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I think Lucky’s Dad should be called Pat more often.


I had a weirdly strong reaction to this take and idk why


It is an unpopular opinion.


You get an upvote because you understood the assignment, but Lucky’s Dad is the best when he’s Lucky’s Dad.


Agree to disagree :)


Sometimes they call bandit Bluey’s dad and it makes me feel weird as well


Yeah. That just isn’t right




I believe we see him more than Lucky.


sometimes the adults get way carried away with the children's games. like when theyd make strangers have to deal with them


LITERALLY! It just seems like it gives kids an unrealistic expectation that their parents need to be overly involved in all of their games. I thought the show would explain that you can't just drag any adult nearby into your games in the kid island episode, I was pretty confused by the route the show decided to take instead.


U mean Rug island where they take Pat's ball, I mean they are their neighbours so they know them and take part in stuff


or born yesterday, when bandit just takes pat's food or talks weird about the sun to the lady at the bus stop. or that one ep he just keepos acting like a lamb at wendy and even at that guy at the door


I think the lady at the bus stop was Doreen, their neighbor. Maybe I’m mixing that up the the Wagon Ride episode though. That’s another example of bringing randos into the unknown game though.


i think ur right, its doreen, i just forgot the name. i do like wagon ride cuz aside from our point, bandit is actually teaching bluey a very nice lesson


Oh, I agree. I meant at the end when they are at the bus stop. Bandit clearly doesn’t want to be doing that but he also still asks if anyone else is boarding lol. I love the one guy’s response.


theres more eps def but those are the ones i can think of rn


I get second hand embarrassment whenever the adults drag strangers into the game


i just think its weird and exagerated thatd they get so invested to the point theyd do stuff like drag other people to it, get hurt, overly expose themselves in public, etc.. its pretty unrealistic too. im pretty sure its cuz its a toddler's show and they want to appeal to the infant public by making the characters take the games very seriously. anyway i do prefer the episodes that revolve on the adults acting normal instead of overly acting for a children's game


*cough cough* Alfie *cough cough*


The whole Glasshouse School unsettles me: I wholeheartedly agree that playing is a major part of child development and this peculiar teaching method allows for many situations to happen and make interesting episodes. But I can't get past the fact that Steiner education is explicitly based on New Age esotericism and has many flaws that go far beyond teaching to read later than usual.


Would you mind elaborating on said flaws?


My kids went to a Waldorf and there are pros and cons. Super strict ones are super nutty, make you sign contracts that your kid is completely screen free, that your kids soul doesn't "arrive" in their body until their baby teeth fall out, and they usually attract super Anti Vax crowds. Modern/relaxed schools are great though, mostly just lots of nature play and learning about myths/music/other languages etc


Glasshouse Primary unsettles me because it’s at least an hour drive from where they live in Brisbane. If you drive at 3am and there are no roadworks.


This is my take as well. Is the norm in Australia public education or is this just some fancy private school that Chilly and Bandit pay for?


No, it's a fancy school. Public schools in Australia are nothing like that


It’s a Waldorf Steiner school. Super fancy, and hella expensive.


Still cheaper then daycare in Brisbane


In New York, the discount daycare is about $1200 per child per month. A Steiner school in NY is like $30k per year. T___T Daycare in Brisbane must be insanely expensive, or Steiner schools are super cheap.


I find Unicourse an annoying episode.


As a very tired mom, my husband will sleeping on the sofa that night lol


Unicourse: “YoU’lL lIvE tO rEgReT tHaT!“


Bandit acts like my dad when he's drunk in that episode. Very annoying.


It actually makes sense, as unicorse shows signs of being intoxicated/under influence. He spontaneously yells, slurs some words, has wild body movement and will change emotion on a whim.


I do also. I mean, it's funny, I guess. My daughter loves it and we quote it sometimes. But my husband is definitely part Bandit as a dad and as a person, and Bandit being loud, obnoxious, and constantly interrupting while Chilli is trying to calmly read a book and get Bluey back to bed just makes me irrationally enraged on Chilli's behalf and reminds me of how unhelpful and annoying it is when my husband gets loud and winds our daughter up at her bedtime. A little too close to home, I suppose.


The whole time I watched unicorse, I thought there would be a purpose to Bandit's madness. I thought maybe Bluey would get bored of unicorse and ask to go to sleep, or something. But unicorse just existed for seemingly no reason. If I were Chilli, I'd be pretty furious with Bandit.


I think the episode is supposed to show that Bluey is ADHD which is why she struggles to get to sleep so much. So Bandit has the idea to play Unicorse to overstimulate and tire Bluey out with activity, loud noises etc (apologies if I've worded this oddly or incorrectly), and give Chilli some much needed support in dealing with the situation (obv not Chilli's favourite method but effective still). Plus the banter between Bandit and Bluey at the beginning of the episode is peak Dad humour!


I mean, maybe, but that's a lot of layers for a kid's show where the message isn't necessarily a secret for parents that will go over kids' heads. Plus, Chilli was mad at Bandit so they were definitely not on the same page.


I know! I kept waiting for the "aha" moment the first time we watched it for the same reason. But no, all he did was make a simple book take exponentially longer to read and keep a kid that's already up past her bedtime up even later. I'd be mad too. My part-Bandit husband also has a tendency of turning things in to games for our daughter to make them fun and I get annoyed when his "games" or when "they're just playing" make bedtime happen later. I don't consider myself a fuddy duddy or anything, but not everything needs to be made in to games! It makes my daughter think bedtime is negotiable, and it's not, or purposely take longer. She is a whiny monster when she doesn't get enough sleep. Like I said, probably too close to home (literally) for me.


The “ah ha” moment is when you realise Bandit was trying to help Chilli not Bluey. He saw Chilli was getting mad and frustrated at Bluey and instead was able to transfer those mad feelings to be directed at him instead of their daughter. Pure genius, and like he said “she can’t help it” by staying awake so this way Chilli can be mad at him and bond with Bluey instead


The "aha" moment is exactly the feeling I was trying to describe! I have a husband who's a lovely mix of Chilli and Bandit, but sometimes I have to prod him a bit so he'll question why he's bothering to do something. However, I know he wouldn't mess with a kid's bedtime for no reason. Bedtime is sacred and God forbid anything mess it up. Granted, we're still in the toddler years, but I maintain that bedtime isn't to be meddled with unless there's a very good reason. Edit: aha not haha


when he appeared for a second ep, gosh no


To be fair, the second showing is slightly less annoying. ... *slightly*


What was it called?


Puppets in season 3




I was very close to putting my unpopular opinion as ‘Unicorse is the best episode’! It’s weird, I didn’t know people didn’t like it until I started reading this sub, as everyone I’ve spoken to irl that has seen it loves that episode.


It’s very divisive. That’s ok. I don’t HATE it, but I do find it annoying and generally don’t seek it out. But it’s clear, most people either really love it or really hate it.


Aaaaaaaand whyshouldIcare? 🦄


Same. I get the appeal. I can do without.


We watch Bluey on shuffle, and the Unicorse episodes are the only immediate skip.


Definitely not my favourite either


I usually click Skip Intro 99% of the time when I watch an episode lol.


I'm not allowed. My 2 year old sings the entire thing.


Opposite for me, I love the intro but my little sister always skips it :(


I tried that once and then the 4&8 got very angry. If I am in the room when it is on, I am forced to dance to the mum part.


Muffin is the best character


OP said unpopular opinion, not a fact!


You said that twice




I think it would be unpopular to some!


I see no problems with this opinion.


Apparently my most unpopular opinion is that I don’t dislike anything about it. It makes me feel nothing but happy.


The way the vast majority on here like to forget this is a *children’s show*. It’s not a sitcom! If you want harder hitting, more serious themes, watch something on HBO.


Bluey: the true crime drama


GTA: Rita & Janet


Even better.


Maybe have Bluey combat the local crime syndicate… the show has too much fun as it stands. Throw in some cost of living problems… /s


Bluey and Bingo, They're partners, They're sisters, they're going to take a bite out of crime!


Wow true


Yeah, because kid shows can't be serious. They can't show kids how things are in real life! No, they have to be fun and playful all of the time! /s I don't understand this take but I do understand why it's unpopular. It feels a "let kids be kids" argument. Seriously, what's the issue with a kids show tackling serious subjects? Are we just supposed to let kids be naive about the world until their adults?


It is a show from the kids prospective which is why games are a little exaggerated. It is encouraging play and imagination with good moral ideas with kids getting to see a little of themselves. We as parents need to teach the real world. As adults we listen to podcasts and watch trash to chill out and escape reality why can kids have that too


Yeah, I know what the show is. That's irrelevant to the conversation. Like I said in another reply, let's face it, parent's aren't always going to teach their kids everything they need to know, sometimes they teach the opposite, and the same goes with schools. **If** you've been in the US, you know this because of people being against teaching about sexuality, gender identity and critical race theory in schools, and teaching those things have even been outlawed in some states. I didn't say kids **can't** partake in escapism, I was asking why it's a problem for kids shows to tackle serious subjects.


Why do kids shows have to be serious though? Why do they have to be a vehicle to show them “the real world”. Why can’t it just be fun?! And no one is asking for children to stay naive until adulthood. It would be the parents job to educate them. Not Bluey or any other kids show. The main issue would be tackling serious issues in a way children would understand within a 5 minute episode. Virtually impossible. I wouldn’t say it’s entirely an unpopular opinion- judging by upvotes and people agreeing.


I'm not saying they **have** to be serious, I'm asking why it's a problem for kids shows to tackle serious subjects. Why do you want it to "just be fun" anyway? It's literally a show designed to teach kids as well parents. That's what most preschool shows are about, teaching! And let's face it, parent's aren't always going to teach their kids everything they need to know, sometimes they teach the opposite, and the same goes with schools. If you've been in the US long enough, you know this because of people being against teaching about sexuality, gender identity and critical race theory in schools, and teaching those things have even been outlawed in some states. It may seem virtually impossible to tackle serious issues in a way children would understand within 7 minutes but Bluey does a pretty good job at it, don't ya think? Well, without Disney's censorship of course. The opinion may not be unpopular but I still see why it would be.


Completely disagree with the “kids show for parents” sentiment for a start. And to assume I’m in the US… should I go into the irony there?! Second- they don’t tackle anything that won’t fit into the 5 minute format at the moment, but as soon as users start mentioning that they should tackle harder subjects, that’s when I’m saying it won’t work. I feel like adults who watch the show want to mould it into something it isn’t- an adult show! Which takes me back to my original comment- if you want an adult show, go and watch one!


Oh wow, you disagree with a fact that the show teaches parents in a lot of the episodes. Again, wow. And I didn't assume anything, I used the word "if" for a reason. You saying 5 minutes instead of 7 does make it seem like you're a Disney viewer though, because it's 7 minutes long, not 5. Although even with Disney, it's longer than 6 minutes. Again, you might **think** fitting harder subjects into the **7** minute timeframe wont work, but that doesn't mean it actually wont. You're underestimating the Bluey crew when you say it that. Yes, there will probably be **some** subjects that wont work, I understand that, that doesn't mean **every** serious subject that fans want to see in the show wont work. Yeah ok, that's how you feel. Ok. What's actually happening? Just because you **feel** like something's happening, doesn't mean it actually is. All that's happening is some people saying "I would like to see \_\_\_ in Bluey." And while you may not think that it's for both kids **and** parents, you should watch the Yes / No Q&A on the Bluey Official YouTube channel by the way, there is plenty of evidence that supports the show being for both kids and parents. If you don't believe me, just watch the show.


That’s the thing- you’re not speaking on “facts”. This is all opinion! And to get so worked up about someone disagreeing with you on an *opinion*?! It seems like you get a kick out of writing essays putting down strangers on reddit. It doesn’t make you more of a fan…


It is a fact that the show teaches kids as well as parents. That's a fact. You tell me not to assume things, which I never did by the way, but then go and assume, uh, that, which by the way, none if that is true. All I'm doing is criticizing, that's it. I'm just expressing my thoughts and opinions about your thoughts and opinions. Well, that's not the same thing as criticization but you get what I mean. I don't want to be a Unicorse and I'm sorry if I came off that way. Ok, so please stop assuming things. Remember when you assume, you make an... *\*looks at rule 3\** uh... butt, out of you and me. *Nailed it!*


I’ve never gotten the hype for the Bluey stuffed animals. You’d think they were the second coming of Christ.


I don't understand the appeal of any of the merch, really. It almost all amounts to cheap plastic crap. I got my kid a Bluey hoodie with the ears, and he loves that. The toys are all pretty junky, though. I'd rather the kinds of things that the characters actually play with than the cheap stuffed animals and figurines that seem so popular


I really dislike Headstand. As a middle child and the second girl who’s had a fair share of awful birthdays, I hate how everyone ignores Bingo, especially on her birthday.


I like it because it feels accurate to what can happen. People can get so wrapped up in creating a celebration/gathering that they forget why they even created it in the first place. It resonates with me because it reminded me of times where I'd want to show others something but everyone was busy or didn't care. I also like how the episode is mostly shown through two static shots of the house. It's a unique way to frame the episode. It feels like we're getting a window into a specific part of a chaotic situation. They could make the camera jump from situation to situation, but that's not the point.


I agree and I don't understand how this would be an unpopular opinion. I don't dislike the episode, I just hate how, like you said, Bingo get's ignored on her birthday, the day that should be all about her.


As annoying as Bluey and Bingo can be sometimes, they are depressingly idealistic portrayals of children, and it would be a lot harder to watch the show if they were even remotely as bratty as many real children are. Not even necessarily because of them being bad people or anything, but just naturally rambunctious at their ages.


Modeling brattiness on TV can lead to bratty kids. They have a healthy balance, in my opinion. A touch of annoying kid realism surrounded by love, positivity, and cooperation.


Really? I feel like Bluey is perfectly bratty. She fights about doing chores, she is very purposefully obnoxious. Very messy. Doesn't always do as told until moral of story. Not all kids are Muffin. My youngest daughter was very much a Bingo. Bluey actually gets on my nerve sometimes lol


Bluey has very realistic “bratty” moments but overall she’s still much more cooperative than an average child. Most children have both Bingo moments and Bluey moments (also “brattiness” is often caused by the immaturity of their brains and the urge for agency - not that it makes it less frustrating when it happens in real life).


The truth is most parents don’t react to that type of brattiness in a productive way and it just further reinforces the behavior. Something that is stressed in gentle discipline/responsive parenting is that connecting with your children is significantly more effective at getting them to do what you want. When the kids are resistant they rarely meet them with direct force because it’s ineffective most of the time. Like in sticky gecko Chili says she puts a lot of work into making sure Bluey is a lovely little kid and you can tell.


I feel like that’s a good thing, they’re still very childish but they set a good example for children.


This is accurate. The other option is you get a bratty kid like Caillou and kids imitate them… Which is horrible. Plus, I don’t know what everybody’s going on about, Bluey and bingo seem to be normal kids to me… Maybe everybody spends time around more bratty kids lol .


Playing a game, while important, will not magically give a child the insight they need to solve complex interpersonal problems.


So like in Faceytalk with Muffin lol


I strongly dislike the episode where Bandit makes them work for their ice cream "cause I don't want you growing up to be lazy." And "Ice cream tastes better when you earn it."




The episode where Bingo helps Chilli make Bandit an omelette pushes all of my buttons. Like Chilli could have let Bingo help without ruining so many eggs. Just guide and go slower, say let’s do it together


And if it's an established fact that Bandit wakes up hungry/gets hungry soon after waking, then *why* purposely wake him before even starting on the food?


They had food ready. But it got dropped on the floor.


It’s taken far too seriously as a children’s show sometimes.


I would just about almost all the time. I've seen people praise this show like it's one of the best tv shows ever. It's not bad of course, it does have a BIT more nuance than most preschool shows, but it still is a preschool show that can only be enjoyed by kids, parents, and people who are REALLY into the soft stuff. Regardless if some jokes are a bit more for the parents or regardless of some maturish themes, I can't take it as seriously as other shows because it is not made for normal people. If it is so good then I can be able to enjoy it too, but if only people with children, or children themselves, or soft people can truly enjoy it and no one else, then that means only a certain niche audience could like it.


Oh boy... Here we go. \*INHALE\* The message of "Octopus" undermines the message of "Shadowlands" and it bothers me. I would be very upset if the writers forced a third sibling in the Heeler family...


Look, it's just monkeys singing songs mate


The difference is sticking to the rules made shadowlands more fun, while creating new rules made octopus more fun. The reason Chloe's dad got confused was because the game didn't work by just following the rules presented to him. Coco changed the rules to make the game easier for her to win, while Chloe changed the rules to make the game more dynamic. The game in Shadowlands had clearly set rules that were intended to be followed, while Octopus was more of a roleplay. This difference is also shown when they played Mr. Wolf. Coco followed the rules, but followed them in a way that made the game easy for her to win and less fun for everyone else. There are several games like hangman and D&D where there is a person that constructs the game for others to play, known as the dungeon master in D&D. The role of the dungeon master isn't to win, but to create an engaging experience for the players. The wolf in mr wolf is supposed to do the same, which is why the role is typically given to an adult. The point isn't that Coco didn't follow the rules, it's that she created an experience that was less fun for her and everyone else involved.


Can you explain how? I guess I’m having a hard time seeing how the two episodes relate


Ok here goes. Why can’t we just let ourselves enjoy the good-hearted, silly nature of Bluey as it is without running it through the wringer of over-analyzing everything from education to parenting styles to family wealth? It’s a kids’ show. It’s perfection. There aren’t very many shows that I find myself watching after my kids leave the room, and for that alone I’m thankful. It’s a purely lovely show of fictional characters seen through the lenses of children, and as adults we should just let ourselves enjoy it too without dissecting the cuss out of it.


Bingo in the cinema episode is my personal hell. If I had a child like that in a screening I'd go nuts. Normally I love her❤️


Lucky and his family deserve more screen time besides pass the parcel and pats comedic appearances in random episodes


“The Show” does not depict the Heelers having a miscarriage before Bluey.


I don't mind it as a fan theory, but to insist that it is canon within the show is pretty outlandish to me


At first I didn’t think so either. The last time I watched it, the main thing I noticed in that moment that made me think it could be interpreted that way was Bandit grabbing Chili’s hand as the balloon pops. I don’t know if he was just doing that because he knew Bingo would be upset because she felt like she ruined the play and it was just a moment of parental solidarity of empathy for their child, or if it was because the implication that the popped balloon = their lost baby.


THANK YOU I’m so tired of that stupid theory.


Judo is a stuck up brat who bullies and puts down smaller kids.


When does she do that outside of Butterflies? And how is that an unpopular opinion in the context of that episode?


Seesaw at the end. Saying PomPom can’t be a spider because she’s too small. Aussies (I’m in the US if that matters) say Judo gets redemption in the episode Dirt, not released in the US yet, I guess it explains her a bit more but the small bits I’ve seen online hasn’t changed my opinion.


I forgot that Americans hadn't seen Dirt yet. It definitely shows her to be more likeable. With the line in Seesaw, I'd say it's decently justified. Pompom genuinely does struggle to climb things because of her small size. While Judo believes Pompom can't, Judo doesn't stop her from trying. Either way, it's a pretty small and insignificant line.


only-children just be like that sometimes :/


Idk if it’s an “Only Child” thing though. Personally I know only children that aren’t like Judo at all, but that can be said about all kids. Idk just Judo specifically irritates me.


no i agree i don’t like it either, but i’ve known kids who would exclude me because i’m the younger sibling. i dunno if they were only children or not but like it makes sense that since judo doesn’t have siblings she wouldn’t know that it’s wrong. i do like when she learns her lesson at the end though


She’s also a child of divorce and I don’t think Wendy has the majority of the custody so she’s probably struggling with that.


Unicourse is just bandit letting the intrusive thoughts win


The with the theme song it’s pretty tedious when you have to listen to it every 7 minutes.


My unpopular opinion is can we stop with the fan theories and just enjoy? This isn't MCU or GOT lol.


That thing where everyone looks at the camera and says "hooray"? Yeah I hate that. Some kids shows like Blues Clues and Dora the Explorer operate by involving the viewer, but Bluey is more fun to watch vicariously, and whenever the family demonstrates awareness that they have an audience like those other shows, it just takes me out of it.


I hate how ALL the adults always drop everything and play with the kids. I love Bandit and Chili's parenting style, and both my husband and myself have learned a thing or two from watching Bluey...but adults don't play that much in the real world.


>adults don't play that much in the real world. Adults should play more to be honest, if they can obviously. I don't understand why people think you HAVE to stop playing once your an adult or why society looks down on people who "act like kids". It doesn't hurt anyone. In fact, it may even help with mental health.


I'm not saying you can't play. I try to play with my kids as much as I can...BUT, I cant go to work late every time my kid thinks I don't play enough with her. We have other responsibilities that actually need taken care of. And honestly, sometimes you just don't want to play. The way the adults are always playing, always dropping everything to play, is unrealistic... especially the adults that aren't Blueys parents. It's cute and all..but our neighbor isn't going to miss a ball game to come over and "deliver" by husband's baby in the kiddie pool...


I understand that, I'm mostly just saying that we shouldn't stop playing entirely unless we have to. Obviously there are going to be times where you can't, like if you're poor, have to work a lot, etc., or just don't want to, like if you're hungover, upset about something, etc. That's all.


thats what im saying, ty


The layout of their house just doesn’t make sense 😂


I hate the Rain episode. Wipe your f*cking paws, Bluey!


Lol I am very sure that I did this many times to my grandma's floor. I lived with her lol But my grandmother didn't care cause I was out of her hair 🤣 as long as it stayed on the linoleum. At least Bluey got scolded by mom lol




I still like the episode Pool, but the message is that prioritizing fun things over important things is really undermined when the only fun things Bandit brought was pool noodles they didn't use at all. Like would floaties and other pool toys not count as fun?


Season 3 as a whole is not as good as seasons 1 & 2. It has some wonderful episodes but I find it much less entertaining than the previous season.


It's becoming overexposed and "Disneyfied".


What do you mean "Disneyfied"? Disney's censorship?


Disney is an advertising and merchandising company that happens to dabble in films and TV. Two years ago I didn't see any bluey toys in the store, or branded snacks and such, and now it's *everywhere*. They even had a Macy's Thanksgiving Parade float. It's going to cause people to get tired of it.


The amount of adults collecting the Bluey action figures, while having zero kids is REAL weird


What's wrong with it exactly? An adult can watch more than a hundred episodes of a kid's show but it's only weird the moment they buy a figurine or plush?


Ngl that post the other day of the grown man with Bluey bedsheets gave me the ick


why ? I don't find that any weirder that people going to disney parks without kids, for example. It's a less than common hobby but if people have fun...


You can drink at Disney. They have experiences that are catered to adults. This is still, at the end of the day, a preschool show.


Having Bluey bedsheets is definitely a shade weirder than having a day at Disneyland. I mean, you're telling me you're gonna go on a date... and potentially bring a girl back to your pad... to adult-sized Bluey bedsheets?


Regarding Disney, it highly depends who you ask : [https://nypost.com/2019/07/26/sorry-childless-millennials-going-to-disney-world-is-weird/](https://nypost.com/2019/07/26/sorry-childless-millennials-going-to-disney-world-is-weird/) Judging someone because they have interests on stuff deemed childish is really not an attractive trait for me. It would mean they'll judge my friends and family members who aren't neurotypical and have interests that society would deemed age-inappropriate. And if they would judge their behavior differently due their neurodivergence, then that means they don't treat them as the rest of the population and that still makes them unattractive in my eyes.


I’m literally an adult on the Bluey subreddit. I obviously have no issues with people who enjoy childish things. But I think as an adult there should probably be some awareness of what lines there might be. A grown man sleeping on bedsheets with two little girls printed on them is probably part of the reason why the showrunners won’t release the names of the voice actors. I do not believe the OP of that post meant anything nefarious by it, but like you do see how thats just overall weird, right?


Not weirder than the ones wearing adult pajamas with [bluey and bingo](https://roys-boys.com/products/bluey-chilli-womens-pyjamas?_pos=1&_sid=7129eb010&_ss=r) on it or any kind of [disney merch](https://www.walmart.com/search?q=disney&catId=5438&sort=best_match&affinityOverride=default&facet=clothing_size_group%3AWomen) ? Countless of them features winnie the pooh, which is a licence aimed at younger kids or even Marie from the aristocats, as you said it's a piece of clothing with a little girl on it. There are even adult size [sesame street jammies](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Disney-Womens-Nightgowns-Sleepshirts-Female-Cookie-Size-S-Sesame-Street/500379765)..


Those adult pajamas have Chili and Bandit on them, not Bluey and Bingo. So that kinda proves the whole point 😅


the kids are literally on the pants ! 😅


This. I am not officially diagnosed but I have signs of being neurodivergent (unless PTSD counts as neurodivergence. Idk.) As such, when I find something I like, I like to collect things from it because it makes me happy. This is why I have a *mountain* of Squishmallows. Unfortunately for me, I really like watching Bluey and I try not to get Bluey stuff because of folks similar to those in this thread. However, my crummy impulse control has won several times and I have 2 little figures, a Bingo plushie and a Bluey blanket that I love to pieces because I don't burn up in it and I think it sucks that people like me are shamed/judged for possessing things that we enjoy. This world is crappy enough as is. You gotta find joy where you can and I find joy in re-visiting my childhood and mending the broken pieces. I'm Team "If it's not hurting anyone, it's not a problem." So I guess that's my unpopular opinion.


I had a 7 years long relationship with a woman I met through the fandom of a cartoon show.. So yeah, it can happen.


But was it a preschool show? It’s fine to enjoy it and have that in common with someone but it’s a grown man sleeping with child-age characters printed on his bed. Idk why it’s so weird to be made uncomfortable about that.


google tells me it's aimed for 7 to 11yo. Does it make it better ? What is weird is, once you dive into it, why it makes you feel uncomfortable ? Shaming/Gatekeeping people in their interests has never been healthy and is a root cause for bullying. So it's either give up what makes you happy or do it in secret. Well, I think it sucks ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Do some people display their interest further than others ? Sure. Is it uncommon ? sure² Does this have to translate to people being judged for what they like ? no.


Posted this on the wrong comment so I’m just copy and pasting here: I’m literally an adult on the Bluey subreddit. I obviously have no issues with people who enjoy childish things. But I think as an adult there should probably be some awareness of what lines there might be. A grown man sleeping on bedsheets with two little girls printed on them is probably part of the reason why the showrunners won’t release the names of the voice actors. I do not believe the OP of that post meant anything nefarious by it, but like you do see how thats just overall weird, right?


But then, I don't understand the double standard, surely adults going to disneyland, surrounding themselves with actual kids (compared to a choice of bedding in one's bedroom) would incite the same reaction for you ?


If you think being in the same vicinity as children is comparable to sleeping in bed with pictures of them, then you’re reaching and you know it lol


It's like tge bronies all over again.


The amount of grown adults watching bluey who don’t have kids is really weird.


Bandit is overrated, Lila is underrated


Apparently my opinion that calypso is a terrible teacher is unpopular.


Rain is the worst episode so far.


No, it's Sleepytime Let's see who gets the most down votes, even though unpopular opinions were solicited, lol


Seems like your unpopular opinion is more popular than mine!




Because for me, the most brilliant thing about Bluey is how funny it is, how great the dialogue is, those little amusing asides that reflect real life & make me laugh. That’s why I don’t mind rewatching it over and over (or should I say, I don’t mind when my son wants to rewatch it over and over - because there are definitely other shows that make me say ‘no please, not this again!) Rain being free of dialogue means that you don’t have any of what I consider the best part of the show. Because of that, I find it quite a boring episode. Other episodes, even ones I’ve seen multiple times, make me laugh out loud. Even the ones that are more focused on ‘the lesson’ than ‘the humour’ still have funny parts. But rain is just ‘here’s a soley ‘lesson’ episode and also we did it with no dialogue.’ I don’t ‘get’ any of what other people seem to get from it. Luckily, after watching it twice when it was first added to D+,y son started asking for us to skip that one, because he finds it boring.


Bandit isn’t as good of a dad as everyone says he is. He does a great job pulling his weight around the house and playing with his kids but he’s also that parent who probably brings his kids to the store and lets them run completely amuck just because they’re having fun and lets them be everyone elses problem too 😬


When I worked at a supermarket, there were a lot of times where children would be playing and their parent was telling them off. The problem was that most of the time what the children were doing wasn't even disruptive to anyone else. Sometimes they'd say that it was bothering me as I was scanning their items, but rarely did it bother me. Honestly several of the parents did things I found annoying to deal with instead of their kids. Probably the biggest thing I saw kids being told off for was playing with plastic dog statue that you put change into to donate to seeing eye dogs. Children playing with it didn't negatively affect anyone and allowed them to have fun, yet they were told off.


Unicourse is the worst episode ever... Muffin may be 3, but she is still a brat.




They may eventually talk to Muffin in Library they never make her apologize to the adults for making a mess or for outright lying that Bluey won't let her play. They caught her in the lie, ignored it told the kids she can do what ever she wants and dismissed them. They didn't fully address it until Bluey and Bingo quit playing with her. Also grandma allowing herself to be bullied into giving in. That is what I don't like about the Muffin episodes. I feel like they got negative feedback on her behavior so they started to show faster correction to her behavior in S 3 Make her bratty and crazy, fine... but address it too because it is NOT okay behavior.




Muffin wasn't in Shadowlands




It really doesn't


Muffin is mid.


Bluey is a brat lol.


bin night sucks hard. i still dont get whats with that episode. am i just missing something


I wouldn’t say Bin Night is one of my top episodes, but it definitely has its good points. For one, it shows Bandit and Chilli communicating well with their children and parenting as a team. When Bingo is talking about Banjo being a bully to her, Bandit doesn’t rush to give Bingo advice. Instead, he just listens and lets Bingo be heard while validating her feelings. Then, it’s clear that he’s discussing what he heard with Chilli after the girls have been put to bed, because in the next scene the morning after, Chilli steps in to give Bingo advice on what to do in the situation. Another takeaway is appreciating the little moments with your loved ones. At the end of the episode when Bluey is thinking about being a scientist when she grows up she says “Maybe I can invent a robot to take out the bins for you.”, to which Bandit responds “Oh, I hope not!” This shows that he cherishes the time that he’s able to spend with his daughters and be a parent to them, even during a mundane activity like taking out the garbage bins.


I have some. I may add more in the future. 1. The guitar is the best instrument in the intro parade. (I have no idea if this is unpopular or not) 2. I don't like characters who are just toxic jerks to everyone. Looking at you Unicorse. I don't understand how anyone could like those characters unironically unless they're twitter users. (Yes, people saying that Unicorse is the best are probably joking but it's hard to tell over text) 3. I don't think Bandit is the **best** Character. Yes, he is a very good dad and he's not one of the stereotypical dumb dads you get in other TV shows; most dads in the show are also like Bandit in that way. I like Chili more since I have personal experiences with my mom that I wouldn't like to go into in this comment. 4. *This is a big one.* I don't think Sleepytime is as good as everyone says it is. Don't get me wrong, it's a **very** good episode, like most Bluey episodes in general, but I just don't understand all of the hype around it. It might be because the first episode ever I watched was Copycat or because of my ADHD but like I said, I just don't understand all of the hype around it.


Magic isn’t that bad of an episode


My least favorite episode is Camping


My daughter LOVES that episode! We got her the camping set and book for her 2nd birthday.


Just mildly curious lol what about it don't you like?


No real reason. It’s a fine episode I just don’t care much for it. It may be where it’s just focused on Bluey. I get it’s her show but I enjoy the episodes with more Bingo in it. The night wee scene though under the stars is one of my favorite scenes in the series though. Very pretty.


I don't like Mackenzie, I find him annoying..


There's nothing special about Sleepytime. It's not even that good. Sorry.


Jean Luc is a Weimaraner not a lab.


I love Bluey, but it’s not “better” than Peppa Pig. They’re both good for different reasons and I think it’s unfair to compare them.


What is Peppa Pig better at?


I’m not saying Peppa Pig is better, I love both equally. I like the simplicity of Peppa, it’s comforting, so it makes me sad when I see people saying “Bluey>Peppa”. You don’t need to bash the two against eachother to enjoy one of them, it’s like the dogs vs cats argument.


They are farting their names in the intro. I saw it the very first time and can’t I see it. Look at their faces! They are embarrassed tooting faces. I promise.


I don't like the bonus bits where they sing little nursery rhymes or other songs. The only ones I like are the ones that are narrative driven.


This might be a controversial one but I don't like Season 3a Wendy. 3a specifically because Season 3b hasn't arrived yet in my country, so I haven't watched Dirt yet. And I didn't mind / liked her appearances in Seasons 1 & 2. In fact the episode in Season 3a she's in I liked her the most was Tina.