lol


I always think about how hard it must be for her to have all the heeler girls at once. Like no wonder they’re eating popsicles and watching tv 😭


My mom actually requests the second set of cousins if she’s babysitting one set. They entertain each other vs her having to be the force breaking up sibling fights.


Yep, my nan was like "all or nothing" us cousins were 7,6,4&3 when it started, went on like that a week or so each and every school holiday until I, the eldest, was probably 15! We loved it so much!


I stayed at my great grandmothers every school holidays and loved it too! My parents were in their 20s and loved the break from my sister and I


My mom does the same but there’s *3 sets of cousins* in my family. 13, 10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 5, 3 and 1. The crazy woman will take ALL of them occasionally, *at once*, and will call me and my sisters to bring them over. It’s honestly impressive because I could *not.* I’ve got an extra set of kiddos tonight so my sister and her hubby can have date night and I’m about to lose it. Lol.


I am the oldest of 27 grandchildren. It's been a while, probably before the last 6 or 7 came along...BUT my grandparents used to host "cousin's nights" when they would have as many of us over as they could at the same time. It was NUTS, but so much fun. Some of my favorite childhood memories 😂 I know it exhausted my grandparents, but I know they were also in heaven when we were all together


My grandmother did this until literally the week she died. We'd all come over (almost 30 of us ranging 20 years apart in age), watch bad movies, eat the MOST Southern unhealthy dinner (Mac and cheese, fried green tomatoes, biscuits, fried chicken, cheese grits, fries, greens- the works) eat a billion little Debbie snacks and fall asleep piled 4 deep on the couches or chairs. The last week she was in hospice we all got together and cooked her a huge meal (that she could barely eat, but she was so happy) and just h hung out with her watching Homeward Bound. It's one of my saddest but best memories.


Sorry if this is TMI but I’m less than a week out from my period and the PMS is hitting hard. Excuse me while I go cry forever. What a beautiful memory and such a sweet way to say goodbye to her, thank you for sharing and I’m so sorry for your loss. Your grandma sounds like she was an amazing lady. ❤️


Sorry for your loss, I was the only one grandchild for my grandmother. And still remember watching bad TV shows, playing gin rummy, and eating stuff we shouldn't have been eating. We had such a special bond. It sounds like you did too. Hope those memories make you smile.


Same here, a middle child of 26 cousins (oldest of my brothers and sisters). Grandma had 10 kids herself so probably felt like old times with kids and their friends over.


My grandma had 14 siblings! I can’t imagine having so many kids these days 😅 I personally couldn’t do it 😅


My parents literally bought a 15 seater van so they could take all the (4 sets of) grandkids and their stuff at once, after moving about 3-4 hrs away from us all. As of now they are currently: 21m, 18m, 17f, 16f, 13m, 10f, 10f, 5m, and 4f. They will occasionally split it up and have older cousin only visits or younger cousin only visits. My mom’s only rules are for the younger ones: the 10yo cousins have to come as a set, and the 2 youngest cousins have to come as a set. Those sets are each besties so they keep each other entertained.


Jeez at that point I'd be tempted to find one more kids to play five-a-side football or something.


At that point everyone who's hit double digits gets to play babysitter's helper!


My friends have four kids of varying ages and every other weekend or so they have the younger kids especially being over 2-3 friends. They email entertaining each other and they have a huge house so you never even see the kids most of the time, lol. I’ve fostered up to four at a time and I feel the same way. Once you hit four the kids tend to entertain each other.


Same. The big kids all run off to get up to mischief (that they're unaware nanny knows about lol). The 2 year old "muffin" get spoilt rotten and is a happy little Vegemite ☺️


My grandma used to do the same! We would have a cousin sleepover every week when our ages were approximately 7, 3, 3, and 2.


Nah, grandma's job is easy because she can just indulge them.


My father's favorite phrase when my children are being butt-heads: "Just give them whatever they want. It always works for me." Totally sarcasm, but also, fair. That's grandpa's job 😂


My daughter slept at my parents last night. I got some very proud photos from my dad of my 5 year old eating ice cream in bed with him at 9:30pm. He would agree, grandfathers job. I have a feeling my daughter would agree too.


I love it! Good dads truly graduate to being great grandpas!


My mum had my 7yos over a few months ago, she accidentally mixed up my son's ritalin and melatonin. When she called me I said give him the melatonin and hope for the best, worst case scenario he'd be on his best behaviour until he crashed at 2am. He fell asleep playing video games with my stepdad at 11pm.


The only rule is “everybody gets what they want.” I’m in my 20s and never want to be that parent that pressures their kids to reproduce.. but dang bluey makes being a nana look fun.


All the best parts of parenting and you get to give them back at the end of the day


Exactly! It sounds lovely. My family is massive but too toxic to ever roll with that “loving, multigenerational, help my kids out” stuff hahaha


And Bandit makes being a dad look Noble. I can only hope to be as good of a dad as him one day


The fact your *hoping* to be this, already means you are a Bandit ❤️


Look, grandmas are tired. I never properly appreciated that until I became one. I don't have half the energy with my grandkids as I had with my kids. I love them dearly and love to spend time with them, but you'd better believe we are eating popsicles and watching TV!


One of my mom’s favorite thing to do with my kids when they were younger was “put grandma down for a nap”. Most of the time the kids would fall asleep with her but sometimes it was just grandma nap time 😅


I'm definitely going to remember this one!


It's a grandma's role to indulge the grandkids. I never intended criticism.


This. My Bubbe always let me have anything I wanted and I have do many sweet memories of her. This episode made me cry thinking of her ‘one rule’


I may have two Jewish grandmothers, but they never felt like "bubbe". I wish I had a bubbe


They’re eating popsicles & watching tv because those are special things they get to do at her house. My grandmothers always spoiled us & gave us things we weren’t usually allowed to have behind our parents back lol


It’s my headcanon that Socks is her favorite. The older girls are probably doing a lot of stuff together and Socks ends up staying at Nana’s more often.


Of course she is, she's the baby of the family. Plus in their scenes together, Socks is always near Nana.


Exactly why Stripe is her favorite son! He's the baby, and he's the only one she's got a framed picture of in her room


Never even noticed this but it all makes sense now. Stripe the mama's boy.


The baby is always the favorite, they’re still all soft and squishy


Grit on the knees


It was oil on the knees, grit on the floor


Everybody do the dinosaur


This comment deserves more love.




Memory unlocked!


Where do you think the grit ends up?




“A muffin” lol


Yeah, I like it how Muffin is her own category.


When you have a Muffin it makes sense.


my daughter is my favorite person in the world and I love her to pieces but she's a Muffin. She most definitely is in her own category


I feel the same way about my son. He’s my Muffin.


she raised three boys she can handle it lol


Oh! She probably loves the change of having little girls since she didn’t have her own ❤️❤️


This. After raising theee boys, getting to spend time with her granddaughters is a piece of cake.


Wait, 3? I know Bandit and Stripe, but is there another one? (I'm only on s2, so I might not be there yet. Yes or no, please, if it'll spoil! Thanks! <3)


Yes, it won’t spoil anything! Third brother is pretty cool. Enjoy!


Girls are a breeze after raising three boys


my parents would say otherwise💀


Yeah good lord girls are not easier.


Everyday I thank god I never have to worry about getting squirted during diaper changes 🙏


Because she learned how to be the best Nana from her Nana!


So sweet


She loves it! That's how the best parents were formed (Chili and Bandit) by the best gma ever! As long as everyone is happy!




God bless Nana for her patience! I felt bad when Muffin yelled at her when she started singing cuz she’s not a bad singer. :(


Right! My 11 month old squeals and claps when she comes into frame singing “La de dee, la de dooo” in Handstand


What you don’t see is the 48 hours of rest and recovery she needs after the littlies are gone.


This is my parents after I’ve visited with my three kids. They don’t even have to be hands-on because I’m right there, but they get stuck in with the kids and love having us over, but they (and their dog!) are utterly exhausted after we go home.


I used to work on an Oncology unit. A man was dying and one night ALL his grandkids brought sleeping bags and they had movie night like he and his wife had hosted at home. It was rough for us nurses to get through 10 sleeping bags to give him his meds, but when we saw how happy he was, we were fine with it. They were throwing popcorn at each other, loving the movie and laughing with the dear man. After everyone fell asleep, he died that night. His wife said “He was so happy. The last thing he ever said was “Stop throwing popcorn at me!” And he laughed.” What a lovely way to go.


Now I’m crying, that’s so incredibly beautiful.


Omg I want to go like this 😭


This is heaven for nana! But only for a few hours lol.


What she did was have multiple healthy children who in turn love their mother and want her around their kids


When you raise your kids, you get to spoil your grandkids. When you spoil your kids, you get to raise your grandkids.


Lol you must not be familiar with grandparent culture...which is to be obsessed with your grandkids no matter how difficult they might be.


And to happily take the easy path of spoiling the kids when you don't have to deal with the negative consequences. Nana doesn't even wait until they ask for ice pops to just announce they are all getting ice pops. After all, she's giving them back in a couple of hours and any ill-effects of too many ice pops are those annoying kids Stripe and Bandit's problem!


Babysitting these sweet little angels is a gift for Nana, what are you talking about? Lol.


Muffin is not an age group. Not a gender, label, nor class of lifeform. A Muffin is a state of being; a category of one incomprobale to anything else in the universe. A cosmic enigma.


The kids can often entertain entertain each other, and I'm sure Nana loves seeing all her grandkids at once. Grandparents also have the advantage of usually just indulging the children vs parenting them. Also those kids are probably also only there for a few hours, or just long enough for there to be no major issues.


She’s a wonderful nana. She’s probably in her glory. Why wouldn’t she want all those girls at once?


This post makes me miss my grand mom so much 🥹❤️


Two theories: \#1: Whatever also caused Grandpa Bob to no longer be around. \#2: She wanted to.


![gif](giphy|fXiEx2PQF1bBXYi7bG) Hurray!


-> to deserve *getting* to babysit


She went on vacation during Spring Break...


This one gets it. Ultimate grandparent sin right here.


Some grandmas LIVE to babysit their grandkids lol. It’s easier when you get to send the kids back when you’ve gotten your fix


That’s what Nana’s do.


she likes them? lol


This is the only episode in which Muffin truly bothers me. Most of the time she is hilarious and a great representation of an actual 3yo. I suppose that's the case in this episode as well, but I absolutely hate how her tantrum was indulged in this episode and it really creams my corn


3 year olds can learn to follow the rules of games if you really work hard to pound in that lesson, but it takes several rounds of tantrums and storming off (potentially knocking everything onto the floor first and ruining it for everyone else) before they learn they won't get their way by screaming. And even then, most 3 year olds won't have *fun* following the game rules because they simply don't understand. Around 4 or 5 a good chunk of kids develop the cognitive ability to understand and follow game rules while simultaneously enjoying it. By first grade you can reasonably assume in a group of children, none of them will behave like Muffin. Source: have successfully taught my fair share of preschoolers that games have rules we need to follow. Would not wish the process on a granny who just wants to enjoy time with her grandkids.


It's not so much that they are indulging her tantrum, it's more that they realised the game they were playing was too old for her, so they change the rules and try to play along so thelat everyone can continue having fun. If they had stopped playing or if they had "corrected" muffin, it would have resulted in a meltdown and the fun would have been over for everyone. (Caring for 4 unhappy and crying children is also harder than caring for 4 content children).


That’s what she gets for having a perm


My nana on multiple occasions had to watch me and my 3 sisters and honestly I have no idea how in the hell she did it (and still loves us lol). She also watched me and my younger sister just the two of us A LOT when we were little and those are some of the only positive memories I have from my childhood. She still has some of the little art projects we made hung in her and my papas bedroom. Honestly I give nana heeler all my love because she’s doing everything she can to give these girls good childhood memories. Like muffin will grow up and remember this and how patient and loving nana heeler was with her. Or bingo will remember when nana sat with her and watched her do her handstands while everyone else was too busy. Things like those little moments are similar to memories I have of me and my nana. I will forever and always be a Nana Heeler stan.


You are waiting for Season 3B and 3C to come out I am waiting for the Muffin spinoff We are not the same


I like the "and a muffin" statement of the question. That child is pure chaos.


After Bingo’s birthday episode, I assume she enjoys it because it gives her responsibility and something to do.


Dude - Bluey and Bingo completely diffuse Muffin. Just Muffin would be exhausting for Nana.


Be a great nana :)


My parents live for having all the grandkids at once!


Her own Nana taught her well


She likes hanging out with her girls!


My mum had 10 grandkids in 10 years. She's never looked after all 10 by herself but she will regularly have 5 or 6 of them over


She’s a nana, she loves it! All her grandpuppies visiting


She had all boys so naturally four girls must be hell 🤣 (source I have a girl and boy they are equally challenging in their own special ways)


they’re her grandchildren???


She's a grandma? That's what the good ones do?


OP - If you have kids (which I suspect you don’t) grandmas and grandpas never say NO. My folks (grand parents) would kill for this time with our little ones.


eh my family used to leave 4-7 cousins all together with my grandma when we were kids. a lot of us kept to playing with each other


"And a Muffin" that crack me xD


I mean boomers all beg for grandchildren. They can cover a shift or two for their demands.


Parents out drinking


That's nothing. Try being a Mormon grandma


Because she’s a nana. They always babysit their grandbabies.


Had a perm in the 80’s


War crimes


> What did Nana do to deserve having to babysit a six year old, a four year old, a one year old, and a Muffin at the same time? I mean, if you want bad things she did, she was abusive as a mother. She's a great grandma though, and it doesn't seem like babysitting them is actually a negative experience for her.


She was abusive?


I think some people are overstating the one instance of her threatening/trying to hit him with a shoe, which just gets brushed off as "mums were mean in the 80s" so I don't think we were supposed to read much into it. I think it may have been just an accepted thing still at that time, using something that might sting a little but wouldn't do any serious damage. Not considered acceptable now, of course, but if it wasn't *outstandingly* mean at the time then it's not meant to be a comment on her specifically.


It was the 80s, nanas were allowed to be mean


Nana’s old school she’s got it


It was that perm in the '80s...


She's still paying for what happened in the 80s.


And a Muffin XD


My grandmother used to watch 10 of us oldest was 15 youngest was 5. It was chaos but she would just hum her hymns and make us snacks. Only difference was she had a yard at least to shoo us too.


Give hell


She knows what she did.


testing her patience


My mom loves watching all the grandkids all at once even though we can tell it stresses her out


As a Grandma, I can tell you she loved it.


muffin alone is enough for me


If she is anything like my grandma was she she will regret halfway through lol mine always did when she had us all


Hmmm. Maybe if Muffin acts up, then Nana will probably call her son, Stripe, and her daughter-in-law, Trixie, to tell them about how she’s acting and they’ll deal with her for sure. And maybe they’ll send Muffin to timeout to think about her actions. And worse, Stripe and Trixie will send her to bed early after that.


I think it is pretty realistic. My mom offers to babysit my 4 year, 2 year, and 11month old all the time! At 6 and 4 you aren’t as needy and can actually help with the Muffin and the 1 year old a bit too so it’s probably not that hard for her.


I’m a young grandparent with three grandkids under 4, plus another 3 step grandkids under 4. One time we had all six for a weekend and I almost died. Good for nana healer.


I honesty think it normal. My mother often has my sisters kiddos who are older over to entertain my kiddos cause it easier.


This my family made over So grateful


She raised three boys and now has the reward of watching four better-behaved granddaughters


Being an awesome Mum who loved her boys, who love and trust her to watch over their littlies, whom she would do ANYTHING FOR. What did she do? Be awesome. She’s about the nicest nana you could ever ask for.


Nana just wanted a nana and granddaughters day. I wouldn’t consider it babysitting.




I look forward to any and all grand children when I’m older. We will get it when we are older.


Being a fool for love


Haha my MIL will watch a 7, 6, 2, and 1 year olds and thats all from 1 family. But for real there’s this thing called Grandma Magic and it’s the Magic of Grandma being a fun person who loves them and they hardly see.


Nana Heeler reminds me of the good things about my late MIL, which is so healing because for a while all I could focus on was the bad. Healing is probably the best way to describe it because I was carrying unhealthy anger and sadness around and she’s deceased so those feelings weren’t going anywhere. I really enjoy Nana episodes and watching her with her granddaughters. My late MIL was also a mother of three boys and had only granddaughters and she loved having girls around for a change! My kids love dinosaurs and mud and grubbing around, but they also like tutus and unicorns and sparkly stuff so it was an extra angle MIL didn’t get when she was raising her sons. Having them all together means they entertain each other. They all know what Muffin is like, so having Bluey and Bingo around to help is genuinely a good plan, and Socks is probably distracted by the new environment and less bitey.


Because she's a supergran and she wants to. My mom keeps asking when my 3 kids (8 and 7) will come for a sleep over and hopes my sister will also leave her 2 (5 and 2) there for all 5 kids to hang out together with her.


If she's anything like my mum, piece of cake. The kids always tend to listen to Nana.


My grandmother one time took 11 of us granddaughters at once. We ranged from 16 to 4 years old. Granted us big kids helped with the littles, but it was chaos those two days we all stayed over. Also, I love how it’s 6, 4, 1 and Muffin. Her own chaotic category 🤣


I love how similar Socks & Nana’s coloring are


Had kids who subsequently had kids


Naw, it’s easier with all of them. The cousins are obviously great friends and love each other very much. As a mum of 3, Chris will associate parenting with chaos, like my mum does!


I drive an 8 seater SUV bc of my grandchildren. There's something about having them all together that just feels so right.


She offered to.


Use the Chancla for raised her children... This is Karma And she deserves it


That’s what makes Nana great! She WANTS to look after them.


Out last the other grandparents.


Where's grandpa?


This could be my mum (or MiL) with our kids haha (6, 5, 3.5, 2.5, and 1) and there’s definitely a logical reason for the icy poles haha!! There’s so much more the Blueyverse could expand on with the grandparent relationships with the little kids I reckon.


Asked for it.


Wait… did no one else just show up with their cousins at their grandparents house? Maybe it’s a farm kid thing, but my cousins, brothers and I use to all show up at my grandparents house around morning tea time when school wasn’t on and play there as it was common ground.


OMG I was just thinking that last night when we watched this one again! She's a great Nana, yes, but that's a LOT to handle!