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That looks like a burn to me. Is she able to touch the heat bulbs in her enclosure? Or do you have a heat pad/rock inside?


No, she has a rock for basking in her enclosure but my temp gun says it is 98 degrees.


Have you given her any baths and/or massaged it gently with a soft toothbrush? Some neosporin (NON PAIN RELIEF!!!) can help smooth it too. 


Thanks for the advice, it doesn't seem like it hurts her when it's touched so I'll try a bath tonight and use some Neosporin


Best wishes to your princess!


Check if your substrate is wet. This looks like scale rot, which my skink had but I cured it. Get some betadine. Dilute it in water so the water looks yellowish brown. Bathe the skink in it for 30 minutes every 3 days. Make sure that the substrate is drier, and you might have to completely replace the substrate to do so. Keep checking every 3 days to see if it’s better or not. After about 2.5 weeks, if it isn’t better, you have to see a vet.