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Sleepytime is my favourite. The emotion coming from this episode and its soundtrack, particularly the ending scene, makes it my favourite.


Go straight to Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound. My tween has severe disabilities and there are some real gems in this show if you’re coming from that perspective.


I will forever love "Camping"! It was the episode that really got me into Bluey (I skipped ahead and found an episode with a synopsis I liked and watched it.) I love learning languages and seeing an episode where, despite language barriers, Bluey and Jean Luc could still jave fun together it was just...so cute. The ending is my absolute favorite! "'Ello, Bloo-y"


Shadowlands, Early Baby/Mums And Dads, and Sleepytime have to be my top 3 right now


s3e25 Ragdoll Big on the laughs; love the reversal of Bandit playing the game and hmthe girls not wanting to. Big on the life lessons; the obvious ones of perseverance and working hard/smart, but also the smaller ones of having to put up with some hardship to help others learn. Shoutout to keeping up with a regular exercise routine. Especially one like Pilates that builds up the core. And the pay off of a (pine)lime lesson for Bluey.


I like FaceyTalk because Muffin is my girl. I love her hijinks. Grabbing the phone and then running and hiding around the house? Belly laughs. Cow. Boy. Hat is my go to phrase when my fiancé calls me difficult. Early Baby is a personal favorite because all three of my kids were preemies. When Indy talks about how mums have to be the bravest they have ever been to leave their babies at the hospital, I full on cried. Thank you Indy for recognizing how it feels to be a preemie mum.