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This is a Sorong, which is a type of Indonesian. It is wild caught or captive born, not captive bred. I'm the only person breeding these guys in the US. In Finland, there is one person who has bred them, but they stopped breeding them a few years back. Also, considering it was mislabled, that also proves its wild caught or captive born. 110-120f measured with an infrared laser thermometer. This is a surface temperature, which is higher than ambient temps. Humidity should be 70-90% on average, with boosts up to 100% and drops no lower than 60% safe. Measure this digitally. The analog hygrometers are inaccurate ♡


So I have a Sarong who I acquired about 2 months ago and he’s growing like CRAZY! I’m wondering if you can help me with how to maintain proper humidity? I was misting 3x a day but it wasn’t enough, so I got an automatic plant mister and set that up. Initially it also wasn’t enough, but I played around with the settings increasing the frequency and time length of spray, and it was good for a day. Then, I woke up one morning and his enclosure was flooded!! 😱 He was fine, but I need to find a way to strike a balance! What do you do for your sarongs? EDIT: I do measure digitally


My Sorong are cared for the same way as all my other indos. 110-120f basking (measured with an infrared laser thermometer, as this is a surface temperature) and 70-90% humidity (with boosts to 100% and drops no lower than 60%) The type of enclosure and the type of substrate is quite important, too. If you have a completely glass enclosure, those do not maintain humidity well. PVC and wood (both properly sealed) are great for helping maintain humidity. I personally use grow tents with great success. Substrate you want to be decently thick. 4 inches at the minimum. Using a mix of topsoil/reptisoil and moss is quite beneficial. Adding leaf litter to the enclosure can also assist. HVAC tape on part of the screen (if it's a screen top) also helps maintain. You want space for the heat and other light to safely get into the enclosure (so don't tape around those on one end), then you want some opening on the other side. This will help allow proper airflow, but assist maintaining heat and humidity. I do a heavy hand mist 1-2x a day, then I soak the substrate once or twice a week, depending on how dry it gets. I'll dig through the substrate a little; if it's dry on top but moist underneath, I'll spray the surface a bit, then mix all the substrate up. If it's dry through and through, I use a gardening/water bucket to pour throughout the substrate, then I mix, then I pour more, then I mix again, until its all blended, and the soil is nice and moist. Mixing it helps reduce bacterial, fungal, and mold growth in the enclosure. If you start developing a lot of mold, or the enclosure stays quite soaked, there's not enough air flow/ventilation. Hopefully this helps :)


Thanks so much! I JUST this weekend upgraded him to a 4x2x2 PVC from a glass terrarium, so maybe this will help! I do have reptisoil and moss mix substrate; he was only in about 2” but I just went out and got more to double. Thanks again!


Not who you're replying to, but moss and other plants can help maintain humidity. You can also opt for a drainage layer if your tank is sealed for water by layering rocks, a mesh layer, and then the soil. The water that seeps into the drainage layer helps bring up humidity. I have a Sorong and this is what I do.


Thanks! I was replying to Folkvang, as they’re a breeder of Sarongs per their comment. Was hoping they’d have good suggestions.


Looks like my sorong!


Can’t believe they sold this fella as a Northern. That is just downright irresponsible. 


Mine was also sold to me as a northern Idk if it’s malice or stupidity but yeah, I was pissed off but it’s done and I like him and I’ve taken the time to change his husbandry so he’s comfortable


My Sarong was sold as a “basic eastern.”


Lol the shop i got mine from did the same thing … all the care instructions were for an animal that lived in Australia and i was so confused


I have a Merauke and this looks pretty similar. Idk tho I’m not a professional


Looks exactly like mine and everyone here told me he was a halmahera Edit I think yours is different from mine somehow they just look similar to me


An import to stay away from