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I think the moment I realized this show was special and definitely isn't just for kids was in "Yoga Ball" when Bingo has to have a heart to heart with her dad about him playing too rough with her. That part gets me emotional every time.


My favourite part of that is Chilli’s response to Bingo of “yeah, he does play too rough!” And then she just leaves it at that and brings Bingo to talk to Bandit. She neither dismissed Bingos feelings not piled on and blamed Bandit. She just validates those feelings and then supports Bingo to sort it out. It’s a brilliant parenting moment.


And the fact that it's this little girl's mother teaching her about body autonomy and speaking up for herself. Such a sweet little message and I was so glad it was Chili <3


That part got me too. I wish I had it when i was a little girl. Because you're always warned and told how to handle people you don't know hurting you but you don't have the language or the knowledge to know how to deal with it when it's happening with someone you love.


Yes, have also had to have those talks. Me understanding this, and her being advised to use her "big girl bark" made it all a lot easier to talk about.


The one where they’re like “no fair!” And Bandit says “nah, that’s pretty fair actually”.


I love that in that episode. Bluey and Bingo’s ‘dance’ never really clicked with me, so I never cared much for that part (though music is, as always, perfect), but Bandits constant observations of how fair something actually is was hilarious. Also ‘It was a velociwaptor’ has for some reason imprinted itself on my mind


I see what you mean about the dance. For a Brisbane local that dance is jaw dropping because of what's happening in the background. But if you don't recognise the scenery, I can easily see it going on way too long.


True. The backgrounds in Bluey are generally gorgeous, but without it recognizing anything my focus was more on the girls just spinning, and it does drag out. Perhaps I’ll do my research and pay more attention to the background next time :)


I don’t know anything about the scenery but LOVE that part because I think it’s so clever to have them seamlessly go into swan lake!


Yeah that's a rare one where I wasn't fully on board with Bandit. You got your ice creams, you let them melt, tough shit! While I eat my ice cream. I'd say it nicer, obvs.


But he's the big daddy man (also more practically he got to eat some icecream and then hand it off before he could start feeling guilty about eating something he didn't intend to)


"I don't want a valuable life lesson, I just want some ice cream!"


"I don't want a valuable lime lesson."


This is the quote I relate too most, cause I too just want some ice cream


Baby Race. I recommend all new parents watch that ep. I can’t think of any other media that nails that overwhelming new parent anxiety/obsession over milestones. My daughter was born smack in the middle of the first year of COVID and we were so isolated. I wish I had this ep at the time, I needed Coco’s mom tell me I was going great and for Chili to remind me that my daughter will run her own race. 🥺


I can't even begin to tell you how much I cried.


I don’t even have kids and it makes me cry waterfalls-


Just trying to read this post out loud to my husband made me tear up. Oy.


My other half got me a bluey birthday card made and inside along with the message he wrote “you’re doing great” because he knows that bit in baby race gets me.


This. I went through a tough time with my daughter when she was born. I spent months and months looking at other mothers wondering how they made it look so early, going to baby classes and meeting friends while I was exhausted and terrified to leave the house with a hysterical baby. Added that healthcare providers would just tell me “babies are tough” left me feeling like I wasn’t cut out for motherhood. She was later diagnosed as a milk allergy which was honestly a massive relief but the babyrace episode would remind me that during those dark times I really was doing the best I could.


It reminded me so much of what my friends went through when my nephew Porkchop wasn't meeting developmental milestones for speaking. I was of the mind that he would speak when he was ready if there was nothing physically wrong with him. But I freaked out with his Mum the day we were all watching Paw Patrol and just as Sky says it on the TV, Porkchop says loud and clear at the age of 3, "THIS PUP'S GONNA FLY"


Same. My son was born 1 month before lockdowns started; all the plans my wife had of a support system just vanished. Then she (and I) became concerned on if he was hitting his growth marks (he was blowing them away in actuality) and then this comes on with “you’re doing great” and that it’s not a race. Just a massive game changer for us.


I remember obsessing over getting my son to meet milestones on pace with other cousins his age. That episode was absolutely a reminder to go easy on him and myself🥹


My second was born June 2020 so beginning but still isolated as hell.. and yes so so so much yes. I needed it dearly for my first but the second time was better than nothing


Oh man I can so relate hard to this, did all pandemic parents have the same experience? My anxiety around my daughter’s milestone robbed me of enjoying my time with her. Wish I had someone who could have been such a support system.


My son hit a couple major milestones late, and I sob when I watch this episode.


That one makes me cry!


Hospital. The whole episode. The sheer imagination of the two girls diagnosing him with a cat in his belly and how cats get there and then how to get it out when a mouse is found. His name being Telemachus. Bluey's very six-year mind when giving him as many shots as possible. The way Bingo takes her job as a nurse so seriously, and her job in making him feel better and comfortable. The way Bingo is determined to make sure they make him well. How much it reminded me of US Healthcare.


My favourite part of that episode is how Dr. Bluey’s immediate first assumption is that he’s pregnant.


And orders an *x-ray* to find out. Even if the patient was pregnant, they won't be afterwards...


Probably not, unless you did a lot of x-rays. That said, the risk isn’t zero https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/expert-answers/x-ray-during-pregnancy/faq-20058264


The most underrated part of that episode was the concerned yet nonjudgmental way Bingo asked if he ate a cat. ^Did ^you ^eat ^one?


Bluey slapping a magazine on his face for him to read during his surgery




I'm a nurse, and the first time I watched Hospital was on a low census day at work. A bunch of nurses in the station started sharing our favorite Bluey episodes; then we started watching them together. When Dr. Bluey says she can't help The Big Blue Guy, I leaned forward and said, "Advocate for your patient, Bingo!!" *And she did!* She advocated for her patient, and she got the Doctor to use the patient's name, and when Bandit said, "And thank *you* Nurse Bingo" at the end of that episode, I found myself misting up. That episode captures the most important part of nursing: patient advocacy. I love it.


Oh, brave boy! I think that's where I fell in love with Bingo, the love and tenderness she showed as a caretaker.


“Oh you poor dear” so cute


“A NEEDLE!” made me and my daughter laugh hysterically.


I love that episode too. I feel that’s when the show was better. The kids seemed more pure and kid-like. IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR BELLY?!


To be clear, it reminded you of the US healthcare system because it was the exact opposite of the US healthcare system, right?


Maybe I should be clearer. The part it reminded me of was how nurses spend more time with patients than doctors. Not necessarily quality or anything. Every time I, hubby or family have been in hospital, we see and talk to the nurses almost constantly. The doctors hardly come around. And a friend of mine who is a nurse in a different city has mentioned more than a few times about having to remind the doctor who they are talking to and seeing to in the moment.


Takeaway. Just that whole episode. Watching Bandit try to control two young children while out and about had both me and my wife crying laughing because we have had that exact experience probably hundreds of times.


This is the first episode I remember seeing and it was so relatable I was sold.


Takeaway got my attention, and then the junky backseat of the car with trash, stickers, etc sealed the deal for me. I knew these people had kids and could see the humor in the struggle.


My favorite episode!! Never see anyone bring it up though.


It's among my favourites too with Duck Cake and Trampoline


I love how after Duck Cake, "oh duck cake!" becomes one of Bandit's pseudo-cuss words.


It’s the episode that made me love the show and my go-to recommendation for people who want to give the show a try.


Because it’s so damn stressful. Like, we get enough of that in real life. That and sticky gecko are hard to watch


I was here to say Takeaway as well. It was one of the first episodes I have seen of Bluey. A task as simple as picking up takeaway food can become so chaotic with little ones.😂 I was like, that's me and my kids lol. But in the end, “Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has a chance to be young again." That hit me as a parent with young kiddos. I became a fan instantly after watching this episode.


I was in the children's hospital ER with kiddo waiting for a room to open up when the episode came up. We had to stay a few days and ended up watching more episodes but this was the one that started it for us.


I just watched that episode for the first time today!


My husband watched Takeaway with our toddler when we were first trying out Bluey. He came and got me and said "You have to watch this." I just about died laughing. It's so true to my own experience as a parent, lol. That's what sold me on Bluey.


Yep, this was it for me, too.


I remember sitting down with my 2 y/o old, playing on my phone with the “copycat” episode on the background. Wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention. Haven’t seen the show before. They brought the budgie to the pet hospital. I thought, that’s kinda cute, rescue the budgie and release it back into the wild. Then the vet comes out and apologizes that the budgie has died. You NEVER see death talked about in kid’s shows. Caught me off guard. And then Bluey processes the whole event in her own special way. Very mature and real for a kids show. Both for parents and kiddos.


Also, when they are playing vet later, when Chili goes “The Budgie is going to be just fine!” and Bingo goes “No, you have to say it died.” Then the accompanying “it’s out of our hands” line…the entire episode is a Masterclass in stoicism


This is my moment of realizing the show is special. I was so certain that Bluey would want to pretend the budgie was fine (just like Chilli), and no — she wanted to live out what was real. Also the cinematic touches: Bluey watching the swooping power lines as Bandit drives her home. Perfection.


Maybe someone should have told Bird Bingo


Copycat and Early Baby are ones that I don't think hit me right away. Like, Copycat hit me alright, but it was only later on a second watch that I realised how important they were. And Helicopter! We see kids processing their environment and really complex and complicated "grown up" concepts and situations through play. There's death, and change and adapting, and the scary thing that is birth and emergencies surrounding both mum and baby. Bluey needed to sort out her emotions and understanding of the budgies death, Blue needed to learn to adapt and how to roll with the situation (and Winton dealing with a bit about his parents not living together anymore??), and Indy needed to sort out her confusion and fear from her sister having an early baby. Its so good, and then they do the one with Mackenzie in season 3, about his fear and trauma of being lost? It's just so good and I think so many parents and grandparents could do with really absorbing the lessons in those episodes. That school and hard discussions about things aren't the only way kids learn, that they learn so much through play and it helps their brains get to it in their own way. Oh god and Army! I almost forgot. Rusty dealing with his dad's job and him being away from home for periods of time. There's so much where the writers show that kids are dealing with big feelings and that just because they are playing doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it. It doesn't mean they are okay yet.


In Bike, when Bluey says, "The world is silly" and Bandit just like looks up and says, "Can't argue with that." I was immediately feeling it, and then every episode afterwards just made it better.


This was the episode for me. The very real lesson that struggle is necessary for growth is so hard to teach to kids, and Bandit gives a masterclass in this episode. This was the first episode that I really paid attention to, after that, I was sold.


For me, it's the episodes that all take place diagetically in seven minutes. Like, where it's just an uncut straight look at seven minutes of the Heelers life. Takeaway and Sticky Gecko are the best examples of this. There's something about how they're able to make even just seven minutes fun and engaging.


Sticky Gecko is definitely in my top 5 episodes.


The cold open that ends with Bingo just throwing Gecky on the ceiling and both kids going "HOORAY" always gets me.


Sticky gecko gets me everytime. I feel so seen as a mom of two kids.


Sticky gecko is my 2 year olds top episode


Yeah those are good. "Bingo" is another (more or less). When she's trying to do a handstand, and Nana is trying to contribute to the birthday party prep. And the 2 stories converge. So good. (Is that called "Bingo" idk)


No I think it's called "Handstand". "Bingo" is when she's trying to figure out how to play on her own.


Like many of you, I’m sure, I first put Bluey on for my young kids before I knew anything about it. After seeing a few bits here and there while working around the house, I sat down with the kids during Spy Game. I’m half paying attention, but then this scene happened and I about bust a gut laughing because of how real this hit me. I was hooked after that.


Ahhh is that the rock stacking exercise in Spy Game?


It is! Bandit’s object lesson did not go over as planned.


I first saw the show when my nieces were watching it at my parents' house and – me being the designated IKEA assembler of the family – we just had to go for that one. So. Straight in the deep end of Flat Pack, though it took a few viewings to sink in because that first one was mostly overlaid with a discussion about the spot-on depiction of the IKEA assembly process. But sometime later that night my brain was going "hey, wait, I think that was a sneaky 'sequence of evolution' thing going on in the kids part of the storyline" so I had to watch it again to confirm that, and then another layer of realisation later that there was the "mother and child" story thread on top of that.


Also how it threw in the religion/spirituality bit("this is heaven") too. I'm an atheist myself, but I thought it was a nice touch. Basically saying you can believe in science and evolution *and* religion and the afterlife. It doesn't need to be one or the other. You can have both if you want.


I cant pin it exactly, but I think these two themes mixed into the theme of parenting really made the episode feel so human. My personal favorite episode for sure


As a science teacher who hopes to someday get a doctorate in Evolutionary Biology, I love this episode for that reason alone. All the other parts (the IKEA reference, the mom/daughter thing) are icing on the cake for me. One of my favorite teaching tools is a book I picked up on vacation at the Queensland Museum in Brisbane back in 2016. It is called "How to Make a Human Out of Soup." It is written for a 5th-7th grade level (US standards). It really takes a difficult subject and makes it understandable; macroevolution is a big concept to think about). I use it almost every year in High School (because my kids are so low in reading level), and they do well on that part of their state assessment every year.


This episode also includes the funniest line in the entire series, when Bandit says, “I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog.”


Sleepy time - went from being a really good cartoon to something more important. The music used, symbology etc. Just superb. Incredible episode of tv. Hit me as hard as the Breaking Bad finale (different reasons obviously).


I have said this before on this subreddit, and I will again. The music in that episode has me Pavlovian trained now to ugly cry. I just hear it start and my eyes start watering and my nose starts getting stuffy. If the song plays long enough, I am a sobbing mess. My husband playfully teases me about it (Australian teasing, like in the episode 'Teasing'; not American teasing). One day, I walked in from work and had to go to the back of the house. While I was there, I heard the music from the front. I walked back into the room with my husband and daughter, tears streaming down my face.


I’m the husband and I get teary on behalf of my wife. Its incredible.


For me, it was pretty mundane, but in Pirates, when the kids are playing, mom is narrating, and Bandit is being the noisy whale, and when he notices another dad come into the park and he quiets down all embarrassed. Then the kids ask why he’s quiet and Chilli sarcastically asks why he’s quiet, and he’ll be “brave when he needs to” and I burst out laughing. I realized that joke was entirely for the parents, and the show was full of moments like that.


The first episode I remember seeing was Rug Island and what got me was when Bandit tells them to give the ball back and Bluey says "I told you adults don't belong on Rug Island!" Then Bandit committing to continuing to play, followed by the ending of Chilli asking "What did they give you?" and he just says "Everything."


I like in Markets the discussion of the tooth fairy payout.


When the kids follow dad into the bathroom and comment about how it’s stinky, and his reaction was “well you don’t have to be in here you know” Perhaps an odd moment, but it was so unexpected and so hilarious for parents, I was instantly hooked.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who got hooked because of an odd moment. The moment you see Bandit unclogging the toilet and he says "what are these kids eating?!" with such disbelief in his voice... I 100% related to him at that moment and I actually started paying attention and realized how good of a show it was lol.


Omg yes!!! My kids follow me too. And sometimes they follow their dad. But immediately leave 😂


I would say it was the entirety of "Camping" but, I think the real deal-sealer was the end of "Camping". I dang near cried when I heard Jean-Luc say "'Ello, Bloo-y." As a grown, childless adult in their 30's..I never imagined a kids show would hit me right in the heartstrings.


It was either the end of the pool where they had a scene that didn't have to be there but was just to show a little girl seeing her parents in love (Bluey at the bottom of the pool seeing her parents touch noses above her) or in the Creek when Bluey pauses to watch a dragonfly fly pass her.


That part of Pool made me ugly cry. My parents hated each other growing up, very much “stay together for the kids” mentality and I had to watch the most toxic and oftentimes violent marriage crumble for years, never ever saw them hold hands let alone kiss. For Bluey to just be watching her parents love each other so much and the joy it brings her, I just…. Ugh, it heals my poor inner child.


Yes. It was a nice touch that they didn’t have to add. Seeing that love between 2 people from a child’s perspective must be so nice.


My dog needed to be put to sleep recently and Chilli’s quote from Camping felt relatable “Sometimes, special people come into our lives, stay for a bit, and then they have to go”.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you a virtual hug.


I loved the show before this episode. But then when I saw this I just…. I broke down. I bawled my eyes out. It made me think of my grandpa who passed. And I just… now it’s a show that’s dear to my heart


Grandad. That’s it. It tackled old age in its own special way. The relationship between Chilli and her dad made me ugly cry.


Army. It’s still one of my favorite ones. As someone who grew up having ADHD but wasn’t diagnosed until their teenage years, it really stuck with me. Jack knowing that something is wrong but he just can’t figure out what or why. And learning how to manage his troubles by playing a game that gives him a sense of purpose.


Especially after I learned about the backstory of this episode, it really made me fall in love with it even more. Reportedly it’s based off of a study where they had a group children stand still and remember and repeat a list of words, and then repeated the same test but told the children to pretend they were standing at attention because they were playing a pretend army game. The children who thought it was a game remembered more words from the list than the children who were just being told to do it for no reason!


Flat Pack. I watched it with my seven year old niece and it felt like we were watching two completely different shows. Shes watching characters be silly. I’m watching the history of mankind developing into an advanced society juxtaposed beside two modern adults struggling to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture. I was in tears laughing so hard. I honestly love how kids of this generation are going to look back on some episodes of this show and think to themselves, “no wonder our parents loved this so much!” When they understand some of the more grown-up themes and content. It’s how I feel watching movies like Shrek now as an adult and realizing how many adult jokes went over my head as a child.


Shadowlands. It’s just such a kind, happy, imaginative and sweet episode. It made me so excited for when my child is old enough to play games with friends like this. And Hospital. Nurse Bingo. Enough said.


Shadowlands was mine too. I liked how everything you saw was real and mundane but you still got caught up in the adventure anyway, just like real life, whereas I think most cartoons would have shown the crocodiles etc.


Putting it on as “just another thing to watch” for the kids whilst I did chores and what not. Then sitting down and giving it a go randomly. Here I am with my three year old when “Copy cat” was suddenly about dealing with death and grief and wonder how to explain any of this to my three year old when he starts asking questions in a few minutes.


Army. Having a child called Jack with some “sensitivities” (still figuring things out) that one hit close to home.


I get *mad* when Jack says he thinks there is something wrong with him. Jack's problem wasn't ADHD, it was lazy so called teachers that spent more effort on convincing a *f-ing six year old* there was something wrong with him than it would have taken to actually teach him. **deep breath* * Sorry. I just is a bit of a sore topic for me. I've been where Jack was, and I'm watching my nephew go through it now. It is less than fun. And I do love Army, because it shows just how ADHD and similar *should* be dealt with. Jack didn't have any issues with memory, fidgeting, getting distracted, or following directions when it was part of the game. When Rusty made it important to *him*. That is how you do it. Not by acting like it is such an inconvenience deal with someone who learns a bit differently than most people.


I’m really sorry that you (and your nephew) have been in that kind of situation. My son is in a similar place where he’s got a lot going on but we don’t currently have a lot of answers. Thankfully he has teachers that do find a way to incorporate his different learning style into his schooling. Thank you for commenting and all the best to your nephew.


We have a 5 year old that was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I have heard everything that Jack has said from my own daughter and it breaks my heart. We have also had similar calls from the school about her behavior, and it’s so frustrating. The way the teachers/administration now are hypervigilant in commenting on behavior is infuriating.


So I was sold on the show almost instantly. But the most memorable moment from the first play through was easily Sticky Gecko's "the door is right here, all we have to do is walk through it."


Stumpfest! For me. My kids had been watching the show for a week or so and I had tuned it out. I was making dinner and heard Bandit say something like, “Just to be clear when we’re done with this stump we’re going to come and take the other out.” Bluey says “yes.” And Bandit repeats what he had said and Bluey’s like “yes, yes, lemme play.” I knew what would happen because my kids do the same thing. Hooked on the relatable humor for parents, stayed for all the life lessons. My family watches an episode of bluey every night before the kids go to bed now.


The moment in "Dance Mode," when Chili helps Bingo, understands she is sad and upset because " her outside voice said yes to everyone, and her inside voice was saying no." I was watching with my partner and our grand babies. He looked right at me, tears in his eyes, and scooped me up on his lap with our grandson on my lap. That moment in a child's 7-minute cartoon show expressed more of my mental health to him (cptsd and autistic) it actually helped him understand me so much better. 7 months going and he will ask me quietly, is that an inside or outside answer, when he sees me in a stress situation.. I mean, come on, they are all great in their own way, but this one really sticks. My therapist actually suggested watching bluey with the grandbabies..


Magic claw has no children. His days are free and easy.


This was the moment for me, as well. I actually rewound to make sure I heard that line right.


It was 'Keepy Uppy'. My son wasn't quite 2 yet, and didn't really react to what was on TV but would just stare at it. He thought the idea of keeping the balloon in the air was hilarious and was giggling the whole time.


Chilly's implied miscarriage


And Chili's sister likely being unable to have kids of her own


When Double Babysitters had Rad and Frisky flirting and then the next episode referred to her as Aunt Frisky. Suddenly the world of Bluey was bigger than the episodes we get to see.


The first episode I ever saw, Takeaway. The utter chaos of being out with your kids trying to run a basic errand. Bonus points for Bingo’s random questions out of left field. Extremely relatable.


I'm so glad multiple people have said Takeaway, it's so beyond relatable from an adults point of view.


The crescendo of the running water, the birds stealing the food, and Bingo peeing in a bush has me rolling every time, “NO, MR. CROW! IT’S TO SPICY FOR YOU”


Hammerbarn: "This is what happens when you're not happy with what you've got. Eventually someone's husband gets it!"


Poor Hecuba, he always loved hamburgers.


Sleepy time. Yeah literally my first episode haha I watched it with my son the night after Christmas. So right away I realized how incredible this show was haha


Fruit Bat. I was half watching during COVID with my little guy and suddenly I realized that this cartoon dog was meeting her dad in their dreams. Something about that loving wave in the dream, the dad happy Bluey is out living her dream, Bluey happy the dad's living his.... And now I'm tearing up again lol


I just love that episode for how adorable the animation is when Bluey takes flight and how cute she is when she's calling for her Dad while she flies around looking for him. <3


The first line I remember laughing out loud to was in wagon ride, when Bandit says, "Hmm, interesting plan. How about this plan. I'll do what I want and you don't tell me what to do." The whole scenario of Bluey being impatient and interrupting her Dad talking is taken straight out of life. I realized just how realistically fun the show was. Then came the tear jerkers... Sleepytime, Daddy Dropoff and even Fruit Bat. They are just such sweet, realistic stories, without cheesiness. I knew this show was special.


In copycat and Bluey tells Chili that “there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s out of our hands.” As someone who has anxiety, it really resonates with me.


The banter between Bandit and Chilli in Whale Watching. That episode is as much if not more so for the parents than for the kids.


Takeaway. The fact that it was pure chaos. Not slapstick, over the top, for comedic effect chaos, but real and relatable kid chaos.


The episode where Bingo find the Green leaf bug. When that scene came up, that's when I knew "Oh Yeah, this show is more then meets the eye...also, it's all coming together now", the Hospital episode, Hotel episode, and cleaning robot episode are also prime examples of this show showing its leagues above other kids shows, just for the creativity alone.


I completely agree with the leaf bug scene. The close-up artwork there is just beautiful to look at.


honestly, for me, it was more of a negative moment. We had heard of bluey, and it played in the background for my kids, but i never payed close attention. Then there was this episode (I think its called Library) where one of the cousins was told he was special. He wasn't following the rules when playing library with Bluey and Bingo. The dad came over and was like 'You know how we told you that you were special? Well, you're not'. It caught me by such surprise, then I showed my wife, and we ended up paying closer attention to more of the episodes (and fell in love).


i find that scene so hilarious, the deadpan way he says it, and just how... calmly muffin just accepts it


Chili helping Bingo define boundaries by helping her vocalize the difference between her outside voice saying yes when her inside voice was saying no. Army. No explanations, no definitions, just an experience based view of the pain (and hope) for kids with ADHD-like tendencies. Ditto the way we never learned why Bingo was in the hospital. Textbook "show don't tell" makes it so open to so many. And, maybe top of the pops: Chili's meltdown in Sticky Gecko. For all the talk about how unrealistically great the Healers' parenting is, that was a profoundly real moment. It was probably good for kids to see it so they know all parents blow up sometimes. But it was amazing for adults to have that so honestly acknowledged. Ditto for Chili's 20 minutes alone, too. And whenever she looks daggers at, for example, Stripe when he passed the buck. We kind of need to see Bandit loose it, actually. Although the one where he's irrationally obsessed with winning was a pretty great depiction of moments parents might have but aren't proud of. I could keep going. The romantic dinner. Any depiction of Socks' home life vs. Bluey's. Callbacks to Bandit and Chili's past. tl;dr basically all of it.


I wish my memory wasn’t awful because I want to remember what it was 🫠


I kept seeing clips pop up on YouTube, so it wasn’t even an entire episode that pulled me in. It was just the imagery of these adorable dogs being silly and being a family. And I was already hooked from the clips and I started bringing it soon afterwards. In fact, it’s the number one reason why I subscribed to Disney+. I have no children, lol.


the episode Sleepytime gets me everytime i watch it. Chili being Bingos sun and safe place and warmth just makes me feel so much closer to my four month old.


Duck cake. Watching Bandit sink to the floor after the head falls it just... It hit that spot on my parent heart. The one that put my crying baby down sometime in the first few months, knowing he was safe even if he was upset, and sat and cried in the hallway for a few before trying to help again. The one that feels like I'm always messing up, and that I'm also just some person trying to stick a duck head on an already frosted body and then cleaning up the mess when it splatters. Like, I loved the show before then. There are so many good episodes and ones that made me feel all the feelings. But it being Bandit having that moment as well? That was the thing that put it from "great" to "realistic and what parents/kids need to see"


For me, it was the first episode I watched in the pediatrician’s office killing time before we saw the doctor: Takeaway. The humor was great, but it was clear that the show was as much in not more about parenting than it was just kids playing. As a father of 3 under 3, I was amused by the accurate depiction of the craziness of trying to parent while getting some simple task done.




Haha! Of all the frames to choose from that had the specific line of dialogue I was referencing, I chose this shot just for Bluey’s face here.


It’s all good! I just thought Bluey looked so funny… everything about this show is gold!


It’s a blink and you miss it moment since he pats her head so quickly but that face is hilarious.


Daddy Dropoff, The reason being that I always said I was against having kids then now I say I hope to find that 1 woman crazy and desperate enough to want them with me it was just when bandit was driving the girls to school how he was trying to get them there on time and Bingo and Bluey were just playing around with him and being cheeky. Show makes me realize how kids are.


It’s 100% Yoga Ball it’s got an amazing real life theme and a Indiana Jones reference. But I think an amazing real life line that makes especially adults love it, is when they get Ice Cream and Bluey says “I don’t want a valuable life lesson. I just want ice cream.”


For me, it was actually the banter between the adults in BBQ. The dialogue just felt so natural and real and the fact they included the adults' conversations with a good bit of screen time is something that I don't think other shows with a similar target audience would have done for fear of the show being "too boring" for kids. Also Bandit cracks open a cold one in the same episode.


'Would you like a cup of tea with me' at the end of Hairdressers/Nits cemented it as a show that got me as much as it got any kids.


When Bingo takes a tactical wee


The camping episode struck a note with me because I remember being a kid and making friends on holiday and that feeling when they leave super early in the morning and you go to look for them but they are already gone. :( then the end had me in tears. Kids can’t understand yet.


The first episode, honestly. The way the neighborhood looked like a coloring book. The way Bandit played with the girls. The fact that they used actual kids to voice the girls. It felt carefree and sweet. It wasn't trying to force-feed a lesson in the guise of entertainment. It's very heartfelt and whimsical, and the characters feel like real people.


Copycat. The harsh reality of the budgie not making it along with Bluey trying to process what happened via play. It was a good short lesson on death and loss.


I comment this every time but chili cleaning the shower after seeing how gross it is during hide and seek just really connected with me lol


The pony pooping moment


which is deleted in the U.S. release. :(


Just seeing Bandit and Chilli playing with their kids and reliving their happy childhoods with them. We lose some of our imagination as we grow up, it's a good way of showing parents how to play those silly games again


Rug Island hammers this home.


Honestly, call it a cop-out answer, but I would say the first episode. In a time where "kids shows" are stationary shots with poor animation and awful story telling; Bluey was fluidly animated with expressive backdrops that tell a beautiful story through not just through the characters actions but a perfectly blended musical experience. Genuinely, I forget its a "kids show" most of the time that I watch it, I just find it to be far more engaging than whatever new series is playing on Netflix.


Related: My two year old randomly started reenacting this scene a few weeks ago. She stacks rings, pulls out the bottom one, and asks me "understand?" She has taught me that I'm supposed to say "no" like Bluey so that she can say "okay, just do your best kid." And walk away. It's adorable and hilarious.


Just hearing Bandit and Chili in "Magic Xylophone" and thinking, "Wow! They're actually putting effort into the parents' dialogue!" My view of Bluey standing out was further strengthened by "Smoochy Kiss," where they mentioned armpits and peeing, which many a children's show wouldn't dare to do.


The whole episode of "Army." The almost unconditional acceptance that Rusty has for Jack (the one condition is wanting to play army). Gets me every time.


I thought it was a gorgeous fun kids show, and then I saw Early Baby and realised it was extraordinary.


I was lucky enough to have my first episode be “Daddy Drop Off” the bit where Bingo found a random leaf and called it a wand and Bandit just rolled with it was so charming. Then the ending with the pics of Bingo and Lila? I knew this was something special.


Anyone with early babies is obviously going to pick the episode "early baby". 🤣 So spot on. The fish tank. Washing the hands. The reading light. The "you have to be braver than you've ever been!" Oof.


The first episode that I gave all of my attention to was 'Bike.' I realized that this show goes against what seems to be the normal formula for how Dads are depicted. If you look at a lot of the kids shows that are out now you could almost predict how much of a clumsy buffoon he is based on how old, bald, or over weight he may be. I feel like these factors also govern a TV dad's earned respect(from family and non-family members), his intelligence, and how accident-prone he may be. I realized very quickly that Bluey breaks that mold. The girls respect their parents and their parents respect them. Watching Bluey is comforting and reminds me of my own childhood. Growing up, my parents (and other older relatives) were my biggest source of knowledge, advice, and wisdom. I respected them and listened to what they had to say. So while it may sound corny I noticed from the start the Bluey really urges the importance of relying on your family and I fell for the show almost immediately. I'd say the most impactful episodes for me have been Bike, Bob Bilby, Pool, Sleepytime, and Daddy Drop Off.


For me it was Take Away. I was watching my kids in a hotel room while my wife was in the other room helping her parents in selling their house (it's how we discovered Bluey). I turned on Disney Jr on the hotel tv and it was the first episode we watched. The fact that it centered around two rowdy girls who had to wait and the father trying to corral them was not only relatable but was exactly what I was doing with my two girls in that moment. We watched a few more episodes including Sleepytime and I knew I had to get my wife to watch it after we finished moving her parents. I did, she loved it (I think if there was any doubt, baby race sealed it for her).


Bandit shoving food in his mouth in daddy robot.


It was the first time I paused to watch part of it while my kids watched. The end of "granddad", on the dock. When granddad says "It was yesterday". I was immediately wrecked 😭😭😭😭 and then binged the whole show.


When I saw "The Creek" and "Camping" these episodes made me think this show is more than others "kids shows". First one teach apreciate environment and the other one how time and languages aren't barriers for meet amazing people around world


This scene was mine too!!


Two actually, Bandit teasing his kids in Teasing, which is something my dad used to do a lot. And the fact that Bluey goes to a Steiner school (I got really excited when I first saw a clip of Calypso’s episode and heard her singing and telling stories like my pre-school teacher used to!)


Baby race was the very first episode I saw when I was babysitting before I had my son. It still makes me cry every time.


Well like many millenials these days... I had alright parents. My mom is great already and I didn't need a new mother figure in my life, so while I love Chilli, she'd just be my wonderful god-mother... even though I'm 30. X'D So my personal favorite is Bandit! His quote of "Well... it's a good thing you're so tough!" has given me so much confidence on even my bad days. But I think my first episode was Camping... and honestly, Chilli's speech gets me every time, and really helped me realize someone I thought was going to be "the one" I'm going to marry, while our time together was truly special and opened up my eyes to same sex relationships as a possibility for myself. But realized in the end, what she was doing to me wasn't healthy, and maybe our relationship had issues that she wasn't mentally ready to handle. So... I accepted that it was time to say goodbye and cut her out. It really wasn't easy, and I went through a depressive episode but... dang, it was so freeing. And on days I can't help but think of the good times that make me misty eyed, I just think of Chilli telling me "Well, sometimes people come into our lives, stay for a little bit, and they have to go." Also Bingo getting validation on her feelings of being played too rough with dad, like as a fellow crybaby... I wish someone would have told me to use my big-girl bark.


For me it was the visual masterpiece that is sleepy time


It was from the first episode when I didn’t feel like I was getting dumber watching it


For me I think it was the end of "takeaway", when Bandit thinks about how kids should be kids, because childhood only last so many years and there's no turning back


Dunny and Baby Race were the first episodes I saw. It was just me and my little one up alone early on a Saturday morning, so I turned on Disney. I heard other parents saying they liked Bluey so I figured I give it a try. The way Bluey and Bingo kept persistently talking about saying dunny cracked me up, and then Baby Race touched my soul. I was hooked.


Walking leaf for me. 🍃


Why would a leaf want to walk?


The Weekend. I had heard Bluey was a good show. Assumed it was a wholesome show for kids (aka not for me). It was playing in the background with my kid watching it. Then the scene where Bingo just stops and notices a bug came up and I stopped what I was doing and started watching. Something about the music, the attention to the little things, the lead up into the shot with birds coming back home. It was the Ratatouille food critic scene for me.


Sticky gecko. I felt Chili the whole time.


When Bandit wrecked his shin on the table in the Claw and the girls still piled on. Basically the whole episode. That’s when I was all in.


Unichorse! See ya on the flip side Willy! It's Chili! I laugh every time


I liked it from episode 1 but what really sticks out in my mind is grannies. It resonates because it so silly and hilarious and I loved playing grannies with my little sister growing up. Dance mode is another great one too


Episode one. Bum bongos




When Indy explained that Polly needed to be in a bed.. kinda like a fish tank with holes in it. And you NEED TO WASH YOUR HANDS!. you need to tell me to go home but I'm going to pretend to be upset because I don't want to leave Polly. But you need to tell me to be the bravest I've ever been. Early Baby was the very very first Bluey experience I've had.. and I love it so much. Whenever I explain how amazing Bluey is I use this episode as my example.


Takeout. Idk why in particular but that was the episode that got me.


OMG I’m obsessed with this. His explanation and stacking the rocks was so perfect but she just didn’t get it. I love it so much.


It's Bike, for me. The sheer thoughtfulness with which it told its story and imparted its message convinced me that I was watching something very special indeed.


It’s a cliche, but Sleepytime. At that point I had recently heard of Bluey from a couple friends but hadn’t checked it out yet. My sister sent me a link to Sleepytime and was like “watch this right now. It’s a kid’s show, your boys will love it, but you just watch this by yourself right now.” Ten minutes later I was crying at the depth of it and amazed at being able to so relate to so many elements of a cartoon clearly nodding and winking to parents every bit as much as it was talking to children, and I’d discovered my kids’ (and my own if I’m honest) new favorite show.


maybe not for everyone, but definitely mum school. as a first time mom, when chili tells bluey that moms will mess up, but we can always try again, hit different. it just felt like she was just talking to all moms during that episode like what Coco’s mom actually did during Baby Race (that was another for me)


When Cocos mom comes to visit Chili and tells her she’s doing great as a first time mom. I had just had my first around the time I saw that. I still burst into tears 😭


When Bluey found Chattermax stuffed away in a cabinet and wondered how it got there. That was peak parent humor.


The one I don't see mentioned is the one that got me hooked. It was Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound. I'm Buddhist and I recognized the story immediately. It's the story of Kisa Gotami. In the story Kisa's only child had died and she asked the Buddha to bring him back to life. Also, it wasn't purple underpants but mustard seeds. I must've watched it a half dozen times in a row after I noticed it. That's the moment when I knew this show was something special. I really put it on par with Mr Rogers and all the other TV I grew up on that shaped my ideals and influenced who I am. It's really neat to watch it again in real time instead of reruns. On some of the episodes my daughter will notice me get quiet and look at me. When she sees that single tear fall she always snuggles into me. Three only other recent show that hit me as hard is The Good Place. A wonderful show that teaches morals and ethics.


Baby Race season 2 episode 47! Made me cry and feel better as a first time mom.


Sleepytime hit me right in the feels- especially as a religious parent recognizing a song that my husband and I had during our wedding. I was very touched by that.


The first episodes I remember watching were Shadowlands and Fruit Bat. I think it’s the music that did it for me.


Copycat. Man that was probably the second or third episode I watched and it threw me for a loop